Work Of Art

Autorstwa WolfieDagger22

31K 1.4K 285

(Lauren/You ) Sometimes even with the greatest loves we can experience the greatest tragedies... Więcej

In The Begining
Blank Canvas
An Unexpected Ending to a Beautiful Night
What Would Happen If We Kissed...
What Would Happen If We Kissed: Pt 2
6 Months
One Night
1 Week.
A New Begining

Undisclosed Favors

3.1K 140 75
Autorstwa WolfieDagger22

Word Count:2,586, not proofread yet

It was in the early evening hours that I decided to take a quick stroll around the city alone. Somehow I made my way into Downtown Miami's club scene and ran into a few screaming girls who asked for my autograph  and a few sexual favors all of which I politely declined except for the autographs. I passed by a lounge that seemed pretty chill and decided to stop in for a drink or two upon entering the establishment i was met by a beautiful girl who somehow knew who I was and offered me a V.I.P. Table  but I declined her kind offer and just decided to have a seat in the lounge area I ordered a rum and coke and within minutes I had my drink. I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes to the sound of the smooth music emitting from the speakers.

"So you are the famous Young Artist Y/N Y/L/N"  A mans deep voice boomed interrupting my chill vibes. I opened my eyes only to be met with a tall muscular guy with a freshly trimmed goatee,intense brown eyes, and dark hair  . I sat up in my chair and stared at him "How'd you guess" I stated sarcastically a I took a sip of my Rum and Coke

"Well, that remains to be said but I heard that you were one of the hottest artists in Miami and I want to hire you for a private session" he said with a smile

"Uhh yeah about that I don't draw guys only women that's kinda my thing" I said

"Of course ,of course but it's not me whom I 'd like you to draw.. it's my Fiance" he said with a smug smile.

I sat for a minute looking around  "Look here's a check in advance for $5,000 if that's not enough I'll be happy to pay you more as well as supply you with everything you need to get the job done here's my card call me when you're ready" he said handing me the check and his card.

"I don't want your money Mr.."

"Santos Louis Santos " he corrected me with a smile 

"uh yes Mr Santos, I'm sorry but I don't draw for Money"

"Well what then? what will be your price? a night with my Fiance'? I can arrange that" he said pulling out his phone.

"What? no, that's not No I draw because it's my passion Money is nothing to me nothing but paper. Listen,  take this check and give it to a charity in my name your money is no good to me and neither are your bribes.. excuse me I have to be going" I said setting the check and card on the table and I headed for the door.

'Well wait! please reconsider she specifically asked for you and I've been searching all over town trying to find you" he said grabbing my arm gently I stared up at him

"Fine i'll do it do you have an address or something?" I asked 

"Great great i'll have a limo come pick you up tomorrow morning say around 9 am i'll be going on a business trip for a month So i will be at the airport" he said completely disregarding my question about the address. 

"Ok ,cool"  I said as I walked out the door .

I wandered around downtown for a little while longer before finally heading back to my studio to catch some sleep.


I woke the next morning around 7:45 am and zombie walked  into a hot shower the sting of the hot water poured over my skin sending a shock wave throughout my entire body after my shower I had a quick breakfast which consisted of a jar of Nutella and an Apple I gathered a few essentials and headed to the front to wait for my limo. The limo arrived at 9 am on the dot to my surprise.

"Ah good morning madam" the Driver with a thick french accent greeted me with a warm smile.

"good morning " I replied as he opened the door and chauffeured me inside. The drive was about an hour long and when we finally arrived we pulled up to a beautiful white mansion with tall black cast iron gates the limo pulled up the driveway and I was let out by the front door 

"Eh just through ze doors there madam" the driver stated he walked back to the car and drove back down the driveway. I walked through the huge heavy wooden doors and stood in the center of what looked like a ballroom Looking around I began to wander around looking at the naked sculptures of Greek gods and goddesses until my eyes came upon a familiar painting

"I'm in love with this painting" a raspy voice echoed from behind me causing me to whip my head around I furrowed my brows as the girl came into view

"Hi" she said as she kissed my cheek.

"Hi.." I said unsure of my words.

I found myself a bit speechless to know that this was the same girl who bought my paintings, the same girl that i'd had a private session with and now I was in her house about to draw her once again.

"I mentioned your work to my fiance and he wanted to hire you to draw me for him he wants to put your painting in his man layer" she said with a smirk I stood looking at her with a blank expression. "OK, um where would you like to do this?" I asked looking at her I saw that she was naturally beautiful she wore no makeup on her face yet she was extremely breathtaking her pale skin glistened in the sunlight that speared through the vertical blinds and her emerald eyes  were now a piercing grey her pouty pink lips reminded me of the bubble gum I enjoyed as a kid.

"Follow Me" she said completely breaking me out of my trance like state  I followed the girl down a long hallway with doors lining every few feet, around a corner to another long hallway and up a flight of stairs we finally stopped in front of two huge wooden door identical to the ones that I had just walked though minutes ago.

"I hope this room is efficient enough to get your work done it's a bit small but this is where he wanted you to work" she said as she opened the doors revealing an immaculate room it was huge the beautiful porcelain type spilled over the entire room the dark drapes were drawn half way and flowed carelessly to the floor. I glanced around the room admiring it's beauty in the center of the room was a bed with silk sheets and roses scattered onto the mattress some fell to the floor.

"Are you kidding me this is perfect this room is huge"  I stated as I continued looking around 

"Well, please make yourself at home set up your things I'll just go get changed" she said as she walked through another set of doors into what looked like a bathroom. I began to set my things up taking care to make sure that everything was in it's proper place I had just begun mixing my paints when i heard a door open and then close gently I glanced up and saw the girl in a sheer black robe my eyes widened a bit as I could almost make out that she was completely naked underneath the robe

"Ready?" she asked with a raised brow

"A-Are you naked?" I asked with furrowed brows

"Under this robe? mhm shall we get started?" she said nervously

"But this is what he wanted so I hope you will be professional" she asked a look of insecurity in her eyes.

"No, of course I will, um you can go ahead and get into position.... I mean you know your pose"  I stuttered I could slap myself for being so stupid with my poor choice of words. I continued mixing my paints until I caught sight of the girls walking towards the bed she stood facing the bed and allowed her robe to slowly fall to the ground revealing her naked body she crossed her arms over her medium sized breasts and stood quietly. facing away from me

'A-Are you going to stand like that the entire time?" I asked she shook her head slowly

I set my paints down and walked towards her I stood a few feet behind her  and examined her curves in a non perverted way I was completely in professional mode I mean of course I had drawn and painted many women and I've seen all body types but her body was almost forbidden to look at or so it seemed. 

"Listen I'm a professional you don't have to cover yourself but if you feel comfortable like that then it's OK... you should know that you have a beautiful body and you shouldn't ever be ashamed of it"  I said sincerely

"I bet you say this to all of your subjects" she said with a small smile

"I do but I mean it in honesty no woman should be ashamed of her body I've always felt this way"  I said  the girl turned to me her once gray eyes were now a piercing Emerald green 

"should we start now?" she asked 

"yes, yes I'm ready" I said as I cleared my throat and walked back to my blank canvas

The girl lay on her back with her breasts exposed and her lower extremities covered in good taste her right arm lay over her forehead in a damsel in distress pose as I painted her, her green eyes never left me her stare was intense and she barley blinked the entire time. it took all of four hours to draw her perfectly and when I was finished I walked to a  nearby sink and began washing my brushes off I had almost packed my things when the girl got up from the bed grabbing her robe and slid it back around her slender yet curvy body before walking up to the painting and examining it

I watched her as she stared intently at the painting "Is it ok?" I asked curiously

"No, It's beautiful you have a lot of talent.. you're amazing" she said  as she turned to look at me  

"Thank you I just love what I do"  I said with a half smile  

"Well um I should be going" I said as I turned to leave the girl gently took my hand 

"Stay.. have a drink with me I could make you something to eat if you're hungry are you hungry?" she asked?  I thought about her offer and I was a bit hungry "Sure, I could eat" I told her  "Come on" she said as she took my hand and led me to the kitchen her fingers intertwined with mine her hands were extremely soft as we entered the kitchen  she released my hand and walked to the fridge pulling out a few things to make a sandwich with 

"I hope sandwiches are ok my cook had the day off so Im kinda here with this" she said shyly as she began making a sandwich "No, it's totally cool a sandwich sounds great" I said after a few minuted she finished and put the condiments away before cutting the sandwich and handing me the plate she sat a glass of juice next to me as sat in front of me.

"Thanks for this you didn't have to"

"it's not a problem it's the least I could do, Luis told me that you wouldn't accept his money I think that that was very humble of you" she said her green eyes sparkling as she stared at me I swallowed a piece of my sandwich before speaking.

"Yeah, I've got enough money that I don't use I don't need anymore" I said  the girl giggled and slowly ran her fingers through her hair closing her eyes as she did so. I found myself staring at her she was so beautiful "You know.. you're really beautiful" I said  I took a sip of my juice 

"Thank you, but I'm not wearing any makeup I kinda look unattractive right now" she replied with a smile I noticed her face turning a light shade of red 

"You don't need any you're so beautiful like this you should be more confident in yourself" I said  looking at her with sincerity  she stared at me for a minute as if trying to find truth in my words.

"I mean that" I said

"Thank you" she replied running her fingers through her hair once again

"what's your name?" I asked looking at her the girl looked at me and smiled warmly

"Lauren" she said a smile crossed my face

"Lauren.. wow that's a beautiful name" I said she giggled and turned away from me 

"Hey don't turn away You have an amazing smile" I said as I chuckled

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were hitting on me" she said as she giggled 

I shook my head and giggled Just then my phone rang and to much dismay it was Angela

"excuse me I have to take this" I told Lauren as I stood up and walked out of the kitchen

"Hi Angela" 

"Hello my favorite Artist soo I hear you were asked to draw Mr Santo's Fiancee how's that going?" she asked

"it's going pretty good we've just finished an hour ago"

"God please tell me you didn't have sex with her honey"

"Jesus Angela no I didn't ok I do know how to control my self"

"Yes, well I've known you for four years sweetie and that remains to be seen"

"Listen, I'm gonna go and finish enjoying my day Bye Angela"

I hung my phone up breathing out a long sigh.

"Is everything ok?" lauren asked

"yeah everything's fine... Lauren i'm not so good at things like this so I am just going to come out and say it" I said


"I want to see you again.." I said looking at her uneasy

"Well yes your drawing are amazing i'd love-"

"No, I mean I don't want to stop seeing you let me make you dinner tomorrow at my place" I asked

Lauren stared at me a sense of shock in her eyes

"I mean if you don't want to I understan-" 

"No,no dinner sounds great I mean it's better than being stuck in this house all day and night with nothing to do I could use the distraction " she said as she smiled

"great! awesome good" I said smiling

"I should get going it's getting late... thank you for the sandwich it was delicious" I said as I walked up to shake her hand she pulled me into a gentle hug I almost fainted at the feel of her body pressed against mine.

"I'll walk you to the door" she said as we walked we talked a bit about my drawing and photography and i learned a few things about her as well.

"Well, thank you again I'll see you tomorrow night say 8:00 ?" I said

"8:00 it is see you then" she said as she smiled and closed the door. My heart pounded in my chest as an overall sense of happiness filled my heart. As the black limo pulled up I got into it and made my way back to my studio. I lay awake all night thinking about Lauren. I wanted to know her I wanted to know her past, what her favorite color was all of that and even though she was set to be married.. I found myself falling for her...

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