Alone (KickThePj)

By Celeybear

25.5K 1K 598

Loneliness was always her best friend. She trusted it more than anything. But when she meets a certain guy, s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Special Thanks

Chapter 2

4K 177 146
By Celeybear

I tried to look cute as I stepped out the window. But me being me, that didn't quite work out so well. My foot ended up getting caught on the windowsill. I would have almost fallen flat on my face if it weren't for the very beautiful stranger who led me on the roof.

"Whoa there!" He caught me but in a not so flattering position.

"Thanks." I mumbled as he helped me back up.

He smiled. What a gorgeous smile. "No problem. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours getting all scratched up."

I laughed nervously. Compliments... Not something I was use too. The breeze hit me causing me to shiver. Ugh! Why did I let Taylor talk me into wearing a dress?

"Here take my jumper." The guy took off his jumper leaving him in a white button up.

"No, you don't have to." I protested.

"I insist." He held out the jumper to me. I hesitated before taking it and putting it on.

The jumper was very warm and soft. It also smelled really good. Do all boys' jackets smell like this?

"Not all of them." He smirked.

My eyes went wide. "D-Did I say that out loud?"

He nodded and laughed before sitting down. A few seconds later he looked up at me. "You can sit down you know."

That's when my senses kicked in. What in the world was I doing? I didn't even know him. For all I knew he could have been an axe murder. An axe murder that was very cute. Ugh! Stop! "I'm sorry but I don't really sit with random strangers on roof tops."

He laughed. "My name's PJ. PJ Liguori." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Zelda Evans." I said while taking his hand.

PJ's mouth hung open and went wide-eyed. "You're kidding right? Your name is actually Zelda?"

I tucked the lose strands of my dark brown hair behind my ear. I realized I was still holding his hand and quickly let go. "Y-Yeah. My dad was a big video game nerd. We would spend hours playing old Nintendo games on the weekends when I was younger. Zelda was his favorite. "

"Could you get any more perfect?" He blurted out.

"I uh…" I felt my cheeks burn a little.

He laughed. "You can't take a compliment very well can you?" It came our more of a statement than a question.

I shook my head and stood there quietly.

He nodded and then smiled. "Well Zelda, since we're no longer strangers, can you sit down now?"

I thought it over. He seemed like a nice boy but could I trust him? Could I trust myself? It's just one night Zel! It couldn't hurt to have some fun. I shrugged. "I suppose."

Slowly, I lowered myself down to the stop next to him. The roof was a little steep and the last thing I wanted was to fall off. I leaned back to where I was laying down. The sky was beautiful. Not a single cloud in sight. There were a few stars and the moon was full. We were at least an hour away from London so there weren't any city lights ruining the gorgeous view.

Besides the loud party music coming from downstairs, the night was very peaceful. I felt much more relaxed than I did earlier. PJ's presence helped a little with that.

"So Zelda," He turned to me, leaning on his arm. "Tell me about yourself."

I told him the bare minimum about me; which was the same amount I told Taylor. He didn't need to know about my family or my past. That part of me I kept hidden. I didn't even tell Taylor until two years of us being friends. If he stuck around long enough- which I doubted he would- then I would tell him.

We talked back and forth for a few hours. He was easy to talk to. I felt like I wasn't being forced to talk. Most people didn't like how shy I was. They usually forced me into conversations and I absolutely hated it. PJ didn't force me to say anything. If something got awkward he would change the subject or wait for me to say something. It was very refreshing.

Plus everything he had to say was insightful. He was a bit weird, but surprisingly, I understood everything he said. He had such passion that I could only dream to have. And the boy was funny too. Soon I found myself laughing more than I had in a long time.

"You have a very pretty smile." He said. I turned away embarrassed like I always did but I felt a hand move my chin back. "Please don't look away. You're so beautiful."

His voice was so soft and sweet. I found myself lost in it. My eyes locked with his and I knew what was about to happen. Slowly, he leaned in but our gaze never broke. He stopped to where our lips were almost touching. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. His hand moved from chin to my cheek making my chest beat rapidly. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and leaned in the rest of the way.

"Zel! Zelda where are yo-" My head turned to see Taylor sticking her head out the window. She was trying to hide a smirk. "I'll just leave you two."

PJ and I lightly chuckled as she walked away. I turned my attention back to him and rested my forehead on his. My fingers traced patterns onto his cheek as he did the same to my arm.

"I have to go." I whispered.

He nodded and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I pulled away, got up and removed his jumper. Immediately the cold hit me again causing another violent shiver. I handed it back to him, wishing I didn't have to.

"Thank you. Tonight was the best night I've had in a long time." I smiled.

He smiled back. "The pleasure was all mine Zelda." I turned away and climbed through the window, into the warm room. "Zelda!"

I poked my head out. PJ was standing with his hands in his pockets. "Yeah?"

He looked down at his feet. "Can I see you again?"

My smile grew big. He was acting awkward and it was really cute. I nodded. "I would like that very much."

He looked back at me with the widest smile I had ever seen on him.

"Goodbye PJ." I laughed.

"Goodbye Zelda."

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