|[ The Soul Reaper - 2 ]| [UN...

By The_Experiment

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The war between the kingdoms of Thalandor and Trinstone has been stopped, the battle-hungry king, Soldin, is... More

Eltor: The Soul Reaper
Prologue // Sand
Chapter 1 // Return of the Heir
Chapter 2 // A Stolen Heart - Part I
Chapter 2 // A Stolen Heart - Part II
Chapter 3 // Betrayal
Chapter 4 // Breakout - Part I
Chapter 4 // Breakout - Part II
Chapter 5 // Leap of Faith
Chapter 6 // Fleeing
Chapter 7 // Brother in Blood
Chapter 8 // Dawn of a New Day - Part I
Chapter 8 // Dawn of a New Day - Part II
Chapter 9 // Ālis
Chapter 10 // Lost Halfling
Chapter 11 // Disguise and Lies - Part I
Chapter 12 // Towers Tall, Dungeons Deep
Chapter 13 // Night Bird
Chapter 18 // To Start a Ruse
Chapter 19 // Into the Lion's Den
Chapter 20 // Traitor
Chapter 21 // Victory? Or Defeat?
Chapter 22 // Enemy of Old
Chapter 23 // Déjà vu
Chapter 24 // Blood and Tears
Chapter 25 // Edge of Darkness
Epilogue // Return of the Old One
Acknowledgments and Stuff :D
Excerpt from "The Broken Seal"

Chapter 11 // Disguise and Lies - Part II

223 19 2
By The_Experiment

"You said they have wanted posters of us?" I asked quietly, staring at the open gate to Šventas just beyond the trees. Claude nodded, crouched down beside me. Cedric stood leaning against a tree, listening.

"Yes. So we can't exactly just flounce on in and think that no one will raise the alarm." He grabbed a handful of snow and started packing it into a ball.

"So what now?" I asked, "Do we go in at night? Sneak around? Or do we just fight our way through?"

"Now, now, Irene." Claude said lightly, "No need to get your bloodlust a-pumping. Besides, you have no weapons." He inspected his handiwork, the snow glittering in his hand.

"Weapons are easy enough to come by." I said shortly.

"Personally," Claude said quietly, fixing up a small flaw on the surface of his snow, "I think a more subtle approach would fare well enough. Egg-head!" he called abruptly, throwing the snow at Cedric. It splattered against his chest, dampening his clothes.

"What," Cedric growled, wiping himself down, "Could you possibly want now?" I bit my lip, half wanting to laugh at Cedric, and half wanting to scold Claude.

"You have to ditch those clothes." Claude said, turning away back to Šventas, "Wearing royal wedding robes... it will be sure to catch attention."

"And I suppose walking around naked will draw less attention?" Cedric snapped sarcastically.

"In your case, perhaps." Claude shrugged, "But no. you will be wearing clothes. That I, shall steal for you."

"Oh, Apvidus, save me." Cedric sighed, crossing his arms.

"Claude... where are you going with this?" I asked, "We need a way to go in and scout without being detected. A change of clothes is not going to do that."

"Of course not," Claude snapped, "I'm not an idiot. However, a change of clothes won't hurt. In fact..." he looked me up and down, "You could go for a change of clothes too. I'm surprised you haven't frozen yet." I glanced down at myself – still wearing the clothes I had had on when thrown in jail. I couldn't deny that I was cold, but not freezing. I wondered if it was something to do with the Soul bound to me.

"Okay, so we get changed," I said, playing along, "Then what?"

"Magic." Claude winked.

"Magic?" Cedric asked, "No... enough of magic."

"You wouldn't be alive without it." I said fairly, "Neither would I."

"It seems... so... fickle." Cedric sighed, "Surely there is another way?"

"There is." Claude snapped, "You can stay behind."


I pulled at the collar of my dress, feeling the dry rough material scratch my skin. Cedric looked equally uncomfortable in his shirt and trousers, so very different to what he would've been used to wearing. Claude smiled, pleased with himself, not having changed out of his own clothes.

"And why don't you have to get changed?" Cedric growled, tugging his boots on.

"Because my clothes won't draw attention." Claude said simply, "Now. The magic." Cedric cast me a worried look. Claude sighed. "I've been doing this for my entire life," he snapped, "Besides, if anything goes wrong it would probably be an improvement." Cedric rolled his eyes as Claude moved to me first. He tapped a finger on his chin, thinking. "We probably won't have to change too much with you. Perhaps your hair... maybe your nose. Perhaps give you a nice set of pointed ears?"

"Just do it already, Claude." I snapped. He curled his lip into a frown but did as I asked, breathing alien words under his breath as his hands touched my hair, my face, my features. I was careful not to meet his eye as he worked, staring steadily at the tree behind his head.

Cedric stared at us intensely, his eyes widening as I felt changes ripple across me. When Claude finally stepped away my face felt flatter, my mouth smaller. I touched with tentative fingers at the tips of my ears and felt them tapered to points. I gasped, and touched my hair, pulling it over my shoulder to look at it, now a brilliant white. Even with my colourless vision the change was drastic.

"Hmm... not bad." Claude shrugged, as if commenting on a choice of furniture. He turned to look at Cedric whose face hardened. "Oh don't worry, you big larp-fish."

"Larp-fish?" Cedric raised an eyebrow.

"You've never heard of them?" Claude asked, mildly surprised, "I suppose you only ever see them when you're out on the ocean."

"Claude..." I prompted.

"Oh yes, yes." He said raising a hand to touch Cedric's cheek, "Oh darling, you look ravishing tonight." He dropped a sly wink at Cedric who glared back.

A few minutes later and I could barely recognise Cedric; his white hair had changed to a dark grey, which I assumed was brown, and his eyes were a pitch black. His nose was sharper and thinner, and his ears, once pointed, were rounded. Claude, finished with him, went to work on his own features, tattooing his skin up along his neck and his fingers; his hair turned white – I thought perhaps blonde, or maybe even Cedric's colour – and it became close-shaved. He buttoned up his jacket, covering his chest and dragon tattoo, and grinned at us.

"Okay. So the spell I used will only last a few hours. It was safer than me trying to maintain our appearances continuously."

"So we go in," I said, "We scout out the place, find out who is in charge, and get out."

"A good a plan as any." Cedric nodded.

We walked up to the gates, looking skywards as the guards on duty moved to meet us. I could see crossbows in their hands and knew that they wouldn't hesitate to use them on us.

"Ho!" Claude called up, giving them a merry wave, "Lovely day, isn't it?" I glanced up at the grey sky where no sun could be seen. Lovely, indeed.

"What is your business in Šventas?" one guard called, cocking his cross-bow further in his arms, "Business, pleasure, or passing through?"

"Some business," Claude shrugged, "And some pleasure whilst we're at it. I hear the Den of Renatus is quite the scene."

"That it is!" the other guard chuckled, leaning against the battlement, "The ladies you find there – not exactly respectable, but certainly worth the money." I swivelled my gaze to him and crossed my arms. He coughed awkwardly and straightened up. "Cause us no trouble, and we'll all have a good time." He nodded at Claude.

We were waved through, Claude bouncing along as he led the way. The streets were alive, though not nearly with as much bustle as Trinstone. I glanced around at the people, and up at the buildings as I passed, seeing tired faces.

"These people aren't happy." I whispered.

"That they are not." Cedric agreed, "It's... it's such a shame. To see people like this."

"And where do people go when they aren't happy?" Claude asked, casting us both a look. He led us with familiar ease towards an inn. A sign hung above the front doors reading the Den of Renatus, with a scantily dressed woman who I recognised to be the goddess lounging under the words.

"To drown their sorrows." I suggested, watching as a group of men emerged from the inn, dressed in warm cloaks against the cold. Claude nodded, taking the lead once more, and we entered the building.

Inside it was hot and crowded, the smell of alcohol on the air, as well as smoke and sweat. Claude turned to face us both, his hands shoved in his pockets. It was unnerving to see him with short, white hair, rather than the long inkiness I was used to.

"Let's split up. Talk around. See if anyone knows anything." He nodded towards a man sitting alone at the bar, hands clamped around a jug, "Those who have been drinking will be more likely to talk." Cedric and I nodded, breaking apart. I stepped over to a woman who sat in a corner table, staring stonily into space. She barely reacted as I stood in front of her.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked, gesturing to the chair across from her. She shook her head and I sat, watching her. "Are... are you okay?" I asked. The woman's eyes focused on me, as if she had only just realised I was sitting in front of her.

"Why do you care?" she hissed, mouth tightening. I watched as her eyes shifted to my ears and I suddenly realised that my disguise probably wasn't going to get me many answers. "You... you Fae." She shuddered and I knew she was close to tears

"I... I..." I tried, unsure of what I was going to say.

"You took him away..." the woman whispered, more to herself than me, "You... my precious baby... my, my Amiet..."

"Who took them away?" I asked, "Why?"

"Why?" she hissed tears in her eyes. Her fingers curled into claws around the edge of the table with so much force I wondered if her bones would shatter, "I don't know why." she swayed in her seat, her eyes losing focus again.

"Humans." A deep voice laughed behind me. A hand touched my shoulder and I turned to see a dark-haired Faeri staring at the woman, a look of disgust on his face.

"Excuse me?" I asked, frowning at him.

"So fragile, aren't they?" he sighed, "It's a wonder they have even lasted this long. I'm surprised Navê hasn't just done away with them all by now." He noticed my less-than-friendly look and shook his head. "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Nylander." He held his hand out to me, "Come now, away from this filth." Uncertainly, I took his hand and he swept me off the seat. The woman didn't react – her gaze was far away.

"I'm... Iva." I said, falling back to my familiar false name, "I'm visiting from Trinstone. Decided to see how things were run this far west."

"Ahh, so you come from the Regent's city?" Nylander smiled, "How fascinating. Have you met him? Is he as strong as they say?" I only stared at him blankly. The Regent? Faltering slightly, Nylander cast me an uncertain look. "Iva, are you alright?"

"Oh, oh sorry." I mumbled, "It's just... the cold, and the travelling, and I'm really quite tired."

"Understandable." Nylander nodded, looking reassured, "But that's why I keep humans around – to drive my carriages and such."

"You mean slaves?" I asked, a hard tone to my voice. He didn't seem to notice.

"Slaves, humans... there's no real difference anymore, is there? Not under our Empresses rule. So much better than under that useless dog Cedric." I felt anger spark inside me and for a moment the inn was lit up in warm hues of gold and yellow. Nylander's hair was stained brown, his eyes a light gold.

"Cedric was not a dog." I growled. Nylander looked taken aback.

"Oh, I didn't mean to cause offence. I wasn't under the impression you were for the old ways." He shrugged, "But it makes little difference now." We arrived at the bar. "Two wines." He ordered. The barman eyed us darkly, but nodded and turned away. Slowly the colour faded from my vision and it was back to bleak world.

"So how are you liking Šventas?" Nylander asked, leaning against the bar, "It's not often I see strange Fae here. I know most everyone in this small city. At least, everyone of importance." You mean Faeris.

"It's..." I struggled not to let my temper run away with me, "Different. I... I heard that there were different authority settings here. Decided to see them for myself."

"Ahh, you must mean the Baron. Yes, it's an interesting way of running an empire," Nylander nodded. The barman came back with two glassed. Nylander threw a coin at him without looking. I felt resentment for this man – he was treating humans the way I had fought so hard to eliminate. This is Imelda's doing. I reminded myself.

I was here to find out who was in charge. To bring them down. To bring her down.

"The Baron?" I asked, "Yes. Yes, I would love to know more." Nylander smiled, flashing pearly whites.

"Well you see, our Empress Imelda... she doesn't like to leave Thalandor very often, except to visit the Regent in Trinstone – which you would know all about." He took a sip of his wine, "But to keep a check over these cities, further away and as far off as Kanas, she's put Lords, and Barons, and even a Lady to watch over and make sure that her laws are followed."

"And the Baron here..." I started.

"Well, the old King's Advisor," Nylander nodded, "He played his cards well, that sly dog. And now he gets to reside in the tower whilst the rest of us Fae are down here babysitting these useless humans."

"The tower..." I breathed. He ignored me, downing the rest of his wine.

"If you ask me, I think we should just cull off the rest of them. Though then again, who would do all our dirty work?

"Who indeed." I growled. I glanced over my shoulder to see Claude – at least I thought it was Claude – hovering by the door. He looked up and caught my eye. "I have to go." I said shortly, getting to my feet.

"But Iva!" Nylander laughed, "We've only just started talking. And you haven't touched your wine."

"Sorry." I said without any remorse. I rose from my seat and turned away. Suddenly his hand shot out and latched onto my wrist. I glared at him, feeling hot anger course through my veins. Colour flickered on like a switch had been turned.

"Let go of my hand." I growled, "Before I remove it for you." as I eyed up Nylander my eyes flickered around, searching for a weapon of any kind – a fork, or a plate. But before I could even begin to try anything he released me.

"My apologies," he said, though his eyes told me he meant anything but it, "I'll... see you around, Iva." The way he said the name sent a shiver down my spine and yet I couldn't decide why.

I hurried away from him to Claude who stepped outside. As I moved a man with dark hair fell in step beside me. For a moment I panicked, thinking Nylander had followed me after all, but I recognised with a jolt that it was Cedric. Together we left the warmth of the inn and stepped out into the cold afternoon.

Snow drifted down lightly, adding to the thick blanket over the city. Facing us as the door swung shut behind me, Claude crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well?" he asked, "Did either of you find out anything?"

"The people I talked to seemed to scared to say anything." Cedric shrugged, "I think... I think that many people have gone missing. I heard a woman crying that her family were taken away. Something isn't... isn't right."

"It's Imelda." I said coldly, "She's reinstated the oppression over humans. That... that piece of shit I was talking to said that now, under her, humans and slaves are one and the same."

"Everything we wanted to change..." Cedric breathed, "Gone."

"What about this place?" Claude asked, "Who's in charged?"

"Nylander – that Faeri – said the Baron. I think... he mentioned it was the old King's Advisor?"

"Mayon!" Cedric growled, his face ugly with anger, "That slippery eel!"

"Mayon?" I asked, confused, "Who's Mayon?"

"He was my advisor," Cedric snarled, "And my father's before Me." he took a deep breath, "He's... he's in charge here?"

"It seems." I said darkly, "And it looks like he has no problems upholding Imelda's laws. A woman I tried to talk to. She blamed me for her child being taken away."

"You say a cross word here," Claude said, watching something beyond us, "And you disappear." I followed his gaze to see two Faeri guards, thick fur coats pulled over their armour, approaching a man who stood by a wall. As he spotted them he tried to run, but they dived for him, tackling him to the ground.

As I moved to help Claude put a hand in front of me.

"No. we can't afford to draw attention." He cast a look to my ears, "Besides. A Faeri that sides against another Faeri will seem suspicious, especially at this time." I curled my hands into fists but remained where I stood, watching as the guards dragged the man's now limp body away. A trail of red dotted the snow. Claude moved first, walking towards the bloody trail, and suddenly stopped. Facing the same way I saw why. Across the wall in black letters was written:

Death to the Empress

Down with the Empire

Blood spatter had joined the words, cast across it like paint. I shivered.

"We need to fix this." I said darkly, "For these people's sake.

"And we can," Cedric said firmly, "By taking down the empire, one man at a time."

"Did this Nylander happen to mention where we can find slime-ball Mayon?" Claude asked, still staring at the words.

"Yes." I nodded, "The tower."

? 4Zz)

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