In Love With The Werewolf Pri...

By arabella_tomlinson

258K 9K 1.2K

*THIS BOOKS IS IN SEVERE NEED OF EDITING SO READ AT OWN RISK* Jaxon Michaels, is an 18 year old, shy 5'2 with... More



5.6K 216 53
By arabella_tomlinson


Max and I were currently in our room typing away on our computers looking at different homes that were for sale and making phone calls to make appointments to go check them out. The kids were all napping in their rooms -Xander's room was currently being renovated so he was sharing a room with Jackson- all three kids had welcomed the small boy with beaming smiles and loud cheers.

"What about this one?" I asked pointing to one of the par beautiful mansions I've ever seen in my life

"Does it have a number?" Max asked leaning over and I was just about to rely when the sound of the baby monitor went of with a screeching new born

"Just scroll down and it should be there in the contact info" I said giving him my lap top before rushing out to the nursery to get Maison before he could wake his brother, Maddox,up

"Hi baby what's the matter?" I cooed as I bounced my wailing son but soo he was reduced to sniffles and whimpers when he heard my voice.

"I bet you're hungry huh?" I whispered walking to the rocking chair and sitting down so I could fees him.

"Daddy and I are looking for a new house so we can all live together away from all the mean people" I murmured running his little forehead as he sucked on my peck

"We love you and your siblings so so much" I whispered and smiled as his eyes closed and he was asleep once again and I was glad that Maddox was a heavy sleeper or it would have been a bit tricky breastfeeding them without Max's help. Standing up gently as to not wake Maison, I walked across the room to the crib that he and his brother are currently sharing and laid him beside Maddox

Andy and Elena thought it would be funny to by the boys matching onesies that read 'baby a' and 'baby b'. They were both wearing light blue knitted hats with puffy balls on top, and white tiny polo shoes. Their stuffed bunnies were on each side of them.

"Sleep tight puppies" I murmured leaning down to kiss their foreheads before walking across the hall to mine and Max's room

"Did Maddox wake up?" He asked looking up but I shook my head

"Nope he slept through the whole thing" I replied and he nodded

"I got in touch with a few realtors and all said that the houses we were looking at were already sold and that they apologize for making us waste our time but the noise you showed me a little bit ago said that we could go check it out this afternoon" he said and I grinned

"Great, we can go after we have some lunch" I said and he nodded

"Let's take a nap since its only 9 and I'm beat" he said and I nodded because I'm tired as hell too. The kids decided that it would be cool to wake us early today just to go to the playground and the twins didn't help either as they decided that moment to wake up.

"Kay" I murmured and before we knew it we were both out


"Where are you all heading too?" I looked over to see the king walking towards us with Xavier

"We're going to see a house" Max answered making both men raise their brow and it creeped me the fuck out

"Why? Do you not like living here?" His father asked making my fiancé roll his eyes

"Help Jax put the kids in the car" Max said to one of the staff and they nodded

"I'll be there in a bit" I nodded before walking out of the house and with the help of the butler I carried the car seats to Max's white Volvo

We decided to put the three oldest in the last row while the twins and Xander were in the middle row with Xander in the middle. I got in the front seat and waited for Max to be done talking with his dad and brother, which didn't take long as he came out 5 minutes later and from the looks of it the talk wasn't pleasant if his pissed of expression is anything to go by.

"We are so moving out today if anything" He huffed getting in and I blinked but didn't say anything instead I just nodded. He pulled out of the driveway and sped towards downtown where the house we had looked at was located.

"Papa, mama"Jackson called from the backseat

"What is it bub?" I asked and he grinned

"Gotta go potty" he stated making me chuckle and Max to shake his head

"We're almost there bud" Max said making Jackson whine about needing to pee

"Just hold it in for a little bit love, we'll be there soon" I said and he pouted but nodded his head and not long Max was pulling up to a gate and I felt my eyes grow wide.

"Damn" we mumbled together before laughing. Max drove through the open gates and drove up to the doors of the massive house before parking. We got out with Max going to the trunk to get the strollers before we took the kids out.

"Hello you must be the new buyers" a gentle voice said from behind and we turned to see a young man in his late 20s with golden brown hair that was impeccably styled in a Georgie Armani three piece suit with matching shining black shoes

"Yes" Max answered with a nod as he placed Xander on the stroller- he would be sharing with Mason-before helping me with the twins while the three oldest children were standing back with Jackson doing a little dance beside Max

"Papa" he whined

"Would you be able to show me the bathroom our boy here has to go really bad" I said and the young minx just nodded with our taking his damn eyes from my fiancé

"This way" he said and led us inside the house or should I say mansion.


"As you see, this mansion is very pricey" the man said and I nodded, Max had taken Jackson to the bathroom upon his request staring 'You look at the house mama, papa and I go to potty' and they were off and the male had raised an eyebrow at the comment but said nothing as he showed me around.

"The gates what were they made off?" I asked and he sighed and I raised a brow

"It's a 22 carat gold leaf gate" he replied and I nodded. The entrance boasted a beautiful marble staircase.

"Here we have the staircase that leads to the rooms." The man,Adam as he finally states his name, said pointing to the stairwell that was made of elegant marble pillars, the ceiling was made crystal chandeliers and gold tones.

"The house has a total of 11 bedrooms, 17 bathrooms, a 492-foot private dock that can accommodate an 185-foot mega yacht and an underground garage with parking for over 30 cars." He continued on and I was glad that Max had decided to return at the moment as I couldn't push two strollers on my own and the kids couldn't really see where they were going so they couldn't help.

"This palace like mansion has a 4,500-square-foot, by 12-foot cascading waterfall, double loop LED-lit waterslide, fire pit and swim-up bar for outdoor entertaining" he went on and pointed to the outside and we were amazed by the waterfall.

"Now I'll show you the bedrooms" he said as he led us to the built in elevator by the entrance and a few seconds later we were walking out and into a red and gold decorated hall.

"He's so rude" I whispered when Adam was a few feet away making Max look down at me with a frown

"How?" He asked and I sighed before explaining him what had happened before he returned from the bathroom with Jackson and Max furrowed his brows

"He's not rude now" he commented making me roll my eyes

"Yeah because he's got a crush on you and won't do anything to upset you" I grumbled making my fiancé chuckle

"Impossible" he said with a sake of the head

"Wanna bet? If I'm right you have to change the twins and Xander's diapers for three weeks AND you cook dinner tonight" I said and he smirked

"And if I win?"he quizzed

"Then you are free of diaper duties and I won't ask you to help me unless I need it and I won't make you cook dinner" I said and he shook his head

"If I win, because I will, then you have to let me play my Xbox without complaining" he said and I huffed

"Deal,just wait and see. He's going to give you his number at the end of this tour and flirt with you" I said and he rolled his eyes but said nothing as we reached Adam in front of a room.

"What took you guys so long?" He asked glaring at me but it went away when Max looked at him with a smile

"We were checking to see if the kids were alright"

(Master bedroom)

"Oh, well this here is the master bedroom" he said and we looked inside to see a beautiful bedroom with soft tones from the bed to the small chair at the front and a glass chandelier on the ceiling. I was even more I love with the view from outside. The view was break taking as it shows the beach from the glass windows at on the right of the bed. Just across that I'm,guessing,is both the bathroom and closet.

"This is the bathroom" Adam said as he opened the door to the left and allows us to see a beautiful bathroom.

(Master bathroom)

It was made entirely of marble from the pillars on each side of the room to the bathtub that was across and next to the his and her sink that had a window in the center and mirrors in each side. To the left was the toilet and shower which was made of glass and from the looks of it, it has three shower heads two on the wall and the over head one. It was a nice to say the least


"And here we have the closet" Adam states as he opened the other door and my jaw,and Max's jaw for the matter, fell to the floor.

"Wow" we-max, the kids and I, gasped as we walked in and I was even more shocked to see that it's two stories high

"All this was left behind the previous owners. If you wish we can get rid of all this for-"Adam was saying but I shook my head

"That won't be necessary" I said and he nodded though gave me a disgusted look

"We'll give this to Kenzie and Elena as a gift for their engagement and graduation" i told Max who nodded

(The kids rooms)

"I'm sure they'd be happy with them" he agreed making the younger man frown but instead led us back to the hall to show us the kids rooms. First was Victoria's bedroom which was specially designed for her as the room was pink and white.

"This room belonged to the owners daughter and from the looks of it she loved pink and being a princess and this would specially be fit for one such as your daughter" he commented making Victoria cheer

"I likes it mama and papa" she exclaimed making us chuckle

"We see that"

"The former owners had three children two boys and a girl much like you" Adam said leading us out of the princess themed room to another room next door

"This was the oldest boy's room and as you can see he had a thing for Spider-Man" he commented and we couldn't agree more the room had Spider-Man posters on the walls and we came the conclusion it would Jackson's room since his favorite super hero was Spider-Man.

"Mine?" Jackson asked and we nodded making him cheer

"I like it" he declared

"We know love" we said before exiting his room and crossing the hall to the last room.

"This is the room for the youngest and from the looks of it, he was a very simple kid. The room was simple yet elegant with its dark blues and soft brays. And no doubt Shane would like this room

"My room" Shane stated with conviction well no need to tell him

"You like it?" I quizzed and he nodded

"Yes, mama" he answered

"Great" Max stated. The rest of the tour was spent with Adam showing us the other rooms that we'd be making into nurseries for Xander and the twins.

"We're interested" Max said once we were backdown stairs in the foyer making the salesman blink at him owlishly

"Are you sure? The price is very high" he stated

"We're sure" I said and he cut a look making me roll my eyes

"Well alright. If you would both follow me please" he asked leading us to the kitchen.


"Looks like you'll be on diaper duty for three weeks and will be making us dinner tonight" I said once we were in the car and Max rolled his eyes. I had been right about Adam flirting with him and Max didn't believe me until the devil in disguise gave Max his number and told him to call him whenever he felt lonely in which Max had replied with 'I'm engaged and have 6 incredible children with my fiancé the one you've been glaring at the whole day so keep your number and shove it where the sun don't shine' and I was laughing historically at Adam's reaction before getting in the car after buckling the kids up. It was a little past 10 when we for home and Max said that the mover will be here in half an hour to take our things to the new house

"Shut up" he huffed with an eye roll making me chuckle

"Where have you been? We waited for you at dinner but you never showed" the King said as soon as we entered the palace

"You know where we were so you didn't have to wait up for us" Max answered

"It shouldn't have taking you all day" he stated

"It did since we're moving in tonight" Max answered and the King looked like he was ready to blow a casket with how red his face was

"So you went house hunting and the first house you see, you buy!" The King exclaimed

"We've seen all five houses and we bought the one we liked the best" Max answered though it was a lie about seeing five houses

"Are you really that desperate to leave that you bought it today instead of thinking it over?" His father questioned

"Yes" was Max's simple reply and before the King could say something the doorbell rang and o answers to see a group of men standing outside

"We were called to come here for a move?" The head honcho said and I nodded

"My fiancé will show you the way, I'm going to wait in the car" I said and they nodded moving aside to let me pass before entering to greet both Max and his dad while I went to the car to wait with the kids. Today was a long day and I have no doubt that it'll be the same the rest of week as we get settled into our new home.






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