Behind Closed Doors

By xShattered_Roses

128K 1.5K 186

I feel guilty as Bryan forcefully shoves me against the wall, snatching my shirt off he attacks my neck, roug... More

The Summer Heat
To be or not to be
Naughty but Nice
Let the Games Begin
When Truth is Replaced by Silence, the Silence is a Lie
I Think I Love You
Dirty Little Secrets
Dangerously Close
Dirty Deeds
Deathly Deception
Stories Untold
What Lies Beneath

Welcome to Hell

4K 66 7
By xShattered_Roses

Chapter Eleven

I sigh as I toss and turn in the bed; I can't believe someone did that to Jessica, maybe it was Rosalina since she knew exactly what the drug was and that it was the cause. I pull Jessica closer to me, she threw up at least thirty times and she fainted. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she insisted on staying home. I made everyone leave after Jessica got sick, I didn't trust anyone at that point, and Although Rosalina was still a suspect I really don't think she did it.

"Good morning," Jessica mumbles in a very sweet voice.

"Jess, it's five o'clock in the evening." I say to her smiling. "Feeling better?"

"I feel a little weak and dry." She says "But that's expected." She says nestling her head on my chest.

"Why would someone do this?" I ask with clue of why.

"Bryan," Jessica says sitting patting down her very messy blonde hair. "I know the truth."  I'm silent for a minute as I stare at her, I can feel tears coming, Jessica has only see my cry twice and right now isn't a good time to start.

"Bryan, why didn't you tell anyone? Like the police?" she asks rubbing my back.

"SO I can just kill myself!" I snap! This man has so many connections; he has threatened to kill me Jessica! I have to do what he says unless I want to die." The feeling of sadness becomes replaced with anger.

"So you're just going to obey his every word until it kills you, you think he's going to keep you around after you aren't needed anymore, how can you be so blind Bryan! And Veronica is clearly up to no good!" she says angrily.

"Well neither is Kyle!"

"I noticed, that's why I've been keeping my distance!"

"But it's okay to do what you did." He says obviously aware of what happened between us.

"Why does it matter Bryan! I'm not your girlfriend! My parents aren't likely to partner with your step fathers company so your ass won't go bankrupt! I know why your dating Lauren and that is "wrong you don't even love her!" her face is red and she gets up from the bed throwing the blankets at my face.

"And then there's you too weak to stand up to the jerk and stop being his little slave!" she turns on her heels and slams the door as she exits my room.

I throw the lamp across the room and watch as it shatters into a million pieces, I stand up from the bed throwing some clothing on. Jessica is right, I cant keep letting him push me around like this. I grab the knife and gun I keep around for emergencies.

"Hey dad." I say into the phone after I dial his number.

"Dad? That's new" he says in his chilling gravely tone. "What can I do for you, make it quick."

"You know I've come to my senses, this whole drug empire and marrying Lauren is kind of good. Jessica is just a dirty girl anyway." I lie my hand sbecoming clammy as I grip the phone harder.

"Ahh smart boy, but I'm not buying it," he says, I swear under my breath thinking up a new plan.

"I'm not lying, otherwise I wouldn't have drugged Jessica and asked the drug lord's daughter Rosalina to help me."

"Rosalina, she's quite a charmer. I'm almost convinced son. Ill tell you what, I have another load for you to run tonight. Rico will be by in forty-five minutes and I want you to bring it to this address 5543 W Alvarado and don't mess it up!

"I won't!" I say as I hang up the phone immediately I dial Rosalina. She answers on the first ring.

"How is Jessica doing?" she asks before I can even speak.

"She was good but now she's mad at me so I'm not sure, she left my room and could be anywhere."

"Well you need to check on her Bryan, I really like her and I don't want her to get dragged into this mess." She says firmly.

"Too late, but that's not what I called for, I need your help. Who lives at this address 5543 W Alvarado?" I ask her anxiously.

"Santiago Ramirez, huge house, lots of men, and lots of weapons, he's a figure head in the cartel. Why?" her tone is very suspicious and I can almost feel her doubt.

"I have to make a delivery to him, but I want him dead."

She screams frustrated followed by a slew of words in Spanish I don't understand.

"I'm sorry; I tend to get a little panicked and the Spanish takes over. Bryan you'll get caught and killed.

"Well that's why I need your help, you know everyone. You have so much power, people respect you. I'm just some rich white boy to them that they already don't like. With you, I can wipe out all these major lords and my step dad."

"Bryan, I'm trying to get out of this business, you know, go to college, find love, get a job, start a family. I can't live a life with all this guilt." She says her accent sounding heavier and her voice sad.

"I know Rosa but just think, with all of them out of the way, we'll be safe, and won't be under their reign. How about this, we won't kill them, but we can make sure they get caught. Anyone could be a rat, they will know it's not me because I'm just a weak delivery boy. Big guys like your dad would have people rat out other people so they can stop taking their business."

"I think I like where you're going with this, I can tell my dad stuff that the other lords are planning turning them against each other and getting the lower guys to rat them out.

"I'm delivered to Santiago soon; I'm going to need your help.

"Count me in."  


Sorry for not updating, my laptop charger is broken and I bought a new one and that broke too :(  However, I will be borrowing computers here and there until my new charger is shipped to me, which is soon hopefully! I will also be using my iPhone so sorry about errors! Lots of great chapters coming soon! Drama drama drama! 

Dont forget to tell me what you think by commenting or voting, and remeber if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all! 


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