Dating A celebrity - Justin B...

By kristitylehn02

47.1K 1.2K 129

Rebecca Coleman was a normal 22 year old girl who lives in Los Angeles and loves Justin Bieber. But then, the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Announcement from Author

Chapter 3

3.2K 58 17
By kristitylehn02

Rebecca's P.O.V

When we got out of Starbucks, Justin told me to keep my head down and ignore the paparazzi and their questions and statements. While walking, I heard a few questions that made me really mad. "Hey Justin, is that your new girl?" 

"Hey Justin, is this a new fling or something? I bet you are just using her to get back at Selena." 

"Hey Justin, are you two dating because she doesn't look like she is your type. In fact, I bet she is cheating on you or something. I bet you don't even know her name." 

The last one got me to where I was starting to feel really annoyed and just walk home alone, but then I would owe Justin an explanation. 

"Why don't all of you stalker's all go watch someone else or go to your families, oh wait, I forgot. You guys don't have one because all of you are just plain old stalker's. My bad." Justin threw back after the mean comments and questions. I am surprised he stood up for me, I mean, all I am is a fan.

"Here, get in. I'll give you a ride home since you walked and it's late. " Justin told me.

"Thanks. I live two blocks from here. And thank you for standing up for me with the pap's. They were being really mean. I wanted to cry after they were saying all of that." I responded.

"No problem. It was nothing. I have to defend the people I care for." Justin told me.

"What do you mean, care for? You barely know me." I asked kind of curious on what he ws going to say next.

"That is true, but from that one hour in a coffee shop I was able to figure out a little bit about you." He responded.

 "What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Well, you are 23 years old, You have been a Belieber since you were 14 in 2008, you have no siblings or else you wouldn't be out and about in LA at 8:00 at night, you don't live with your parents or else your phone would be blowing up with messages and calls, and my opinion is you seem really interesting." He listed. For a minute, I thought he was a FBI profiler or something.

"Wow. And you got all of that from hanging out in a café? That is crazy, but you are good." I commented, still a little surprised from his response.

"Looks like we are here. And thank you." Justin told me while driving to my garage.

"For what? I didn't do anything." I said wondering what he was saying thank you for.

"For ignoring the fans and the pap's tonight. And for the coffee date we had 10 minutes ago. I had fun hanging out with you." He said and kind of blushing. It was adorable. OMG did he just say coffee date??? He did, he did. Great now I am blushing. I thought to myself for a minute, but was brought back after he called my name.

"Are you okay, Rebecca? You looked like you saw a ghost or something." He told me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something for a minute. Anyway, thanks for the coffee and croissant. I'll see you later?" I asked not knowing since he is always busy.

"We will see each other tomorrow actually. I will text you tomorrow." Justin notified me.

"Okay, well, good night Justin. I will see you tomorrow." I told him before hugging him and walking to my front door.

"You too, Rebecca."

When He drove off, I walked into my house, knowing I owe my friend, Alice an explanation. She has always been protective about where I am and what I do everyday. She has been like that ever since we were in the third grade and I was getting bullied by 5th graders. She is the over protective friend while I am the over protected friend. Whenever I needed help, she was the one I would go to. When I needed something, she is who I would go to. She is like my lost sister that I wish I had, but never got until Kindergarten.

"Where have you been?! Do you not see what time it is? I texted you and called you multiple times. Did you not get them?" She asked all of these questions once the door shut.

"I was at Starbucks. I'm sorry, I met someone and he wanted to buy me a drink. I kept my phone on, but I couldn't hear it-" I was cut off by Alice asking another question.

"Wait, You met someone? What is his name? How old is he? Are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Was he getting into your personal business? Was he nice to you?" She asked all of these questions.

"Yes, I did meet someone. I have known him for a while, he just didn't know me. But, now he does and we are just friends. You don't have to go all mom protective on me. It's just someone I have always wanted to meet and now that I have, I feel very different." I explained.

"Okay, I wont go all mom on you. Just give me the details! Is he cute? Is he nice? Is he your age or close to your age?" She smiled.

"His name is Justin. He is 23, he is cute, he is really nice, he is everything I knew he was going to be." I explained while blushing.

"Justin? As in Justin Bieber? The one you have been in love with since you were 10 years old, Justin? I thought he was on tour. I didn't know he was back in LA." She said

"Yes, that Justin. He is on tour, but he took a break for a little bit to come back to LA and spend some time with his friends and some time alone. While I was walking around, I bumped into someone not knowing who it is. Once I got up and looked at him, I realized I had bumped into Justin. Then, we went into Starbucks for a little bit, got a coffee and a pastry and just talked for a little bit. Then , I came here. That is all that happened." I ranted getting a little annoyed. I love Alice like a sister, but she acts like my mom sometimes.

"Okay, okay. I believe you. Now that I know you are okay, you wanna order some pizza and watch Criminal Minds?" She asked holding her phone.

"Yes! You read my mind. I'll get the blankets and get Netflix going." I responded

"Okay, I'll call Domino's." She said.

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