What's this feeling? (A BoBoi...


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(Centers around BoBoiBoy Galaxy) After 2-3 years, after the gang finally beated the Tengoktak Gang, they now... More

1: Before
2: After
3: Leaving
4: First Night
5: Humiliation
6: Seriously
7: Explanation
A.N: Guys...
9: Fans and Troubles
A.N: Explanation
10: Guests

8: Landing

810 27 8


Only a few more minutes and we are about to be there, on my homeworld...I'm nervous and yet excited.

Every single one of my friends were really excited, habitually looking out the window to see where my planet was, every single time they would pass to an opening, they would look out there.

They couldn't see it although, probably because of the thick smoke that's covering it.

"30 more minutes until we land, is there anyone freaking out a bit?" I asked everyone.

We were all currently in the control room, Lahap was signaling my planet to put down the ship's landing pad, and Captain Kaizo was talikng to someone in the Communication Hub, probably the authorities.

"Well...I'm a tad nervous...probably because it's my first time in a different planet..." Boboiboy anwsered. "But I'm excited to see it!" He added.

I chuckle at his sayings, he hasn't changed one bit whatsoever,

"Yeah, Yeah! I wonder if they'll like the cookies I baked!" Yaya said, as she then held out the basket to pull out those delicious cookies...gulp.

Everyone sweatdropped at her comment.

"I know! Maybe I can get some more seasonings from your planet Fang, to make them twice as good!" She added, and I can tell everyone just lost their souls.

Gopal then came near me and dragged Boboiboy along with him, before he started to whisper at us;

"Fang, you make sure she doesn't go to some kind of marketplace or whatever the heck stores you have there, me and Boboi will keep her distra--"

"What do you mean by stores?"

And after that, Gopal screamed in fear and retaliated away to the main deck.

She then stared at me and Boboiboy. "What does he mean by stores?" She asked us. Thank the stars that she was oblivious.

"U-uh, he means that you can buy the different spices from the stores!" Boboiboy lied, sweat dripping from his forhead down to his chin.

Yaya first looked at both of us suspiciously, causing our backs to shiver in fear, before she eventually smiled. "Really?! Wow, I hope your folks there can enjoy them!"

She skipped out of the Control room.

The moment she was gone, we both sighed in relief, as we didn't want to taste those cookies, even my brother didn't survive them!



Eat them with love! The note said as the cookies in front of the space rebel were neatly kept in a basket. They're aroma seemed to be deadly gloom.

Kaizo although shrugged it off, and took one normal cookie, it was just a round one, sprinkled with powdered sugar, must be those desserts called sugar cookies, Kaizo thought.

And then he took a bite, just a tiny one.

His face suddenly went green with disgust, he fell down his chair and was coughing on the floor. The cookies dropped along with him as he continued with his violent coughing fit.

Lahap and Fang chose the perfect time to enter,

"Captain, we are finished with--" Lahap was about to continue, but the immediate that they saw their leader on the ground, both of them rushed onto him to support him up.

"What happened!?" Lahap asked while Fang zoomed to the first aid kit.

Kaizo still couldn't speak due to the violent coughing, but he just pointed at the basketful of cookies that are right next to him.

Lahap then went to the dropped cookies and Fang had the first aid kit, just giving Kaizo an anti-cough pill and a cup of water.

The purple alien ate one without hesitation, his eyes sparkled, and he looked back to his Captain who was now mildly coughing.

"What?! Captain, why would you cough because of these, they're delicious!" Lahap musingly said.

Both brothers stared at him in disbelief, but Kaizo, now minimally coughing, said--

"Get them *cough* *cough*...out of my sight..."

Lahap then just happily walked out with the cookies in hand.

We are all getting the feeling that Kaizo isn't going to eat one anytime soon...



Oh well, that all jus happened yesterday anyway.

Ying came up to the both of us and whisper-shouted. "Guys! Don't blow our cover alright?!"

We both nodded. Besides, if we did, we would be in outerspace, lost in absolute oblivion. We all definetly don't want that, espescially with a absolutely ugly bruise on our faces.

I then continued to work on the control panel, and the remaining two walked out as well.


We all decided to walk to the entrance room of the ship, which seemed most reasonable, as we were about to leave.

"You okay?" Ying asked, putting her palm onto mine.

"Um..y-yeah, but I'm just getting...y'now, nostalgic" I responded, just staring off.

"What do you mean?" Ying asked me.

"Well, I just can't believe we're at this point y'now, and it all started with me coming to Pulau Rintis on one summer day, getting just a can of cocoa back from an alien, a power aphere granting me powers, meeting you guys, going inside a video game geting a game character out, Ejo Jo, our travels, the Cocoa Guava Monster, Boboibot, Captain Kaizo, Tengoktak...and, here we are now...travelling different galaxies..."

"Yeah, feels super weird now...we used to be okay, now we are extrodinary." Yaya said from behind me.

"Don't forget the times you evolved and got new powers!" Gopal shouted from behind.

I remember that too...

Lightning getting too afraid and angry by popping balloons...

Wind eating Liquid X cookies...

Earth feeling worry after we all were nearly defeated...

Fire that came from my everyday stress...

That massage that turned me into Water...

The evolved and new forms while were fighting the Tengoktak group,it all lingered from anger, sadness, confidence, and many more...

The old days were pretty amazing, now it's getting epic.

"I'm sure this adventure will be more 'terbaik' than you think" Fang said from behind, putting his hand onto my shoulder as well.

And the door to the new world opened...


Guys, this is not the end, not until our Fang gets his everlasting love!~

Also, I tried Yaya's recipe (I was dumb okay?) and how Captain Kaizo reacted was my immediate reaction as well, just written out (didn't make me faint, it tasted terrible tho D:) there was no onions if ur asking


Me: Alama! See u guys in the next chapter~! //flies away//

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