Jetra One Shots

By FirePotato

17.2K 417 164

Believe me I like to write full on novels, but I get lazy and loose interest quickly. So why not make a novel... More

Little Did She Know
It's Been a While
Snow Days
What a Lovely Breakfast
A Friend's Duty
Maybe You Cared More Than I Thought
I'll Save You
The Last Night


1K 37 13
By FirePotato

Magnus and Ellegaard had stormed off in different directions. Olivia, Lukas and Axel had offered to go find Ellegaard leaving Jesse and Petra alone to find Magnus.

Petra, hesitating at first, pulled Jesse into a different hall than the one the pyromaniac went down.

"What are you doing? Magnus went that way." Jesse pointed down the right hall, confused.

"I know! It's just...I need to tell you something."

Jesse crossed her arms. "Petra, you can tell me anything." Her eyes sincere.

Petra sighed and looked at the ground. "Just don't freak out. Okay?"

Jesse nodded and Petra slowly began to to take off her sleeve revealing her unnaturally purple veins that went up into her shoulder.

Jesse gasped softly and stepped forward to examine the red head's arm. Petra stepping back and pulling her arm away. "Don't touch it!"

"I'm just trying to look."

"Jesse do you know what this is?" Petra asked.

"Um... no not really." The girl confessed.

"It's Wither sickness. It must have gotten me when that fucking storm grabbed me back at the palace." Petra calmed back down. "This is only minor but imagine if you hadn't helped me out of its grip."

Jesse's eyes widen and then her head dropped. "...I'm sorry" she whispered.

The sick girl's shoulders relaxed and she lifted Jesse's head by the chin. Giving her a warm, but painful smile. "You did your best, and you saved me."

"My best wasn't good enough. I didn't save you, you're sick."


"If only I had been faster. Then I would have grabbed you sooner and I could've gotten Gabriel. You wouldn't have this sickness if it wasn't for me." Jesse pulled her head away and turned her back to the ginger. "I'm sorry."

Petra through for a minute before wrapping her good arm around Jesse's neck and pecking her on her cheek.

Jesse looked up to the taller girl puzzled. "Why are you being all affectionate all of a sudden. This isn't like you."

"I don't know, maybe it's the Wither Sickness." Petra grinned.

"How can you be making jokes while in this state?!" Jesse yelled.

Petra's face fell again. Truthfully she was freaking out on the inside but she didn't want to worry Jesse more than she already is. Instead of handing the way Petra normally would, with yelling and punching her fist at the wall; she used Jesse's method of dealing with situations, humor.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be acting this way. You're sick not me."

"Stop apologizing."


"No stop. This isn't your fault. Things happen for a reason Jesse. Who knows maybe this way I'll finally get to sleep with--"

Jesse blushed and pushed her away. "Don't use this as an opportunity for sex!"

Petra shrugged and put her sleeve back on, covering the purple arm. "I don't want you to die a virgin." She smirked.

"I am not a virgin!"

Petra raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"Stop trying to change the topic. We have to tell the others." Jesse started to walk in the direction the rest of her friends went.

"Jesse wait." The ginger was back in her serious mood. "I don't want you to tell anyone."

"And why is that?" Jesse turned around.

"Everyone is already stressed out. I don't want to burden them with my problem. I don't think it's fair to them." Jesse kept a blank face. "Look, if it gets worse then maybe I'll tell them. For now one can we keep this between us?" Petra was now next to the raven haired girl. "Please?"

Jesse thought for a minute then sighed. "Well if that's what you want then I guess I'll keep this a secret. For now."

"You're the best."

"Just if you promise to tell me truthfully when it's hurting you."


"No secrets.

"No secrets to be found."

"I'm serious."

"I'm serious too, see my face? Serious."

"You're a nuisance."

"You're a virgin."

"Petra if I could, I would have broadcast your sickness to the world by now."

I can dig a humorous Petra.

Thanks for 1k views! I honestly didn't think I would get this many. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my silly one-shots, commented, and liked. I know the updates are slow but I'm pretty busy with work, school, and my after school activities.

Once again, thanks!

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