Misplaced Love

By PurpleOreo17

13.5K 453 181

SEQUEL TO: BAD BOY'S CUPID Since the wedding , Lucas tried to do everything to make himself forget about the... More

C.1- Five Years Later
C.2- Christopher
C.3- The Proposal
C.4- Wanted: Closure
C.6- Anton's POV
C.7- Finally Back Home
Author's Note
C.8- Ashton's Grave
C.9- The Longest Day
C.10- On Old Friends and New Memories
C.11- Tit for Tat
C.12- The Biggest Secret
C. 13- Uncovering Surprises
C.14- Truth Or Truth
C.15- On Coffee and Tears
C. 16- Cupid is still Cupid
C.17- Venue Hunting or Haunting?
C.18- Not Over, Never Over
C. 19- Violets and Whys
C. 20 - On Old Lovers and Vodka

C. 5- On Wedding Invitations and Cheese Sticks

1K 41 26
By PurpleOreo17


Months have passed, and the longing for the people I left are still haunting me. I miss how I could be whatever I want when I'm with Patricia and Joanna. I miss the way I'd feel protected whenever I'm with my brothers or Bryant, I miss my parents and it's been years since the last time I went to Ashton's grave. I miss all of them so much.

I looked for Monique in England before, but I never really found her, people told me that she came back home to work at a full time job in New York. Nonetheless, I'm proud of what she's accomplished.

I received an invitation for a wedding; Patricia's wedding. The day of her wedding is three months from now, along with the invitation was a note, signed by her.

You owe this to me. You have to come. Stop ignoring us, Violet.

This was the coldest letter I've ever received, but I guess I deserve this. I've been ignoring them for years, I don't even know how they knew my address, they must have sent it to Antonio's company address.

I missed all their birthdays, Zach's wedding, my brothers' birthdays, all possible events that I should have been there for. But instead I'm here.  Studying law in one of the best universities in Paris.

My relationship with my husband is as strong as it can ever be. He gave me nothing but the best, and I'm so proud of the man he had become.

Of course, I stalk everyone on the internet, discreetly. Only to find out that Lucas—who is now known as Christopher Williams— owns one of the biggest companies in New York. He was the most sought after bachelor and he was recently awarded as one of the most promising young entrepreneurs of 2016. I wish I was there to celebrate this with him, even as a friend.

I'm happy for everything he's achieved, but we can never go back to the way we were. So much has changed and no matter how hard we try, I don't think we could ever bring it back. Mostly because we're both happy with our own lives.

The only reason why I was too afraid to go back to them, is because I feel like a lot of things have changed. It's stupid, but yes, in the years that I've been away from them a lot of things have shifted between all of us. Even with me a thousand miles away, I can feel it.

I don't know what to say when I finally get the chance to see them face to face, whether they'd even welcome me or not. I know they probably all hate me.

But I can't miss Patricia's wedding, it's the least I could do for her. She's done so much for me, sacrificed a lot of things for me, risked a lot of things for me; and all I ever did to repay her was that I left.

"Having thoughts, love?" Antonio asked as he stood beside the door frame, crossing his arm over his chest. He smiled warmly, but I can see how tired he is.

"Patricia's getting married. " I answered, unsure how he would take this news. I'm not even sure if he'd want me to go.

He stood silent for a moment, probably thinking of a reaction. I know this man so well. "How wonderful! Are we going?"

I sighed a small breath of relief, small enough for him not to notice. I'm glad he's ecstatic about this, and maybe now I can finally see my family.  "I-I don't know, love. When would you like to go?"

"Well, I'm sure you'd want to be hands-on with the dress and the food tasting and the bridal showers, your semester in law school will finish in a few weeks. We can set the date after your final exams." He smiled as he walked closer to where I was seated.

He held my chin up, "I know how much you miss them, and I'm so sorry for doing this to you. And I promise to make it up to you, I love you Violet and I will do anything to make you happy." He kissed my lips lightly.

"I love you, too. And you know what they say about love, it ma—"

"It makes you do stupid things." He smirked. "I know, I know." He chuckled lightly.

Making him happy makes me happy. It's weird how a few years ago I would have hated the idea of being with this man again. But here I am loving him more than I ever did before.

One thing was for sure though, when I get back home, I promise to make it up to them. I will do whatever it takes for them to forgive me.

To get them to understand that I love Antonio, and I'm happy with this. No matter how hard it is to let go of Lucas, and although there will always be a part of me that loves him. I know that I can never be with him again.

"How was work?"

"It was fine, meetings, more meetings, and more meetings, I'm so glad that I can have the chance to get home to the likes of you." He smiled charmingly. "How about Law school?"

"Everything is great, Civil Law makes my brain hurt, I mean, I love the subject and all, but I hate the way the professor teaches it. And don't get me started on International Law. Just thinking about it makes my brain hurt."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "You always look so adorable when you rant about these things. Why don't we just go out to eat, eh?"

"But I still have tons of research to do, my professor in my Ethics class is really strict and I—"

"We can buy pizza." He smirked.

Pizza or any food for that matter is always the magic password to me.

"Pft, did I say Ethics? I meant uh, cheese sticks." I smiled nervously.

He laughed, damn him and his gorgeous face and laughter. How can one person be so perfect? "Right, cheese sticks. Okay."

And so to cheese sticks and pizza we went.


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