0.03《Tears and Joy》

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After the fight and everything, Rose took Maddie's side. She was so betrayeled by Liv. She refused to talk Liv, avoiding her sister at all cost. When Rose was hurt, she was hurt. She decided to take a walk, even though it was pouring a little as she did. She walked through ponds - not caring about her getting wet or sick, she sat on a bench sad and hurt. She pulls her knees to her chest, tears ready to fall. She sniffed. As the rain was drizzled on her like nothing. She shivers in coldness when it stops, she doesn't feel the rain her. And yet it was still crying cats and dogs. "Now what's a girl like you doing all out here crying, cold and alone?" Asks a voice. She looked up and saw Dump Truck with his leather jacket covering them. "My sister betrayal my trust" she says, hiccuping. "I'm sorry to hear little Rooney" he says, sitting next to whimpering girl. "Your cold" he says, realizing she was shivering.
"I guess, can you stop the rain?" She asks smiling weakly. "No i can't stop the rain, but I can stop the tears" he smiles kindly. "Now why don't you tell your old pal Dump Truck, what happen" he says trying to cheer her up. She lets out a small giggle before taking a deep breathe and explaining what happen, obvious leaving out the part who she liked. "That sure is a lot, flower. Why don't I walk ya home?" He stands offering her his hand. She blushed at the nickname. She takes his hand and stands up. "I like that" she says.

They walk to Rose's home in laughter and humor, joking around. Rose felt so alive around Dump Truck, like she was walking on air. Everything seem clearer to her. They reach her door. "Thank you again for walking me home" she smiles. "It was no problem" he shrugs, smiling. "Well I best be on my way" he says about to leave. She was about to go inside when she suddenly got had the courage. "Wait!" She calls out, he turns back to her. Come on, Rose you got this, she thinks to herself. "I was wondering, if you like to the dance with me?" She stutters out playing with her hair. Drumptruck flashes a smile. "I would love too, Flower Rooney" he says. "Really? I mean great, okay" she giggles. "I'll pick you at 7" he smiles one last time before walking home. "Bai" she giggles weird waving, she sighs dreamily.

"I can not believe that just happen" says Rose shocked, eyes widen and mouth drop. "Wait!" She shouts. "Test time." She says then pinches herself, hard on her arm. "Ow! Okay yea this is real. Oh whoa, it's real..." She mumbles over and over. She smiles. "It's real!" She yells, happily doing her own little dance.

Rose walked in and was bombed with a surprised hug from Liv. "Rose I'm sorry! Please forgive, I hate having you or Maddie mad at me. Ugh, the guilt kills me knowing I wouldn't have my twin or sister by my side. And Maddie has already forgiven me. Please Rose" Liv says, on verge of tears. Rose look wide eyed before looking to Maddie, who nods. She looks to Liv, who is staring at Rose with teary eyes. "Liv, we're more than sister could ever be. I will always come back. Always and Forever" Rose says, ready to cry herself. Liv lets out a small sob before hugging Rose to death. Maddie joins the hug, all the girls laugh as tears prickle out.

"And Liv, Maddie the person who I like. I asked him to the dance" Rose smiled. "Really? What he say" they say. "Yes!" She shrieks. They all hug again. Maddie pulls away, realising something. "Wait, who is it?" She questions. They look to Rose who blushes and laughes nervously.

Soon Maddie and Rose get ready. Diggie just arrived and Maddie was downstairs. "Where's Rose's date?" Asks Maddie looking around. Then there's another knock at the door. "That must be him" says Liv, she opens the door and is shocked to see Dump Truck. He wore his usual leather jacket, white t-shirt and jeans. But he did look nice.

"Dump Truck, what are you doing here man" asks Diggie, knowing Dump Truck from around. "I'm here to take Rose to the dance" he says. For a tough guy, he had a soft spot for Rose. Who didn't?

"Okay" laughs Liv, nervously, "Rose, your date's here!" She calls up to her baby sister. Rose takes a deep breathe and walks out. Liv smile teary at her. Rose's parents smiled at their youngest girl as she walked down the stairs.


"You look beautiful, Rose" smiles Dump Truck, who holds a rose

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"You look beautiful, Rose" smiles Dump Truck, who holds a rose. "Thank you, is that for me?" She ask. "Yea, here" he hands her the rose. She smiles smelling the rose. It enchanting smell hitting her nose. "It's beautiful thank you" she smiles. "Here I'll put it in a vase for you, Rose" her mom takes it and puts it a vase. "Okay, photo time" smiles their mom, as Maddie and Diggie stand next together smiling, arms locked Dump Truck warps his arm around Rose's waist making her blush. She smiles, warping her arm around his shoulders. "Say 'Dazzleberry'" she says.

"Dazzleberry" they all repeat smiling.

Hey Everyone,

I thought it be really cute with Dump Truck and Rose. What do you guys think? Also I'm think Rosetruck, any thoughts? And thank you sooooo much for reading. Love you guys.


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