The Three Hottest Guys In Sch...

By ThisSideOfSuicide

51.8K 932 201


The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 1
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 2
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 3
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 4
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 5
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 6
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 7
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 8
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 9
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 10
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 11

The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 12

3.2K 85 55
By ThisSideOfSuicide

(: Here's the next part, and I hope you like it (:

For those of you who are asking what's not right, I'm sorry to disappoint, but that answer will have to wait ;) This part is in Damien's POV (:


I walked back to Amber's room, hoping she was okay, only to see the sheets sprawled out and the room empty. Jayden walked in behind me but stopped when he saw what I saw, and I felt my hands bunch into fists. She wouldn't just leave... which meant someone had kidnapped her...

"Where is she?!" Jayden asked frantically. I turned away from the room, trying to pick up on anything unusual. But everyone was acting normal, walking by as if nothing had happened. Hadn't anyone noticed that Amber was gone?!

"Don't you think if I knew that I wouldn't be wanting to kill the son of a bitch who did this?" I retorted, storming through the hospital relentlessly. I heard Jayden keeping his pace with me, and we were soon in the parking lot, climbing into his car. "We'll head back to my place and my father will sort all this out..."

He snorted, "Sure, get 'daddy' to sort everything out..." he mumbled. "Being rich sure must be nice..."

"Jayden, this is not the time for you to start a fight with me okay?!" I screamed at him as he stepped on the gas and we went screeching out. I saw his fists clenching and his jaw tightening, and I knew he was as angry as I was. But both of us knew that it wasn't just that someone had kidnapped her. Neither of us knew who she would choose, or even if it would be one of us.

The mark would usually cause her to fall in love with whoever gave it to her, but no one has ever been affected by two different creatures before, let alone have a third fall in love with them. I sighed exasperatedly, knowing that moping over something I didn't know I had lost was pointless. For now, I only cared for her safety, and I hoped that she was okay.

Suddenly, I heard a thought from Evelyn. 'Lucifer has her here, if you want your precious little "angel"...' she laughed in her head, still as menacing as ever. I met Evelyn the last time I had come across her brother, Jonathan. Both were humble slaves to the devil himself. But why was she so willing to tell me? Was this a trap? 'Get her soon, she's sucking my project dry.'

"What?!" I shouted out loud, causing Jayden to slam on the brakes. He turned to me with a questioning look on his face. I couldn't believe it... Tristan? If she had too much blood from a sensor she could turn into one... "Lucifer has her... And she's worse off than we thought..." I felt a pang of jealousy as I realized she had chosen to feed off of someone else. But then I guess she had no choice... He swung the car around, driving stupidly and carelessly towards Lucifer's domain. The opposite side to the underworld... I sure damn hope we get there in time...

Yupp, sorry it's short ): but I've decided to write little but often. Plus that way you get all the cliffies you love oh so much!!! :L

anyway, so...

1) Which guy do you like the best? Damien, Jayden, Lucas... or Tristan?

2) Do you think they'll get there before anything 'bad' happens?

3) What do you think was wrong with Amber last chapter??

i love you guys (:

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