Miss Carpenters Mistake Or Gi...

By rilesbrokenhart

3.5K 61 24

Maya was never a happy or normal teenage girl and it gets worse when she is forced to go to a party by her be... More

the cast
the begining
Maya or Charlotte?
The truth?
A Lair thats what he is.
A whole lot of sorrys.
The truth
Its A...
My new book!
the interview.
The interview part two.
back to school.
Four little balls of happiness.
im sorry
home sweet home.

live stream.

123 3 2
By rilesbrokenhart

I have been staring at the computer for so long my finger on the button. "Hey Maya what are you doing?" Riley asked walking in our room. "I am going to tell everyone who I am." I smile slightly. "OK, go on then." Riley stared at me waiting for me to start. "Im scared Riles, what if they hate me after." I whisper. "Your Maya Annlyn Carpenter international popstar,everyone loves you and if they truly are your fans they will understand." Riley smiled. "Thanks Riles" I smile back hugging her. "No problem, what are sisters for." She giggled. Sisters she called me her sister. "Sorry I  didn't mean to call you my sister, I mean I did but is ok if you don't want me to. Are you ok with me calling you that?" Riley  rambles on. "That's something im defiantly ok with." I grin hugging her tighter than before. "Riley are you upstairs? We need to finish are homework!" Farkle yelled making me jump. "Riley quick he cant see me!" I whisper yelled. "OK im going." Riley whispered back jumping to get out the room. "Hey Charlotte have you seen Riley?" Farkle asked nocking on my door before it opened. I stood frozen praying that he would just walks past. "OMG IT, YOUR OMG RILEY WHY IS MAY" Farkle began before I shoved my hand over his mouth. "Please don't yell." I beg getting a small nod from Farkle I let go. "Your May Carpenter, OMG im in the same room as May Carpenter." Farkle jumped before fainting. "Ok I will take him down stairs and tell him its a dream when he wakes up." Riley smiles. "Thanks" I smile back. I look around the room as my eyes meet my laptop. "Ok you can do this Maya just press the button one, two, three!" I whispered to myself as my fingers pressed down and the live stream was on, It was already on 1 million views I guess my fans,news reporters, everyone wanted to know why I was gone and where. "Hey Carpenters, I have missed you all so much.I am fine don't worry im not hurt." I smiled brightly comments already began to fill my screen. "Ok im not sure were to begin so ask me your questions and I will awnser honestly." I giggled nerviously. " first question is from Hannah652 and she asked did you run away and if so why? Well I ran away because well my ermm my dad used to abuse me and it hurt me. I wasn't happy and would always get hurt for nothing." I said blankly trying not to show how much it hurt, looking quickly at my arm... All the pain I punished my self for. "Ok next question is from Yaz2001 and she say where are you living now? Well I am now living in Greenwich New york  America." I smiled. "WERE HOME!"my mum yelled making me jump with wide eyes. "Sweetie what are you doing." Mum smiled walking in my room and kissing my forehead all while my live stream was on! "Hey, im doing a live stream right now to tell my fans about everything." I said "oh" my mum gasped her eyes wide. By now my screen was blowing up with comments. Isn't she your dead mum? Omg that's your mum! "Ok you guys meet my birth mum Sabrina Carpenter. Yes the one who was dead, she was forced to fake her death by my dad who is in prison now." I smile nervously. Mum pokes her head back around. "Ok a lot of you guys are asking if I live with her. I do in fact... hold on just two minutes." I smile running down stairs. "Hey hows it going?" Riley asked. "Its going ok were are Auggie and dad?" I ask "In the kitchen why?"Riley asked but I was gone. "Hey Maya" dad and Auggie yell. "Hey, come here."I smile grabbing there hands and pulling them into the living room. "Whats going on?" Riley yelled. "Nothing come on." I moan pulling Riley of the sofa and grabbing hold of her hand to before I push them up stairs. "Ok now can you tell us whats going on!" Riley yelled slightly. "In a minute just sit here. I say putting my family in view of the live stream. "Ok im back beauts, this is my family. My mum Sabrina Carpenter, My dad Peyton Meyer. My sister Riley and Brother Auggie. Peyton is my step dad and Riley is my step sister but Auggie is my half brother but to me there my real family. These are the wonderful people I live with and I couldn't be happier, I love them so much." I smile brightly. "Awww we love you so much to." My family giggled hugging me, I break from the hug when I see my laptop is flooding with even more messages, I freeze as I see one smiling slightly as I almost forgot. "Ok molly16 says ha ha ha is there any more news? Well im glad you asked because I almost forgot. Ok so well im pregnant." I smile nervous at how my fans will react. After a few seconds my screen fills up with comments most are supportive and happy however as always there are some hate ones. I frown as I see the question I wanted to avoid, I ignore it and awnser a different question. "Ok, Lucy56 says is it a boy or girl." I giggle after reading the last part. "Actually it a they... Im having quadruplets which is four babies. Im having two identical girls and two identical boys." I tell my viewers. I laugh at the comments filling my screen however my face drops again as I read that same question. "Maya why do you keep frowning."Riley whispered. "No reason." I whispered back. "Ok I think I have awnsered all your question's." I smile. "Ok Jessica16 says I haven't awnsered all of them so Jessica what was your question?" I asked already knowing the awnser but I cant just egnore my fans.Ok Jesaica asked who is the dad?" I frown as tears freaten to spill out my eyes however hard it is I blink them back. "Errmm I don't know the dad." I croaked butting my lip slightly. I could already see the comments flooding through. Where you about to cry? You are lieing? Don't you bite your lip when your lieing? "Ok sorry beauts but me and my family are going out so I have to go." I fake smile. "We do?" Riley and Auggie question. "Yeah we do right mum remember were going out, to that new place." I beg looking at my mum adding a quite please at the end. "Oh yeah, we do hunny." My mum replied. "Ok I love you all so much, you are all my life and I couldn't be there without you. Bye Carpenators love you all so much." I smiled brightly blowing a kiss through the screen, before turning my live stream of. "Ok Maya lets go to are room." Riley said pulling me to the room before I had a chance to awnser. "Ok riley what was..." I began getting intrupted by Riley. "Ok, Maya I know you, your my sister and I know when you lie, you  bite down on your lip. I see the way you blink back tears and the way you fake a smile. You know who the farther is Maya. So why are you lieing about who it is? Who is it Maya." Riley told me taking hold of my hands and staring at me. I just fell into floods of tears as Riley pulled me close. "It-its m-my da-da-dad." I whisper while crying, "what" Riley questioned. "I-its m-my d-d-dad h-h-hes t-the f-farther o-of m-my b-bab-babies" I cryed even more. "OMG Maya did your dad rape you?" Riley whispered to which I just nodded
to. "OMG,Maya im so sorry." Riley frowned hugging me tighter. "What am I going to tell everyone Riles? I had to lie to them my fans." I cryed. "You did the right thing Maya, im glad you told me im always here." Riley said. "Thanks promise me." I ask. "Promise" Riley said. We sat there hugging each other as Riley rested her head on the window and I placed mine on her shoulder before my eyes got heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

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