Last day of Preperation!!

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Author's P.O.V~

Guys I will dedicate this chapter to a very good friend of mine Takashi_13 She is one of my best friend and please go check out her works if you like XD

Note to her: Takashi I am so thankful to have a friend like you, you gave me so much hope to continue this story and I will dedicate this chapter to you, I know I said it 2 times already XD

I really am thankful and I wish you the best with your works!!

Guys follow her!!

Enjoy Readers!!
Also Enjoy too Takashi!!

Kaito's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping...I stretched out my arm looking for it with my eyes stil closed...I couldn't find it, stupid alarms...I was forced to open my eyes and when I did...I saw Takanashi...I widened my eyes and moved backwards in surprise..."W-Wait why is he here!?" I whisper yelled and hurriedly turned off my alarm...

I then remembered that I let him stay last night after what happened...

My body was above trying not to wake him up...I was twitching as I tried to balance...I failed!!

I suddenly felt someone hug me at my waist and pull me down...Shit! Takanashi!!

He pulled me down like I was a pillow...he was still unconcious so I think he thought I was a pillow...UGH! HELP ME!!

Classes today starts at 4:00 pm so we can do anything we like for the rest of the day...

I tried to escape but his grasp just got tighter..."T-Taka? P-Please let me go" I tried to push his hand away but it kept on coming back! I'm gonna die from suffacation!

He gripped me closer...our faces were only an inch apart from each other!! Takanashi!!

"T-Taka...w-wake up please" I shook his shoulder softly and he groaned..."pillows should be quiet" he shrugged...Do I look like a pillow to you (-_-)

"Taka...wake up or no breakfast for you" I said plainly like a mom haha!!

He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed the sleepiness away..."I'm up Mom" he said as he forgot that he was with me, stupid haha!

"Do I look like a Mom to you?" I chuckled and smiled at him...he was shocked and crawled back resulting him to fall down the bed..."K-K-Kaito!? yeah last night"

He said as he looked up and my smile faded away as I remembered those memories last night...I gripped my blanket tighter and looked down...

I suddenly felt warmth all over and looked up seeing that Takanashi was hugging me

"You'll be fine, just apologize and you'll be back together in no time" He pulled away and smiled at me...

I smiled in return and stood up and went to the bathroom and fix my hair and wet my face a bit...

I went out and saw Takanashi still there, "Let's eat? I'll cook" I chuckled and he nodded in return...

We both went down stairs, he went straight to the couch and turned on the T.V and I went to the kitchen and put on my apron...It was an apron with cats all over it...don't judge it's cute...

Anyways, on with the cooking, I fried up some eggs and bacon and in a seperate pan I toasted some bread with butter...

It was I think about 15 minutes of cooking...I hurriedly took it out of the pan and placed it in the plates...I made a seperate one for Takanashi, how rude of me not to make one for a guest...

Be my Boyfriend for a week (Boyxboy) [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora