I Wish.

By _avddiiii_

557 11 1

Leah and her best friend Kayla are finally in college and Leah sees her longed crush that she used to talk to... More

I Wish.
I Wish: chapter one
I Wish: chapter two
I Wish: chapter three
I Wish: chapter four
I Wish: chapter five
I Wish: chapter six
I Wish: chapter eight
I Wish: Chapter Nine

I Wish: Chapter Seven

37 1 0
By _avddiiii_

I awoke the next morning, i had a huge had ache.. i looked around the room but couldnt find kayla.. thats when i got scared. i started looking for my phone to call her then it started ringing. it was underneath my bed. i picked it up and it was noah, i was just about to answer then i remembered that he was the reason im in my dorm by myself. i denied his call, when i unlocked my phone i had 30 missed calls and 50 text messages from the one and only.. most of the text messsages said sorry or others said hes gonna come here. And some others said kayla was with nathan. I got a couple more text messages from Noah so I just turned off my phone. I love him so much and he made me think he loved me.. Maybe one day I'll find someone. I go to the showers and do my daily then head back to the room I kinda wait around to see if Kayla would come around but she didn't.. I ended up falling asleep then I heard someone at the door it was keys I opened my eyes slightly and I saw Kayla walking in and Nathan following behind her. Then Noah came in too.. I heard them talking then I heard the words "just leave me alone with her I need to talk to her" I immediately closed my eyes to act like i was sleep.

"Leah.. I know your not sleeping I saw your eyes open when it walked in.."

"Oh my god.. What do you want from me Noah? Like really I can't give you anything else right now.. I really can't."

"Leah, I just want to make it up to you like please.. You don't understand I really like you.."

"Noah it seemed you liked that other girl at your house considering that she was all in your bed with you last night.."

"That wasn't my room." He replied quickly.

Then I rest my case.. You have the audacity to tell me that you 'really like me' but have another girl that was all over you in someone else's bed?.."

"No leah.. You don't need to rest any cases.."

"I'm about to rest my body Noah." I replied hesitantly.

"No Leah.. Just hear me out.. I was drunk and i didn't know what I was doing or thinking.."

"Noah are you serious?!! You've got to be kidding me.. I was drunk also but I wasn't in another persons room about to have sex with a guy I barely know.." I slightly got louder with him.

"Okay.. Your right Leah.. Just please know that I'm sorry."

"Good bye Noah.."

"Bye Leah.." He replied and slowly exited out of my dorm.

I cried myself to sleep that night.. I didn't know what to think, or do, or say.. I couldn't do anything. Usually by now I would be running to my phone to call my mom because I can always talk to her when Kayla isn't around to do that but right now I can't. All I can do is cry until I run out of tears.. He hurt me.. And what he doesn't understand us I truly do love him.. A lot.. And I'm ready to give up if he doesn't love me like I love him.. Maybe in a couple months I'll be ready to talk to him again.. But until that time comes around I'm going to stay in my dorm as much as possible. But classes start in two weeks.. God.. Time is going by to fast.. Hopefully when classes start everything will get better... I just want to fall into a dream of sweet nothings.. But I know that won't happen because every time I fall asleep I end up dreaming of what Noah and that girl could have possibly done together. And honestly the more I get into the dream the more I wanna get out if it. The more I think about him the more I cry.. The only I really do hope is that he doesn't call me tonight.. Or ever again.. Until I'm ready to talk to him again.. I want that to be for a long time, but I know it won't last that long because I love him to much.. Maybe one day.. Just maybe..

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