Fifty Shades Of Justin

By Believeeexoxo

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There comes a time in your life when you realize you don’t want to be with anyone else. Even though you’ve be... More

Chapter One- "When It All Began..."
Chapter Two- "I'm Not Loveable..."
Chapter Three- "I Don't Love Anybody..."
Chapter Four- "You Don't Deserve It..."
Chapter Five- "Let Me Explain..."
Chapter Six- "I Promise..."
Chapter Seven- "Today's Gonna Be Special..."
Chapter Eight- "If I Told You..."
Chapter Nine- "I'll Tell You When I'm Ready..."
Chapter Ten- "She's Just An Old Family Friend..."
Chapter Eleven- "I Already Took Care Of It..."
Chapter Twelve- "What Did I Just Do..."
Chapter Thirteen- "Watch It Fall..."
Chapter Fifteen- "Finally It Was Over..."
Chapter Sixteen- "What The Hell Have I Done... "
Chapter Seventeen- "I Know We Will..."
Chapter Eighteen- "You're Mine..."
Chapter Nineteen- "I'll Protect You..."
Chapter Twenty- "I Made You Dirty?..."
Chapter Twenty One- "I Never Thought I'd Find Him..."
Chapter Twenty Two- "Is That How You Like It?"
Chapter Twenty Three- "Am I Hurting You?"
Chapter Twenty Four- "Losing You..."
Chapter Twenty Five- "Handcuffs..."
Chapter Twenty Six- "Found You..."
Chapter Twenty Seven- "Leave Then..."
Chapter Twenty Eight- "Darkness..."
Chapter Twenty Nine- "Think Again..."
Chapter Thirty- "What's Your Emergency?"
Chapter Thirty One- "I Did This To Her... "
Chapter Thirty Two- "I Needed That..."
Chapter Thirty Three- "I Don't Care..."
Chapter Thirty Four- "Pinky Promise..."
Chapter Thirty Five- "Home..."
Chapter Thirty Six- "I Can Do It Myself..."
Chapter Thirty Seven- "I Was Wrong About You..."
Chapter Thirty Eight- "The Ring..."
Chapter Thirty Nine- "Don't Scream Too Loud..."
Chapter Forty- "The Perfect Moment..."

Chapter Fourteen- "Some Bitch From My Past..."

95.5K 1.4K 1.8K
By Believeeexoxo

 Chapter Fourteen

 "Some Bitch From My Past..."

Sophia’s Point Of View

             I woke up to the sound of the vacuum cleaner running and sighed knowing Carina was in one of her cleaning sprees. She always cleaned whenever she was stressed out. I rolled onto my side to cover my ears with the pillow until I noticed Justin wasn’t next to me. Where did he go?

            Before I could get up to look, I saw a note sitting on the comforter. My stomach dropped remembering the first time I found a note from him. I wearily opened it, unsure if I was prepared to read it.


            I woke up feeling a lot better thanks to you. I knew you had to work today so I went to a meeting for work. I want to see you tonight because I have things to talk to you about. Meet me at my hotel at six tonight, okay?”



            I folded the note up and set it on the dresser table. What did he have to talk to me about? I’ve seen the movies. When someone says they need to “talk” to you, it’s never about something good. I didn’t really know how to feel about the note. I mean, he didn’t seem upset but he didn’t seem happy either. I guess I won’t know until tonight though.

            Rising from my bed, I went to change into khaki pants and my ‘Donna’s Diner’ t-shirt. I was so not in the mood to work today. I just wanted to go back to LA in Justin’s house and cuddle with him on the couch and watch movies. I smiled at the thought. Slipping my sneakers on, I grabbed my house key and headed down the stairs to say goodbye to Carina.

            “Hey, I’m leaving for work. I’ll be back around five because I have to get ready for a date with Justin. Is everything okay?”

            I watched her turn off the vacuum and make her way over to me.

            “Sophia, there’s something you need to know.” She glanced nervously at me as if she were unsure of herself.

            “Um, okay?”

            Why was she acting so weird?

            “Justin isn’t the right guy for you Sophia. Trust me, you want nothing to do with him.”

            “What are you talking about?” I replied.

            “Sophia, I’m not trying to get into your business. I’m just saying I really don’t think you should trust him, that’s all.”
            Was she being serious? I’ve never been happier in my life and she’s trying to tell me Justin isn’t the right one? He’s been nothing but a gentleman to me. What the hell does she know?

            “Carina, stop. Is this about Ben? Just because he doesn’t like him? Don’t try and tell me he does because I clearly heard his remark towards him last night before you two left. I’ve never been happier with Justin. You barely even know anything about him. You don’t know him like I do. Are you really going to listen to your boyfriend and believe everything he says about him?” I felt the blood start to boil under my skin.

            “I bet 99.9% of what he told you was a lie. I’ve never liked Ben anyways.” I tried so hard to calm myself down but I could see the look of pain on her face as she let the words I said sink in.

            “Sophia you don’t know him as well as you think you-“

            “Save it.” I cut her off. “You’re just like everyone else. You just judge people based on what you hear andnot what you know.

            I grabbed the handle of the door and swung it open. I couldn’t fucking believe this. My best friend who was supposed to support all of my decisions was just trying to destroy what made me the happiest. There’s nothing she could say about Justin that could make me dislike him. He was the best person I knew. I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of us.

            “Sophia, wait! Don’t go.”

            I heard Carina start to run after me but I slammed the door in her face and headed into the streets of New York City.


            Work was such a drag. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so tired or miserable. I was so pissed at Carina. I glanced around the busy diner as I counted deposits, just wanting my shift to end. I still had an hour left and then I had to go and get ready for my date with Justin. I couldn’t wait to vent to him. I trust him with everything because he was always there to listen to me and be there for me whenever I was having a rough time.

            “Hey Sophia, I need your help with table three. I can’t get to it right now, my hands are full.”

            I watched Donna head into the kitchen, her arms filled with plates. Oh joy.

            “Okay.” I sighed and rose from my seat to grab my pen and paper and made my way over to the table.

            “Hi, welcome to Donna’s Diner. What can I get for you today?” I looked at the young girl sitting in the seat. She was so pretty. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked like someone you’d find in a magazine or something.

            “Hi, are you Sophia?” Her blue eyes met with mine and she flashed me a dazzling white smile. Oh great, don’t tell me she was another fan who recognized me.

            “Yes, and you are?” I glanced down curiously at her perfectly manicured nails.

            “My name’s Tiffany. Tiffany Holden. It’s so great to finally meet you. Do you mind sitting down for a second? There’s something I’d like to tell you.” She looked me up and down and pointed across the booth for me to sit. I don’t even know this girl. Why does she want me to sit with her?

            Trying to show good customer service, I did what I was told and slid into the booth opposite from her. “Um. Okay sure. What is it?”

            “You’re Justin Bieber’s girlfriend, correct?”

            Of course, I should have known. Another fan.

            “Yes, I am.” I smiled shyly and looked away. This was always embarrassing because I never knew how to handle myself.

            “I’m his ex-girlfriend.”

            She flashed me another smile, this time it was more of a rude one. I felt my whole body stiffen and my grip became tighter on the seat.

            “He’s never had a girlfriend.” I felt like sticking my tongue out at her but I couldn’t because I was still on the clock.

            “That’s what you think, but you’re wrong.” She smirked. “Did he bring you to the rocks too? Did he tell you it was his first date?”

            I felt my heart drop into my stomach. What is she talking about? She probably just saw the magazine. She’s probably just made all of this up.

            “Um…” I felt my face start to get hot.

            “Say no more.” She said as she slid a picture across the table. “That’s Justin and I before we had sex on the rocks.”
            I took the picture in my hand and looked it over. Justin had his arms around her waist, sticking his tongue out as she kissed his cheek. I felt the tears start to rise into my eyes but tried to hold them back. He said he’s never been on a date before. He said he’s never had a girlfriend before.

            “Why are you showing me this?” I wanted to beat the living shit out of her.

            “Because there’s something you need to know. Justin didn’t want to tell you, but I thought I should share with you. That day when he brought me down to the rocks he had sex with me.”

            “You already told me that.” I sneered, interrupting her.

            “I know, just hear me out.” She removed a tan envelope from her purse. “Justin got me pregnant that day. I didn’t want to tell anyone about this, ever. Justin told me that he wanted no part to do with the pregnancy, so I had an abortion. Justin used me for sex, that’s why he takes all of his girls to the rocks. Him and Chaz had a bet that they made. Chaz saw me at the concert and he bet Justin that he couldn’t sleep with me until Justin proved him wrong.” She shook her head and continued.

            “He got to know me, we talked for a while and then he asked me to go to the rocks with him for a first date. That’s when we took that picture and that’s when everything happened. Anyways, I saw the picture of you two and you seemed so happy with him. I was curious as to how someone could get over something as big as this. Not to mention I knew that he’d have sex with you and leave you like he did to me. That’s what he does to every girl.”

            I felt the anger course through my veins and burned my eyes into her, just wanting her to shut up.

            “I called Justin after I saw the picture and asked him if he had told you about the pregnancy and he told he hadn’t. I was devastated that yet again he had lured another girl into his life simply just to use them and act like you were a couple when all he wanted was sex. But I guess he goes for the weak ones.” She chuckled and brushed her hair over her shoulder. “I was going to tell you at the awards show but Justin rushed you out before I could tell you. Oh, and before you say anything and call me a liar or a slut, I have the DNA results right here for you if you’d like to see them.” Her fingers pushed the envelope in front of me.

            This couldn’t be true. There’s no way in hell this could be true. My fingers shakily undid the envelope and opened the piece of paper before I scanned it over. I let reality sink in and let the tears escape from my eyes. Everything made sense now.

            That’s why he was so upset when the paparazzi found us at the rocks because he didn’t win the bet. Was this all I really was to him? A bet? He had a child. An unborn child and he never decided to tell me? What the fuck is going on? He told me he never had a fucking girlfriend before. He told me that was his first, his first…

            I stood up, not saying anything, and chucked the results across the table as I let the tears stream down my face. She gave me a look of pity and grabbed the menu to look it over, acting as if nothing was wrong. I couldn’t see because my vision was so blurry. I couldn’t think and I couldn’t speak. I took my apron off and flung my pad and pen on the counter and headed for the door.

            “Sophia where are you going? You can’t just leave!”

            I heard Donna rush out of the kitchen after me but I slammed the door behind me, not giving a shit if I left a half hour early. I ran down the street, careful not to slip on the ice, and rounded the corner. Sliding my back against the brick wall of an old building, I sunk to my knees and began to bawl my eyes out.

            How could I have been so fucking stupid? That’s why he was acting so weird. Was that the secret he never wanted to tell me? Tiffany was never a family friend. She was the mother of his unborn child. Are you fucking serious? That’s why Pattie left? Because Justin was too much of a coward to tell me?

            I felt the anger rise up inside of me as I let the memories flood in. The sex, the cuddling, and the laughing. That was all just a lie? I was just some fucking bet to him? I slammed my fist against the brick and stood up on my feet, trying to make my way back home. But I couldn’t do it because I didn’t want to go back there.

            Oh my god Carina. Did she know? Was that what she was trying to tell me? I felt like the shittiest friend and dumbest person in the entire world. Why didn’t I just listen to her? I don’t even know what I was mad about more. The fact that our whole relationship was just some bet, or the fact that he got someone pregnant and didn’t even bother to tell me. This was my worst fear and it was coming true.

            Before I could think about it anymore my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID but I didn’t recognize the number.

            “Hello?” I tried to stop crying but I couldn’t.

            “Sophia? Hey, This is Jace. Are you okay?”

            Why the fuck is Jace calling me?

            “Jace, I’m fine. Why are you calling me? You aren’t a friend of Justin’s. I know you aren’t.” I could barely say his name.

            “I know Sophia. I’m sorry I lied. I just wanted to get to know you better. You sound like you’re crying. Are you sure you’re okay?”

            I sniffled and brought the phone closer to my ear. “Look Jace, I’m not okay right now. But I’m not about to tell you why because I don’t even know you. I really appreciate you asking me and wanting to help but I just need to-to go…” I tried to hold back the sobs.

            “Okay Sophia I get it, I really do. Call me if you need anything, okay? I’m always here.”

            Who the hell was this guy? I didn’t even know him.

            “Okay yep, got it.” I hung up the phone and slammed it into my pocket.

            I reached the front door, fumbling with the key to unlock it, and pushed it open. I saw Carina sitting on the couch reading a book. She took one look at me and jumped up to instantly embrace me in a hug. I fell to the floor, burying my face in my hands, and she sunk to the floor with me to wrap her arms around my shoulders.

            “Carina I-I’m S-so sorry.” I tried to spit out between sobs.

            “Shh.” She ran her fingers through my hair. “It’s okay, I forgive you.”

Justin’s Point Of View

           It’s 6:30. Where the hell is she?

            I glanced at my phone to check for messages or missed calls but there were none. I tried not to panic as I paced back and forth in the hotel lobby trying to ignore the paparazzi outside. She’s always on time so this was unlike her. What if she’s hurt? I couldn’t take it anymore.

            I reached into my pocket for my keys and rushed outside, waiting for the security to push the paparazzi away, and hopped into my car to head to her house.


            I made my way up the brick steps and knocked loudly on the door. I didn’t want to tell her. This was going to be so hard but I knew I needed to do it because this had to be done. I saw Carina open the door with a look of disgust on her face.

            “What the fuck do you want?” She spat.

            Ben probably told her. Fuck.

            “Look Carina, I just want to talk to Sophia. Is she home?” I tried to look inside to see if I could see her in the living room but she wasn’t there.

            “Justin, she knows. She knows everything.”

            I felt my heart burst into a million pieces. Fuck.

            “Carina I swear it isn’t what it seems. I just need to explain myself to her. Please just let me talk to her, please.” I tried to hold back the tears. Fuck, this can’t be happening.

            “She doesn’t want to talk to you asshole. Tiffany showed up at her work today. She told her the whole story. You don’t understand what a wreck she’s been. I’ve never seen her like this before in my entire life. Do you even realize what you’ve done?”

            Tiffany fucking told her? Who the fuck knows what kind of bullshit came out of her mouth. She probably twisted the whole story. Holy shit this isn’t happening. I ran my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to do.

            “SOPHIA? SOPHIA PLEASE COME DOWN HERE. PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN.” I tried to yell upstairs, trying every last effort to get her to talk to me.

            “Justin, Sophia wants nothing to do with you anymore. You’re a piece of shit. Don’t you ever, and I mean EVER come back here. Do you understand?” Her eyes burned into mine, letting me know she was serious, before slamming the door in my face.

            “DAMMIT!” I slammed my fist on the wall and headed back to the car.

            Tiffany just destroyed everything; she just took away the one thing that meant the most to me. What the fuck do I do now? I can’t lose her. I refuse to lose her. I slammed the car door shut and whipped my phone out to dial Tiffany’s number.

            “Hello?” I could just hear her smile like a bitch in the phone.

            “TIFFANY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU JUST DID TO ME?” I screamed into the phone and slammed my fist multiple times on the steering wheel.

            “Justin calm the fuck down, holy shit!”

            “Calm the fuck down? Calm the fuck down? How am I supposed to calm the fuck down Tiffany? You just took away the one thing that made me the happiest. You just took away my whole fucking life.” I put my face in my hands, not knowing what to do with myself. I didn’t know how to handle this because I’ve never felt like this before.

            “Justin she deserved to know the truth. The poor girl’s been walking around thinking everything was just fine and dandy when you didn’t tell her anything that went on. She was clueless.”

            “Tiffany Jesus, I know that. I was trying to find the right time to tell her. It’s not easy telling someone you got someone else pregnant when they were threatening to take away your whole career.” I sneered into the phone.

            “Like I said before Justin, you don’t deserve a good girl because you’re a piece of shit. You treated her terribly. What do you think she’s doing right now? Do you think she’s up in her room missing you? No. She’s sitting there wondering how she could have been so stupid to like an asshole like you because all you do is use girls. That’s all you do. Face it.”

            I wasn’t going to take this bullshit from anyone anymore, especially not Tiffany.

            “It was different with Sophia Tiffany, you don’t understand. This was something more than the others. She was so different you just don’t get it. You just don’t.”

            “Well after the conversation I had with her I don’t think she feels that way anymore.” She chuckled into the receiver.

            I felt the blood start to boil under my skin and the anger rose up inside of me. “What the fuck did you say to her Tiffany?”

            “Oh Justin, you’re so naïve. I told you that you’d regret calling me a one-night stand and now look at you. You’re regretting it, aren’t you?”

            “Tiffany what the fuck did you say to her?”

            I heard her laugh before the phone line went dead.


            I can’t believe this is happening. What did she say to her? What lies did she come up with this time? I didn’t even want to think about it. Sophia probably thought I was the biggest asshole around. I looked around the yard of Sophia’s house and saw her bedroom light turn on. This was my chance; I needed to explain myself to her and set everything straight.

            Slamming my car door shut once again, I ran over to the tree that led up to Sophia’s bedroom. I climbed the tree slowly one branch at a time and finally hopped onto the roof and peeked into the window only to feel my heart stop.

Sophia was in her bed, bawling her eyes out. She had her face buried in her hands and she was rocking back and forth. All I wanted to do was hold her. I knocked softly on the window causing her to glance over, her eyes narrowing once she saw me. She slowly climbed out of bed and made her way over to the window. All she was wearing was a t-shirt. Fuck, she was so beautiful.

            She unlocked it and quietly opened it, not saying anything to me. All she did was cry. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed in or not so I just remained on the roof, staring directly at her.

            “Please don’t cry.” I hated it when she cried; I never wanted to see her hurt. Why did I do this? Why did I make her feel like this?

            “P-please don’t cry? Is that s-seriously what you have to say?” She rolled her eyes and reached up to the window to bring it back down but before she could I reached my hand up to stop her.

            “Sophia please listen to me, wait.” I tried to choose my words wisely. “I have no idea what Tiffany said to you today okay, but I can promise you not all of it was true. I can promise you.” I scanned her eyes, trying to find that old Sophia I knew, the one who trusted me. I couldn’t find her.

            “Answer me this,” she said. “Did you get her pregnant and not tell me?”

            I cleared my throat. “Yes.”

            “Did you bring her to the rocks as a first date only to have sex with her because of some fucking bet?”

            I refused to lie to her anymore. I was going to be completely honest. “Yes Sophia but-“

            “But nothing Justin. Tiffany told me everything. She told me about your relationship with her, she told me about you not being there for her during the pregnancy, and she told me about how the rocks is where you take all of the girls Chaz bets you won’t be able to fuck. Was that all I was to you? Just some fucking bet?” Her voice started to get louder.

            “I was so fucking dumb, so fucking stupid to think even for a second you actually cared about me. I was there for you for EVERYTHING. Ben was Tiffany’s brother. You had the perfect opportunity to tell me last night but you chose not to. Instead of finding out from my boyfriend, I found out from your ex-girlfriend and my best friend. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Do you know how broken I am right now? Why did you stay around? Why did you continue sleeping with me if I was just part of some game? You told me you never dated anyone. You told me that was your first time there. You made me feel special and you made me feel different. “She’s just a family friend?” You’re such a fucking asshole!”

            Her words completely broke me as she sunk to her knees sobbing. What is going on? Sophia was never a bet; Tiffany was the only bet that I ever made with Chaz. That was never a routine thing. Tiffany and I never dated; she was just a one-night stand. What the fuck is going on? Oh my god.

            “Sophia no, you don’t understand-“

            She laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Don’t understand? How about you try to understand this Justin. I don’t want anything to do with you ever the fuck again. I don’t care where you are, who you hang out with, or what you do with your life. I don’t give a shit anymore. I don’t want you calling me, I don’t want you showing up here again, and I don’t want you to think about me anymore. I just want to forget I ever met you and pretend this whole relationship never even happened.”

            Before I could respond she slammed the window shut and locked it, closing the blinds behind her. What the fuck did Tiffany just do? She just destroyed everything. I angrily ran my fist through my hair and climbed back down the tree, sliding back into the car.

            I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. I needed to sort everything out and fix this. I wasn’t going to lose Sophia because of some bitch from my past. No way in hell was that going to happen.


Sophia’s Point Of View

             I’ve never felt so alone. I’ve never felt so heartbroken. Tissue boxes and ice cream bowls trying everything to forget about him surrounded me. I sunk down into my pillow and pulled the comforter over my head just wanting to go to sleep and never wake up.

            “Soph?” I heard Carina slowly open the door.

            “What?” I groaned.

            “Um, this letter came for you in the mail today. I’m pretty sure it’s from Justin. I wasn’t going to give it to you but then I just kept thinking about The Notebook and I couldn’t do it. I don’t think you should read it, but I figured I’d ask you if you wanted to.”

            No matter how bad I was feeling, Carina always seemed to make me feel better. I laughed and shook my head.

            “You watch too many movies, but I’ll read it. I’m better now because I have a clear head.” She nodded and handed the white envelope to me before turning around and walking back downstairs. My heart dropped when I saw my name scribbled in Justin’s handwriting. I slowly opened it, trying to hold back the tears, and unwrinkled the piece of paper.


                        Baby. I know this all looks so bad. I know it does. But you just have to hear me out. I want to explain this to you in person because there’s so many details Tiffany left out. She lied to you; almost everything she said to you was made up. I honestly hope you believe me because you mean more to me than you know. I understand that you need time to think right now. I would too. I’m straightening everything out and flying back to LA tomorrow night. Any time you want to talk I’ll be there in an instant, that’s a promise. You mean so much to me Sophia…



            I let the words of the letter sink in. Maybe Tiffany did lie to me. Maybe she did make a lot of it up. She seemed so rude when she met me, I wouldn’t doubt that she’d lie to me. But Justin said the bet was the truth and he said the pregnancy was the truth. How can we get past something like this? He lied to me the whole relationship. It seemed like nothing was true anymore; I didn’t know what to think.

            I cared about Justin more than anything in the entire world. He meant everything to me and he seemed to still care about me in the letter so why not try to hear his side of the story? But then there was another part of me that just said to leave him alone. Too much has happened between us; it would take so long to overcome this. But I knew I couldn’t live without him. I needed him. He was the only person in my life that fulfilled me. He cared when nobody else did; he listened when nobody else was there.

            I decided that I was going to give it a day to clear my mind and really think things through because I didn’t want to make a decision that I know I would regret for the rest of my life.




I just want to thank you so much for reading! I'm so happy everyone is liking it! Your comments mean the world to me and I really hope you liked this chapter. I bet you weren't seeing that coming were you?! 

I'm really excited about this chapter because it's opening up a lot for the story. I have so much planned and I'm so excited that you're all reading! 

Next update will be on Thursday like always :) 

Twitter: believeeexoxo 


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