I Kidnapped Carson Lueders

By MabelPines_Official

13.3K 466 214

13-year-old Cassandra Reece is Carson Lueders biggest fan. So when she gets tickets for a meet and greet with... More

Carson = Life
The Big Surprise
Meeting Carson
My Amazing Idea
The Abandoned Shack
Happy B-day!!!
To Tell Or Not To Tell
Missing Carson
SOS Call
Ex-friend More Like Ex-bitch
New Edition Part 1
New Edition Part 2
Missing Girl
New User Name!!!
Where To?
Waking Up In A Van Like
Arrival Part 2
Day Out
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
The Finale!
SEQUEL!!! (Maybe)
SEQUEL!!! (Definitely)
It's Time

Arrival Part 1

359 15 3
By MabelPines_Official

Jordyn's POV

I woke up and realised I had fell asleep on Carson's shoulder. He was still fast asleep. After a few seconds I realised our current situation and shook Carson awake. "Five more minutes," he mumbled and rolled over. "I think you forgot WE ARE IN A VAN!" I screamed in his ear. It might've been a bit over the top but it seemed to work because he sat up. "Oh yeah! I forgot!" He said like a stupid person. I hate it when people stereotype us blondies. I promise, we're not all like this! His idiocy isn't really funny but I couldn't help laughing. 😂

The van stopped suddenly. "Do you think we're here?" Carson asked.

"I don't even know where 'here' is," I replied. As if on cue Cassandra and Harley turned around. "How'd you sleep babe?" Cassandra asked smiling at Carson. He just blanked her and instead asked, "Where are we?" 

"Can't tell," she smirked flirtatiously. She's so annoying! 😑 Cassandra pulled out her sleeping pills. "You know how this works." We were about to take them from her but Harley stopped us. "Let's switch things up a bit," she said rummaging through her bag. She found some tranquilliser darts. "Here ya go!" She handed them to Cassandra grinning. Cassandra smiled back. 

"Say goodnight!" She said shooting Carson first. He exclaimed in pain and clutched his arm. "Carson!" I immediately went to help him. "I don't think so bitch!" She said shooting me. My vision became blurry and a sharp pain grew in my arm. I could just about make out Carson becoming unconciouss. I was going to help him but I began to feel overwhelmingly dizzy. "C-Carson," I stuttered as my eyelids became heavy. Then everything went black...

Carson's POV

I woke up and looked around. The room was dark so I couldn't see anything. I can't believe Cassandra used tranquilliser darts on us! I know she's kidnapped us but I thought we were on good terms! I saw someone next to me, I guessed it was Jordyn. "Well, look who's awake(!)" she said sarcastically. Yep, it was Jordyn 😒. "Do you know where we are?" I asked looking around at the pitch black room. "No clue," she replied. 

I got up and began walking around. The room was fairly small with clutter everywhere. I know it's weird but this place is kind of familiar. I just can't put my finger on it. "What do you think you're going to find?" Jordyn asked. 😁 She's my best friend, I love her! She's absolutely perfect but she has this annoying habit of being so negative! "Stay optimistic!" I told her but I knew she was actually right. "Look there's nothing here except from junk!" Jordyn said picking up an old vase and showing it to me. I gasped in realisation. I knew who that vase belonged to! I'm so stupid! How did I not realise before?!

"Jordyn, I know where we are!" I exclaimed. 

Where do you think they are? Originally this part was meant to be longer but I decided to end it here for a cliffhanger 😈 And OMFG this story has 1.1K REEEEAAAADDDSSS!!!!! I'm literally so happy rn thank you guys so much! ❤️ I didn't think anyone would even read this but here I am! And now that we've got to 1.1K my new goal is 1.5K. It would mean a lot if you guys shared this story, thanks.

Until next time and may the force be with you...

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