The Hider

By Mediafreak

631 63 13

The year is 209 A.B. according to Jordy's mom and dad. His family was an Intact family. The girl he saw jum... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eight

22 4 0
By Mediafreak

I  woke up to hear slamming doors. I could just barely see a truck and five sets of legs, and the legs were coming closer to our car. I looked in the car to see it being empty. Where was everybody? I didn't have the time to wonder. I grabbed a pistol and started to crawl out of the truck.

"Over there!" I heard a guard shout. I quickly stood up and ran. I ran faster than I ever could. I could see bullets hitting the ground next to me. I found an alleyway and sharply turned into it. I ran down it and tried to find a hiding spot. I then saw a bullet hit a rock and it flung up, nearly hitting my ear. I started to run out of the alley. I turned around to see a grenade gun. It was pointed at me. I got out of the alley and then the grenade hit the building at the end of the alleyway. The building exploded and I only flew about one foot off the ground. Not that I haven't been through worse.

Once I got back on the ground, I realized where I was. I saw a place that I haven't seen for a couple days now. It was The Beacon. I can't believe it! Wait, that means I can get into the market from here! I started running  towards the entrance. When I got there, I saw Samus, Gretchen and Lizre entering. Thank the lord!

"Where have you been?" Gretchen asked me. I shoved her in and shortly followed. We got into the market, but it was unrecognizable. There was almost nobody there. All of the tents were abandoned. We saw some people, but they were all walking out of the market. Lizre led us all to the booth where Steph works or worked. Jamie, Stepharie's sister, was there talking to Steph.

"... So they decided to kick everybody out, and if anybody stayed, they would get arrested," Jamie was explaining.

"What?" Lizre asked. "What about the doctor?" Why did she care about the doctor?

"He was sentenced to death row right away. Apparently, he's been accused of over 50 cases of rape. They sure don't like it," Steph told her. Lizre seemed to become deflated after she heard that. We then headed a metal cloak cover from outside the tent. Samus peeked his head out to see what it was. One he pulled his head back in, we knew was bad.

"A gas grenade," Samus told us. Jamie then went behind the counter and pulled out five gas masks. She handed all of us one. Once I got mine on, I heard the gas start to get released.

"What about you?" Steph asked to Jamie.

"I have a secret exit, but since I'm not a fugitive, I won't have the risk if the Guard found it's exit into the city," Jamie told her. They hugged and then Jamie ran. Steph grabbed a gun that was also hidden under the counter. She also pulled out a couple knifes and a sword. She handed me a sword thing that didn't feel like a sword. We all ran out to hide in between the small houses.

Soon, we saw Guard members coming around. They knew we were here. It was a bit hard to see because of the gas. That could be our advantage. I saw a guard coming my way. I quickly went behind a house. Once I saw the guard turn the corner, I swiftly cut his chest with the sword. He fell down to the ground, and when he did another one turned the other corner of the house. I turned around to see him take a shot. I dodged it and it shattered a window. I then use the sword to cut off his arm, but before he could scream, I stabbed him in the chest.

I started to walk around the corner when I heard a giant shatter of glass. I ran around and saw Stepharie in a house now, on top of a dead Guard member. She jumped out and headed a different direction. I turned around and saw another member headed towards me. But before he could get a shot on me, Samus jumped out of the glass door and tackled the guy. I released a sigh of relief. Samus then grabbed my arm and we ran out of the houses. I saw Steph, Gretchen and Lizre fighting their way out of the market.

I then heard a loud boom. It didn't come from behind me. It came from above me. That was right. Above the market were empty, useless buildings. We saw the ceiling above us blow up and we ran. We quickly got out of the range of the building. It crashed onto the ground and we jumped. I turned around it to see it starting to fall. I grabbed Samus and ran faster than I just was. We were about 10 meters away from the exit when we saw we wouldn't make it. We fell down so it would be less painful. We heard a giant clank. We were ready to die.

But we didn't. I opened my eyes to see the building stuck on a giant pile of rocks that were covering the exit. That was our only way out.

"Jordy!" Samus yelled. I looked at him to see him running towards a beam that was on the ground. It looked easy to climb. Climb. That's it! I jumped up and followed Samus. We crawled up the beam that led us into the building. We felt the building start to move. We quickly climbed up to the side of the building. We  quickly ran on the beams that led to the side of the road. We felt it  fall down some more. We were almost at the edge when I screamed.

"Jump!" I screamed, and we did. I took out a guard on my fall and Samus landed on one then quickly killed the other five surrounding us. I got up and we continued to find the girls. I grabbed a pistol and a sword from one of the Guard's corpse. We found them and then we all ran towards the gate.  Soon we saw a Guard with one of the big guns.

"Split!" I heard Gretchen yell. Samus, Steph and Gretchen went one way and Lizre and I went the other way. We took many twists and turns. We soon saw the gate again.

"We're almost there!" Lizre excitedly yelled. As soon as she said that, Trech walked around a corner to see us. We both stopped dead in our tracks.

"I remember this, don't you guys? You two were always the bad guys who would run away, and I would always come in and save the day," Trech said in a happy way.

"Trech, please let us go. We'll leave and never bother the city ever again," I persuade. He shakes his head in denial.

"You know, I just can't believe it! You know, you were supposed to be brought in alive. But not for me. You two can die by my bullets. You two can die by my blade," Trech said, trying to intimidate us, and it was working. I put my sword in front of my body, instead of at my side, now.

"What are you saying?" Lizre asked him. He smirked.

"You will die," He said. He started running towards us. I pulled out my gun and shot at him. He easily dodged all of the ones I fired. He jumped at me and I swing my sword at him. I just missed him. I quickly scooted out of his way and he landed on the ground. Lizre tackled him and put her dagger to his throat. He grabbed her hand and twisted it. She screamed and then he pushed her off his chest. He kicked me in the chest nd knocked the air out of me. I landed on the floor and he pulled out his gun.

"You're good. Who trained you?" Trech said to me. I spun out of my place and he fired a bullet. I swung up and sliced his gun in half. I was about to strike him, but he brought us his sword to block his face.

"Lizre did," I answered. I then brought my knee to meet his nuts. He fell in defeat. I took another swing at him, but he, again, blocked it.

"She's good, but she doesn't know the number one skill you need in battle," Trech smiled. I quickly changed my sword position from trying to strike him to being out at my side. I stabbed a guard.

"Always have a buddy and she didn't forget it," I told him. His face dropped and Lizre jumped on top of him. He stood up while she was on his shoulders. He was trying to get her off, so he dropped his sword. Perfect chance. I walked up to him and kicked him right in the middle of his chest. Lizre turned him around, jumped off him and he landed face-first into the road. Lizre and I hugged and then we ran to the gate. It was open now. I saw Samus, Steph and Gretchen already on the other side.  Lizre and I got there and the gate slammed shut after we were in.

"Wait, where's Jon?" I asked. He was supposed to be here, right? Samus and everybody else kept running. "Guys! Where's Jon?" I ask them again. Samus turns to look at me and sighs.

"Jordy, your father isn't coming with us. He told Steph and I that," Samus explained. I turned my hands into fists.

"Guys, they will be through any minute now. We have to get to the Wastelands now!" Steph shouted. I then decided now wasn't the time, so I followed them across the Outer City. Although governed differently, they still allowed the Guard to travel around without punishing any of their population. So we ran as fast as we could. We took the less traveled ways around, so mostly alleys and backroads. We were heading down an alley when we saw a truck pull up at the end of it. It was the Guard. We turned and ran into a building. We all went different directions from there. Lizre went straight, Samus turned left, Steph turned right and then Gretchen and I went upstairs. Soon enough, we split up. She went up onto the second level but I kept going. I should've stopped, but I didn't.

I ran up to the door that led to the roof and smashed it open. Of course, it was surrounded by other roofs. I started running along them. I went left, towards the Wastelands. I jumped, rooftop to rooftop. Until I got to the end of the row of rooftops. I looked down. Of course, there was a giant hay bale there. Always when I needed one. I jumped and I fell. I landed on the hay bale and quickly got off it and continued to run. I saw another truck at the end of the road I was on. I turned and ended up in a corner. Soon, I was surrounded by Guard members. I was stuck. Or was I?

Behind me was a brick that was sticking out of the wall. I looked up some more, and there was a perfect path back up to the rooftops. I took the chance. I grabbed the brick and started to run up the side of the wall. I could feel the shots landing right next to me, but I was too fast to get hit. I got up on the roof when I got shot in the leg. Shit. I kept running, not stopping at all. I ran to the edge of a connected roof and saw Samus and Steph stealing the truck that blocked me off before. They saw me and started to head to me. I carefully crawled back down, hoping no Guard members would show up. Well, that didn't happen. They were there, but they were crushed by the truck that Samus was driving. He jumped out.

"Drive!" He told me. I ran over to the driver's seat. I started to drive, but paused.

"What about you? How will you get there?" I asked him. He looked at me through Steph's window.

"Don't worry about me. Just go!" He shouted. He shot down some more guards turning the corner.

"I'm not leaving you!" I shouted back. Samus ran over to me and slammed the door shut. I kept shaking my head as I put my foot on the gas pedal. The doors in the back swung open, and Lizre and Gretchen quickly walked in.

"Where's Samus?" Lizre asked me. I felt a tear start to fall down my face. I then heard a gunshot. I looked out the back and saw Samus being held in custody. I turned around and continued to drive.

I saw the three gates that lead to the Wastelands. The first two opened. I kept driving. I felt something happen on the trunk of the truck. I kept driving. I went through the first gate and it shut. I went through the second gate and it shut. I headed straight towards the third gate that wasn't open yet.

"It's not open!" Steph screamed. Just then, the gate opened and we flung out into the Wastelands, not knowing what was going to happen.

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