The Inducer [18+ Only]

By _hunnyy

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Carlos Larves, he was the king of romancing (well in his head, he was). He knew how to trigger your self-cont... More

The Inducer
Chapter One: Meeting My Employer
Chapter Two: He Wasn't Worth It
Chapter Three: Promise
Chapter Four: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Five: What Were You Doing To Me
Chapter Six: I Wasn't A Nun
Chapter Seven: Sexually Frustrated
Chapter Eight: Our Little Secret
Chapter Nine: You Make Me Crazy
Chapter Eleven: Don't Do This To Me
Chapter Twelve: It Should Be Us
Chapter Thirteen: I Love Him
Chapter Fourteen: I Need You
Chapter Fifteen: Not Since You
Chapter Sixteen: It's Time
Chapter Seventeen: We've Got The Whole Night
Chapter Eighteen: I Walked Way
Chapter Nineteen: Because of Me
Chapter Twenty: All To Myself
Chapter Twenty - One: Scared
Chapter Twenty - Two: Psychotic
Chapter Twenty - Three: Hatred
Chapter Twenty - Four: The Truth
Chapter Twenty - Five: Sense of Relief
Chapter Twenty - Six: Numb
Chapter Twenty - Seven: New York
Chapter Twenty - Eight: Permission

Chapter Ten: You're My Girl

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By _hunnyy

Chapter Ten: You're My Girl

Being bone wounded, I felt literally injured to move but in actuality; I was just tired. I wish I could tell that to my maniac boss Carlos. I rotated my eyes to adjust and looked at the clock at the side table, 3:00 PM? Well, wasn't this strange, so where was Carlos? How wasn't he in here perplexing me to get up?

Tori, why couldn't you not think about Carlos for one sec, you just got up for fucks sake.

Sigh... I tried really hard not to think of him but he just makes me happy; not that I'd ever share that with anyone - news travel and I couldn't make him any wiser about his power over me. Even though on a different level, he really did induce a high feeling of miserableness - and it unraveled a bitter girl.

I was thinking that it was because he didn't have the key to my door but I had to call bullshit on that... This was thee mad man Carlos we were thinking about, he'd have his way anywhere he went.

Tori stop over thinking, obviously there wasn't a need to come for you, maybe he had nothing to do or he was still asleep.

The weird part of being on a trip with Carlos was that you didn't know what to expect and we were freaking alone - no maids, just us.

He made me perplex on a daily basis, I think the other maids in the house felt sorry for me along with envy and it didn't matter their ages. I remember when Maya was sharing something with me. Maya was my only friend in Carlos's mansion; she was somewhat sweet with a hint of bitchiness that made her blunt and I admire that.

"Tori!" I heard her shouting from about a mile away, she was that loud. Eventually, I heard my room door open but I was in the bathroom.

"Where are you?" She paused, "I know you're in here, you crazy chicken." I laughed before pulling the bathroom door and walking out.

"Maya," I looked at her, she had gossip, I could see it, "Talk to me."

"Those two fat bitches, you know I'm fat myself but those two fat bitches, I had to fix them straight," she spoke angrily, "Girl, gimme a fucking minute, I needa cool down, ma heart beating so damn fast - I wanted to mash their faces but keeping it professional cause' you know Maya be at work, Maya don't wanna lose her job, get what I'm saying Tor?"

I was so lost, she was just yapping away. I knew she was pissed but damn what could of happened to make her this deranged?

"Yeah Ma," I sat on my bed, "Who are these two so called fat bitches?"

"Grace and motherfucking Francis." Well, they were actually fat. "I had to disrespect the two oldest women I knew because they was talking shít about you."

I was confused now more than ever, "Me?" I cringed my brows together, "How the hell did I even reach in this?"

She shook her head and put her hand on her hip, "This was never about me unless I'd have really fuck them up."

"Alright. Calm down, all these bad words are really giving me a headache."

She laughed, "Oh, I forgot. Am sorry Ma'am Purest," she said before rolling her eyes.

"Pure to you but dirty to someone else." I smirked.

She squinted her eyes, "Is there something you ain't telling me? We both know you ain't fucked in daycades..."

I burst out laughing, shaking my head, "Really has been daycades!"

She sat on my bed before she started talking, "So, I'll try to be as modest as possible, okay?" I nodded, "I was in the living room dusting and I heard Francis telling Grace in the passage because I was basically at the entrance, I wasn't far down, so you know I was hearing. All of a sudden I heard your name in their conversation so I started to really listen.

"Francis was saying that you never do anything, all you're good for is seducing Carlos because she saw you going in his room Tuesday night, remember Tuesday we were in your room playing cards till we fell asleep, and she heard moaning."

Carlos had a woman over? I could feel my heart falling.

I dragged my hands over my face, I felt exhausted with this conversation already. "I can't exhaust good fuel on bad roads Maya."

"So Grace was like, that bitch; Carlos is such a good boss and ever since she came he only focuses on her."

"So why the fuck don't they take that up with Carlos, it isn't my fault the man is obsessed." I hissed.

Maya laughed, "Thank you!" She praised, "But they wouldn't know that. They don't try to know you any at all then they're talking about you fucking him."

I shook my head, "I'm so scared of him, they wouldn't even understand."

"So I went in and put them in their pla-" I cut her off, "I don't want to hear what you said word for word, just summarize."

Maya knew that when it came to swearing a lot, I couldn't take it. Plus it didn't sound good that in every sentence there was a bad word and that was how Maya talk when she was livid.

She smiled before answering, "I swear Tori, I love your ass." She grabbed me, squeezing me into a hug before letting go, "I just told them in only curse words how bad they looked and they should mind their fu- sorry own business because they only mad cause Carlos don't want them."

Leave it up to Maya to make things look bad, "Maya why?" I buried my face in my hands.

She shrugged, "Tor shut up! The man wants you and you're just scared of his ways because you know he'll maneuver you. Francis wanted Carlos from she came here, no wonder she hearing things because she wished it was her and carrying hate. She needs to go get a man of her own and fucking keep him."

I side looked at her, "I'm with Joshua not Carlos and stop being disrespectful. She's, well they are not worth it. Just relax. I need a drink."

Climbing out of bed, I laughed at how ridiculous the situation was. I, Tori Battes seducing Carlos Larves? How strange of me, that man reminded me of Dracula, any super villain you could think of. He made me tense because I just didn't know any of his motives, he was too mysterious for you not to be cautious.

I never really looked around the suite when I came in this morning because all I really needed was the bedroom. But now, I need to get myself some coffee and some food. I was looking around while going to the kitchen. I'd never imagine myself staying in a hotel suite like this, it was very decadent, well groomed, spacious and lavish. I loved it, the decor was gray and white, furniture of antique designs. Too bad I had to go out with Carlos, I won't have time for such serenity.

I finally reached the kitchen but it was empty, nada, not even coffee I couldn't find. I was gonna call room service.

Looking around for the number to call room service, I couldn't find it, therefore I had to knock up Carlos. I was standing at his room door knocking with no answer, just as I was about to go back to my suite, he pulled the door looking rugged and beautiful in all his glory.

In a groggily voice, "Tori?" He looked like he was sleeping his life away, no wonder he hadn't come call for me.

"I'm hungry."

He sighed, "Call room service, put it on my bill." He said while yawning and was about to shut the door.

I put my foot to block the door from closing, "Wait, I was gonna do that but I can't find the extension for room service."

"My God Tori, there's no extension. Those things are outdated. Didn't you see an iPad on the dining table?" He shook his head before folding his arms, "What am I gonna do with you?"

"Yeah, is that what I should use? I didn't know that plus either way I don't know how to use it." I looked down because I didn't want him to see through it. I just wanted him to order it for me.

"Ju...just call room service for me and request the food. This is all your fault, I've never been to a hotel before plus I don't speak French so I wouldn't understand anything I'd be looking at, smarty pants. You have to help me." I finally looked at him and gave my puppy eyes.

He rub his hand over his face, "Fine, Bye." He pushed me away and closed the door. Ugh, that was why I hated the motherfucker, he treated me like shit at times, going to all the time, you're doing this for the money Tori, remember that...

"If only I believed that..." I spoke to myself.


I was in the shower when I heard a knock on my door, grabbing a towel - I hurriedly wrapped it around my body and ran to the door. "Who is it?" Because if it was Carlos, I wasn't going to open it, I was praying it would be room service.

"Luca from room service Madame."

I pulled the door and allowed Luca inside. He placed all the food on the dining table before going on his way. Didn't he want a tip?

"Luca wait! Let me give you a tip." I did watch a couple of movies you know? So, I wanted to know what it felt like...

He shook his head, "It's already covered."

"Oh, okay. Are you sure?" I asked with a confused expression.

He nodded, "Well, alright. Have a good day."

"Same to you Madame." And he was gone.

Looking at the table covered with delicious foods. Carlos seemed to order all the damn menu, I presume because why the hell would he order so much food? It wasn't like I got an empty forest inside my tummy - he knew I didn't eat a lot.

There was a variety of meals to choose from, I grabbed the pasta and took the foam cup with coffee in it, I was literally dying for coffee. I knew I'd eat that chicken sandwich right after I had the pasta. I was cave man hungry. I sat in the couch eating and was just about to become happy when I heard a knock on the door. I looked at my half eaten pasta feeling very sadden about leaving it to get the door.

"Who the hell is that?" I was very savage, everyone knew when I was hungry I became really grouchy.

I heard a chuckle on the other side and I knew who was out there because it wasn't like I knew anyone here in this hotel other than Carlos and the receptionist René. And René had no reason to be here on the other side knocking me up. It was no other than Carlos, the mothérfucker. He made no effort to say anything because he knew how I could be, especially with the fact that I was very arrogant within that moment, after he slammed the door in my face. I appreciated that all in all, he did order the food for me but I was really down about being a brat.

"Why are you knocking on my door Carlos?" I sighed.

He laughed, "Baby, just open the door." He paused, "I just want to see you, you know I'm not a morning or waking up abruptly type of person."

I hissed, "Stop." I sighed, "That doesn't excuse you for pushing me away and slamming the door in my face. And by the way, thanks for ordering the food for me but outside of that, fuck you."

I could hear his harsh breath, "If only I could fuck myself but no Tori, I'll leave that to you." I blushed crimson.

"Carlos, you have to stop provoking me." I paused, "I'm not enjoying it."

I felt a slight jerk on the door, like he rested his head on it, "Tori, baby, open the door and prove to me that you aren't enjoying whatever I do to you. Prove me wrong, right now." He challenged.

I shook my head and turned around, my back to the door as I leaned back adjusting my towel again, securing it around me. "Bull, I don't need to prove anything! I won't let you in. If you want in, do that yourself, you are thee Carlos, I'm sure you'll be standing in here soon."

For second, he laughed loudly, "You're just afraid of me..." He whispered, his voice like a seduction on my naked body. He made me sweat, I was scared of him - I didn't trust myself with him, I was bound to surrender my pússy to him and we wanted him so bad, too too too bad. He made me anxious to have him at times. He knew the effect he had on me, "You know you want me, you're just stubborn." I closed my eyes, Carlos needed to leave me alone, I was his maid; not his play toy that he took time from his day everyday to rile up. "You know you want me to fuck you, run my tongue over your nipples, roughly feel your breast, rub your clit, suck on your neck, suck your pussy." He emphasized on each word just to tick me off, I wasn't going to let him win. "Tori, let me in and prove to me that you don't want me."

"N-no," I said breathlessly. I could feel the smirk on his face already. Fúcking bastard, he knew that I wasn't good at suppressing just how much he had on me, from that night at the club - I could feel the spark between us; the craving, the thirst - a connection. "You're a maniac Carlos."

"Fine. Have it your way," He finally removed himself off the door, "We're going on the road in the next half an hour." He informed, "And just so you know, I don't force entry, I get entry, no breaking and entering baby." I knew he was smirking, "Um and Tori, I will get entry you know? Inside of you...I never make the same promises over and over and don't fulfill it." Then came the silence and his door opening and that was when I opened my door and he was closing his, I looked at him and our eyes made four. I bit my lip with my hand holding my towel right above my breast, he licked his lips as he winked at me and closed his door.

Joshua, I'm sorry but what am I going to do? I promised you... I pushed my door closed as the tears started to roll down my cheeks. I was going to hurt him, I felt it. Damn you Carlos, why did I have to be so weak? I sighed. Carlos was just an apple that I had to pick especially with my high turbulent hormones.

Before going to get ready, I took the meals off the table and placed them in the refrigerator. I was still going to eat that damn chicken sandwich when I get back, it looked so good.

I walked over to my bags and started rampaging through it to find something to wear. I settled on black high-waisted skirt, a white baggy blouse and a black and white wedge. At least Carlos took out decent clothes. Got to give him props even though he's such a pússy!

With my skirt on, I put on my bra and stared at myself in the mirror, I felt dull and lost in myself, I caught my hair in a bun and lightly put on my makeup. I put on the blouse and tucked it inside the skirt as I thought to myself: I needed spice, some adventure and a little bit of mystery with some sauce. I shook my head, times like these I really missed Tony. I didn't have any adventures with Josh, we all knew what he talked about and that he was only there with me because he thought he needed to mold me and that was how he fell in love with me. He felt obligated to be there because took me from almost becoming a nut job.

I was a nymph and relished on just seeing dicks, so for me to be here not having sex for years; was an accomplishment. I was proud of myself. But now after recovering and becoming a young lady, I needed back that pleasure. Maybe, he thought I would lose myself all over again, so he didn't want to have sex with me. What do you think, body? Don't we look good for him to get a stiffy?

I was fully dressed now, I grabbed my phone and my bag with my camera and room keys. I was ready to go, I looked at the clock, 6 PM.

As I pulled my door, I saw Carlos leaning on the wall on his side of the hall with his eyes pasted in his phone. He had on a gray button up shirt and black jeans with dark gray loafers; he looked nice. He pulled his eyes away from his phone and looked at me, "You look decent."

He didn't even hesitate, he just pulled me to him, "When will you even understand what you do to me Tori?"

I calmed myself in his arms, "The day you tell me."

He eased away looking down at me, "How about, the day I show you?"

Closing my eyes, I nodded, he held my chin and raised my face up to him - I felt his lips grazed mine. That was when he crashed his lips to mine and what was the point of not letting myself go into that kiss, he would force it on me anyways. I kissed him back with passion. God, you knew I really liked him.

Temptation was one hell of a thing. But sometimes, you gotta know the right temptation.

We broke the kiss, "Good girl."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, "Shut the fuck up!"

He laughed and hugged me as we walked to the elevator. "For this entire trip babe, you're my girl, that is what you'll pretend to be."

I shook my head, "No."

He stopped and held my eyes seriously, "I'm not asking you anything, I'm telling you." I sighed as he instructed, "You'll allow me to touch you, kiss you, hug you, breathe you, just love you for the whole week that we'll be here."

I stood shocked, "What the hell is your problem? Not because I kissed you that means I'm willing to be your girl and make you grind your scrawny body on me, you moron."

He smiled, "As I said, I'm not asking you anything. I'm telling you." He pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, "Just imagine how much fun we'll have Tor, just one week baby. A week of fun."

A week of fun, huh? He just knew what to say to me. "No."

"Whatever!" He said with a straight face, "I don't care what you say because I know you and how you twitch when you lie. Welcome to my world Tori, let's go roam Paris baby."

I took his hand though in my gut I knew I was in for an awakening but my whole body was ignited with feels and I felt good and alive. And even though I was over here flirting with another man, breaking my promise because I was weak and being happy with a man that I couldn't get enough of, I wasn't going to give up on Joshua but our fate, it was bruised.


Thanks guys for sticking with me. I'm really grateful for all the support that I have received thus far.

~ Chev

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