The Darkness In Our Hearts

By wishing_angels

817 3 8

Death, a word that puts fear or hope into people. Mckenzie has faced death before she even moved to Beacon Hi... More

Good start or bad start
Lying is the most fun a girl can have, without drinking and sex
OTP and insanity
Halloween 1
Halloween 2
Halloween 3
Questions and no good answers
More info and a visit from, me?
Say yes, or let everyone die. Your choice
Attack that sorta backfired
Say Yes
What now?
History lesson from a tree stump
The move and family
Family time...
A New Person, or a Broken Image
I dont wanna go to school, I just wanna break the rules!
Stand off, kind of, I guess
Losing myself to a fucking tree
Research is a pain, we all know it
I hate Hospitals and creepy rituals
I lost, you've won
But that still won't stop me
Cost of War
Where are the smiles? We won
The End of the Beginning

Friend and murder the perfect mix

53 1 1
By wishing_angels

~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

I was talking to Stiles for what seemed like forever. We just had a lot in common, I lied about my parents though. Imagine how crazy that conversation will go.

"Hey my mom was a psychopath and tried to used me and my dad as a sacrifice to god knows what! And she killed my dad!" Nope, not going there.

"So where did you move from?" He asked. I just smiled and took another bite of my apple.

"San Francisco, than Nevada, than New York, and now here." I answered with a mouthful of apple.

"Nice! I've been stuck here my whole life, but I have been to Mexico twice." He said as he took a bite of his fries, I wonder when he is going to learn I'm stealing them.

"Hm, I think those people are looking for you." I said with fries in my hand. Stiles looked over to see a tall muscular man with tan skin and brown puppy dog eye. Along with him was the strawberry blond girl, she was wearing heels and wore a nice dress. Soon a boy who looked like a sophomore came. He was tall with blondish brownish hair, he was fit too. There was also a girl with long black hair, really skinny and had a bad ass looking belt. Than a girl wearing shorts and boots. She had a brown jacket with a dark purple shirt. Her hair was long and brown eyes.

"So your friends with them? And you're talking to me?" I whispered. Stiles rolled his eyes, and just gave me a small smirk.

"Shut up." He whispered...I gave him the 'I don't know what your talking about' look.

"Stiles, who's this?" The boy who was a Senior, I think.

"Guys this is Kenzie, Kenzie this is Scott," Stiles pointed to the boy who asked.

"Lydia," the strawberry blond.

"Kira." The girl with long black hair.

"Liam," the sophomore.

"And my girl Malia." The girl smiled but something tells me she will rip my head off... Don't let her get pissed.

"Hey, um Stiles I should go." I whispered as I grabbed my backpack and left before Stiles could say a word. My anxiety was kicking up really badly...great... I took my pill out with my "water" and swallowed. The bell rings signaling time for the last class of the day. Thank god

~~~~end of school~~~~  

"Kenzie it's Lilly, I'm working late I am so sorry. I hope you had a great day! Love ya."

Now I gotta walk home, I live about two miles away, I gotta live three miles to ride the bus...great what a day.

I slowly out my ear buds in letting the music take me away.

She lives in a fairytale somewhere to far for us to find, forgotten the taste and smell of a world that she's left behind,  its all exposure the lens I told her

The angles were all wrong now, she's ripping wings off of butterflies, keep your feet on the ground when your heads in the clouds

Well go get your shovel and we'll dig a deep hole to bury the castle, bury the castle.

Soon I ran into a tree...

"What the...?" I looked around how in the world did I get in a forest, the music!! I got sidetracked! damn it! I looked around to where I was I was in a clearing, where a huge stump just was in the middle, not creepy at all.

"Kenzie!" I heard a voice. I'm not going crazy am I?

Soon Stiles showed up.

"What are you doing?" He asked. He walked over to check for any injuries.

"I'm fine, I just got sidetracked, I don't know, what time is it?" I asked as I stared at the stump, I felt drawn to it, I wanted to touch it.

"It's four! I followed you because you just looked like you were in a trance." Stiles just looked more interested than worried, to be honest so was I.

"I just want to go home." I said still looking at the tree, I didn't mean to say that, I wanted to stay, I wanted to be next to that tree.

"Come on I have a Jeep." He said as we walked off, that was weird.

~~~few minutes later~~~

I was in Stiles Jeep, we were listening to Fall Out Boy, it was just silence.

I soon got a text from Lilly, saying she would be home at 7, so I would have to make my own dinner.

"You busy tonight?" I asked randomly, my eyes almost popped out because of what I said. Stiles looked so confused.

"Not in that way, just I'm home alone, again and have no food!" I added as quickly as I could. I was blushing so badly.

"I'm free. You like Burgers?" He asked while laughing.

"Who doesn't?" I said while giggling along to his laugh, I looked at him. I had a friend...a real friend...

"I never really, well had a friend before..." I said knowingly making this weird yet again.

"Well I am very honored to be your first friend." Stiles said while doing a fake head nod causing me to laughed harder than I expected.

"Alright I know a joint down here somewhere." We passed a ton of cop's car so he stopped right away.

"Wanna look?" He asked. I felt my little mischief smile come on.

"Hell ya." I said as I hopped out hearing a slammed door with Stiles right behind me.

"Dad?" I heard Stiles, I see the Sheriff walked towards us with a face of annoyance, so thats Stiles dad, didn't see that coming.

"Stiles, why now?" Than he noticed me and looked more confused.

"Oh dad this is Kenzie, Kenzie dad, she's new." He said.

"Does she know what's going on?" Sheriff asked.

"No she doesn't, but we wanna know." He answered looking very hyper, couldn't lie so was I.

"Murder, looks like someone ate his heart..." He said quickly.

My heart skipped a beat, he said 'his' not her, Lilly was okay.

"Stiles go home, and Kenzie it was nice to meet you." Sheriff said as he walked away.

"Well that is very disgusting, Stiles I really do need you to take me home though." I said looking at Stiles, who was in his own world.

"Yeah okay." He answered walking back to his Jeep.

The rest of the way home was silence. Once I was home I looked at Stiles and smiled.

"Thank you for showing me around town." I said with a smile, Stiles smiled back.

"See ya tomorrow!" He yelled as I walked in the house, I waved at him and went inside. I ran up to my room and hit the bed, I didn't want to move, at all.

Soon I let the darkness take over, and I welcomed it with open arms, than the nightmares...

~~~~~~3 Person~~~~~~

Running, Running, and Running. 

It needs to finish, or more people shall fall, all the blood, more blood...

A person listen to the voice, the voice told me to Run, more blood, more blood...

Soon the trees thickened and the sky was soon lost, but the person kept running, soon that person saw another person, a woman jogging. Her bright blue shirt screamed kill me.

Blood, fresh blood, heart, need heart, finish. Heart. Finish. Heart.

The darkness masked the person face, but the curved knife shined in the early morning.


The person ran to the woman


The knife connected to her her throat, cutting her scream.

Sacrifice must finish.

The woman fell her blood flowed into the ground

Heart, blood, need more...

The masked person reached down and ripped her heart with no struggled.

At the other side of town

Kenzie wakes up with a start gasping for air from the nightmare. What she didn't know that wasn't a nightmare. What she also didn't know that there was a loud scream of a Banshee. Only thing she could think of are the words playing over and over in her head...

True Alpha


The Nemeton


Darkness shall take over hearts





Almost here

Holy crap, that was a dark one! Well the ending but hey it is called Darkness in our hearts. So I'm just gonna give a full on warning here!

This is going to be a dark book, so there will be language, sexual stuff, death, and suicidal thoughts and action. So a huge warning, this book will be darker than my other book(s). So yeah, I will add some more. But I may add Void Stiles into the mix...

I hope you will enjoy this Angels, I just need more suggestions to see who ends up with who, thanks!


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