Locking up my heart (boyxboy)...

By myparadise15

141K 4.7K 333

The sequel to I hart you too starring Zac and Alex. Alex is in his first year of university Amelia. Alex's... More

Author's Notes
2. First Look
3. The Coffee Cup
4. Date Day
5. Disappeared
6. Lost Spark
7. Boy of his Dreams
8. The Photo
9. A Glimpse of Mystery
10. Next to you
11. I remember you...
12. This isn't real
13. Reading all the answers
14. A possible confrontation
15. Bonfire Night
16. Punch time
17. Distracted from the truth
18. Thoughts...
19. It was inevitable
20. A long time coming
21. I figured it out
22. Good News
23. Road Trip
24. You mean so much to me
Update: Smut!

1. Orientation Day

10.6K 242 22
By myparadise15

Hi guys, so the long awaited first chapter is finally here :)

I just finished my exams a few days ago and I rewrote this chapter 3 times >< just couldn't turn out the way i wanted it...sorry

I hope you like it. This'll have longer chapters and be better written hopefully.

Comment and Vote :)

On the side is story of my life by 1D and a edit of Alex and Amelia =]

Shoutout to writer_visionary for the fab cover <3 thanks babe


Chapter One

Orientation Day

Alex's POV

Today was orientation day for my new school 'Metro University'. I had specifically wanted to go here because of its prestigious course in the arts. This is why I had chosen to go alone here with my best bro going to the same uni as Xavier, his boyfriend. Amelia, my girlfriend for two years wanted to go to different uni too which is overseas, as she wanted to specialise in teaching and travel at the same time.

We were still together, but I'm not sure if a long distance relationship will last. Even though I want it to its going to be really hard. But I'll try my best since she is my best friend and my true love after all.

I'm sad that I have no friends and don't know anyone in the school. But I hope I can make a few friends today or the next few years here were going to be hard alone. I was a friendly enough guy so I should be ok.

I sat down in my car out in front of the uni watching many unfamiliar faces pass me. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts pausing at my friend's name's. I missed them a lot, it would be weird not seeing them every day. I flipped to a group photo we had taken at graduation. We all looked so happy and beautiful. I wasn't going to cry. I closed my phone putting it in my front pocket.

This was my chance to make a new start. I got out of the car and locked it. I slung my bag onto my back and pulled my suitcase behind me. When I got to the residence buildings I pulled out my information sheet. I searched for my room number and repeated it to myself.

Room 3A...3A...3A...Me, Amelia and Aiden. I rubbed my eyes as they started tearing up.

I distracted myself from the sad thoughts and pulled out my keys. I unlocked the door and opened it wide. Someone was already here, my roomie. I started unpacking my things out of my bag. I picked up the photo frame that was on the very top, I placed it on my nightstand. I put my clothes and other various items in the closest and on the shelf. I finished unpacking after an hour and stood up and looked around. So this was going to be my home for one year. I can work with that. The room was average sized, with an en-suite bathroom and two single beds.

I had to go get something to eat first. I hadn't eaten since this morning, I was about to collapse from hunger. I was required to go to some assembly later as well as collect my books for my classes. I could do that later, for now I could do that campus tour and try to find something to eat. I picked up my wallet and stuck my phone in my back pocket. My phone buzzed and I jumped a bit. I pulled it out but it was just a false alarm. My phone going into silent mode, I thought it would be from my friends.

I opened the door and I walked into somebody. I took a step back and took in the guy in front of me. It looked like he was about to come into the room. So I'm guessing this was going to be my roommate.

"Hi!" I say excitedly, giving him a once over. He looked like a nice guy.

"Hey" he answers looking me up and down.

"I'm Alex your new roommate" I tell him, smiling a cheeky grin

"I'm Leigh, nice to meet you roomie" he says smiling.

"I'm just going to go out and get some food, do you want to come along?" I asked politely.

"Sure, let me just put some of this stuff back" he dumped some bags on the bed.

Yes! I just made a new friend. He seems like a great guy. I'm glad I got a good roommate. Was kind of nervous about who I was going to be paired with. But it worked out in the end.

He comes back out of the door and we walk together out of the building. He takes out a map and I follow him. "So what course are you taking?"

"I'm doing graphic design, what about you?"

"I'm doing photography" I told him, "So do you know anyone here?"

"I have one friend, Peyton, I'll text her to meet us" Leigh pulled out his phone and sent a quick message.

We made it to a courtyard with a variety of small cafes and shops. We chose the closest one and settled down in a table. I flipped through the menu and eyed a few dishes that I planned to try out asap.

"She says she's on her way, she kinda got held up"

"Oh ok and I don't know anyone here actually"

"We can be friends if you like"

"That would be good" I grin widely.

The door opened and in walked a pretty girl. She waved over at us and came over. She hugged Leigh and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hi I'm Peyton and you are?"

"I'm Alex and hi Peyton"

"You're cute we're going to be good friends" she stated patting my hand.

I smiled at that. This was easier than I thought, making friends. I don't know what I was worried about.

"So are you two together?" I ask, generally curious

"What no! we're just close friends" Peyton replied confidently.

I chuckled at that, "Alright I believe you" giving her a playful wink.

We order our food and drinks. The waiter leaves and Amelia sprung to mind. Making me smile.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Leigh asks.

"Yeah her name is Amelia" I found a photo on my phone and showed it to them.

"I'm taking it, she goes somewhere else?"

"Yeah, she's doing a teaching course overseas"

We talk a little more and I was starting to really like these two. They were friendly and funny, this year was starting out nicely. We stayed at the café for a few hours, ordering more food. Then we walked back to our building.

"Do you have a roommate?" I ask her.

"Nah, not yet, I was lucky enough to get my own" she giggled and waved to us as she left.

"She's nice I like her"

"Yeah she's cool, come on let's go get our books"

We collected our books and got a drink. Then we went back to our room before going to the hall for an assembly. It was a large room set up especially for this welcome event.

I sat between Leigh and Peyton. The assembly was quite boring and I didn't really pay attention. I texted Amelia and Aiden but with no reply. Probably busy.

After that finished I went back to my room by myself. Leaving them two to themselves. I unlocked my room and laid on my bed. I kicked off my shoes, already getting the room messy.

I got a few new messages. I happily opened them up.

"I miss you so much, love you babe" ~Amelia

"Hope you made some friends, you're a great guy" ~Aiden

"Catch up soon, I'll message you" ~Xavier

"Have fun on your official day tomorrow" ~Sienna

I smiled. They can cheer me up in an instant. I liked to be reassured that my friends cared.

Tomorrow was going to be my actual first day as a uni student. I couldn't wait. This was going to be a great year I just know it. I just hoped it could be as great as my last year of senior year. Could it maybe even top that?

I laid down on my bed, my eyelids getting heavy. Falling into a dream state.

My last year of high school, flew by so quickly. Every moment had to be cherished, I didn't want to forget the best year of my high school life.

The start of the year was fun, there were a few parties we'd attend together and just dance around. It was mostly fun and games at the start.

But then I got really disappointing mark in math and that was the moment when I regretted not studying hard enough.

From that point on, I didn't go out as much, only on weekends and if I didn't have anything important the next week. I studied hard and pushed my grades up to my best.

My friends were proud of me, since I wasn't that smart, usually. But motivation helped me. Lucky for them they were both already smart.

Me and Amelia stayed together throughout the year, we went on occasional dates but less since we saw each other at school anyways. We only fought over stupid things but we quickly got over them.

We tried to not leave Aiden out too much and we kept out public displays of affections to a minimum.

Aiden was ok though, he told me so and I believed him. He was constantly checking him phone and texting his boyfriend. Whenever he talked of him, he had this really cheerful smile on his face. I was happy for him, truly. He told me they met up every once in a while for a date and talked online practically every day.

He admitted that it was hard though, that it got lonely at times. Long distance relationships were hard work. But he told me that it would all work out in the end and he'll be with him soon. I remembered that clearly, that conversation, because now here I was in the same position as he was one year ago.

By the end of the year, I was stressing out. I barely saw my friends and was in my room all day and all night. A week before the exam I fell sick and fainted. I panicked that I wouldn't have enough time to study for my upcoming exams. I was told by the doctor that I was too take a few days break and if needed I could reschedule my exams.

After a good night's rest, the best I'd had in weeks. I took two days break and remembered to eat and go outside to get some air.

My exams turned out fine, some better than others. I was glad that it was all over, after all that time and effort.

My friends and I hosted a party with just us three. More like a sleepover than a party. We played video games and watched movies all night. I shared a bed with Amelia and Aiden slept on the couch.

On our last day, we signed our jackets and took lots of silly photos, that was probably going to never go away. They were going to haunt me forever, since it was Aiden's camera. That guy, he was going to post them everywhere. Not looking forward to that one bit.

Our Graduation was really nice. Very formal and an unforgettable experience. We made speeches and cried a little, I admit. But I wasn't the only one that cried I swear. My family and Xavier came as well. I was happy that Aiden could see him. He was really surprised. But I wasn't, I knew he wouldn't miss something as important as this for the world. He was a special guy, that Xavier.

That night we had formal, Xavier was allowed to come and Aiden couldn't stop smiling. Which I was glad for since I could be with Amelia all night and not feel guilty about it. We pulled lots of funny faces and ate a bit too much. That night we got home late and I actually crashed at Aiden's.

My parents got really worried and were furious I didn't tell them where I was. Yeah that got me a week of grounding and no money for a month. I survived that, since they didn't take away my phone or laptop, luckily.

On New Years, Sienna threw the traditional party and we all went. Just like the last two years. It was fun and I kissed Amelia at midnight just like the previous two years. It was the best night and Sienna's parties are always the greatest.

In the end, I have no regrets, I got into the university of my choice and I kept my friends. I had a fun year even though it got hard at times, we made it. Until the very end.

I woke up with a start. I half opened my eyes, still tired from sleep. I lazily reached out to grasp my phone that was vibrating and making sounds.

"You didn't text me back, guess you were busy or asleep" from Amelia <3

"Sorry fell asleep, we'll make our relationship work, I love you xx" I texted back.

"I know, we'll catch up soon, miss you Alex, I love you x" from Amelia <3

I ended it there, as I was drifting back into a sleep state. I dropped my phone onto the stand and snuggled up into my covers. My eyes slowly closed and I fell into my imagination.

I wonder how long out relationship can last, after all one of the biggest factors of break ups are the distance.

But we have both our love and friendship.


my heart is locked to hers after all


Sooo...how was that?

Tell me what you think down below. Im not going to say like this many votes or comments for next chapter, because i hate when people do that.

But if you think it deserves a comment/vote then give one :)

Next chapter will be asap :) I have no school the whole of next week, so be prepared for a few new stuff coming your way =]

Bye! Hope this was a ok start to a new story and if you're new be sure to check our my profile and give me a fan aha


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