Slum Boy's Princes (Boy X Boy)

By Camjamson

86.2K 2.3K 404

Lee Yunohara is the slum boy who is associated with everything that's negative towards society. All in all, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

2.9K 90 9
By Camjamson


.....just watched kuroko no you know how peed I am to have to wait every Saturday to watch it oAo. The show is TOO DAMNS good <3. On shall be Diabolik Lovers ):3. On Tuesday...The Originals ^3^)/. My shows are set lol. Okays...back to le story >3<)/

Few hours later...

FML I FELL ASLEEP DX!!! I close my eyes for one second...and see a new morning. *facepalm* I ams so sorry Q_Q)/

Yunohara's P.O.V

Lance led us along to the quiet place on the beach. People stared at as they saw Lance tug me along to the spot he mentioned. I at first became embarassed by their staring, but realized the actual fact of it all.

They're staring at him.

Lance didn't wear any disguise today. He just left the palace as he was. They're probably ogling his body.

Lance's skin seemed to shine bright outside. His skin radiated with the sun. Lance stopped suddenly and looked at me.

Lance came close to me and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry about the staring, it's whatever. Let's keep moving a bit faster before they decide to follow us."

Lance continued to move, this time running. Really?...Do I really have to keep up?

I kept up alongside Lance, as we still remained holding hands. As we neared our destination, I only saw a few people on the beach. However, they seemed to pay no attention to us at all.

Lance sighed. "People don't usually come to this area. I guess this'll have to do, it's better than the other area."

Lance picked a spot close to the waters. There was a beach umbrella already there and two chairs. We sat on the chairs, staring out into the ocean. The breeze came in, blowing a cool air with the scent of seawater. I let out a pleasant sigh.

"Do you like the beach Yuu-kun?" Lance asked me.

"Its been a long time since I came to the beach. Depending on where you are on the beach, it can be the most fun or the most serene and quietest place," I replied with a smile.

Lance gave me a big and cute smile, flashing all of his teeth. "That makes the two of us then."

I looked at Lance, but he looked towards the ocean. He wore a sad smile on his lips.

"Lee-kun...I'm going to tell you the truth about me. In order to do that, I'd have to let you into my life. Starting from my earliest childhood, to the day I left and came here."

"Have you told anyone about this? Am I...the only one you're telling this too?" I silently questioned him.

Lance let out a big laugh, clutching his stomach. He smiled at the ocean. "Don't be so conceited Lee-kun! However, if Ichinose weren't there then yes, you would have been the first person. I don't usually tell my feelings to people. Ichinose...was different."

"I overheard you guys while Ren's mother talked to you and your mother. it true? Is it true that Ichinose has no interest in being heir?"

Lance scowled at my question. "Of course that liegen hündin(lying bitch) doesn't understand Ichinose as much as she thought. If anything, I'd say Ichinose is letting her believe that he isn't interested in being heir." I'm confused. "Why would he do that?"

"Have you seen the kind of bullying she already reeks in the palace? She already messes with my mother and I, and Ichinose has seen that. Ichinose is feigning interest because of his mother. He doesn't want his mother to be a victim of her bullying."

He continued, "That's all I'll say about it...I don't want to divulge any details concerning another person's life, especially Ichinose's family. However, I will say this. Ichinose cares a lot about the people of Assyria. I believe he is a great leader, and is definitely a tough competitor against Ren."

I never even knew. I never knew that Ichinose cared about his country that much. Usually when I walked by or saw Ichinose, he would look bored. He looked so uncaring.

Lance pulled me out of my thoughts. "Are you ready Lee-kun?"

I looked at Lance as he looked towards the ocean. The same sad small splayed across his lips. I took a deep breath, and relaxed into my chair. "I'm listening."

Lance took a deep breath himself. " goes nothing. I'll tell you the whole truth, nothing but the truth."

After saying that, Lance began to tell me everything. How everything all started.

Lance's P.O.V

"Mama! Papa!" I called out with a toothy grin(4 year old).

My father, King Harold, looked at me in joy. He spread his arms out wide, and I ran into them. He instantly picked me up and twirled me around.

"Haha! Papa, papa! I'll get sick!" I laughed out in joy.

"Oh! Now we wouldn't want that do we? Harold, hand him over to me," my mother said with a smile. My father placed me in my mother's arms, and we hugged each other. Soon, I felt a slight nudge on my foot.

"Mama, what was that?" I asked her curiously.

My mother rubbed her big belly and said, "It's your little sister son. She's so happy to know you're by her. See? She's become more hyper now!"

I looked at my mother's belly, and saw a tiny handprint surface on her belly. I cautiously moved my hand there, and put my hand on the hand. I felt the hand hit my hand back erratically.

"Hehe! Mama, little sis really is happy!"

Father came towards us and hugged us all in his embrace. "I truly love my family. My son, my wife, and daughter."

Everything was just as it should be...happy. Our family was happy. I really don't understand what created the family I didn't recognize then.

4 Years Later

"Älterer bruder (older brother), be fair! This isn't fun if you keep winning with your cheats!" My sister Leila complained.

"Oh come on! Don't be a baby about it! You win some, you lose some. Except I've only been winning, and you've only been losing," I told her proudly.

"Let's play another game then! I'll tell daddy if we don't!" She told me angrily.

"Tch...why the daddy's girl act..."

I ran back inside the palace and ran up the stairs. I opened the door to my parent's room saying, "Mom, is there another game Leila and I can-"


I watched as my Father slapped my mother hard across the face. Her head was turned to the side, relishing in the pain of the slap. She faced her face forward, and cradled her cheek.

"You insolent woman! Don't meddle in my affairs! You're not suppose to be on equal standards with me. You are just here to bear my children and remain as my property," Father yelled at her.


"And furthermore, no matter how much education you have, your family sold you to be bought by me. Don't think you're so high and mighty to help me out! My love is for money and for my son to be heir. Our daughter is nothing to me."

After he finished, Father realized I was standing there. He gave me a weird smile, and mother tried to brighten up her face with a smile.

"How much did you hear boy?" Father asked me.

I didn't answer him. Father started to come towards me. My mother screamed out, "Lass ihn!" (Leave him!) She grabbed Father's arm, trying to pull him away from me.

"Lassen sie mich dirne! (Release me wench!)" He screamed out as he slapped my mother to the ground.

I stood still, unmoving. Letting this horror unfold before my eyes. Father smiled down at me. He kneeled at my eye level and said, "You saw everything, didn't you?"

It was more of a statement then a question. I trembled in fear and shook my head no frantically.

"Is my son speaking lies to me now!?" He bellowed out. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the room. He shut the door.

"What was your reason for coming here son?" He asked me dangerously.

"L-l-leila w-wanted to p-pl-play a d-dif-different game," I stuttered out.

Father tsked. "That daughter of ours is a piece of work. Just as my wife. I think I should teach them both a lesson. Take note boy because I am giving you experience. You shall watch and repeat after me. Ja?(Yes?)"

Father picked my mother up by her hair, and I listened to her let out her pain. He threw her on the bed, and he climbed on top of her.



No no..

Smack! Slap!

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I cried out.

"Bruder ?" I heard my sister knock on the door. I faced the door, and heard my sister call me out again.

My Father silently whispered, "Go on son. Bring her in. Let her suffer the same treatment as her mother."

I looked at my hands and saw my fists clenched and trembling. These same hands were just playing with my sister just now. My eyes were just witnessing my sister's innocence and smile just momentarily ago. voice will be the decision-maker of my sister's fate.

I walked to the door and called her out. "Schwester(sister), I'll be downstairs shortly. For now, play with Henry(their dog) will you?"

"Okay!" She said. I stayed by the door until I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore.

"Son...have you lost your mind?!" Father screamed at me.

I turned to him. "No, but have you lost your mind? Sending your only daughter to a fate she had nothing to do with! Father, that's cruel! And from what I know, mother did nothing wrong!"

"Ha..HAHAHAHA!" Father laughed out. "You've sure got spunk son! Well, I accept your challenge."

Father got off of mother and picked me up by my hair. I bit my lip to not voice out my pain. I tried to tug the hands away from my hand, but they only tightened their grip.

"From what I'm hearing, you're on your mother's side. Well, I never would have thought. But also included in your speech, you defended your sister. Because of that, you are proposing you take her place."

" must promise not to harm my sister! You must promise me that, and to secrecy as well!"

"Agreed. I will promise to this demand from my firstborn child. My heir to the kingdom. You agree, ja?"

I looked at the man before me. I could not acknowledge him as my Father anymore. He has become this cruel creature. I answered him, "Ja, sir."

After my response, I received the same hellish torture my mother did. The man before me kept repeating to me, "This will make you strong. This will make you a fine leader. In order to understand, you must feel it."

I never really understood. Why? Why is he doing this? What happened to make him become like this?

3 Years Later

I was in my sister's room, reading her a bedtime story. Towards the end of the book, my sister was fast asleep. I marveled at my sister, and how beautiful she looked sleeping. Soon, a knock came at the door. I hurriedly closed the book, and blew out the candle light. I tried to make myself seem invisible if the person at the door was him.

The door opened, and the face I saw belonged to mother. She motioned for me to come to her. I left my sister's bedside and headed to my mother. She took me by the hand and led me to our secret room.

We walked down a few flight of stairs and landed in the basememt. He doesn't know about the basememt. We tell the servants to keep the door hidden in the morning, afternoon and night. It is only left known when we are going to come down here.

Mother sat at the table, while I sat away from her in a chair. We remained in silence, until my mother let out her emotions. I watched my mother cry out. She buried her face in her arms and wept. I got up from my chair and hugged my mother. I soothed her with light backrubs. After awhile, the teats ceased.

"It's all for money," mother said softly. "He is such a greedy man. Beneath his exterior appearance lies a man fed up and consumed with wealth." She continued, "Those years back...I always wanted to be a good wife. A great Queen deserving of the title. I at first sneakily helped him with his Kingly affairs. All until the day I made it known that I was helping him. After that, it was like a fuse snapped. He instantly grew angry with me and said that I wasn't suppose to be this way. He didn't expect me to be intelligent and independent."

I grew silent as my mother continued to talk.

"Oh Lance, whatever shall we do? We should run away! How's that?" She said with a tired smile.

"Mother, you and I both know that's impossible. There are still some loyal servants to fath-" I stopped and corrected myself. "-him who we cannot trust. We haven't even told them about this room. We can't escape. For surely if we do, he'll kill us," I told her sadly.

Mother frowned slightly. "I guess my knowledge and level headedness is beginning to fail. I'm losing my touch really."

I smiled at that. "You're not losing anything mother. You're probably just tired."

" might be right. I just needed to let out a bit of tears. I can't always let my feelings be bottled up, or who knows what will happen? What about you sweetie? How is my junger prinz?" Mother asked me.

"It's all for my sister. As long as she's safe, I will do anything," I told her.

Mother smiled at me, but soon frowned. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear?" I asked.

My mother's eyes opened wide, and she left the table. She climbed up a few stairs and I heard her scream, "What are you doing!?"

"Teaching you both a lesson! Really now, doing something so secretive in the night," a familiar voice said.

I followed the light and stood beside my mother. I saw him moving the bookcase to cover the secret room. He looked at me. "My dearest son! Hope you don't mind me moving this bookcase here!"

"Harold! You can't just leave us down here!" My mother screamdd out.

"Shhhh!" He shushed. "Don't want to wake up Leila now, do we?"

"How long are you keeping us here?!" I screamed out as I bounded the stairs, making out an outline of him through the crack he almost closed.

"For as long as I feel like it. Trust me, it won't be a long time. I wouldn't want my son to die on me! Hahaha!"

He closed the crack, and we were left in darkness. Mother and I went back to the table where we brought our candlelight down. We sat on table with the candlelight. We said nothing, and remained in silence. After a few hours, the candlelight went out. We huddled together for warmth and safety. And thus, our three day stay in the darkness began.


CRAP CRAP CRAP....ams so late to post this. Wanted to post yesterday, but as chu kno..its in my first author note. ALSO this chappy got too long oAo. I have the other part coming up! Donts worry! Not to mention I habe to hurry up and study....fuck skool so hard. Giving me hella tests before Thanksgiving ):(.

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