Challenges II

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Author's P.O.V~
Guys I think I should make a second book for this story... Should I? Or should I not? Tell me below please!

Now, enjoy the chappie!

(The new characters 🔝🔝 and new ones are coming!)


Tsubaki's P.O.V~
I woke up today without him beside me, instead I saw a note on top of the cupboard.

"Babe, I went out to go to my job were sleeping peacefully so I didn't wanna wake you up...I left some food for you on the fridge, just heat it up when you wanna eat.

Love you ❤


Somehow...this letter didn't even make me smile, what's wrong you may ask...I don't have much of Kaito's time anymore, he's always busy with work that he always comes back home when its 10:00 pm...I'm not saying I'm getting tired of him...I'm just...irritated...

I wore my uniform for the new job I had...don't laugh...I work as a sale's boy at the Mall.

-15 minutes then-

"Tsu-Tsu!!" Reggie called...I groaned as an answer
"Reg I told you not to call me that"
"Oh please we're best buddies I'll call you anything I want Tsu-Tsu"
I sighed at his persistence.

"What's wrong? You seem irritated, down, frustrated" he can really read right through me huh.

"Its nothing" I lied
"Eh Liar I know you aren't can tell me bro." He said as he patted my back.

I sighed, "It's just boyfriend...he...doesn't have time for me...I'm trying to be the sweetest I can...but...whenever I do that he'd be rushing to work already." I explained in sadness.

"Oh...sorry for asking" he said and looked away. But I snorted and hit his head playfully, "geez stop being dramatic over someone else's prob sheesh" I whined as he chuckled in embarrassment.

Reggie kept talking to me while we had a small walk to our next stall for product promoting, he kept talking and his eyes were pretty much locked on to me while we walked, he suddenly bumped into someone and almost fell down if it wasn't for him catching him,

"Woah careful Reg" Zen said with a playful smirk in his face
Reg blushed and was silent for a while
"Y-Yeah s-sorry" he said looking down and trying to get his balance together

This guy is Reg's type: tall, handsome, perfect build, and dark.

"Catch yah later Reg" he said, passing by both of us, wait, he didn't even bother to notice me (-_-)

"My gosh...he's so hot. I wish I was his" he sighed in disappointment
I looked back at Zen and saw him walk up to his girlfriend that had rather, VERY revealing clothes. Her skirt is all the way up to her thigh and her shirt is a bit high making her stomach clear. And with all that make up, ugh, she probably banged a guy before him I'm sure.

I noticed something particular though and out of place, Zen was...rather disgusted and unhappy seeing her, that's unusual.

I tilted my head slightly in curiosity but it was none of my business to care of. I turned my focus back to Reg and patted him in the back, "There there" he sighed.

Reg and I, knowing that we both need each other's help since we were the only ones that get along so well, moved to our next position, the shop called  Author's Haven. There I was, doing my work like so until...

The door opened and my attention was focused on the one who went in. Kaito. He was laughing with someone, I don't know but, somehow it looks irritating to see him laughing because of someone this...jealousy?

"Babe" I called out to him, seems he heard me, he looked at me with surprise as I approached him

"Thought you work?" I asked sounding suspicious.
"Ummm...we just went here to buy some bullpens and notebooks, we ran out of both" he said as he held my hand with a smile.
"Babe what's with that tone?" He asked and I immediately snapped out of my thinking, "Babe don't worry I ain't cheating on you, he's just a friend" he said putting a hand over the guy's shoulder as he chuckled.

"Kai let's go buy some notebooks now, Ren is very impatient especially when it comes to buying notebooks and important things soooo we better hurry up" Flinn said

"O-Oh I'm Flinn by the way, sorry for my rudeness" he said with a hint of shyness. I chuckled and said it was seemed ok. But clearly, I was babe can't even spend too much time with me since he's busy with work now he hangs out with someone else!? We're gonna have a long talk after this.

"Enjoy your day babe" Kaito said as he pulled my neck tie down suddenly, and gave me a loving kiss in the lips. The girls at the back went fan girling and the boys especially Reg went in aw. I on the other hand, just went with the flow and decided not to make a scene.

-Night time-

I stepped in the house and noticed that Kaito was here already. I sighed and decided to finally settle these feelings of jealousy and irritation in me, but as soon as I went upstairs to talk...he was already sound asleep...I sighed...why can't I just time to talk to him? Why...why can't I just...why can't I show how much I love him? He always says he's busy...I can see that...but that can't stop me from doing what I wanna do...why can't I?

I set aside these feelings I was having...and wrapped my arms around him as I drifted off to a dreamless sleep


Author's P.O.V~
Sorry for a late upload my sweet days are very full now and I'm trying the best I could to update this story...especially now that I'm making a new one *murmurs*

Eh what!? No! You didn't hear anything! Nothing! Nooooooothing *hypnotizing voice* ok I just sound stupid

Anyways! Enjoy! Aaaaaaand have a good day/night/afternoon! Whatever time it is there in your country and stuff!

See yah on the next chappie!


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