[2] Hell and Back | d. winche...

By graciewr

70.8K 2.3K 195

The night Stephanie Cale died shattered the Winchester family, Bobby Singer is even struggling to hide it. So... More

The Final Note


2.1K 78 7
By graciewr

It hadn't even been an hour since they left Colorado and they were knee deep in demons already.

"Dean!" Stephanie screeched at the sight of the black-eyed vessels diving at the poor impala, the breaks groaned at all the work they were forced into and Dean snickered in frustration, hearing a third bang of a body hitting his bonnet.

"Jesus." The Winchester spat the words glancing at the brunette with intense concern and back at the road with intense disgust, like clockwork, he looked back.

"We can't go much further, we can't even get down the road!" Even though it was true, neither of the hunters wanted to hear what the youngest of them had to say, it made their inevitable defeat seem closer than they all wanted it to be.

"Thanks for that Sam." Sam's brother turned in his seat, gripping the steering wheel with more anxiety Stephanie had ever seen in one place-his pinky finger, she would've sworn, had more panic in than her entire body, but that wasn't true. They were all terrified. They were going to die-again. And without each other.

"Sam." Stephanie spoke above the brother at her side, she didn't turn her head nor did she let her eyes move from where they'd frozen on too. "Pass me that gun-" She threw her arm backwards between the gap of the driver and passenger seat, pointing at the weaponry with half-hearted interest, "And that-that knife."
By 'knife' she meant the machete shoved in the green duffel bag half over and half off Sam Winchester's lap.

Dean looked at the brunette who's eyebrows were now knitted and pulled down over the hazel of her plotting eyes. She watched the world around her with great intent, eyeing up the demons snarling at their car but she didn't look frightened, she looked far more determined than she should.

"No." Sam had already placed the gun in her hand, "No." Dean Winchester's eyes widened considerably and the girl's face heated with anticipation, a shiver riding through her as the sharpened metal as large as her forearm was placed hesitantly in her open palm. Don't do it.
Don't you dare. Dean thought, seeing his brother hand his best friend the weapons with pure confusion but obeyed none the less. "No!"  Stephanie was already out the car, the door shutting inaudibly as the grunts and groans from the demons and vampires drowned over the slam of the impala passenger door.
"Why the hell would you do that?-"

Sam uttered a few words, questioning himself along with his brother. Why had he done that? He knew Stephanie wouldn't do something safe with those weapons; why didn't he question her before instead of after? Just as Dean grabbed the door handle of the driver's side, his eyes watched the brunette swinging and shooting and black clouds surround her like a hurricane of evil. Somehow, cutting the limbs and heads off of the demons surrounding her, destroying the vessels to give them some room, was effortlessly graceful. The Winchesters watched their fellow hunter snarl and spin as the demons lurched in her direction, she'd shoot one, it'd stumble and another would launch at her exposed back. Stevie spun and kicked out, slicing the knife against their throat and watched the demon vacate their damaged vessels. They had no where to go-or at least no where near and she looked like a demented ballet dancer, shooting away with a twisted grin.

Dean punched at the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening as they tightened on the leather and his teeth bared like a wolf. Thanks to the brunette, now disappearing in a crowd of black eyed demons, the Winchesters could loose their lives. But only if they helped and of course they would, Stephanie was there. His Stephanie. "God dammit!" Dean kicked the impala door wide open, pulling the gun out of his jacket and taking one of his brother who was quick to follow. The older Winchester shot the human hosts in the head, watching the first dead human slump to the floor and the demons vacate-odd, dean noted, they can't be all that strong if they can't keep their vessels going.
For someone who only fights small groups at a time because that's all she's ever faced, Stevie was doing remarkably well. Maybe it was her strange blood-coated gracefulness? Or the fact these demons were more like zombies in the way they were attacking. They were rabid, drooling beings charging at them with such misguided anger all the hunters were confused to what was going on.

Dean shot out his anger at least, calming as he neared Stephanie until he heard her scream, and then like fire it reignited within his chest and Dean charged blindly towards the brunette.

"Do you have a death wish?!" He roared, nearing her as he clicked the trigger once again. Stephanie didn't say anything, she just shuffled so her back slammed against the Winchester's after a kick sending two demons backwards.

"I'm trying to get us some space!" The pair almost waltzed as they created a rhythm of shooting and reloading-shooting-reloading and screaming at each other over the wails and shouts.

"So, what? You can go throw yourself in another set of demons?!"

"Don't take this so personally, Dean!" The Winchester straightened his posture, momentarily distracted and turned to the brunette,

"Personally?!" The disbelief shook him, she couldn't leave him again.

"Shit!" Her eyes had widened and the hunter turned. "Vampire!" She called and the pair changed side, Dean crouched to which Stephanie jumped up, pushed herself off of his back and sliced the head off the vampire heading in their direction, landing in a pile with a thud. The pair of them had to acknowledge, that was, in it's own hunter way, pretty beautiful.

"You can't just take on a hundred demons yourself, Stephanie! Stop trying to be a damn hero!"

"A hero?" She echoed, cringing at the use of her full name.

"I'm not a hero, I'm trying to keep you alive!" Bang.

"Nice job Steph, really! Look how well that's gone for you over the past year." Slice.

"Oh that's rich! Ain't you just a charmer!" Stevie had begun shouting a little louder than she originally had, reloading her gun with an aggravated double click.

"You're so inconsiderate! You're going to get killed!" Bang.

"Not the first time!" Bang.

"Maybe another year without me, you can get yourself a new girl! One who will be obviously less stressful! Though I doubt it'll take that much time!" Bang, reload.

"Stephanie!" Dean growled in outrage in her direction, and she swore when she was caught of guard, a demon tackling her to the floor. Dean shot twice and the body fell limp, Stevie kicked up and the demon rolled off.

"Get off!" Stephanie slapped away the Winchester's hand and pulled herself up, shooting over Dean's shoulder the moment she regained balance. "The damn things can't even keep their hosts going." The brunette chewed her lip, her head tilting.

"In the car." Interrupting her thoughts, arms cupped her and guided her back to the Impala, Sam following suit because when they looked around, climbing back into the car, they'd killed every one. Destroyed every single vessel within sight. Sam leant on the bonnet letting out an exasperated breath;

"You guys should fight more often."

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