Celestial Nymph

By WinterLove1212

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Lucy goes on a secret mission given by the magic council to eliminate a dark guild called Bloody Dolls who ha... More

Chapter 1 - The Mission Request
Chapter 2 - Time to get going
Chapter 3 - Meeting Jellal
Chapter 4 - The Real Me
Chapter 5 - Arriving
Chapter 6 - Meeting Bloody Dolls
Introducing the Bloody Dolls Members (part 1)
Introducing the Bloody Dolls Members (part 2)
Chapter 7 - 'Its Her'
Chapter 8 - A Battle Between Sisters
Chapter 9 - Trapped
Chapter 10 - The Truth
Chapter 11 - Childhood Nightmares/ A Locket As A Key
Chapter 12 - Flashback Of The Past
Chapter 13 - Introduction To Lucy Legend
Chapter 15 - Jellal's Question
Chapter 16 - New Partner
Chapter 17 - Goodbye

Chapter 14 - The Choice

3K 100 16
By WinterLove1212

The king and queen's (Lucy Parents) POV


I'm afraid we cannot do that. Darling, they still are out to destroy us and we hate them except for you of course, because you didn't know what you were doing and who you truly are. I'm afraid darling you will have to choose between us (your family) or them (the people who took you away and brainwashed you) what's your choice?" I hope she chooses us or we'll be forced to eliminate her one way or another.

Lucy's POV

"Mother, father why are you doing this to me, why are you making me choose?" Why are they doing this to me? They know it'll be hard to choose. I wish I never chose to go on this mission, even though I'm glad I met my family again. How can I choose? Who will I choose? If I do choose what will happen to the other choice? All I know is I need to see them even if it's the last time.
Lucy: Mother I'm going down to the cell and seeing my friends, don't worry I won't free them I just want to see them.
Mother: Ok fine you can go see them but winter go with her.
Lucy: Fine. Come on winter, let's go.

Team Natsu/The thunder legion/Jellal's POV

Jellal: Where the hell did Lucy go?
Erza: Why do you care jellal you don't even know anything about her?
Jellal: That's where you're wrong erza while we were on the train she told me everything.
Laxus: So she finally told you?
Everyone except jellal: WAIT YOU KNOW ABOUT HER LAXUS?!
Laxus: Yeah she is my sister you know? I suspect she told you jellal.
Jellal: Yep!
Natsu: Everyone shut up I smell two people coming towards the toom. They should be here in 2 mins.

Nobody's POV

Everyone went silent. What surprised them was that they were visited by winter and Lucy but a completely different Lucy.

This is what she is wearing

Laxus: Lu what happened to you and why are you with her?
Lucy: Nothing happened to me bro and shut up.
Jellal: Lucy's what's going on?
Lucy: Nothing jellal I'm just being me.
Natsu: But luce you're not being you? You're acting and dressing differently.
Winter: Stay out of this fire breath!
Gray: Ohhhh new nickname for you pyro!
Team natsu: Gray this is not the time!
Laxus: Shut up all of you. Lucy I want you to tell me everything that has happened. NOW!!!
Lucy: Nothing much it's just that you all lied to me especially you and gramps laxus. You had me believing we were actually family but we're not. I've found my family again and I won't let you ruin it.
Winter: Yeah sparky she's come back to us where she rightfully belongs!
Jellal: Lucy....
Lucy: Oh don't worry jellal since you weren't involved in any of this I'll forgive only you.
Lucy: Ok now on to why I really came down here.
Winter: Go on Lucy tell them your decision on who you're choosing!
Laxus: What's she talking about lu?
Jellal: Lucy tell us it's not like where going anywhere?
Team natsu: Lucy free us so we can get this over with and go home!

While they were talking a couple of others came down to join.

Brandon: She won't come with you guys.
Laxus: What do you mean?
Brandon: What I mean lightning freak is that she is staying here with us.
Winter: Have you guys ever wondered why Lucy doesn't tell you what she really feels and why she spaces out a lot?
Natsu: No it's normal for people to do that?
Winter: Yes it is but the reason to it is because she was having vision/memories of her past and who she really is.
Wendy: The Lucy you're talking about is not the real Lucy. The real Lucy is kind sweet and loyal to fairy tail. The kind of girl who would sacrifice everything for her loved ones, for nakama
Astro: What would you know cutie? We've known her since she was born.
Molly: Astro you don't have to be rude to the girl and why are you talking to these lowlifes
Lucy: ENOUGH!!! You guys don't but in.
Brandon,winter,Astro,Maria,Molly: But...
Lucy: No buts don't you see it's hard enough for me already without you guys constantly fighting?
Maria: We're not trying to make it harder for you Lucy we just want to help.
Winter: She's right bestie we just want to help you like you did for us when we were younger.
Brandon: That's the way to say it babe.
Winter,Astro,Maria,Molly: Really Brandon this is so not the time to be flirting!
Lucy: Hahahaha! Thanks guys I appreciate it so my choice is.....
I'm sorry guys but I want to stay with my family

Lucy: I pick you guys......

Brandon,winter,Astro,Maria,Molly I got to meet my family again and I won't let any one take you guys away again.

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