
By Lozcain

986 130 45

Enlightenment Book Two: A lot has happened since Jade first showed up. With her boyfriend Jamie recovering fr... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 12

13 3 0
By Lozcain

I hated the fact that he knew my original name. That was usually reserved for people that I cared about. I sighed,

"You searched my house well then."

He had the faintest trace of a smirk on his lips, "Indeed, you had an excellent history collection."

I noted the use of past tense but didn't comment. "Are you here to question me then?" I said changing the subject.

"Not particularly," he said to my surprise. "We already know a lot about you. You're just here to... further scientific knowledge."

I raised an eyebrow, "What happens when my usefulness runs out?"

He gave a humourless laugh, "I think you know the answer to that." his face turned more serious, "But on another matter, I'm also here to officially charge you."

"Isn't that supposed to happen when I'm arrested?" I said with cynicism.

"In a normal case yes, but it wasn't deemed necessary here."

"Why now then?" but I thought I knew; the protesters.

"Due to the increased public attention on the issue, the public need to be shown what you truly are. You are far from an innocent victim of the system." He straightened his tie. "Therefore, Jadeine Elizabeth Montgomery I am charging you with multiple murder, endanger to civilians, evading arrest and in accordance with new laws failing to declare to the government that you are afflicted with vampirism and have been associating with individuals afflicted with vampirism. Furthermore I am also charging you for suspected intentional spreading of vampirism to other individuals." For the first time he looked at David properly. "When Doctor White has finished analysing both of your blood samples I am told she should be able to confirm this."

"I don't suppose I can request a lawyer can I?" I said sarcastically.

"That is a right that only applies to humans."

"What about David anyway?" I said indignantly switching track, "I can't say much to defend myself apart from that it was all to save myself or people that I loved. But David is innocent, he has committed no crimes."

"Unfortunately, that is not true. Like you he is also charged with evading arrest and in accordance with new laws failing to declare to the government that he is afflicted with vampirism and have been associating with undeclared individuals afflicted with vampirism."

"This is nonsense!" I snapped angrily.

His eyes suddenly became more dangerous with some kind of simmering emotion I could not identify. Instantly I understood why these people were fearful of him. He spoke slowly and clearly, "Due to the severity of the charges against you, I am authorising the doctors to conduct any examinations and tests they deem necessary. Once this process is complete, there will be a trial."

A trial? I couldn't imagine this being the kind of fair and just trial humans often favoured when judging criminal behaviour. Still the word sparked some sort of defiance in me, and I raised my chin to use my superior height to look down on him. "I wish to have access to a lawyer."

He nodded to the guards who immediately began filing out of the room. "You can wish all you want. It won't help you." Without another word he left.

Angrily I growled to myself. David looked at me from across the room. "You haven't even gotten to the worst part yet."

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

He just smiled secretively at me, but I was prevented from questioning him further because the door opened again. The doctor, Dr White entered again accompanied by guards. I watched her suspiciously as she approached.

She stopped about 2 metres from me. "You aren't going to let me drug you again easily are you?" I hissed in response, baring my fangs at her. She smirked, "I thought so." Without any warning she pulled a small remote from her pocket. There was a small beep and one of the tiny needles in my cuffs slipped forwards into my skin.

I let out a yell of pain but it was too late. The silvery substance had entered my blood stream, making me writhe in agony, further tearing up my wrists. The world took on a fuzzy quality for a moment as I burned in silence, not giving her the satisfaction of making another sound. Eventually I passed out. It was almost a relief to escape the pain. Almost. 

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