Be my Boyfriend for a week (B...

By King_Queen_Johnny

869 25 8

Kaito was just a normal gay guy who, like everyone else, has a crush on someone. His eyes landed on his last... More

The Accidental Scandal
The Day
We kissed!?
The Truth REVEALED!!
Meeting friends
Festivities approaching!!
Last day of Preperation!!
Day full of Regrets
It slipped...
Tragedy struck!
Dark Day
Enduring through it all
I need help (A/N chapter)
This day went...Normal?
A/N chappie
Challenges II
Settling this
A Day to remember
Q&A II!!!
Final Q&A!!!

Truth or...Dare?

48 0 0
By King_Queen_Johnny

Author's P.O.V~
Guys, some of you have been messaging me and I'm sorry if I can't reply cause Wattypady here has some issues with my account XD when I send a message it says either 'resend' or 'change' my email....And I'm so confused XD

Oh wait late announcie!!

I dedicate this chapter to my friends


Leezalaine inspired me to make this chapter so I dedictae it to her and her ideas to make a truth or dare chapter XD

Also to Takashi who whipped up some good 'spicy' dares for me hehehe >:) well it is only 3 anyways so...yeah the dares ate short XD

Anyways on with the chapter enjoy readers!!

Tsubaki's P.O.V~

Well, I woke up 1 minute earlier then my alarm haha!

I woke up 5:59 today... We have to cause it was required for the students to be as early as 7:00 of course cause we still need to prepare the stalls and stuff, anyways...

I did the same process today but it had a little twist, I promised Kaito to pick him up today...

Well time to go, I walked to my garage and started my black car and just zoomed off trying not to make too much noise from my engine cause some people are still sleeping...I finally made it and saw him all ready wearing black pants, again? And a white shirt....Oh coincidence, I'm wearing the same thing haha!!

I called out to him and told him to get in at the front seat...

As he opened the door he looked at me up and down and noticed that I was wearing the same thing, it made me blush slightly

"How come you look better in it then me?" I chuckled a bit and we both just had a small conversation on the way and noticed that he was still a but sleepy...his eyes kept on closing, ok I'm officialy worried and suspicious what he did last night

Kaito's P.O.V
Bad time to watch a horror movie (-_-)

Tsubaki's P.O.V
We finaly made it and realized...why did I ever bring my car to school!? They don't have parking lots!! I hate myself...

"Aah...K-Kaito I-"
"Why did you bring you car when you know there isn't a freakin' parking lot" He cut me off and gave me a death was scary I tell you

"EEP! I-I'm sorry I forgot!" He just stared at me blankly....Silence again....

"Just park it back at your house" He said as he was rubbing his eyes trying to get the sleepiness off....I'm so worried for him....

I nodded and dropped him off Driving back home again....ggrreeaatt (-_-)

Kaito's P.O.V~
I saw him drive away his car until it was no longer visible in sight...
"Idiot" I whispered crossing my arms and just walked off to the festival at the back...I met up with Mailyn and the others who seem to be over-joyed...

We finally came to the back where the festival is held and it's so beautiful!!!

There were so many stalls and the scent of food was in the stomach grumbled which signals that I have a stomach to fill...On with the Festival!!!

We went stall by stall
Tasted food of every kind
Played games and win prizes

Get drunk and dance 'till midn-wait what? That ain't gonna happen as far as I know...

I finally saw Tsubaki coming close and I pulled him in for a hug...

"Say Tsubaki, try this!" I hurriedly fed him one Takoyaki
He munched in it and smiles at me with satisfaction...I giggled and we then again, went to every stall to try every food again...

And the best part...THE FOOD WAS FREAKING FREE!!! YEAH!!!

-5 minutes later-

Too much Takoyaki...ugh~
I really love Takoyaki and the spices in it...I suddenty saw a stall that held my greatest desire...Oh my gosh is this happening? Is it really....??

I came close slowly and gazed at it...the glass was cold...A hint that what they sell is something guessed it, Ice cream...but not just any Ice cream! It was one if my desired-to-taste Ice cream....

It was the...Dark Soul Ice cream!!

They say it was only sold at school and only selled at this very festival...only this day...and it's free!!! I'm so happy

I drooled seeing what I desired only a few inches away from me...Oh that black cone, and that swirly Cream that is darker compared to the sins I have made...That syrup that is like the blood of that of a tyrant warrior who went sane....Oh my gosh...

I took no second chances, I hurriedly asked for one with so much desire burning in my eyes...

I was excited that as soon as he gave me the Ice cream I took a fast lick am gonna faint....THIS ICE CREAM IS SO GOOD!!!

I felt like I was floating at those fluffy clouds...the pleasure I felt, Incomparable....

I was lightly tapped at the shoulder seeing it was Tsubaki
"Oh...sorry, caught up in the moment" I humored as I showed him the ice cream, all of a sudden he took a lick and I gasped..."What are you doing?" I asked pouting and he just chuckled and caressed my hair
I chuckled too...

Well, the festivities have already ended until 8:00 pm and yeah...

Well, you think the fun has ended well no it hasn't! We had a planning of a sleepover at my house! Yeah! Sleepovers!

We planned that we would be doing this in my house since I have enough room and luckily, I have another room which is...a bit odd...anyways, I fixed all that was need to be fixed..the bed...the extra room...that kitchen...yeah litteraly everything...

A few minutes later, Tsubaki came and helped me out with the drinks

A few minutes again, They finally came and we started to have fun

"Ok the plan is...A little bit of a snack while having a movie marathon...A little bit of games on the T.V and a little bit of truth or dare" I smirked and Tsubaki came in wearing my Neko apron...gosh he looks so cute in it...

I chuckled and momentarily went to kitchen to get the chips and prepare the sauce out of it's wrapper..."Guys! Go ahead inside my room...I'll come up soon I just need to prepare the chips" I proclaimed as I unwrapped the sauce and did away with the wrapper...

Finally done, I slowly went upstairs and heard the sound of the T.V

"Guys, chips over here" I munched on a handful of it...They all just laughed at me when they say that my cheeks were all full and munchy...I laughed back at myself and almost choked...

"Guys I have only one movie in here so that we couldn't consume too much time" I slid in the C.D in the DVD player and started the was a action movie so no biggie..."Guys I'll just get more chips" I went downstairs and searched for the chips, finally I found it on the second cabinet, took it out and set it in the bowl with another set of sauce...

I went back to my Room with a new set of chips and sauce...

We all enjoyed the movie which lasted as planned..."Guys time to play a game! Truth or dare!"

I nodded my head and we started the game with a bottle spin and it pointed first at...


"Eh!? No fair you slowed it down"

"We didn't!"


"Heh...I saw you taking glances at Takanashi and keep on blushing"


" you like Takanashi?"

"............Y-yes......" she looked down blushing hard and I took a glance at Takanashi and he was shocked and blushed hard...

We all laughed and we spun the bottle again and endes up at...

"Tsubaki!" I screamed but my heart skipped a beat


Silence was upon the room...Mailyn stood up suddenly when a smirk escaped her face...I do not like where this is going

"Make out with Kaito!" she pointed with a stern hand

I knew it!! I screamed mentally

"Ok" Tsubaki plainly stated


He crawled up to me, "T-Tsubaki!?" I stuttered blushing so much as he is now on top of me...

"Ah ah ah! With tounges..." she winked as I mouthed the words
-are you kidding me!?-
She giggled and Tsubaki's face went closer and closer to mine, my face got hotter and hotter...oh shoot...Tsubaki's lips finally crashed unto mine and we both made out, Tsubaki's tounge was asking entrance and I resisted

it was a few minutes later when I permitted his tounge, we both fought for dominance...I lost and Tsubaki was now dominating me...I can't think but kiss him back..Oh my gosh help me!!
He dominated me, pulling my hair down, I released a slight moan which made me blush..."T-Tsubaki..." I moaned his name between the kiss and he finally stopped...both of us catching our breaths...breathing heavily...staring at each other's eyes, I realized finally after a small recap on what we did and covered my face, blushing hard like a red tomato...I shook my head very fast it almost made me feel like all the blood in my head is gonna splurt out from too much shaking...

I finally sat up and...and...Oh my gosh I can't describe how embarassed I am...They were all staring...wide-eyed, jaw dropped...But Mailyn just grinned with a cam-...A CAMERA!?!?!?!

"Mailyn...don't tell me..." I asked nervously
"Yes I did" she giggled and winked at me...all of a sudden I jumped up to her trying to take the camera away from her grasp while shouting her name...they all laughed so did Tsubaki...why the freak is he laughing!?

"Babe, Don't worry I enjoyed" he blinked in his seductive yet humurous made me blush so hard I felt my cheeks burn to the color of scarlet

We spun the bottle again and it stopped again at Mailyn. Hehe I got a good one

"Tch, Dare!"

"Got'ya" I whispered under my breath

"Kiss Takanshi...with tounges" I smirked crossing my arm as her jaw dropped and I took a glance at Takanashi who is blushing hard...I ballantly Chuckled, evily

So after the cheeky kiss the game went on until 9:00 pm..."Guys I know you're all enjoying but it's almost 10:00"

They all frowned at me and I indescisively just looked back and forth from Himenii to Tsubaki

"Come on Kaito! Just enjoy more!" Takanashi spoke up crossing his arms, frowning...

"Fine fine fine fine!" I repeated as I raised my hands up as a sign of surrender

Well, the game just got better and the night got darker...we all went down stairs I assisted Mailyn and Himenii as they cleaned up the unusually extra room which I do not know why I have it...

After all of the cleaning I went up and seeing that the boys are now on their pajamas...hahaha slumber party...they all laughed suddenly, I tilted my head in wonder and Tsubaki pointed at my boxers that was color of scarlet I vlushed and covered it "Shut up! Pervert" I shouted and clenched my fist at a point of view where they can see it, they chuckled and Tsubaki patted the bed "come on babe," I finally realized he wants me to sleep with him, in bed! It might sound like heaven to me but it's a little bit...risky, what if he suddenly kisses me or something....shit just stop...

I went up to the bed trying to find myself in a comfy space, after a small wrestle with my bed sheets and pillows to find a comfy space, I finally stopped and tried to sleep..

I suddenly felt a hug around me...only to realize it was Tsubaki...he suddenly nibbled on my ear I was startled and I faced him, "what are you doing!?" I whisper yelled...

"Sshh...tomorrow is the last day...we're breaking up tomorrow" I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my much as I'm happpy the week is done, I will feel a bit empty without him...

I nodded and I drifted away to sleep...before I shut my eyes...I heard Tsubaki whisper something but I can't hear it clearly...

Finally, the darkness has consumed me and so did sleepiness...

Author's P.O.V
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm so sorry for a very late update >~<
I was very busy this past weeks cause events just sprung up in school...I'm really sorry >~<

Anyways so I'm still think of a way for the break-up excuse and a way for Kaito to suddenly slip and say expect the next chapter to take long... Sorry in advance

Anyways hope you enjoyed!!

As always my sweet readers, VOTE. COMMENT. STAY AWESOME!

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