Innocent Bride [Kaichou Wa Ma...

By melafantasy

352K 7.2K 2.7K

Ayuzawa is a wealthy family number two at Japan. Ayuzawa family only have one female, her name is Misaki Ayuz... More

President Council
Student Council Test
Camping !
The Night
Grant Grandma's Last Wish
School Festival !
It's Called Couple Contest
Valentine Day
Happy Birthdate
Happy Birthdate 2
Rui Yukimura
Rui Go To High School
Rui Go To High School 2
Ceremony of Inauguration Student Council
People In The Past
The Feeling Of Goodbye
Memorable Kamakura
Taiikusai Hachimaki
That 'Bye' Was A Good Bye
The Reason
Lovable Tiger
Another Student Council
Questions without Answers
Lost Memories
I Want You Back
The Worst Marathon
End of Hope
New Life
My Marriage
The End
EXTRA | Honeymoon (17+)
EXTRA | Papi
EXTRA | Maya and Rui


11.5K 233 75
By melafantasy


[ Morning ]

Aoi = eh? Nee-chan? What are you doing there....
Me = *lying down at the middle of backyard field with pajama*...
Garneder = she's been there since last night, young master
Aoi = *step on me* oi.
Me = ugh! Tsk what are you doing! You almost kill me *glare*
Aoi = ew. You looks like a zombie. What's with that look.

Aoi have his disgusted face on. Well I don't blame him since I know myself looks like total wreck.

Me = *sigh* Last night I don't sleep at all.
Aoi = well that's good to hear. In that way we don't have to wake you up. 
Me = I'm feeling ill. I don't want to go to school.
Dad = eh?? Misakii, should I call Usui to come here and take care of you? 
Me = you should what?! *wake up*. Nevermind I'm cool! I'm gonna get ready to school! *runs*

Stupid oyaji! I don't want go to school because of Usui! Argh!

Aoi = she really engaged with Takumi family huh ?
Dad = how did you know?
Aoi = *show his phone* the news has been spread. Now everyone know about this.

[ At School ]

Me = *push the door* [BAM!!]

Fuck. I got hit by the door at the early morning. What a good way to start a day.

Hyodo = *slide the door**staring at me*
Me = "slide it, don't push it". Tsk, anyway ohayou (good morning).

Damn. I forgot that this door is a slide door.

Hyodo = ohayou
All = wuah~ Usui-san's fiance~ 
Eric = did you guys really engaged?! Oh my God, Misaki-chan congrats!
Girls = I'm so jealous at you! How lucky you are!
Girls = kyaa kyaaa congrats you guys~

I was surprised by the sudden crowds in my class. I was surrounded by my classmate which is the first time for me. They usually make a distance from me because they scared of me.

Me = hold on. How did you guys know about me and Usui are engaged?
Hyodo = *show his phone* everyone knows it.
Me = DUDE WHAT?! *snatch Hyodo's phone*

Oh shit shit shit. It really is in thr news! How can it spread so fast? Woah, internet nowadays sure are something.

Me = aaahh this is not cool. *blush*
Guys = oh look~ Misaki's face become red~~ she's so happy that everyone knows about her relationship
Me = HELL NO! You guys shut your mouth or I'm gonna beat your ass.
All = *silent*
Me = tsk! Paparazi bastard! *throw away the phone*
Hyodo = ah my phone....

Because the news has been spread, everyone at my school knows about my relationship with Usui. Wherever I go, they keep staring at me and then whispered. It was sooooo annoying! 

Me = *bumped into someone* ouch! I'm so sorry!
Gon = Oh, Misaki.
Me = *gasp* Gon~ long time no see!
Gon = yeah. Well let me see. Now you've become more popular.
Me = shut up *sigh*.
Gon = and by the way, congrats
Me = for fucks shake stop saying congrats! I'm engaged with that alien because of something! I don't even know that I will be engaged with Usui before. So stop saying congrats for us.
Gon = actually I didn't congrats you for your engagement with Usui. I'm saying congrats that you're the next student council.
Me = oh you don't? Ahah— what did you say?!
Gon = I saw your name appears on the list. So, congrats.
Me = me?! Student council!? WHAT!

I didn't do anything right at the whole the test. I do it on purpose so I won't become the next student council. Even so I'm a badass and trouble-maker, so it's impossible for me to become student council. BUT NOW WHAT. My name appears on the fucking list!

- At Usui's class -

Me = why did you put my name on that god damn list? *kick Usui's table*

I am so pissed. I'm mad! I don't want to be a student council. This is not what I want. This is unacceptable. And how can he pick me, someone who good at nothing (not really) as student council? Is this some kind of joke?

Usui = hm? 

Everyone in this class is scared of me because I just kicked Usui's table and made it flipped. While everyone run to save their live, in here is Usui calmly still sitting on his chair and enjoy his lunch.

Me = *sniff* ah, your bread smells nice.
Usui = you want some?
Me = can I ?
Usui = yea sure
Me = yeay! Oh wait, I haven't wash my hand. My hand is dirty.
Usui = *sigh* open your mouth. My hand is clean, don't worry
Me = *open my mouth* aaaaa~ umm~ woah! This bread is good!
All = aaaww~ what a lovey-dovey~
All = kyaa kyaa I want some too *giggles*~

Oh shit. What the heck am I doing?! I should be angry right now! Curse you yummy bread!

Me = hey you there shut the fuck up! *glare*
All = *shut up automatically*
Me = anyway, hey. I don't want to be student council. I'm out.

I turn my body and about to leave Usui's class.

Usui = you can't leave that easily
Me = *stop*.

His sudden words stop my steps. I turn my body back to him and stare at him in confuse.

Me = what do you mean? You are the president, you can do like whatever you want.
Usui = that's why I won't let you leave.
Me = what the hell are you playing! Just scartch my name on the list!

This is surely pissing me off. Is he playing with me right now? Because I don't feel like playing right now.

Usui = here, let's have a deal. You  have to join the student council for 3 months. If you doing a great job then you can leave. But if you doing a horrible job, you'll be the student council until you graduate. How about that?

I crossed my arms over my chest and shot Usui in the eyes. I shake my head in disagree. I don't want to be part of this student council.

Usui = this is your only way out. *shrugs his shoulder*
Me = ......

Tsk. Shit. Who am I kidding. He is the president. He can do whatever he want and it pissed me off! Goddammit. This is the only way.

Me = *sigh* 3 months only?
Pft, easy~ don't misjudged me, Alien. Ok, I accept your challenge. *leave*.

Just hang in there Misaki. I can bear it. It's only three months. It's not that long. I can do this!

Me = *stop* oh, by the way thanks for the bread
Usui = for the exchange, tomorrow you have to make a homemade lunch box for me.
Me = Huh?! Fuck no!
Usui = then the deal was off. You'll be student council for 3 years.


Me = ok lunch box homemade. Tomorrow. Got it.
All = uuuww~~ lunch box homemade by beloved fiance~ I'm so envy~
Me = what? you want to die? *glare*
All = SORRY!!

*last bell rings*

Today was kinda though at school. It feel like it such a very long day. I'm exhausted for no reason. Thank goodness the school has ended. I need to get back home soon.

Me = hm? What's with this sudden crowds?
All = hey look at that car. That is the coolest car ever!
All = and the price is so expenssive!
All = look at that boy, isn't he so cool
All = he looks like someone....
All = hey, isn't that Miyabigaoka School uniform?? So cool!!

Because I'm curios what they talking about, I come closer to crowds. And then, I meet someone very familiar to me.

Me = Aoi?
Aoi = ah, nee-chan.

My little brother, he's right in front of my school gate. He have his car parked next to him and he still with his school uniform on.

Me = what are you doing here?
Subaru = eeh~ Misaki's onii-chan (brother) ?
Me = no, he is my otouto.
Hyodo = woah. He is taller than you so it looks like he's your nii-chan hahah
Me = shut up Hyodo!
All = oohh! So it was Misaki's otouto. His otouto went to Miyabigaoka school, so cool. Why Misaki went to this school?
Aoi = here *give me a key*
Me = what is this?
Aoi = it's from otou-san and Usui's mom. This is your home key
Me = my what?
Usui = our home key=
Me = WUAH! *surprised* DAMN! Where did you come from!

Yo he just fucking show himself out of nowhere. I would believe it if someone said he could teleport.

Aoi = yo Usui.
Usui = Aoi.
Me = WHOA WHOA, WAIT. I still don't get it!
Aoi = *sigh* you explain.
Usui = this key is a house key. 
Me = and then?
Usui = and the one who will live there is, us. Me and you.
Me = woah? are you saying that we will in the same roof?
Usui = yup.
Me = only. Me. And. You?
Aoi & Usui = *nods*
Me = Usui and Me?
All = *nods*

Okay why the hell the crowds also nood their head?

Me = today is 1st April? April fools?...
All = no...
Me = *look at the date in my phone.* Shit. It's not.

[ At the new house ]

Usui = this house is pretty huge. Come and look
Me = I don't want to! I won't get my ass off from this car! Nope nope. This is not my home!

My driver drove me and Usui to 'our' new house. I don't know if we can call this as a house. This is a freakin mansion! Oyaji brought us a huge mansion!

Driver = young lady pleaseee get off! I need to pick up master right away!!
Me = I'll come with you! I want to meet that stupid oyaji! I'm gonna beat his ass!
Driver = no you can't!! Please young ladyy!! *pull me*
Driver = neee Usui-samaaa. Please help me...
Usui = Misaki Ayuzawa, the next student council from year 1 until year 3.

What the fuck he just said?!

Me = *get off from the car* PLEASE DON'T!
Driver = *escape with the car*
Me = AH! He's escaping! Did he abandoned me?!

Seriously. I can't believe it! Even my driver betrayed me. Goshhhh. Life is being rough at me this days!

Usui = give me the key
Me =  *staring at Usui*...

Tsk. Even looking at his handsome face actually pissed me off. It's all because of I knew him before the engagement thing. If only I didn't know him back then, I wouldn't mind living with him. Even though in the end I still have to face him. AH! I don't know anymore! He pissed me off!

Me = here's the key! *throw away the key* WOPS~ I lost it, oh nooo~ what should I dooo~? Well we can't come in so let's go back~

Seriously though I don't know where I threw the key. Well, it's actually gone so we should heading back now~

Usui = don't worry I have the spare key 
Me = EH?!
Usui = *unlock the door* come in.

OH OFCOURSE HE ALSO HAVE THE KEY! Nice thinking Misaki! Fuck. I basically lost my key. Dammit! Just how fool can I be?!

Me = nah. I will stay here until oyaji pick me up.
Usui = you know that he won't pick you up.
Me = then I will stay here.

I know he wouldn't pick me up. I'm just being stubborn. I'm gonna actually stand all day outside though.

*sudden heavy rains*

Me = ....

And here I thought I can actually have a peace in live.

[ Inside the mansion ]

In the end I stay at this mansion. Or should I call, my new place. I just finished took a quick bath and now I wondering around this big mansion that I'm living in. Just having a mini tour inside this big mansion. Such a shame that oyaji brought this mansion when there's only two of us living here. We don't need mansion, we only need just a simple house. Or we don't actually need any because we shouldn't live together since we're not legally married yet..

Me = what are you doing..?

I ended up in the kitchen, meeting Usui who surprising in the kitchen too. He's wearing a simple long sleeve shirt and long pants. He's cooking something right now.

Usui = oh? You've finished your bath. I'm making a dinner.
Me = huh? Where is the chef?
Usui = seems like there's no one here except me and you.
Me = and no maid?
Usui = nope
Me = okay. How about butler..?
Usui = no.
Me = uumm. Driver?
Usui = don't think so.
Me = how about.... The gardener?
Usui = if there's a gardener, what do you think he will cook for us? Grass fries with mayonnaise?
Me = well I'm just making sure that we're not alone! And what the heck grass fries with mayonnaise!? disgusting.
Usui = no. There's no one here except us. Don't worry, maid and the rest will start working here tomorrow. So we'll be just alone for tonight.
Me = well, thats a good news.

Just need to bear with it for a night~ not a big deal~

Me = anyway, you can cook?
Usui = I'm really good at cooking.
Me = well, I can see that....
Usui = what you can cook?
Me = hmmm let me see. Umm....mmm...
Usui = you can cook lot of food and it confused you?
Me = hmm. Not so sure. No actually. I never cook that's why I keep thinking when is the first time I cook. I only remember the first time I touched a stove at school and I ended up burning the kitchen.

I start having a flashback where I learn how to cook at school. It was at my middle school. Yeah, that's the first time ever I learnt how to cook. I remember I tried turn on the stove but ended up burnt the class. Everyone in the cooking class ran out from the class because the fire.

Me = haha. No one died though. Oh! I remember! That is why I stop cooking. So I think I never cook after all.
Usui = how lame
Me = hey shut up! I can cook! I only can't turned on the stove!
Usui = so, you can't cook
Me = I CAN!

[ The next day At Usui's Classroom ]

Me = oii Usui!
Usui = ? 
Me = oh there you are.
Usui = what's wrong?
Me = here! *put a lunchbox on his table*
Usui = hm?
Me = remember? You want me to exchange the bread, yesterday. With a homemade lunchbox.
Usui = oh yea I remember. But I was kidding. I don't know that you'll actually made me a lunchbox for real.

Hold on! WHAT?

Me = what on earth!? Are you— AHH! Fine! I take it back! 

Argh I should've know that it was just a joke! I can't believe it that I actually made him a freaking lunchbox!

Usui = don't worry, I'll eat it *Take the lunchbox from my hand*.
Me = huh?!
Usui = anyway, you said that you can't cook.
Me = just see what inside the lunchbox.
Usui = *open the lunchbox* oh..
Me = I'm telling you can cook but I can't turned on the stove. So I cook something not using the stove, Onigiri~

Onigiri is a rice wrapped with seaweed. We can shape the rice into many kind cute shapes and we can decorate the rice with the seaweed into whatever we want. (For more details you may search it on google. I'm not that good at describing things)

Usui = oh, onigiri..
Me = look, I made all the onigiri shaped like an alien! Cute right?~
Usui = hmm. So this is an alien. It's so ugly.
Me = yea! Just like you! 
Usui = ......*staring at me*

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