savior ≫ z.m. [completed]

By paper-moons

401K 12.9K 2.3K

Just when she thought nobody cared, the right person fell into her life. He cared, and he was on a mission to... More

savior: intro
author's note
author's note
35; the end.
hi :D
READ - regarding romance in fanfic
july 23 2010 - march 25 2015


6.2K 257 39
By paper-moons

The door to the room is locked, and I assume that Mike had the key. Harry takes a step back and throws himself into the door, effectively breaking it off of its hinges.

Callie is lying on the bed, not moving. As soon as we open the door she bolt upright, and her expression changes from scared the relieved as we rush over to her and untie her.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I ask, removing her gag.

"No, he said I was just blackmail and that he was gonna come back for me later," she gasps out. I pull her into a hug and she hugs me back tightly, not letting go. Harry stands there awkwardly with his hands stuck in his pockets, looking at the ground. Callie notices and lets go of me, heading over to him.

"Thanks Harry," she pulls him into a hug and he awkwardly places his muscular arms around her, and I chuckle. He's not used to physical contact unless it's fighting.

"Yeah, um, no problem" I laugh at the awkward situation he's in and he glares at me.

"What happened?" she lets go of him and he breathes a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, I'm claustrophobic," he mutters when she notices.

"Mike confronted me and tried to provoke me into another fight," I explain.

"You didn't fight, right?" her eyes flash with worry.

"No, I stopped him," Harry says right when I say "No, I stopped myself." Harry glares at me again and Callie looks at us with an amused expression.

"The point is, no, we didn't fight," I say before Harry can say anything.

"Good," she sighs. "Can we go home? I'm tired," she runs her hands through her hair.

"Yeah," I nod. "These parties never have any good in them,"

"I know, I should have listened to you," she sighs. We get downstairs to an empty living room, and Callie looks around confused.

"The party moved outside, most of them are probably passed out drunk on the street," Harry explains. The mention of being passed out drunk makes me shiver.

I wonder how mom was doing.

Wait, why should I care? All she ever did was get drunk and abuse me and Danielle. That's the whole reason I ran away from home; I needed to get away from that monster.

After a long walk back to Zayn's car, we say goodbye to Harry as he continues walking to his car parked even farther down the road.

"I'm sorry about tonight," I whisper. Zayn bites his lip and looks over to me with a confused expression.

"Why are you sorry? None of it was your fault," he says softly. We pull out of the street and make our way to Harry's.

Zayn parks in front of his apartment and we get out. Digging out the key from the potted plant next to the door, I open it but am immediately greeted with a frantic Danielle.

"Where were you? Harry rushed out of the apartment when we woke up and he didn't tell me what was going on and I got really scared and-" Danielle crushes me in a hug that cuts off all circulation in my left arm.

"I'll answer your questions after you answer mine," I say, walking in. "You woke up with Harry?" Danielle blushes furiously.

"It wasn't what you think it is, all we did was finish watching the movie and talk and then fall asleep together," she looks at Harry, who had just stepped in, and blushes even more. "Now you have to answer my question. Where were you?"

"I was at a party with Zayn," I say with a shrug. She doesn't need to know what went down at the party, it doesn't matter anymore. I have a feeling after tonight Mike won't ever bother us again.

"Ok..." she doesn't look like she believes that's all that happened, and I guess it's because she knows me too well.

"Really, it was just a party," I sigh. Zayn shoots me a look but I ignore him. I just have to hope he doesn't tell her.

"Ok." she shrugs.

"Callie, can you cook?" Harry calls from the kitchen. I laugh and go over, snatching the ramen noodles out of his hands.

"Yes, I've been cooking ever since my family went whack," I say.

"Do you mind?" he raises his eyebrows. I go over to the fridge and gasp at the amount of food he had.

"Yeah, I can work with this," I nod, pulling out a bag of frozen chicken, pasta and broccoli.


I scoop the masterpiece I created that is food on the plate as Harry walks into the kitchen, sniffing like a dog. Once he sees the meal I swear I can see the drool.

"What smells so good?" Zayn walks in seconds later, sniffing like Harry had done moments earlier. His jaw drops and I laugh at their reactions. Really, all you had to do to make this was cook the chicken, pasta and broccoli and add alfredo sauce, which Harry had strangely. At least that's the lazy way of doing it.

"That, would be Callie's cooking," Danielle says with a laugh as she too walks into the kitchen. Harry and Zayn are still glued to the spot, admiring the food. I carefully place the plate

"First time in one week since I've actually had real food," Harry exhales, grabbing multiple plates. He hands one to everyone and we all dive for the food.

"So Harry, when are you going back to London?" I ask as we sit down. Danielle is next to Harry, and Zayn is next to me.

"Anytime," he shrugs, stuffing a forkful of chicken into his mouth.

"Why were you even here in the first place? Just to see Harry?" I ask, and for a second I see Zayn's eyes widen. He shakes it off before I can say anything.

"Yeah, pretty much," Harry says in his accent, and I see him glance at Zayn with a nervous expression. Both of them stay suspiciously quiet during dinner.

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