Day full of Regrets

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Author's P.O.V~
Hey guys!
I am back! XD
Anyways I new chatper is born and the title sucks I know but I really think that I'm not fit to be making a story...well I don't care I''m making a second one XD

Anyways Enjoy Sweet Readers!!


Kaito's P.O.V~
It's been two days since that break-up, I have been avoiding Tsubaki...I just can't talk to him right now, I know he keeps on calling my name but I just ignore and run off not even looking back...

I took a few steps to my locker slowly, making sure Tsubaki isn't there. I slowly opened it making sure that it's not making any creaking sound that could attract or signal Tsubaki that I'm here...

I shoved in some books and locked it running off making sure that I don't bump into him...

The next class has begun, Math, Unluckily, Tsubaki was there. But we didn't sit together I sat at the very back close to the window while he is at front always taking worried and confused glances at me...I made sure to avoid eye contact, successfuly...

Lunch came, I made sure to find an opening to run away from Tsubaki, Luckily the Teacher called him, Now's my chance! I thought mentally and I stood up running to the cafeteria, taking some food, and zoomed off to a secret place...

I looked down and just thought, why am I doing this? I know I wanna talk to him but...I just can't!!

I shook my head getting the thought off and just began to eat my food slowly...

Soon enough...School has finally ended, I wasn't smart enough when I went to my locker...
I totally forgot that I'm making sure he doesn't hear me. But then I made a lot of noise and I turned around. Wishing that I shouldn't have. Tsubaki was there.

"Why are you avoiding me? Is something wrong?" He asked in a worried yet serious voice...I can't say anything, my words were stuck in my throat, all I did was studder...

Luckily, Tsubaki's football team called him so he walked away, but he took a last glance at me and went off...

I stood there frozen, What's happening? Why am I too afraid to talk to him? I thought, gripping on the sling of my bag trying not to cry...

I turned around and just ran off to my house...finally I made it, I took a few glances at my door, something seemed a bit odd, the lights are on and the door is unlocked...I slowly opened it, afraid that someone might jump on me and kidnap me or something...

"H-Hello?" Shit shouldn't have done that!

I walked in slowly noticing that my room was lit up...I walked up slowly not making a sound, well, some of you might not know but, My addiction with knives is very useful right now...

I rushes in pointing a knife at the unknown person.."Who are you!?" I screamed

"Aww is that a way to greet Onii?" I gasped, hearing that sounds so was my brother...Soma

"Soma? W-what are you doing here?" I slowly put my knife down,

"I have news for you" Soma said in his serious voice, looking at me straight in the eyes

"I'm getting married soon" He blushed madly, looking away and scratching his nape..

"Will you please just tell me in a happy face and stop giving me that serious look!" I whined throwing a pillow at him hitting his head...

"Ow! Is that how you should treat your Onii!?" I continued throwing pillows at him, little did I know I was already crying...I stopped and looked down...Soma came close to me holding my shoulders firmly..

"K-Kaito..what's wrong?" I realized what was happening and wiped away my tears "I-It's nothing" I looked away

I could tell he was worried
"I'm gonna cook dinner" I walked off as I opened the door He held my hand fast and threw me to my bed

"Soma what the hell!?" I cursed as he pinned me down, I tried to squirm away but his grip got tighter, his face got closer and closer

I shut my eyes tightly,

"No you're not, you know I can see right through you" he chuckled

"You just said that cause you saw me crying" I looked away embarassed... I seriously need to stop crying over simple things...he got off me chuckling much

"Now tell me" He said as he gently placed his hand on top of mine, I started to explain and elaborate what happened the past week...It got him a little bit confused which led me to another 15 minutes of explaining, my brother is pretty dense...well you can't blame him.

Silence was upon us...I didn't know what to say,I just gripped on the bed sheets tighter
I sas about to say something but he cut me off

"You know, I'm sure you'll be fine...Onii chan is still here y'know" he said with his arms out-stretched wide. I smiled and came close to him as he grabbed me for a hug...

"By the way, why are you here again?" I asked

"They're preparing for the wedding at MY house, and they said I'm not supposed to see the bride on her gown yet so...I just need somewhere to sleep tonight and I thought about you" he explained...

I'm happy for him but thinking about what if it was me and Tsubaki? Oh! No no no I'm thinking ahead too much!

I shook the thought out of my head and went downstairs to cook dinner

"I'll just be making some pancakes that fine with you?" I asked following his purple eyes that never seem to leave mine

"Yeah! Pancakes are fine, especially make the best ones" he said praising me while elbowing my made me blush slightly...

After a few minutes or so, pancakes were done, and eaten already...we prepared for sleep...
I fell to my bed and drifted away to sleep

Suddenly, I woke up as I noticed an arm wrapped around me

"Soma! Sleep in the other room!" I whined putting a pillow over his face

"O-OI!! We haven't seen each other in a long time and that's how you treat Onii? Let me just sleep with you pppllleeeaaassseee??" he explained and pleaded me extending the word 'please'
I sighed and went to my position signalling him that it was ok for him to stay...he began to wrap his arms around me, pulling me for a hug...I smiled and said my good nights to him...before I dirfted to sleep, I remembered what I have been doing that past days...

Ignoring him
Avoiding him
Not talking to him
I regret everything, but, this was for his own good and mine... He doesn't like me back so what's the point?

we then both drifted away to a deep sleep


Author's P.O.V~
Guys this took a long time and I'm sorry >^<

I just had an asthma attack and a bit busy with school...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

As always my fellow, sweet readers...

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