Born Lucky

Da Shayde1

692 22 16

Dylan Walker is a restaurant owner in Seattle, Washington who meets an unsuspecting Devon McKenna when her mo... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2

Chapter 9

23 1 0
Da Shayde1

Dylan knew Devon had to work this morning so she had set her alarm to get up with her. It was the least she could after Devon had stayed with her. She wished there was some way that she could convey how much that had meant to her but for the moment "thank you" would have to suffice.

After coffee, they both dressed and Dylan walked Devon to the parking lot across the street, "Remind me to give you the code so you can park underground where it's safer next time." Dylan told her as she unlocked her car door.

"That would be nice." She smiled putting her arms around Dylan's neck.

"Thank you for last night, just being there with me meant a lot." Dylan replied honestly looking into her eyes as she slid her arms around her slender waist.

"It was nice just cuddling like that." Devon said.

Lifting an eyebrow, Dylan smiled, "Better than making love"?

"I didn't say that," she replied lifting an eyebrow, "I said it was nice, there's nothing better than making love with you."

Feeling her heart speed up, Dylan hugged her tightly, "Can I come over tonight"? She asked hopefully.

"Of course you can, darling, you don't ever have to ask me that." she purred into her ear before giving Dylan a kiss that curled her toes.

Clearing her throat, Dylan stepped back a little, "I'll try to be there around six."

"I'll make dinner for us then." She smiled happily.

"Don't go to any trouble, just being with you is enough." Dylan stated.

"Sweet talker." Devon replied before turning around to get into her car.

Once back inside, Dylan decided to shower and work a little before calling Aidan, but when she did, she was surprised with what he said.

"Thanks for calling Dyl, I wasn't sure you would."

"I wasn't sure either, but you sounded...desperate." She admitted worriedly.

"We are."

"We"? Dylan asked.

"Mom and me want to get Conner out of Belfast." He told her seriously, "he's a lot like you Dylan, he can do so much more with his life."

Feeling her heart speed up because none of her brother's had ever admitted that she had done the right thing, nor that it may be a good idea to get anyone else out.

"What does Conner want"? She asked carefully.

"He wants a life...he wants to go to college."

"That's great, surely our father wouldn't begrudge his son a college education though." Dylan replied.

"He wants to go to college in the states; he wants no part of what we do."

"Good for him, so what is it you need from me"? Dylan asked knowing her hands were tied when it came to matters of the family.

"Father won't fund a school in the states because he's afraid Conner won't come back...and he'll end up like you." Aidan replied.

"You mean happy." Dylan stated.

"I mean, not a part of us."

Feeling like a knife just sliced through heart, Dylan sighed, "So, I ask again, what is it you want from me"?

"Money," Aidan said, "We need it to get him out of Belfast."

"You know I can't just hand over money, I've got the ADA breathing down my neck as it is, thanks to the McKay name." She stated.

"Yeah, I know, mother and I planned all that could send it to Aunt Katie where Conner would be staying when he gets there, and she'll send it to mother to get him there." He told Dylan.

"How much are we talking"? She asked rubbing her temple.

"We figured twenty five hundred should cover expenses and a little left over for him once he gets there." Aidan said.

With a low whistle, Dylan leaned back in the chair, "That's a lot of money."

"Is it"? He asked, "You look like you're doing pretty well."

"How do I know you're on the up and up"? Dylan asked defensively.

"Because I've never asked you for anything before and I've never used our little brother to get something I want." He remarked.

"I need to think about Aidan..." Dylan said knowing he was telling the truth.

"What's to think about, do you want Conner in the IRA"?

"Of course not...Just let me think about it, I'll call you tomorrow with an answer."

"We're flying out tomorrow evening, so call me around three; I should be able to get away." He told her sounding a little irritated.

"Alright, I'll have my answer by then." She said before hanging up the phone.

Feeling like her head was about to explode, Dylan went downstairs to look things over and found Lisa in the kitchen cooler inspecting the dates on the perishables.

"Hey Dylan." She said when she saw her.

"Hey Lis, how's it looking"? Dylan asked curiously, her mind not really on business but knowing she needed to at least pretend to be interested.

"We're good here, but I will be ordering some liquor later this afternoon."

Nodding her head, they talked for a while longer mainly about the restaurant and then Dylan headed upstairs. Even though her mind was jammed with thoughts of her little brother, she tried desperately to figure out a way how to move money without having it come back to haunt her. If Max noticed a big chunk of change missing, he would automatically assume it had gone to her family and not in a good way.

Around three Dylan headed back down to the office to talk to Mark about her dilemma. Mark was her closest friend and knew he could break it down for her in the smartest way possible.

"You're playing with fire here Dylan, I know you want to help him but this could really blow up in your face." He told her honestly.

"I know," Dylan admitted, "But if I don't get him out of there, my father will have him so wrapped up in the IRA that he'll never get out."

Mark looked at Dylan sympathetically, "Then there has to be a way." He told her.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out, every penny I have is tied to this restaurant somehow."

Scratching his head, Mark sighed, "We'll figure something out Dyl."

"Yeah, well they leave tomorrow night so I'm supposed to call him with an answer before that." Dylan shrugged.

"Are you calling from your home phone"? He asked suddenly worried.

"No, I figured Max or one of his goons listens in occasionally but I did use my own cell." Dylan said raising a hand to calm him down.

Dylan and Mark talked for a while longer before she went up to brush her teeth and freshen up a bit before going to see Devon, which she found herself rather excited about considering all that was on her mind.

By the time Dylan knocked on Devon's door, her thoughts were completely focused on her. Dylan had all but forgotten about her family and when Devon opened the door wearing a form fitting black skirt and a silky burgundy colored blouse with, of course, black high heels, she felt an immediate want.

"Mm, it's about time." She replied with soft smile as she reached out and grabbed Dylan's skinny tie. "Get in here." She added planting her full lips on Dylan's.

Raising her eyebrows as Devon's tongue slipped into her mouth, Dylan let her arms encircle her slim waist and just enjoyed the taste of her lips and tongue.

"Wow," She stated after the kiss as she stepped back a little to look in her hypnotizing green eyes, "that was a nice hello."

"Yes, well that's all I've thought about all day," She informed Dylan, "along with a couple other things."

Feeling a tingle run down her spine, Dylan cleared her throat and kicked the door shut, "Then perhaps we should start making those thoughts a reality." She told her.

Reaching up to touch her face gently, Devon said, "We have all night darling...I was hoping you were hungry, I made dinner."

"Oh, I'm hungry..." Dylan told her lowering her head to press her lips against the pulse of her neck, "but not necessarily for food."

"Dylan..." She whispered throatily as her fingers ran through Dylan's hair, "I want you so much...but if you'll wait...I have...a surprise for you." She finished with difficulty as Dylan ran her tongue down her neck and then back up to her lips.

"What kind of surprise"? She asked looking into Devon's now dark green eyes.

"Trust me, you'll like it." Devon hummed against her lips.

Leaning her head back a little, Dylan growled, "I better."

With a wicked smile, Devon put a finger under Dylan's chin and replied, "You will, I promise." And then turned to head into the kitchen leaving Dylan with an incredible view of her backside.

Devon had cooked leg of lamb which was absolutely delicious, and which Dylan complimented her on several times, but all the while thinking of one thing, and that was making love to Devon.

Afterwards, as they carried the dishes into the kitchen, Dylan cornered her against the counter being able to take it no longer, "Now," she half-smiled as she put her hands on either side of the counter to trap her, "Where's my surprise"?

Laughing lightly, Devon looked at her, her green eyes dancing, "Impatient, aren't we"?

Leaning in to give her a quick kiss, Dylan shook her head, "No, I thought I was being just the opposite..." She started, "Just sitting across from you and not touching you, took considerable self-restraint."

"Oh damn, your good baby." Devon responded slowly reaching up to trace Dylan's lips with a French tipped nail.

"And I'm about to get better." She told her huskily as she took Devon's finger in her mouth and began to suck on it gently.

Feeling her legs practically give out, Devon took Dylan by the hand and headed upstairs stopping only at the foot of the bed to turn around and kiss her slowly but deeply. Then with all the strength she owned, she stepped back breathlessly and said,

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be right out."

Knowing that she would only have the pretty new baby doll on for a few minutes, she knew it would be worth it. Devon couldn't resist the look of hunger in Dylan's eyes when they were about to make love, and she also knew as soon as she'd seen the deep purple fly away tie, baby doll that Dylan would absolutely look at her with ravenous eyes.

After undressing and then slipping on the satiny material, Devon tied the top and then stepped back to look at her own slender figure already having put on the matching silk panties. She could see her own slender body and the way the material clung to it, the way her breasts look full and supple, even her olive coloring accentuated her attractiveness. She was born into an Irish family herself but she had her mother's Mediterranean looks which explained her dark hair. Rubbing her stomach nervously, Devon took a deep breath and then ran her fingers through her dark mane before rinsing with some mouthwash and stepping out into her bedroom to see Dylan lying naked in her bed under the covers with her hands behind her head.

Swallowing as Dylan leaned up and looked at her hungrily, she stopped at the foot of the bed and smiled as Dylan gave a low whistle and patted the bed beside her.

"You look amazing." Dylan stated as soon as she could find the words to describe how beautiful Devon looked to her.

"You like"? She asked as she put a knee on the edge of the bed and leaned down as if to crawl towards her.

"Oh yeah..." Dylan replied hoarsely, her eyes resting on her breast as she leaned down, "me like a lot."

Crawling toward her sexily, Dylan got up on her knees and looked at her hungrily before pulling Devon in her arms, "Mm, I love the way you look at me." She murmured as Dylan kissed her shoulders softly.

"You mean, like I want to rip your clothes off, or that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen"? Dylan asked looking into her eyes.

"Both." She whispered dreamily before covering Dylan's lips with her own parted ones.

Laying her back gently never letting their lips separate, Dylan let her tongue explore what she already knew by heart and Devon, of course, was returning the kiss fervently. Feeling her passion rise quickly as she moved her hand down to touch her smooth flat stomach, she knew she didn't have long.

"You look so hot in this," Dylan breathed out sliding her hand upward to the tie between her exquisite breasts, "it's a shame it has to come off so soon."

Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Devon uttered, "Either you take it off, or I will."

Without another word spoken, Dylan pulled the tie and used her hands to pull open the baby doll and expose her perfect breasts, which her lips immediately sought.

"Jesus Dylan." Devon groaned as her fingers ran through Dylan's hair.

As Dylan's tongue encircled Devon's nipple, and slowly moved across it, she could feel Devon's need grow and knew by experience now that she wasn't going to last too much longer, so moving downward she let her mouth lay siege to on her most private, but glorious spot.

An hour and a half later, spent and laying in each other's arms, Devon kissed Dylan's neck tenderly and rubbed her chest lightly,

"At the risk of spoiling this blissful moment..."Devon began, "did you talk to your brother today"?

Sighing as the memory flooded back to her, she nodded and said, "Yeah, but it was nothing."

Leaning up on her elbow to look in Dylan's eyes, she frowned a little, "I realize our history is fairly short but even I can tell that's not true."

Smiling a little, Dylan leaned forward to kiss her, "Okay then, how about it's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over." She told her.

"That sounds suspiciously like, it's none of your business." Devon stated sounding more than a little hurt.

Reaching up, Dylan took a few silky strands of hair between her fingers, "I'm trying to keep you out of my family affairs." She said honestly.

Sitting up and letting the sheet drop, Devon's eyes penetrated Dylan's before she spoke, "Do you believe me when I tell you that I love you"? She asked seriously.

"Yes." Dylan told her truthfully even though she knew where this was going.

"Then, don't I deserve to be treated like you at least believe that"?

Reaching out, Dylan laid her hand on the side of one Devon's soft breasts and ran her thumb across the already hardening nipple, "I just don't want to put you in the middle." She told her, watching the instant change in Devon's breathing as both nipples responded in like.

Taking hold of Dylan's wrist but not pushing it away, Devon whispered, "Please stop, this is important...I love you and want to be a part of your life, all of it."

Dylan stopped moving her thumb across the nipple and met her dark eyes, "I'd tell you baby, but honestly, I'm a little distracted right now..." Dylan began and then purposefully leaned down to lick a rock hard nipple, "next time, you may want to be dressed if you want to have a serious conversation."

Inhaling deeply and leaning her head back, Dylan could almost feel her body shudder, "Promise me you'll tell me later." She managed to say as Dylan began rubbing her nipple gently again.

With a knowing smile, Dylan said, "I promise," and rolled her back over to make love to her once again.

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