I'll Save You

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We were all hiding from the wrath of the Wither Storm in a small cave. The Order freaking out over Ellegaard's death, Soren blaming it all on me.

And things didn't get easier from there. Gabriel had no memory of his past, or of himself for that manner. Lukas left to find his friends, Magnus was over the edge because of Ellegaard, and Ivor decided to show his face with some kind of 'plan'. And not to mention that the sole reason why the storm keeps following us is because of me.

I put my friends in danger. I dragged them into this. Me

Worst off all, Petra was getting sicker by the minute.

I walked back in the cave, pinching the space between my eyes. Axel, Olivia, and Reuben stood around Petra, who was desperately trying  to get up.

"I'm fine, we should get a move on." Petra argued.

"Petra, with your condition you need to be resting." Olivia responded.

"No, what I need to do is kick some Wither ass!"

"Olivia is right, how can you fight the Wither if you can't even stand up?" Axel jumped in.

"I said I'm fine! Just give me a second." Petra used the wall she was sitting against for support, but her legs shook from under her, making her fall back down.

Reuben oinked rubbed his head against the red head's leg. "Even Reuben agrees that you need to be sitting." Olivia pointed.

I stepped forward. "Olivia, Axel," I look down. "Reuben," I smiled at the pig. "Can I have some alone time with Petra?"

The trio sighed and walked out, leaving the cave to Petra and I. Everyone else waiting outside.

I sat down next to her, my eyes not looking at her. She didn't say anything, neither did I. Silence filling the room.

I finally spoke up but Petra cut me off.

"Don't you dare say I should stay here."


"Don't you say it!" She clenched her fist, her knuckles turning white. "I can still fight."

"Petra." I finally looked at her eyes. They were once brown, but now they're a fain purple.

"I don't want to hear it, Jesse."

"Petra!" I yelled. She flinched a bit. Shock on her face. I'm pretty sure that was the first time I ever yelled at Petra. "You shouldn't be here. You should be out there fighting alongside us. You shouldn't be here. But you need to stay here. And you have to rest."

Petra rolled her eyes. "I thought I said I didn't want to hear it."

"Damnit Petra! Would you just listen for once in your life?" I yelled louder, growing angry. "You have to stay here!"

"Why?" Petra said through her teeth.

"Because you are strong enough to not die from this Wither Sickness, you'll refuse to die this way. You're safe here. You're safe from me." I finished the last part in a whisper.

"Why would I need safety from you?" Petra calmed down too.

"Because I'm the reason why this shit storm has been following us. It's programmed to follow the amulet..."

Petra looked away and slammed her fist on the cold cave floor. "Damn you, Ivor." She mumbled under her breath. Before going into a coughing fit. Her cough was raspy and she was short of breath.

"You're getting worse." I stand up, adjusting my gloves. "You're going stay here, you're going to live."

"How can you be so sure?"

"The wither sickness will disappear once the Storm is destroyed." I Bend down, my face right in front of Petra's. "Ivor has a plan to defeat it."

"Yeah? The lunatic that started this wants to help now?" Petra laughed.

I nodded my head. "Petra, if I don't come back--"

"Don't say that. You're not gonna die."

"If I don't comeback, I want you to know that I care about you. And I'm going to give it my all. I'm going to save you." I pressed my lips against her forehead."

I stand upright and left the cave ready to lay my life down for the girl I love.

Since I get a couple of comments asking "Is this M/F!Jesse?" If you see that there are no pronouns (she/him) then that decision depends on the reader.
I originally was going to go a whole different direction with this but I think I like this ending better.

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