Destiny: Volume 1 (Completed)

By Kaito_Tokisaki

7.8K 179 77

The tale of a Guardian on his quest to defend the universe from a dark infestation that has one main motive:... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Grimoire: Rasputin
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Strike: The Devils Lair
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Strike: Cerberus Vae III
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Raid: The Vault of Glass
Expansion 1: Prologue
Expansion 1: Chapter 1
Expansion 1: Chapter 2
Expansion 1: Chapter 3
Expansion 1: The Hated (Bonus Chapter)
Expansion 1: Chapter 4
Raid: Crotas End
Expansion 1: Epilogue
Expansion 2: Prologue
Expansion 2: Chapter 1
Expansion 2: Chapter 2
Expansion 2: Chapter 3
Expansion 3: Chapter 4
Expansion 2: Chapter 5
Expansion 2: Chapter 6
Expansion 2: Epilogue

Chapter One

1K 16 36
By Kaito_Tokisaki

    I hardly remember anything from that day. I just remember a few things. Very vague and vivid images. A fight. A gunshot. A scream. A name. was still unclear to me about that name or why I remembered it. I also remember a someone or something is waking me up or trying to. Sorry. Im getting off track. Allow me to start over from where it all began. I could feel a gentle breeze and a nice warmth over my body. The sun. Something that was all too familiar to me. I was lying in rubble and dirt. I felt cramped. "Guardian...Guardian...." a voice said to me. I was a bit confused as to who it was but eventually I woke up from what seemed like an endless slumber. My vision was already bad enough but I tried to stand to the best of my abilities. Of course I fell backwards right back to the dirt. I sat up and held my head but felt instead of my skin a helmet. I was so confused.
    "Eyes up Guardian." The voice said to me. I looked around for where it came from and saw a floating object that seemed to be blinking. "What the heck...where am I? What happened?" I asked the mysterious piece of technology in front of me. "I know you have questions but I will explain along the way. I will say this. I am a Ghost. Well, technically, I'm your Ghost. You've been dead a long time." The ghost said.
    "Wait a minute...slow down." I said as I tried to stand up again. I was successful but lightheaded and my vision didn't seem to wanna come back. At least not completely. "So...I was...dead?" I asked again making sure that what I heard was correct. "Yes Guardian. You have been dead for quite some time now."
    "I know you have a lot of questions Guardian but we need to move. We are not safe here." The Ghost said as it moved closer to me and then suddenly vanish. i looked around puzzled and even more confused but then it spoke again. "Don't worry. Im still here with you. Just in your suit. We have to hurry into the wall." the Ghost said. After a little bit my vision came back to me or at least my helmet turned on. I saw a radar and a symbol pop up with the word "GHOST" next to it. "Once we get into the inner wall, we can start making our way to the other side and towards the Tower." The ghost said. I put some of the pieces of the puzzle together. What I was seeing was a communication system telling me who was talking. After i dusted myself off I made my way to the wall but I heard a loud snarl in the distance. "The Fallen are here. We need to hurry before they get close to us. We need to avoid combat. Or at least try to." The Ghost said. I turned behind me and in the distance I saw movement. The Fallen.
    I didn't wanna take the time to admire them so I made my way to the entrance to the inner wall and hurried along like my ghost said. The smell of rust and burnt metal filled the air. It was enough to make me gag a little. The sights of the rusted cars and skeletons showed signs of a battle or even a escape that failed to happen. I started having flashbacks of screams and gunfire and it made me stop and hold onto something before I stumbled to the ground again. "Guardian we need to keep moving." The Ghost said. I took a moment to gather myself and take a breath or two. I stood up a bit more secure and ready and I moved faster. My ghost briefly filling me in on details that I might have missed.
    "Im not sure if you remember where we are. This is Earth. Old Russia to be specific." He said. "Yeah I kinda got that when I saw grass and water and cars and human skeletons." I said as I walked up the stairs. "Well you never know. That could mean a lot of things."
    "Yeah but at least its safe to say that we aren't alone in the universe."
    "Very funny Guardian."
    "Stop that." I said. Our movement and conversation was suddenly stopped by a loud bang and movement within the walls surrounding us. I froze up and looked around. "What was that?" I whispered. Everything was in dead silence and I slowly walked forward into the inner wall. It was completely dark. My Ghost popped out and shined a little bit of light but of course I had the worst feeling ever. I could feel more than just one presence in the area around us. It sent a chill down my spine and made me feel so uncomfortable in more ways than one. "Im gonna see if I can shine some light in here. Hold tight." He said. He floated around the room and I could see the blue light illuminate the room and eventually the lights came on one by one. I could see the way out but I could also see something else. The Fallen. And not just one but about thirty of them looking dead at me. Their red eyes staring right through me and into my soul. "Umm....This could be bad. I think we should—"
    "RUN!!" I shouted. I practically grabbed my ghost in my hand and bolted for the nearest cover spot. The Fallen scattered and fanned out to different parts of the inner wall. My Ghost escaped my grasp and looked at me. "You didn't have to manhandle me like that ya know." He said. "Well it's not my fault that you weren't moving. You could have gotten shot or something." I said. Arc tracer rounds were whizzing past my head. They were getting closer to us and I was defenseless. "Lets keep moving." my ghost said. He phased into my suit and we took off running again. A few fallen enemies came towards me but I refused to die. Again. I took a good swing and punched it. Giving me an opportunity to make a break for it but then I saw a gun lying on the ground. I dived for it and picked it up."Please have ammo, please have ammo, please have ammo!" I prayed as i pulled the trigger and took out the Fallen enemies.
    " I'm not as scared. Where to Ghost?" I asked.
    "To your right. Hurry." He said. I didn't waste time. I had no idea how much ammo was left in this weapon so I decided to be conservative. I starting using the weapon as a bat half the time when I was close enough but when the time called for it I was pulling the trigger. I was crossing the bridge to get to the other side of the huge gap of the inner wall. I wasn't ready for what was ahead of me. I ended up getting knocked back and onto the ground. The Fallen had stealth tech. They stood over me with their arc blades ready to swing and cut me down. I started to panic. I did panic. My gun wasn't in my hand anymore and all I could do was swing and when I did I launched one of them off the bridge and the other one kinda faded into....nothing. His entire body vanished in a purple light. I sat up and looked at my hands and my Ghost popped out. "Void energy. You're a Warlock." He said. I had a small flashback to a school somewhere in the world. I had no idea where it was or what it was for. I just remember books and very smart people but my memory was soon interrupted by the sound of more Fallen coming my way. I quickly grabbed my gun and ran. My ghost eventually catching up to me and fading back into my armor. Or lack there of.
    I saw more ammo on the ground along with a sealed chest. It looked like there could be something inside so i shot the lock and it opened. Another weapon with plenty of ammunition for it. A Shotgun more specifically. I grabbed all I could and continued my journey through the wall. Shooting Dregs and Vandals along the way. Once the area was clear me and my Ghost made our way out of the other side of the wall. The sun was shining down and I looked around at the barren wasteland. Everything seemed overgrown and destroyed and rusted over. "What....Happened to this place?"
    "The Collapse. The Fallen came and destroyed everything you see around you. This is somewhat their territory and lord only knows how many more are nearby. We have to get out of the Cosmodrome and back to the Tower." My Ghost said. I started running further and the suddenly a giant ship appears in the sky with more coming behind it. "A Fallen Skiff? This close to the surface?!" My ghost said. I watched as it made the ground shake with a sonic boom from entering the planets atmosphere from what seemed to be orbit. I watched as one followed and then two and then three. It felt like an invasion. I hurried along and my Ghost kept talking. "There seems to be something that can get us out of here nearby inside that complex across the field. If we can get there we should be fine." He said. I watched as a Skiff dropped off about ten Fallen vandals and dregs. "First we need to fight our way through." I said as i hopped out of cover and began my assault. Using what little ammo I had left along with my newfound powers. It seemed that my punches drained the energy of enemies or even killed them at times if they were wounded enough.
    "Where's the exit at?" I asked. My ghost pointed me in the right direction and we kept moving as Skiffs moved all around us. Dropping off wave after wave of Fallen enemies and of course I was ready to fight again. It's like finding the assault rifle and shotgun made me feel like I was used to something like this before. As if I was already here fighting and defending something but I let the thought pass through my mind. Once I fought through the wave of enemies and made it inside me and my ghost found something that we didn't expect to find but was of great use to us.
"Is that....a ship?" I asked as I slowly walked over to the orange rusted ship that was hanging above the ground by wires and cables. My ghost popped out of my suit and floated over to it. "Yes it is. This could be our ticket out of here. Hang tight while I look inside and see if it still works." He said. The ghost vanished inside the ship and I looked around and felt like I was being watched. I held my gun close and at the ready and soon I heard the ship start up. "Looks like it works, huh?" I said as I started to make my way over to it but then suddenly I heard a deep growl from within a hole in the wall nearby. A giant beast came from within and hopped out with a loud thud. This giant four armed beast standing in front of me ready to fight me. "Ummm...Ghost? If you're gonna do something now is the perfect time!" I shouted as I backed up towards the ship.
"Don't worry. I'm pulling you in now." He said. I watched as my body dematerialized and reformed inside the cockpit of the ship. "Woah. What the heck just happened?" I asked a bit shocked and lightheaded from the experience. "I transported you inside the ship. Let's get a move on quickly." He said. The ship detached from the wires surrounding it and it eventually took off. The giant Fallen beast standing there watching us depart from the abandoned and destroyed ruins of Old Russia. Once we were clear from harm I sunk back into the metal chair and exhaled. Everything happened so fast and I couldn't process it all properly. My ghost appeared in front of me. "Are you alright Guardian?" He asked. His voice sounding concerned. I sighed and took off the helmet that was on my head and rubbed my eyes. My vision was still bad even though I could see perfectly within the helmet. "I'm fine...although I think I need glasses when I'm not wearing this thing." I said.

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