Niall Horan Pregnancy Series

By kaley676

572K 8.9K 1.5K

This is the fourth book in my Niall Horan Series and it follows the: Wedding Series, Honeymoon Series, and Ma... More

Finding Out
Telling Niall
First Appointment
Telling the Boys
Telling the Family: Y/n's Family
Telling the Family: Niall's Family
Second Dr. Appointment
First Ultrasound
Announcing the Pregnancy
Celebrities & Friends Congratulating You
Starting to Show
Mood Swings
Shopping for Maternity Clothes
Feeling the Babies Kick for the First Time
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy Complications Part 2
Niall Gets Protective
Feeling Insecure
He Does Something Sweet to Make You Feel Better
Getting Pregnancy & Parenting Advice: Y/n's P.O.V.
Getting Pregnancy Advice: Niall's P.O.V
Talking About Finding Out the Gender
Finding Out the Gender
Gender Reveal Party
Niall Goes On Tour
While Niall Is Away: Y/n's P.O.V.
While Niall Is Away: Niall's P.O.V
Niall Comes Home From Tour
One of the Boys Comfort You
Picking the Names
Getting the Nursery Ready
Preparing for the Babies
Niall Talking & Singing to the Bump
Niall Pampering You
Baby Shower
Baby Shower Part 2
Making a Belly Mold
Making a Birth Plan
Packing the Hospital Bag
Your Water Breaking
Labor: Part 1
Labor: Part 2
Delivery & Meeting the Babies

Shopping for the Babies

9.4K 167 27
By kaley676

You were at the 22 week mark of your pregnancy and you were starting to panic. You didn't have ANYTHING for the twins. You didn't have a single bottle or diaper in your house. You weren't prepared to bring home one baby, let alone two.

"You okay?" Niall asked as he looked at you as the two of you were eating breakfast together.

"Ni, we don't have anything for the babies." You said.

"The babies won't be here for at least a couple months." He said. "And Greg said you get tons of stuff at the shower."

"I know, but we want to have everything ready for them. I mean we don't have any diapers, bottles, or clothes for them. I don't want to rely on our friends and families to buy everything for us. What are the babies going to wear? What are they going to sleep in?" You asked.

"Okay, I get it. We need to do some shopping." He said. "Why don't we go today?"

"Really?" You asked as you smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm not working and we don't have anything else planned." He said.

The two of you finished your breakfast and then you got out a notebook and paper.

"Okay let's figure out what we need before we go shopping."

"We need everything babe." He said.

"Well I know that, but let's think about it. I don't want to just go into a store and buy everything we see." You said.

"Okay so let's start with the nursery. We'll need cribs and blankets for them." He said.

You wrote those two items on the list.

"We'll need a changing table and a dresser so we have a place to put clothes." You said.

"And a hamper and a trash can for clothes and diapers." He added.

"Okay next we'll need clothes for them." You said.

"Lots of clothes." Niall added.

"Okay what about stuff for the car. We'll need two car seats." You said. "And a double stroller."

"A diaper bag." He added.

"Definitely a diaper bag." You said.

You and Niall continued adding things like bottles, bibs, pacifiers, diapers, wipes, and other essential items for the babies. By the time you were done you had two pages of items that you would need to get before the babies arrived.

"Niall this is a lot of stuff." You said as you looked down at the list and then looked up at him. "And it's not going to be very cheap."

"Don't worry, princess. You know money isn't an issue." Niall said.

"But this stuff is going to cost a fortune!" You said. "We have to buy two of everything!"

"Princess, don't worry about it. You know we have the money for it." Niall said as he stood up and came over to stand next to you as he looked over your shoulder and read over the list.

Even though you were married to Niall now, you knew that buying everything you would need for two babies wasn't going to be cheap. You knew the two of you had the money because of One Direction's success, but you hated to think that he had to pay for everything since you didn't have a job.

"I know we have the money, but it's still a lot of money. I'm not use to buying this much in such a short time." You said.

"We'll figure it out, baby." Niall said as he rubbed your back.

You folded the list so that it would fit in your purse and then you and Niall headed into London to start shopping.

You and Niall decided to go to Babies R Us because you could get almost everything you need in one store instead of having to go all over London to a bunch of little shops to get everything.

You pulled into the parking lot and Niall found a spot close to the door that had a sign saying "Expecting Mother Parking"

"That's really nice! Most of the time when I go shopping I have to park at the back of the parking lot and walk a mile which kills my feet." You said.

"Well it is a baby store. They think of everything here!" He said smiling.

You and Niall walked into the store and you were immediately overwhelmed. It was wall to wall baby! Baby clothes, baby blankets, strollers, car seats, bath name it, it was there.

"Whoa!" You said as you looked around the large space.

"!" Niall said. You looked over at him and he had a huge smile on his face.

"Remember, we don't need to buy everything we see." You said, but it was pointless. He was already wandering towards a rack of baby clothes.

"Babe what do these sizes mean? How do we know what size to buy?" He asked.

"Well the babies will probably fit in newborn sizes when they are born and then they will wear the bigger sizes as they grow." You said.

"Babe look at how cute this is!" He said as he held up a pink outfit that had a white onesie with the words "Daddy's Princess" written on it and then there was a pink tutu with the outfit.

"It is cute," you said as you looked at the outfit.

"I think we should buy it!" He said as he put it into the cart.

"Niall you didn't even look at the price tag!" You said.

"It's fine. I'm paying for it. As long as we like it, let's just buy it." He said.

"Niall you are going to leave here paying a small fortune if you follow that rule." You said.

"I just want my kids to have everything. I want them to be taken care of. I don't want them to have to go without." He said.

"Niall, they will have everything they need. You are already the most amazing and caring father and I know you will always make sure they are taken care of. But they don't need to be spoiled, either." You said.

"Okay, I'll try to keep it under control!" He said.

Niall seemed to have the baby girl clothes situation covered so you went to the other side of the clothing department and started looking at the boy clothes. You and Niall each had a cart of your own because you knew that you would be leaving here with a lot of stuff.

The first thing you saw was an outfit with gray pants and a gray jacket with a onesie that read "I WOKE UP THIS CUTE" There was also a white and gray striped hat with the outfit. You smiled and glanced at the price tag. $24.00. That was a good price for an entire outfit.

The next rack you went to had the basics for baby, mainly white onesies which your sister told you would be a lifesaver because they go well with everything.

You grabbed two packs of short sleeve onesies and two packs of long sleeve bodysuits. You continued to browse through the clothing section. You found a few more outfits, four onesies, and a couple sets of pants you thought were cute. You then decided to check on Niall.

You went back over to the girls section and your eyes widened when you saw Niall had half a cart full of clothes.

"Niall what is all this?" You asked as you eyed the cart.

"Clothes for the babies!" He said as if it was obvious.

"That's way too many! She's never going to be able to wear all those by the time she grows out of the newborn size!" You said.

"Don't worry, some of them are 0-3 months and 3-6 months." He said.

"Niall, remember what we agreed on. The basics. Not everything we see." You said.

"But babe! Look how cute this stuff is! It's too cute not to buy!" He said.

"Niall if we buy all of this we're never going to use it all!" You said.

"Sure we will! She can have a different outfit for everyday!" He said with a big grin.

You decided to just give into him. You knew that Niall wasn't going to put any of the clothes back. You would just have to go back over to the boys section and find some more clothes so that your son had the same amount of clothes as your daughter.

After you had one cart full of clothes you went to the nursery area. They had different nursery sets on display.

"Look at this one!" Niall said as he walked over to a white crib that had a pink bedding set with a castle on it. "A castle for my princess!" He said smiling. "And this one has a football (soccer) ball on it! That's perfect for my little man!"

You stood there and you couldn't help but smile at how excited Niall was to have a daughter, especially considering that last week he was saying he didn't know what he would do with a daughter.

"What?" Niall asked as he gave you a questioning look.

"I'm just so excited to see you excited about having a daughter. I really thought you wanted boys." You said.

"Well I did at first, but the more I think about it, I can't wait to have a daughter. She's going to be sweet and beautiful...just like her mum. I can't wait to have a princess of my own." He said.

"What about me? I thought I was your princess." You said.

"You're my queen, baby." He said as he leaned over and gave you a quick kiss.

"What about this one for our girl. I love this!" You said as you spotted a bedding set. It had mint and coral arrows and gold dots on it. It was still cute and girly but it wasn't cliche like a princess set or a Minnie Mouse set.

"I do like that one. And this one is like it but it doesn't have that pinkish color. We could use this for our son. That way they kind of match." Niall said.

"I love them! I think we should get them!" You said.

"Me too!" Niall said smiling.

After picking out the crib bedding sets you got a couple smaller blankets for the babies. You got two gray chevron minky blankets that could be appropriate for either of the babies. You got one blanket that was white with gray arrows on it for your son and you got a white blanket with gold dots on it for your daughter.

You walked past the car seat and stroller section but you and Niall decided that you wouldn't have room for a lot of big stuff. So you decided to get smaller things like clothes, blankets, bottles, and diapers; and wait to get nursery furniture or car seats and strollers for your next shopping trip.

You headed to the bottle section and as you looked at the shelf you were a little overwhelmed with all the different choices. Who knew there were so many different brands, shapes, and styles of baby bottles. Don't they all do the same thing?

"Do you know anything about bottles?" You asked.

"Not really. I think Denise and Greg used this kind." Niall said as he pointed to the NUK bottles. My sister uses these and swears by them." You said as you picked up a pack of Phillips AVENT bottles.

"Is there really a big difference? I mean they all feed the babies, right?" Niall asked as he scratched the back of his head as he looked at the different brands of bottles.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you guys with?" An associate asked as she came over to you.

"Yeah, we're trying to decided what type of bottles to buy. Is there a difference between them?" You asked.

"They all do the exact same thing. A lot of the differences are just shapes of the bottles and the nipples. Our three most popular brands are definitely Dr. Brown's, NUK, and AVENT." She said.

"What would you recommend? We're first time parents and don't have much experience with babies." You said.

"I personally use the AVENT Natural bottles with my daughter. I absolutely love them. I started with the NUK because that's what was recommended, but I wouldn't go back now." She said.

"Okay, I think we should go with the AVENT then, don't you?" You asked as you looked over at Niall.

"Yeah that sounds great." He said.

You grabbed two starter sets, which each had a couple of each of the different sizes. You could always buy more later, but at least this would be a good start.

After the bottles were in the cart you continued down the aisle to where the pacifiers were. You got two packs of blue ones, one pack of pink ones, one pack of purple ones, and two packs of yellow ones. Then you went around the corner to where the bibs and burp cloths were.

After the feeding section you and Niall headed to the Play Time aisle. You saw swings, bouncers, play mats and toys. Lots and lots of toys.

"Babe we need to get them toys so they will have things to play with!" Niall said as he immediately went for the toys.

"Niall they won't play with any of this stuff for a while. Babies just lay there and sleep. They won't figure out how to use their hands for at least a month or two." You said.

"But they'll use them eventually!" Niall said as he started picking toys up.

You stood next to the two carts as you watched your husband like a kid in a candy store as he looked at all the toys.

"Look at this babe!" Niall said as he held up a baby blanket that had a little bear attached to it.

"That's cute." You said as you watched him throw two in the cart. One pink and white for your baby girl. And one brown and blue for your baby boy.

Then he found the Disney section and his lips curved into a huge smile. You watched as he started grabbing Mickey and Minnie stuffed animals and rattles.

"Ni, slow down!" You said as you chuckled at him. he looked so excited about buying the toys for your babies that you couldn't even really be mad at him.

"Y/n look at this!" He said smiling as he showed you a rattle that looked like a little microphone.

"That's perfect Ni! Then they can pretend to be singers like their daddy." You said smiling at him.

After you had plenty of toys, rattles, balls, blocks, and other things that would keep your babies entertained for hours, you decided to get Niall out of the toy aisle before he bought everything on the shelf.

There were only two sections left to look at. Diapering and bathing.

Getting through the diapering aisle was easy. Niall grabbed a couple boxes of diapers to start and a couple packages of wipes and then you moved on to the bath section.

You got a few gift sets of baby lotions, soaps, and shampoos that you knew would come in handy when it was time to clean the babies up. You got a few hooded towels for each of the babies although you didn't see a whole lot of reason for buying them when a regular bath towel you had at home would work just as well.

You looked at your two carts which were now filled to the top full of baby supplies. You knew you had made a huge dent in getting everything you needed for the babies, but the scariest part was that there was still so much left to get.

You and Niall went to the check out and paid for everything and then headed to the parking lot to load all of it into the Rover.

"Thank you for buying all of this, babe." You said as you smiled over at him.

"No problem. I want my babies to be taken care of and have everything they need." He said as he loaded the last sack and closed the back of the Rover.

"You're going to be a great dad, you know that?" You said as you wrapped your arms around him.

"And you're going to be the best mum in the world." He said before leaning down and giving you a gentle kiss.

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