Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleas...

By Braedey95

83.5K 748 502

The Scooby-Doo Gang and their newest member have another mystery to solve, and they have to solve the mystery... More

The Coolsonian Criminology Museum
The Party and the Party Crashers
Last Night's Report of the Museum
The Mystery Begins
The Mystery In Full Swing
The Chase and Invasion
The Clubhouse and Car Chase
The Joust and Duel
The Dawning Realisation
The Final Battle
The Unmasking and Epilogue

The Monsters Are Unleashed

7.5K 51 87
By Braedey95

Later, Old Man Wickles arrive at the old Coolsville mining town, and entered the empty yard, consisted of wrecked mining cars, and old diggers and drillers. But, unbeknown to him, a walking bush, and a rusty Ford F-150, with no driver at the wheel, were following him.

"Braedey to Scooby-Doo. Come in, Scooby?" Braedey called on the walkie-talkie to Scooby, as he sits on the sidestep of the old Ford.

Scooby looks at the walkie-talkie oddly, then looked at Braedey with them like a pair of binoculars. "Rello?" He asked.

"Scooby-Doo. It's a walkie-talkie. Not binoculars." Braedey told Scooby, who realised his mistake.

"Rorry, Braedey." Scooby told Braedey.

"Old Man Wickles had lead us to the old Coolsville mining town. Maybe, we'll find clues, and maybe the rest of the gang might show up." Braedey told Scooby, as he eyed the old mining town.

Suddenly, Scooby screamed like a banshee into the walkie-talkie, and made Braedey fall into the truck's cab, and the door shut. Old Man Wickles looked back, but didn't see Scooby or Braedey.

"Darn cars...yowling at me again." Old Man Wickles groaned, and continued on his way.

Then, Braedey and Scooby headed off to follow Old Man Wickles. As they entered the building, they saw old tracks leading into the underground tunnels, pick-axes, old diesel generators, along with scrap metal lying around the cavernous room. But, Old Man Wickles was gone.

"Where did Old Man Wickles go?" Braedey asked. "Do you think he went through here, Scooby?"

"Ri don't know." Scooby replied, as he followed.

As the two friends passed the windows, they did something odd; at window one, they were back to back. At window two, Braedey was in Scooby's arms. And by window three, something rather strange happened.

"Scooby, you feel kinda boney." Braedey said, looking behind him, and running his hand on a boney surface, hoping to find some of Scooby's fur.

"Re? Rou're boney." Scooby told Braedey.

Braedey looked on his shoulder, and saw something white on it. "Scooby? How come your body's gone white all of a sudden?" He asked his canine companion, rather worried.

"Rhy?" Scooby asked.

"Because you have the same colour as-" Braedey looked up, and was met by a red eye the size of a human head. "THE SKELETON MAN!!!" Braedey screamed, as the skeleton screamed, as he and the red Skeleton fell, and Scooby and Braedey ran. "Run, Scooby-Doo! It's one of The Skeleton Men!"

As the two looked over, they saw the red Skeleton Man try and run, but he fell to the ground, and break into nothing more than a pile of bones.

But then, as the two continued to run, Braedey tripped over some wood, and Scooby flew overhead, and landed on a pile of pick-axes. But, as he held onto one, it leaned back like a lever, and clunked into place. Scooby looked over at a stone wall, as it opened up, like large elevator doors, revealing...

"Relevator." Scooby said, as he and Braedey run up to it.

"Good work, Scooby-Doo!" Braedey cheered. "Let's take the next trip down!" With that, they enter the elevator, and it goes down, to their relief.


Meanwhile, above ground, the Mystery Machine pulled up in the car park of the mining town, and stopped just outside the exit, with Fred, Daphne, Shaggy and Velma onboard. Oddly, Daphne wasn't feeling all that cheery and happy like she was awhile ago. She was still thinking about 'Galvatron' this whole time since they left the museum, and she was also thinking about what Heather Jasper-Howe had said about Braedey being another her, and being nothing more than deadweight. She sighed sadly, and decided to talk to Fred about what happened.

"Fred?" Daphne asked. "Do you think Braedey's just another me?"

"What do you mean, Daph?" Shaggy asked, confused.

"Back at the museum, Heather Jasper-Howe said Braedey was nothing more than another me, and a lost cause." Daphne sighed.

"That's not true." Velma told her redhead friend. "Braedey's much more than that. Don't you remember Spooky Island? Or when he fought the Black Knight Ghost back at Old Man Wickles' mansion?"

"Yeah. He's pretty brave from someone his age." Shaggy added. "Despite his robot arms, he's still the same Braedey Martin we know."

"Hey. Speaking of which, where are Braedey and Scooby?" Fred looked behind, and didn't see the two anywhere.

Before an answer was suggested, they looked to a room, and saw Old Man Wickles talking to some men in the shadows. Fred knew the mystery was in the bag, and heads to the room, with the others behind him, and he burst into the room.

"AHA!" Fred accused Old Man Wickles, as he, Shaggy, Daphne and Velma walked in. "Old Man Wickles, caught red handed in your foul monster-making schemes, with your ugly evil henchmen."

"Henchmen?" A man asked, and stepped into the light, to reveal him and his comrades. "Young man, we're investors, and we're listening to his pitch."

Mystery Inc. took back they did, and showed embarrassment on their faces. But, they listened to what Old Man Wickles was talking about.

"So, as I was saying, the Old Tyme Mining Town, a Summer camp for kids, where they can have an authentic mining experience." Old Man Wickles told the investors, showing a scale model of the mining town. "They can dig for 18 hours straight, just like in the golden days of yore. They have the time of their lives, and we get free miners!"

"Mr. Wickles, we need to ask you about questions with your ties to recent monster attacks." Velma said, getting Old Man Wickles' attention.

"I don't know nothing about no monsters." Old Man Wickles replied sharply.

"Then, how come there's Randamonium in your mansion?" Daphne asked Old Man Wickles.

"There's Randamonium all over the place. Look at it. I come home with it in my shorts." Old Man Wickles showed the green glowing footprints.

"Are you continuing the work of your old pal Jonathan Jacobo?" Fred asked.

"Old pal? Jacobo?" Old Man Wickles asked in disbelief. "We hated each other. In the prison cafeteria, he used to steal my Tater Tots! And got the lead in 'My Fair Lady'."

"How come we found the Black Knight Ghost in your mansion, which attacked Braedey?" Shaggy asked, feeling angry, which he doesn't do often.

Old Man Wickles stopped, and thought about this. "The Black Knight my mansion..."

"Uh, gentlemen." The first investor said, as they picked up their briefcases and left. "I'm sorry."


"Holy cow, Scooby-Doo." Braedey said in awe, looking around the massive underground structure. "I think we found something big. It looks like a huge laboratory of some kind." Then, he elevator stopped, and Braedey and Scooby climbed out, and the elevator went back up. "Scooby. I'm guessing the baddies create the green substance Velma found back at the museum here, and placed it inside the costumes, in order to create the monsters. But, I wonder where they keep the costumes."

"Rhey might be behind that door there." Scooby pointed to a giant red steel door, and Braedey looked over to it.

"Good idea, Scooby. I'll go check on that door, and see if I can get it open. You stand guard, and do not touch anything." Braedey told Scooby, and walked over to the rusty door, and tried to open it.

"Refrigerator!" Scooby walked over to a deluxe fridge, rubs his hands together like a mad scientist, and opened it up. Inside, there were a number of chemicals and potions in different colours littered across the shelves of the fridge. "Mmm! Remonade!" Scooby takes a piece of a yellow jelly-like substance, and eats it. But then, something strange start to happens to him.

Braedey tried to pry open the door with the handle, but it wouldn't budge. "Oh, Scrap." He groaned, looked at the door, then starts to turn around to face Scooby. "Hey, Scooby. We've got a problem. I can't get the...door open..."

"Rraedey?" Scooby asked, seeing his scared face.

"Scooby, you're a freaky monster." Braedey pointed. Scooby looked in the mirror of the fridge, and sees himself as a tentacled creature, eyes hanging above his head like a snail, and green fur. Scooby screamed, and potions hit the ground.

"Scooby! You don't drink stuff that glows!!" Braedey takes away a green potion in Scooby's hand, and puts it back in the fridge behind him, and starts to look for something. "There's gotta be an antidote or something in here to fix this problem."

Then, he found a rich blue substance in a beaker. "Here, Scooby. Try this. This looks medicinal." As Braedey gives the substance to Scooby, some of the substance ends up on his hand. Scooby takes the beaker's worth, as Braedey licks it off, and tastes it. "Tastes like-"

Suddenly, Braedey and Scooby start to shiver, shake, shudder, and act like being electrocuted. Scooby's eyes twist together, as Braedey jumped.

Braedey shakes it off. "HA! Strawberries!" He looks in the mirror. "Hey, Scooby. I'm fine." But, the colour drained from his face, as his blood ran cold. His body was now a woman's, with C Cup breasts, a 27inch waist with 35inch hips. Also, his shirt was shorter, revealing his flat midriff, and his pants have become tight around his now feminine legs and curvy hips and butt. "I've got a chick's body!"

"I'm the Tasmanian Devil." Scooby said, as he was the Tasmanian Devil, snarled and snapped, and laughed.

Braedey didn't enjoy being in a girl's body, so he started looking through the fridge, trying to find something to help him and Scooby. After throwing away a test tube of green liquid, he found a blue conical flask of liquid. He threw some on Scooby, then drank the last of it, and threw the flask away. But, his body started to change again. Braedey's shirt and pants got larger, and his arm and leg muscles in his arms, and his pecs and abs suddenly grew larger, and grew up to the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Mr. Universe body. And Scooby, he turned into a dog version of Albert Einstein, with white hair and a pair of glasses.

"Check it out, dude!" Braedey said happily. "I'm Braedey Martin Schwarzenegger!!" He laughed, and looked at himself in the mirror of the fridge.

"My god." Scooby said in a clear British accent. "It seems as if I've become...ludicrously intelligent." Scooby starts creating an antidote, as Braedey looks at himself in the fridge's mirror. "It's awful! I long for the blissful ignorance of my former self. Chasing cats, licking my rear end, and eating my own vomit. Oh, those were wonderful times!"

"Check out my biceps, Scooby!" Braedey held his arms out, and showed the Great Dane his arms.

"Hush now, my friend. This is a highly combustible synthesis." Scooby told Braedey.


"I'm going to transform us BACK!"

"No way, geek!" Braedey grabbed the green flask, while Scooby had the blue flask. "I'M GONNA STAY THIS WAY FOREVER!!!" With that, he threw the green flash at the old iron door...


Upstairs, Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Velma and Old Man Wickles were talking, when suddenly, they all heard a loud explosion coming from downstairs.

"Let's go." Velma told everyone, and they all head towards the sound of the explosion. Old Man Wickles decided to leave the mining town.

"Careful, gang." Fred told the gang, as the elevator comes down to the lab. All around them was black smoke. As they looked around, they see a sealed door blown apart by an explosion. 

"This 'Schwareneggian' oaf, almost destroyed us!" A voice snapped behind them. Everyone turned around, and they saw Scooby with white hair on his head, and wearing glasses, but saw Braedey, a gigantic buff man, like Mr. Universe, and the two stuck to the walls, with the fridge in between.

"Ha ha! Whoo! Kaboom! Ha ha ha!" Braedey smiled, as he ripped himself off the wall, laughed, then noticed the gang. "Oh. Hey, gang. What's up?" He said to the others, waving to them.

Daphne and Velma's eyes were wide, but Daphne's were like dinner plates. Braedey was no longer the skinny kid she met awhile back, but a monster human, with bulging muscles and pecs.

"Oh, you are embarrassing." Scooby threw some antidote on Braedey, and Scooby drank the rest. Shaggy and Fred's eyes were wide, as they watched Scooby turn back, and as Braedey's arms and body get smaller, and turn back to normal.

"Wow. That was crazy." Braedey said, his voice normal, then put his hand on his head, groaning in pain. "But a pain, I might add."

"What are you guys doing here? And how come you weren't with us earlier tonight?" Daphne asked both Braedey and Scooby, scolding them.

"Re had a lead on the mystery." Scooby stated.

"A lead? What lead?" Fred asked, as Velma looked at some writing above the destroyed iron door.

"At Wickles' mansion." Braedey explained. "Scooby and I found a note about the Faux Ghost, and we figured Wickles was there. Scooby and I, disguising ourselves, tried to get info from there, to no avail. So, we followed him here, but we saw one of The Skeleton Men, and ended up coming down here."

"The Skeleton Men are loose?" Daphne asked.

"Hey, gang." Velma got everyone's attention, as she looked up at the door. "Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive."

Everyone entered the Monster Hive, and saw a giant machine, with a green light emitting from the centre, and has pipes and cables running from it.

Over above them, there was a busted steel grate, which explained how the Pterodactyl escaped.

"Oh, boy." Daphne shivered, as Braedey shivered in fright, seeing the size of the hole in the steel grate.

"Look! It's the costumes from the museum!" Fred pointed to the costumes on an overhanging conveyor belt nearby the large machine.

"Zombie." Velma said, noticing the creepy monster costume.

"Miner 49er." Daphne added.

"C-C-C-Captain Cutler." Braedey shivered in fear, even if they're costumes.

"I bet they're all here." Fred suggested.

"They must have used the costumes to make real monsters, which implies..." Velma started.

"They need the costumes the MAKE the monsters, which implies..." Fred suddenly started.

"They already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume, somehow, which implies..." Daphne started.

Velma stopped dead in her tracks, thinking in disbelief. "Patrick's the one." She said in disbelief.

"Aw. Velma's in love." Daphne said sweetly, as everyone gathered around Velma in confusion.

"No. I mean the one. One of the bad guys. That's why he wanted to go out with me." Velma said in disbelief, and in sadness. "To see what we knew."

"Scooby-Doo and I saw Patrick not far from the Faux Ghost." Braedey remembered. "He was trying to figure out who stole the other costumes."

"Look, I don't know who the Evil Masked Figure is behind this, along with his Galvatron partner, but we don't need them transforming any more costumes." Fred told the others. As Fred talked, Daphne sees a red light in the distance behind a scaffolding. "Let's find a way to shut down this monster-maker for good."

"Guys, what's over here?" Daphne told the others, as they leave Braedey and Scooby. "This light is so strange..."

"Pst! Scooby-Doo." Braedey whispered. "I'm the one who found this place. Score One for Braedey!" Scooby cheers also. "Now, I gotta keep acting like a mondo-groovy detective. Let's look around."

Braedey and Scooby check under the monster-maker, but Braedey accidentally steps on a button, unaware he had actually turned on the machine. As the Zombie costume enters the machine, a control panel drops down inside of a base.

Braedey and Scooby walked up to it. Braedey pushed a button, and the machine made a sound. Scooby hits a button, it made another noise, and sounded like music. "Cool! It's a monster jukebox!"

"My name is Braedey Cat, and I'm the best at solving crimes." Braedey starts to rap. "When the monsters see my face, they start to scream and shake like a girl with Justin Timberlake!"

"My name is Scooby Fresh." Scooby starts to rap. "Raca-re-ra-ra-roo-ra-ree. Araca-ra. A-re-ra-roo-ree. A-roo-ra-racaraca-a-re-ra-roo."

But, unbeknown to them, they were bringing the monsters to life, and they were put in caskets, being dropped down. But, Braedey and Scooby were having too much fun to realise this.

"We're the greatest detectives!" Braedey and Scooby chant. "We're the greatest detectives! We're the greatest detectives!" A moan echoed behind them. "We're the greatest detectives!"

"Hey, what was that new sound?~" Braedey sang out, and as he and Scooby look behind them, he and Scooby's face fell. "Oh My God...!!!!"

"Captain Cutler!" Scooby howled in fear, seeing the glowing green diving suit walking up slowly with the monsters.

"Miner 49er." Braedey added, seeding the ghostly miner, and looked to the right of the miner. "The Tar Monster!" He cries, seeing the living tar. He tried to calm down. "We need to remain. Calm." But, Scooby screamed in fright. "CALM DOWN, SCOOBY-DOO! YOU'RE NOT BEING CALM!!!" Braedey yelled at the Great Dane. Scooby slaps him left to snap him out of his crazy frenzy. "I needed that." Scooby slaps Braedey again to the right. "I needed that, too." Scooby then punches Braedey in the face. "YOU'RE PUSHING YOUR LUCK, SCOOBERT!!" Braedey suddenly snapped, his blue eyes almost looking like they'll go red.

(NOTE: funniest scene in the film)

Then, the others came back. Fred and Shaggy were on the catwalk, while Daphne and Velma were on Ground floor. "You girls find any-" Fred sees the monsters, with Shaggy and the girls. "-thing?" Then, the monsters saw them.

"Re did it." Scooby pointed to Braedey, who looked at the Great Dane with anger. "Rorry."

"Fred! Disconnect that control panel!" Maybe that'll stop the machine." Velma tells Fred and Shaggy, and the two boys get off the catwalk, and get the panel. Braedey deploys his blasters immediately, and fires at the monsters, which seemed to do very little damage. Braedey kept firing at them, and bolted to the elevator with the others once out of the Monster Hive. But, as they soon reach the elevator to get out, an evil laugh came from a large wall of sparks, and there it was...

"It's the 10,000 Volt Ghost!!!" Braedey screamed, and jumps into the elevator. "We're gonna die." He quivered, as the elevator started to rise.

"Braedey, think positive." Daphne reassured him.

"We're gonna die very very quickly."

"Wait for me." The 10,000 Volt Ghost said in an creepy electric voice while revealing his teeth.

Then, the 10,000 Volt Ghost used its electricity to travel through the electrics of the lights, busting a lightbulb or five downstairs.

Then, as Mystery Inc. finally arrived at the top floor, the 10,000 Volt Ghost grew in size, seven times larger than a silverback gorilla, at the top of the elevator, scaring the gang even more than last time, as they start to back up to some railcars just behind them.

But, as they turn around, they see not one, but two...Skeleton Men!!!

Everyone screamed at the sight of the two skeleton freaks of nature and ran off, everyone going off in two different directions, and with three monsters chasing behind them.

* Fred, Shaggy, and the girls were being chased by the 10,000 Volt Ghost on Ground Floor...

* And Braedey and Scooby were being chased by The Skeleton Men up on the warehouse's catwalks.

"Hey! There's an exit!" Braedey panted, as Scooby is following behind him, and behind Scooby is The Skeleton Men.

"Run, Braedey!" Scooby told Braedey quickly. As Braedey opened the door, there was no catwalk anywhere.

"Not an exit!" Braedey said, but Scooby knocked him down, as he smacked himself into the wall on the right, and swung back into the doorway like a door.

Braedey then fell to the ground with a loud thud, just as Scooby landed on him, and ran off in a hurry like his tail was on fire. "Scooby! Wait for me!" Braedey yelled to the Great Dane, and chased after Scooby.

The Skeleton Men were hot on their tail, just jumping out of the no-catwalk door, and hitting the ground. Then, they picked themselves up, and they chased after the Great Dane and the golden brown haired teenage boy.


"STOP THEM!!!" A voice roared, and the Tar Monster, Miner 49er, and Captain Cutler looked up to see the Evil Masked Figure, Galvatron, and the Black Knight Ghost up on the catwalks above them. "Destroy the city if you have to, but get that control panel, AND the boy!" He ordered to the monsters, as they looked to him and his robotic partner.

"With it, they can destroy everything we've set out to do." Galvatron snarled, revealing shark-like teeth, but five times sharper than shark's teeth. "And the boy, we cannot allow him to keep living!"


"Hurry up, gang." Fred told the others, once they got to the Mystery Machine. "We need to find Braedey and Scooby."

"End of the line, Mystery Inc." A 20ft tall 10,000 Volt Ghost suddenly appeared, and then shoots electricity to the metal track nearby, leading to the Mystery Machine. "DIE!!!"

But, Fred got the Mystery Machine away, before the area they were parked next to it exploded, and they raced away from the mining town, starting to search for Braedey and Scooby.

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