
By kai960

1.4K 49 18

Raven Carnell is a beautiful sociopathic murder with a fetish for killing any one that crosses her path. The... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

171 3 0
By kai960


The night went by and she had slept perfectly thinking about her kill the next day. She had set a date with Hunter and that meant she would get some alone time to torture and kill him. Her own kill she reveled in the feeling she would get from killing him.

The rays of the morning sun blasted through her curtains and she was on her feet and downstairs before she knew it. Everyone was likely still asleep so this was the perfect time to see if mother had killed Ray. She opened the door to the basement and crept down quietly peeking around the corner to find him still bound much bloodier with no pants or underwear. She walked over to him and nudged him; he weakly stirred to face her making her eyes widen in disbelief. His face was matted with blood and scars, his lips were cut and there were long knife marks across his chest and across his cock. Now that looked painful. His eyes cracked open and fear shown through them, he tried to back away but she easily dragged him back into place.

"I'm not going to kill you if that's what your thinking" she said unemotionally answering his thoughts. He still didn't believe her so she quickly crossed over to a tiny refrigerator hidden in the back then returned with a bottle of water. She offered him some with watchful suspicious eyes he tensed watching her put the bottle to his lips then greedily taking tiny sips.

"What do you want with me?" he questioned hoarsely.

"Nothing!" she snapped angrily then tried to calm herself "There are two things I'm going to need you to do" she said getting up for a quick minute but returning with his cracked cellphone in hand. He watched her put back in SIM card then turn it on. His eyes widen happily; he figured she was going to let him make a call. He could call for help.

"First dial Hunter and tell him you and Mark are never coming home" she searched through his phone and dialed the number then put the phone to his ear. She yanked at his hair roughly whispering

"You scream or call out for help and I'll cut your dick off and make you eat it".

He gulped his voice was shakily as he talked into the phone.

"Hunter its Ray.....I need you.... to tell mom and dad that...Mark" his voice cracked and she yanked harder.

"Mark....and I aren't coming home" she watched tears flow down his sunken cheeks disgusting her, only weak people cried in front of her and he was the definition of weak.

"Hunter just tell them to suck it up I wont be coming home and Mark damn sure won't be there so just tell them that!" She snatched the phone, dropped it to the floor then crushed in under neath her foot a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Good boy the second thing I want you to do is tell me about your brother Hunter". He glared up at her with hatred flaring through his eyes.

"You won't fucking touch him! You hear me! Leave him alone you psychotic bitch!" he spat in her face. She snarled taking the bottle and smashing it against his head more than once. She beat him upside the head with the bottle then slammed it down on his head. He was groaning painfully, the cut on his lip reopened, his face was bruised from the hard bottle and she hand managed to cut his eye. Her hand was still tangled in his hair yanking harder wanting to tear the strands from his scalp.

"I can do whatever I fucking want. Say for instance if I wanted to kill and eat your little brother I will. I'm going to kill him tonight and you are going to eat him...just like you ate Mark" she added for fun. With a wicked laugh she sauntered back up the stairs to prepare for her date.


As the sun descended and night took over she readied herself for the kill. Since Hunter didn't seem interested I her body she went with causal with black shorts and a cropped black shirt with the words angel across. She let her hair hang loose and lightly glossed her lips. Grabbing her purse she double checked once more to make sure she had the things she needed. Duct tape, handcuffs, knife, and some sex toys cause before she killed him she planned to have a little sexual fun with his body. Giggling she walked down the stairs grabbing the keys to the car before being stopped by Jax who was sweaty and covered in dried blood.

"Going somewhere?" he said causally.

"Got a kill tonight the one I missed out on yesterday" she smiled happily.

"Good make sure to bring some of him home for Billy you know how he likes his food" he laughed licking his lips darkly as she walked out laughing loudly to herself.


Raven pulled up in the parking lot of King's bar earlier than she normally would because she was actually excited for the kill she had planned tonight. She got out, lounged on the hood of the car and waited for Hunter to show up.

An hour passed and she was growing agitated and pissed each second.

Where the hell was he?

Finally after a few more minutes she saw him approaching in a gray worn down sweatshirt and matching pants. He pulled the hoody off his head as he approached her, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.

"What happened to you?" she asked still a little annoyed at being kept waiting.

"I'm sorry it' dad wouldn't give me the keys to his car when I told him Ray and Mark weren't coming home he said I didn't deserve them. They weren't for me to take" he said softly and for some reason that touched her.

"Your father said that to you?" she asked kindly. He nodded leaning on the hood of the car next to her soon he was crying quietly next to her and she gawked awkwardly at him. She always though that men who cried in front of her were weak and as weak as she believed Hunter was seeing him cry touched something in her. Awkwardly she reached for him and pulled him towards her chest then began to gently stroke his hair which was very soft to her amazement.

"I'm sorry I'm ruining are date it's just...Ray called this morning and said he wasn't coming home and I had to tell dad and he went ballistic. It's not the first time but he was just so angry and I was weak against him it's always been like that" he whispered softly and she grew surprisingly angry.

"He hurt you" it wasn't meant to be a question.

He nodded and sniffled "I'm use to it its nothing to worry about anymore". The word date caught her attention making her grin widely; he believed that this was a real date and had no idea that she was planning to kill him the first chance she got which was now.

She reached over with the hand that has been wrapped around his waist over to her purse. Quietly she pulled out the knife that was hidden in there then slowly held it up behind his back. Her aim was to stab him in the neck in order to sever or damage the spinal cord. The tip of her knife lightly touch the back of his neck and felt something oddly hard. He groaned moving away from her and she quickly hid the knife behind her.

There was something hard in the back of his neck like a bruise or something. He rubbed the back of his neck consciously and said "Sorry about that it's an old bruise that never healed".

"Let me see it" she said and he hesitated but reluctantly showed it to her. The bruise that knife had touched was a dark purplish color there was something hard in the bruise and when she touched it with her finger; she was intrigued and pissed someone had actually hurt him and it hadn't been her.

"What happened?"

"It was when I turned seventeen my dad came home drunk and ended up beating me senseless. He stabbed me with a broken bottle and a piece of glass got embedded in the wound when it healed and he never gave me the money to have it removed so its just there"he finished still rubbing his neck painfully.

"Your father beats you and no one stops it" she growled.

"I'm use to it now. It's been going on since I was six he always favored my brothers over me and my mom is too scared to stop him". While listening to his sad story Raven felt herself growing increasingly angry with his parents. A weak mother and a drunk abusive father were two of the many things she loathed in this world. His father beat on him cause he was weak; she didn't like that one bit.

"It's getting late I should be getting home" Hunter told her and she nodded; a tiny bit disappointed, she wanted to know about him as the urge to kill him lessened but the urge for a kill was still there and she had found the perfect one.

"I'm going to take you home so get in" she ordered and he immediately got in the passenger seat making her smile; he was very obedient and she liked it a lot.

She started the car off in the directions he told her. She didn't turn on the radio as they road in silence until she pulled up in front of a dingy grey house with red bricks tattered on the side of the house.

"Thank you for the ride home" he said staring at the house.

"My pleasure" she replied with a seductive smile that had his eyes going wide. He mad no move to get out of the car but thought hard as if debating something in his mind.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked timidly.

"You can do whatever you want" she told him. He hesitated slowly leaning in toward her until their lips touched softly. His lips were firm and felt......good they weren't wet or dry or disgusting like some of the other guys she was forced to kiss but this one was nice. She could have taken this opportunity to kill him yet she didn't. She actually let herself get wrapped up in his kiss as a thought crossed her mind.

What if she.....kept him like a pet.

The thought had her grinning from ear to ear she could train him making him into the perfect pet and maybe even the perfect killer but it would take a lot to turn him like her...

Still grinning she waited until he entered the house to speed off back in the direction of her home.


Anger now boiled inside as she made back to the house and stormed inside. Her first thought on and only about Ray. She hurried down the creaky steps in the basement and found Ray still bruised, bleeding and bound like she left him this morning. She nudged him with her foot and he stirred waking to find her standing over him glaring.

"Did you know Hunter was getting beat by your dad?" She growled but from the way he avoided her eyes he knew.

"You let your father beat up on your little brother for years and did nothing to stop it" she screamed.

"What was I suppose to do?" he asked hoarsely "Hunter deserved it and if it wasn't him it would have been me or Mark. Hunter was always weak so instead of trying to defend him it was easier to let him suffer dads wrath" he whispered her anger increasing.

"If there's one thing that I hate more in this world then a weak person is a brother someone you trust to stand idly by as your beaten all your life" she growled, going towards the back and wrenching a hammer from a stand in the back.

"Please don't" he begged weakly trying to scoot away from her menacing scowl and clutched hand around the hammer.

"Please...I don't want to die. I'm sorry!" He sobbed screaming pleas at her.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"You should be" she said unemotionally thrusting the hammer down on his head then face. The adrenaline from the kill got to her as she began to bash his head open. The hammer crushed his nose first sputtering blood all over her. His head was gushing blood from the side as she continued to hit him. She hated this weak ass bastard, she wanted him to suffer. The hands that were once protecting his face collapsed to the floor as he slumped over and just took the beating from the hammer. She grunted happily flipping over the hammer then with a final blow thrusting it to his head. His body jerked one final time as blood ran from his body staining his clothes, and hers in the process. She was breathing heavily her rage still not subsided as she stood back to examine her kill. Ray's once beautiful face was now a twisted mask of horror, flesh and blood.

"Wow cousin what did he do to piss you off" Billy asked casually waddling down the stairs to stand next to her. She laughed bitterly before turning toward the stairs.

"He's all yours Billy" she said while Billy licked his lips lustfully then went to attack his new meal. The last thing she heard was Billy's lips smacking as he chewed on Rays flesh.

She entered the kitchen slamming the door behind her at the same moment Jax descended the stairs in pajama bottoms and no shirt.

"Damn Raven you look good" he said taking her blood stained hands then licking the blood off them; she smiled wide as she imagined Hunter doing the same thing. He would timidly lick at her fingers then lavish in the taste as he sucked all the blood from her body; the thought had he toes curling in delight. Jax finished then licked his lips and said

"How was the kill tonight?"

"I didn't kill him but I have a new kill in mind. You want to join me?"

He smiled grimly the thought intriguing him as he asked "When?"

"Tomorrow morning"

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