Mia Meets World

By -SimplyLexi-

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Mia Schmidt is the new girl. She moved from Texas to Philadelphia. Her new school is John West View. She meet... More

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By -SimplyLexi-

Chapter name: Girl meets Mr. Squirrels pt. 1
Co writer: Me again
Her clothes:

"How could you do that!"

"I didn't mean to. It just slip out." I explained. "Just slip out. Yeah right." Alex said. "Come on. You don't even like him any more." I said.

"That don't mean, I want you to tell him." Alex said. "What are you guys arguing about?" Autumn asks walking up with Lucy. "Well Alex is made that I told Braidy her secret." I explained.

"What's the secret?" Autumn asked. Alex glared at me. "I can't tell you." I said. "Why?" Lucy asks. "Because Mia shouldn't have told Braidy." Alex said. She went into the classroom.

I followed.

I saw her sitting in her seat. Braidy looking at her than me. "I said I was sorry." I explained. "Sorry won't do it this time." Alex said. "Come on Alex." I said. She turned her head and crossed her arms. Not saying anything.

I sighed and took my seat. Autumn walk in with Lucy. Autumn took a look at the board. Eric actually had a lesson planned. She erased it. "Will I ever get to learn actually history." Autumn said.

She took her seat. A few minutes later a guy dressed in weird clothes walk in.

He took a lollipop out of his beard and started licking it. After that, he put it back. "Hello children." He said.

I recognized his voice. Is that Eric? Autumn stood up and took out a whistle. She blew it. He took out a whistle too and blew it.

"Is that you Eric? Why are you dressed like that?" Autumn asked. "It's me Autumn. I just came back from stupid town." Eric explained. Jessamine and Kai chuckled. "Really? Stupid town." Jessamine said. "Yeah I'm the mayor." Eric explained.

We look at him. "You can't be serious Ricky. You a mayor." Braidy said. "I'm serious Braidy. I was elected after this land side everyone who was still alive voted for me." Eric explained.

"That makes sense." I said. "Anyway let's get to the lesson." Eric said. He looks at the board. "Who erased the board?" Eric asks. "I did sir." Autumn said.

Eric looks at her. "Are you okay Autumn?" Eric asks. "I'm fine sir, but Alex and Mia need help." Autumn explained. "What's the problem?" Eric asks. "Well Eric, Alex is mad at me for telling Braidy her secret." I explained.

"That's it." Eric said. I nod. "No that's not it. It was a really embarrassing secret that I didn't tell anyone until I told her and she told Braidy." Alex said.

"I'm sorry. How many times do I have to say it." I said. "It doesn't matter how many times you say it. I'm not going to forgive you. You know what. Let's not even talk to each other." Alex said.

"Fine." I agreed. "Sir, can you fix this?" Autumn ask. "Of course. I just need call a friend." Eric said. "Who?" Autumn asks.

Eric smiled.

-At Home-

Someone knocked on the door. I opened it was Jack. "Hey female Cor. Can you tell me why I'm here." Jack said. "Eric." I answered. "Oh yes my dying buddy Eric." Jack said. "Do you want to come in?" I ask. "Yeah, Eric will probably be here soon." Jack said. "You're probably right." I said.

He walked in.

That's when my mom walked in. "Hey Jack. Eric lied to you again?" Mom asked. "Yep he said Jack hurry. I'm in trouble and like the naive friend I am I came." Jack said. "Would you like something to eat?" Mom asks. Jack nods. We had tea and cookies. A few minutes later someone knocks on the door.

"I'm guessing my buddy here." Jack said walking to the door. "Probably." I said. He opens the door and looks at Eric. "Mr. Squirrels haven't seen you since the reunion." Jack said. "Buddy!" Eric shouted. He started hugging him.

Another chapter written by me. Hope you enjoyed it.

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