Stolen kiss: Jeon Jungkook

By KpopLover1012

80.6K 3.3K 905

He is a cold member of a notorious gang. She's a broken girl hiding behind a facade of laughter and happines... More

The kiss
Meeting again
Kim Namjoon
Smut warning
The next morning
The fight
My first job
Meeting Got7
Strange feelings
Starting again
Back on the job


5.4K 224 171
By KpopLover1012

The world around her is foggy. She can't distinguish up from down, left to right. Her world spins as she opens her eyes, the bright light momentarily blinding her. Her first instinct was to get up as quickly as she could to get out of there, but she made herself keep still. Rule number one about waking up in a weird place was to make as little noise as possible. Rule number two was to look around for a possible exit. You never shout out for someone to help you. Everyone who has watched any kind of horror movie knows how stupid that is.

She moves her head to the side slightly, her eyes landing on the open doorway. She quickly glances around at the room she is in, assessing the situation before her brain makes her freak out and panic. The room itself is dark, the only source of light coming from the lit up hallway. The walls are painted an off white color, flicks of color disturbing the paint job now and then. June forces her eyes to look closer at the "paint splatters" and can feel the color draining from her already-pale face. The flicks on the wall are not paint, as she had originally thought. They are blood.

She looks around with new eyes as she finds all of the little details she had missed before. The ropes with blood stains on them. The floor with deep claw marks marred into the wood. The chains and whips that smell of sweat and rusting metal and leather. She then looks down at her attire, shuddering when she realizes that she has been changed into something different. She cringes at the revealing clothing, a sense of dread stirring in her. The dress she is wearing barely leaves anything to the imagination, her legs and chest entirely on display. She hates how the fabric clings uncomfortably to her body, her hair freshly washed and combed as well.

She steps out of the bed with light feet, standing when they touch the ground. The floor is cold against her bare feet, her arms and legs getting covered in goosebumps. Her steps are light and careful when she walks towards the door, her eyes moving from side to side to check out the hallway. She gasps when she almost trips over someone's feet, them laying in the middle of the hallway. Their back is up against the wall, a book hanging limply in their hands. He is still breathing, which probably means that he was supposed to watch her and fell asleep.

His hair is light pink, not something you see everyday from men who look like they can kill you with just a squeeze of their hands. His mouth is open as he snores, the soft breathing the only indication that he is in fact not dead. June steps over his legs with bated breath, making sure not to wake the sleeping man. When she is in the clear, she jogs silently down the hallway, stopping at the intersection.

Left or right? Right or left?

She doesn't know what to do. Both of the hallways look exactly the same. She takes a deep breath before continuing down the left hallway, her breath quickening as she runs. She finally gets to a door at the end of the hall, slowing down so that she can press her ear against it. No sound can be heard from behind it, so she carefully turns the doorknob, opening the door and peaking her head in. She takes a couple steps in before straightening up, pulling at the hem of her dress.

She is frightened by the door slamming behind her. Her body is ridged as loud footsteps can be heard from behind her, coming closer and closer to where she is frozen. She can't breath because of the overwhelming fear when a hand wraps around her waist in the front, holding her against a warm body. His voice is a little higher in pitch as he speaks, his nasally tone soothing and intimidating at the same time.

"Hey gorgeous. I see you've woken up."

The breath that hits her ear and neck send chills down her body, her first instinct being to struggle as hard as she can to get away. She does just that. Her foot comes down on top of the stranger's, her bare heel bruising slightly because of his fancy shoes. His grunts of pain turn into a surprised yell when she elbows him in the stomach, his grip on her weakening. She is twisted around in his arms, his angry face the last thing she sees before a stinging pain causes her head to move to the side.

She is thrown to the ground, her cheek stinging and her right knee bruising. She holds her cheek as she stares at the shoes of the unknown man, her eyes watering from the pain in her leg. He squats down so that he is eye level with her, his presence causing her to look up at him with newfound fear. His face holds sadness as he strokes her other cheek gently, frowning when she flinches.

"Look what you made me do" he says in a melancholy tone. He uses his thumb and pointer finger to hold her chin in place, placing a kiss on her nose. He then trails his nose down her cheek, stopping to sniff at her skin. A soft hum escapes his lips as he kisses her jaw, dragging his teeth against it as well. June's shaking body is frozen as he continues to pepper her skin with kisses, her eyes wide with fear and despair. Why her? Why did this have to happen to her?

"Do you forgive me baby?" He asks, his voice soft and slow, like he's talking to a little kid. June nods her head, gulping harshly when his grip on her chin tightens.

"I asked you a question. Now answer."

A tear slips out from her eye, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. Her breath is shaky as she closes her eyes, her body shivering uncontrollably.

"Yes sir."

His low and dangerous chuckle can be heard in her ear, his other hand trailing up her leg. She almost cries out as he presses on her growing bruise, her teeth biting her lip painfully.

"We don't say sir here baby girl. Here, you will address me, and everyone else in this gang, as daddy."

More tears stream down her face as he presses down even harder, a grunt of pain escaping her lips.

"Y-yes daddy" she practically sobs as his fingers dig into her skin, no doubt leaving crescent shapes in her thigh. He smirks in satisfaction, his grip finally loosening. She feels like she can finally breath again when the intense pain diminishes, her body still shaking from his threatening presence.

"What's your name baby?" he asks, his lips brushing against her cheek once more. She gulps before immediately answering him, afraid that he will hurt her against if she doesn't.


He sits back so that he can get a good look at her face, pleased when she doesn't even attempt to make eye contact. That's what he likes. Total submission from his toys. Cause that's what she is to him, a toy that he can play with. A toy that he will enjoy using until he is done with it. A toy that he will enjoy breaking.

"Nice name love. I'm GD, welcome to Bigbang headquarters."

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