Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)

By Camjamson

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Lee Yunohara is the slum boy who is associated with everything that's negative towards society. All in all, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

2.8K 95 4
By Camjamson

2 Years Later

"Ahahahaha! Welcome to our country King Solomon!" He greeted to the King of Assyria.

"It is but a pleasure King Harold," King Solomon replied. They shook hands.

"Do come in," he told King Solomon.

King Solomon walked in our palace and complimented it. Soon, he bumped into my sister without realizing it. My sister fell to the floor with a thud.

"Ouch! Oi, why'd you bump into me?" My sister questioned the King.

He gave her a disapproving look, but King Solomon laughed heartily. He knelt at my sister's level, and took her hand. "My apologies prinzessin(princess)(He spoke a bit of German). Do forgive my rudeness." He took my sister's hand and kissed it. My sister blushed red.

"W-w-whah!?" She said embarassingly. I stepped in front of my sister.

"Your rudeness has been forgiven. Although, I'd say it was both of your faults for not paying close attention to each other," I said without thinking.

From behind King Solomon's shoulder, I saw him stare at me angrily. King Solomon smiled widely at me and said, "What a smart boy! He's just like my own sons! I like you, what is your name?"

"I am not a boy!" I told him. "I'm thirteen, teen! It's not boy either! My name is Lancelot Vanden Broek."

"Is the Vanden supposed to be your middle or last name?" King Solomon asked with a smile.

"Why you-!"

I couldn't finish my sentence as my mother took me away from King Solomon. She curtsied in front of him. She didn't raise her head as she introduced herself. "I am Daphine Vanden Broek, King Harold's wife. Pleased to meet you."

King Solomon got to his feet. He walked towards my mother. "My dear Daphine, why do you lower your head? Do you deem yourself lesser than me?"

He came beside my mother and whispered in her ear. I saw my mother's lips twitch at the corners, but she kept her head bowed without responding. King Solomon stood in front of my mother.

He lifter her chin up to him. "Lift your head, for you are not less worthy of my presence. We are equal, yes?"

My mother met King Solomon's eyes, and I'm sure she wanted to cry. Of all the men that came to the palace, they never said anything about mother's head bow. They told him that he was teaching her the right way.

However, I'm sure he wasn't pleased by King Solomon's actions.

A Few Months Later

We were invited to King Solomon's home that he bought in Germany. Everyone attended the gathering. He was out mingling with rich important people, leaving us to conduct ourselves accordingly. Leila was at home with the babysitter. It was important for the heir and wife to attend.

Mother and I went out into the balcony. We leaned on the railing, staring out at the stars.

I felt suffocated at that party. All the adults talking about future industries, and plans. I understood them, but the talk became boring. S a person my age, I shouldn't be living a life like this. A life of abuse, secrecy, but most of all...the life of a prince. What I'd give to have been normal.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?" A voice said behind us. We turned around to see King Solomon standing with a glass of wine.

My mother instantly put her head down. King Solomon walked to her and tilted her head up. He brought the glass of wine to his lips, then he.brought the glass of wine to my mother's lips. She drank the rest of the wine.


"Why does an intelligent, gorgeous woman like yourself feel the need to look downwards?" He asked her.

"My husband said-"

"Tsk," he cut her off. "Your husband doesn't know how to treat a woman. A woman of intelligence and independence. I really do like how you hold yourself up. This air about you intrigues me."

He placed a hand on my mother's back and took her left hand in his right. "Let's dance, shall we?"

My mother smiled lightly as she was swept away by King Solomon. I watched them dance elegantly, and was awed. They talked as they danced. Slowly, I began to see life spark out of my mother. She began to laugh and let out a big smile, her green eyes dazzling. As the King passed me, he winked at me with a grin. I couldn't help but smile at him back.

Soon, our happiness ended when we heard a glass break. The dancing stopped, and my mother stopped laughing. At the entryway of the balcony, stood the man I despise. The man I will never utter "Father" to.

"What...what is this!?!" He yelled out. "Unhand the King you seducing wench!"

He began to stride towards my mother, but I got in front of him. "This isn't what it looks like!"

"Shut up!" He yelled at me with a slur. Judging by his stance, I could tell he was drunk. He raised his hand above me, and I closed my eyes, waiting for the familiar sting.

It never came.

I opened my eyes to see King Solomon gripping the hand that was aimed to slap me.

"What are you doing King Solomon?" He asked.(It didn't sound like I'm writing it, but just think of how a drunk would slur this XD)

"It would be wrong to harm the boy for protecting his mother, don't you think?" He replied.

"Please, he's used to this anyway. So, just let me hit him and let me be done with it!" He yelled at King Solomon.

King Solomon smiled at him and asked, "Have you done this to your wife as well?"

"Damn right! That incompetent wench is nothing but property to me. She has no equal rights. She is my childbearer and incompetent wife. Nothing more, nothing less!"

"Well, it seems we have a problem."

Suddenly, King Solomon tightened his hold on his arm, and he cried out.

"What are you doing?" He asked with confusion.

"I am not so forgiving to a man who has no manners for a woman at all. No, that won't do. Woman are the beauty of the world who need love and comfort. And this is especially so for your wife Daphine. She is an excellent Queen standing by your side, yet you treat her as property? A woman like her is to be respected as such." King Solomon pushed him to the ground.

He continued, "You've also been doing this to your first son as well. Well, that would make him property as well, wouldn't it?"

He released his arm and stood up. He reached into his pocket and produced a wallet. He took out all of his money in his wallet, and threw them at him. At the sight of money, he scrambled to get up and collect it.

"I hope this is enough money to cover both your wife and son, as well as your daughter," King Solomon spoke out. "When she comes of age(18), I will come for her. You are to not, and I repeat, not to harm her in any way. If you do, I'll know. Believe my word when I say this."

"Sure sure!" He said frantically.

King Solomon smiled. "You disgust me Harold. You aren't even fit to have the title King before your name. As for your heir," King Solomon continued as he looked at me, "You don't have to worry until the time has come. He will have two options. Become an heir of me, or to become an heir of you."

In Assyria(Sorry for such a long jump time change!)

"I'm home," King Solomon called out as he entered his palace.

My mother and I walked in, instantlt feeling nervous. King Solomon turned to us and smiled. He yelled out again.

"I've also brought some people for you to meet. I'd like it if everyone came down to greet them!"

A butler was the first to come downstairs. He saw our bags and instantly took them from us. "Hello there! How do you do? I am the trusted butler of the Tsubaki household, Bassett. Pleased to meet,your acquaintance," he told us with a bow.

My mother and I greeted ourselves. After, he left to put our belongings in a room. The next few people that came downstairs was a woman with beautiful hair highlighted in a dark blue. Coming down beside her was a teen with dark blue hair. He seemed to be a lot taller than me. His face could only be expressed as true bordeom.

Another teen came down as well. He had his hands behind his head with unruly blond hair. He yawned with a stretch. They all stood in front of the King.

"Welcome home Solomon," the mother, I assumed, of the blue haired teen said. She walked up to him and gave him a hug. He returned her embrace and kissrd her on the forehead.

"Everything was well here while I was gone?" He asked her.

"A few minor casualties, but nothing to fret you over," she said with a smile.

"Welcome back Dad," the blond haired teen said.

"Hello Reginald! And how is my firstborn behaving?" King Solomon asked as he opened his arms for a hug.

"For the last time Dad, it's Ren!" He said as he hugged his Father.

The blue haired teen did the same and whispered something in the King's ear. He smiled at him.

"Well Daphine and Lancelot, let me introduce you to my sons! This boy here is my second born, Ichinose. He's 15. And yes, his hair is naturally that way," he said with a smile.

My mother gave a slight laugh at that.

"Standing beside him is his gentle mother, Lillian. She's quite sweet."

She walked to my mother and took her hand in hers. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Daphine. I do hope we get along together!" She said joyfully.

My mother smiled at her. "I have a feeling that we will most definitely be fast friends!"

"This is my firstborn, Reginald! He's 16. And his mother is-"

He was cut off by a voice from the top of the stairs. "Honey! Oh my goodness you're back!" A beautiful woman in a blue dress came down the stairs in a hurry. She jumped onto the King, nearly tumbling them both down.

"Oh boy," Ren muttered.

Unexpectedly, she kissed the King on the lips. My mother and I were surprised, but definitely not the others. Ichinose's mother smiled, Ichinose looked elsewhere, and Ren looked agitated. After she kissed the King, she finally took notice of us. She gave us a quick up-and-down look.

"Who are these people?" She slowly asked.

"This-" he said while bringing my mother close to him, "-is Daphine. She is a lovely woman who gave birth to an amazing son. I intend to add her son, Lancelot, in the running of becoming my heir."

The room went painfully quiet. I spoke out, "Hello. Please call me Lance, not Lancelot if you will. I am 13 and pleased to meet you all."

"And just where did you find them?" Ren's mother asked.

The way she said them wasn't in the most respecting tone.

"Well, they are from Germany, the business trip I went on to see King Harold. This was his wife and son, but are now part of our family. Because of reasons I will not state, their life here is better than the life they had in Germany."

"So...he's already a prince of another country?" She slowly asked.

"Was a prince of another country," my mother corrected her.

She gave my mother a forced smile and said, "Why thank you for the correction dear. I'll make sure to not use it."

"My name is Daphine, not this dear that you speak of," my mother told her icily.

"And my name is Joselyn. Pleased to meet you Daphine," she said with a curtsy.

"The pleasure's all mine Joselyn," my mother curtsied back.

Between all three of us(Ren, Ichinose, Lance), we already felt the tension coming from the two of them. It was in that self-realization that Ren and I felt as if were going to end up like our mothers. We looked at each other, and then looked at our mothers.

At first, Ren and I were close as brothers. We all played together with Ichinose like real brothers. It was, until the day Ren's mother found a bit of information on us from some of the servants that cater to my mother. She told Ren, and at that moment, our brotherly fantasy was ruined.

"And that's the story of what happened," I said, finally finishing the story of my past.

I looked at Yuu-kun, and saw him staring deeply into the ocean, taking everything in.

I sighed, and got up from the beach chair, stretching. I ran into the water, and dived in until my head was underwater. I cooled myself in the water, and began to float.

I gave an exasperated sigh.

Soon, it'll be my sister's birthday. Father will keep his promise and bring her to Assyria.

I looked at Yuu-kun who still sat on the beach chair.

I wonder what he's thinking...


.....I'M DONE! STRAIGHT DONE. No more updates till Wesnesday or Thanksgiving. Dear goodness gracious, I was trying to hard to finish this. Errkay...i got two hours to study up to 11. Then..i sleep. Then..i finish meh hmw in the morning.

Yeah...I like that plan. Pfft, I'll be able to do it. *Naruto voice* Believe it!

I ams so sowwy for meh errors Q_Q. I wills fix it...hopefully XD.

Until my next booky updates, I shall see chu later. Wish meh luck for my tests :P! Burr byes loves <3 :* :D!

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