Old School Love - z.m

By meykemalik

53.7K 1.4K 366

*COMPLETED* Old school love... is that too much to ask? Just two kids being in love with each other, dreamin... More

Old School Love [1D & 5SOS fanfic]
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven

Chapter One

2.4K 64 11
By meykemalik



It’s not really a big deal for me and my little sister, but apparently people love the fact that our dad owns the O2 arena.


“Did you meet loads of famous people?”


The answer: yes, I do. Happy now? It’s not like famous people are some kind of aliens, they’re also just normal humans. I have to admit that some of them are pretty weird, like Lady Gaga, she’s weird, but funny, and still also just a ‘normal’ person.


Dress, top, blouse, shorts, jeans… urgh, though life. Let’s just go with some black skinny jeans, a white top with a colorful print, and a black jacket, looks fine with me. I don’t even know the girl, who cares what I look like. Ok, maybe Nick would care. But it’s not like the queen of England is there at some teenage party, unless she is…

So this girl named Michelle is throwing some party, and I got invited. Why? Because I was talking to Nick while he got invited, logic right? She likes him but he’s my best friend, and he’s not allowed to date her. And if he does, I’ll kill her. not him, because there might be a little tiny part of this girl that likes him. I mean he sings, plays the guitar, piano and drums, has cute brown curls and he’s really sweet. But I’m not like desperately in love with him, he’s just cute… and sweet… and my best friend. I am not going to risk a friendship for some kind of feelings that are more in my head. I mean, I think I just like the thought of him, that’s probably it.

“EMILY, NICK IS HERE!” I hear an eight-year old monster named Ella yell

“COMING” I yell back and quickly grab my phone and run down stairs.

“You look nice” Ella tells me while I give her a hug.

We don’t kiss each other, not even on the cheeks. It’s gross, and it feels weird, so we hug. No kisses.

“Thanks little girl, be nice. Don’t break anything, don’t kill the cats, don’t die”

“Common, I am a grown up eight-year old girl. I am raised well”

“Yeah sure. Bye” I say pet her on her head and leave.



Wow, Emily. Why so hot? You know I like you, and looking like that doesn’t make my feelings less. Not that I mind, no not at all. But she just messes with my feelings, looking like that.

“Nick, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost” Emily tells me when she sits down in the car.

“Oh, no, you look lovely”

“Thank you so much. Got the present?”

“Yup, it’s in the back. Shall we go then?”




After a ten minute drive we arrive at Michelle’s house. It looks just like some chick flick, teenage party. Loud music, drunk people, red cups… oh well, here we go.

“Congratz” I say fake smiling and hugging Michelle, who smells like cigarettes and alcohol, gross.

“Thank you so much for coming, I love it that you guys are here” she says walking over to Nick and kissing him on the cheek. Like what the heck, don’t touch him.

“Yeah, great to be here” Nick says, also fake smiling.

“Make yourself at home, there are drinks over there, and food is just everywhere” Michelle tells us.

Wait food. I’m actually pretty hungry, but I bet that all the food is already touched by ten people, and because I don’t know what they did with their hands, I’ll just leave it like that.

So yeah, like I told you, it’s a typical American chick flick party.  Why American, because you only see this in American films, the British are too afraid to make that kind of films. They’ll probably think it’s shocking or whatever. The only thing that I miss is some stupid game like spin the bottle, or truth or dare.

“EMILY, COME JOIN US” Kelly yells above the music.

“No, I’m fine” I tell her.

“Nooo, common, please” she nags pulling my arm.

“Kelly, I’m fine”

“So you’re in, cool!” she says as she pulls me over to the ground where loads of people sitting into a little circle.

I was wrong about that not playing stupid games. I just joined a game of truth or dare. I hate Kelly.


Gosh, this game is so weird. I wonder who invented this.

“EMILY, I CHOOSE YOU!” Kelly says pointing towards me, as I shock up from my endless stare into… nothing.

“Urhm…” I say. Shall I be a badass and choose dare? But what if she gives me a gross dare? HARD DECISION! Oh well, let’s just go for it, “I pick dare”

“You’re going to that One Direction concert, right”



“Wait, what?” I say as everybody starts laughing. Nick stares at me with big eyes, while I feel my head go red. What the heck is this kind of dare? I mean what the heck.

“But someone has to go with you to witness it” Aleah says when they’re done laughing.

“I’ll go with you, because I made up the dare” Kelly says, like I’m that stupid to ask her to go with me?

“No, I don’t like you, Nick is going with me”

“Am I?” he asks me.

“Yes, so I don’t have to deal with El on my own” I tell him.

“Alright then”


TADAA there it is, hope you liked it. not that it's special or anything, bc there is no Zayn yet, but he'll be in the next chapter,

Meh Union J on my TV, me gusta :)

Well, I'm off to play Guitar Hero bye<3

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