
By MJsGirl1987

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Leanne was once a sweet, young and happy girl until she tragically lost her parents and went into the care of... More

New life
The past
Breaking rules
No class
Too close
Just pretend
Morning after
Playing games
True feelings
Start of something new
Girl problems
Father and son
Help wanted
Flash backs
First steps
Tell me
Don't go
Time's up
No more lies
Please don't
New start
Happy birthday
Who are you?
True identity
Set up
While you were sleeping
Old wounds
Lie or Tell?
Feeling guilty
The little thing's
Lisa's trial
Tell him
Talk to me
Strange behaviour
Mary's Trial P.1
Mary's trail Pt. 2
The truth
Tell her
Making plans
No more
Better off
For the best
Avoiding the issues
Too Many questions
Who's the father?
It's Over
Birthday surprise
What happened that day
Better this way
Dinner guests
Everything happens for a reason
Moving on


765 31 45
By MJsGirl1987

Michael's POV

I'm on my way into the building and I see Jeanie on her way out.

"Hey, you leaving already?" I frown confused. "Hmh... It's ok I have all my stuff packed" she says in her usual timid tone. "What are you talking about?"

"From your office. It's fine, your wife's already explained she's going to be your assistant again"

"Ex wife and I haven't replaced you. Lisa was just here for a week while you were home sick" I explain softly trying not to sound pissed.

"Come with me, while sort all this out" I smile at her through pursed lips leading her back to my office.

I open the door and Lisa is sitting on my desk in a seductive position, wearing a really short, tight red dress that almost shows her underwear. Which is same same sexy way she used to greet me in the mornings when me and her first got together.

"Good morning Mr Jackson" she smiles flirtatiously, but then she see's Jeanie walking in behind me and gets of my desk looking akwardly at us. "Oh.. um.. Jeanie!? What can we do for you?" She fakes a smile and her and Jeanie doesn't say anything and stands behind me timidly.

"She's here to do her job, which you very kindly offered to cover while she's was gone and she's back now soo... thank's for helping out this week" I fake a smile at her and motion my hand towards the door.

"Can we talk first?.. alone?" Lisa asks softly looking in Jeanie's direction and I sigh heavily and turn to her. "Could you get me some coffee please? this will only take a minute" I smile at Jeanie through pursed lips and she nods and leaves the room.

"Why did you tell her you were taking over? You were told she was coming back this week" I frown. "Your seriously want that brain dead sap that can't speak two words without stuttering as your assistant? You know I'm better at this. It makes sense I take back my old job" she shrugs casually.

"Actually Jeanie's really good at what she does and is actually very well educated" I frown. "Your fucking her aren't you!? Is that why you hired her!?" She frowns annoyed. "No. And even if I was that's none of you business!"

"Yeah right! Why else would you defend her like that?" She says sarcastically. "Because first off it's none of your business and second. I hired her because I needed an assistant and she was the best candidate out of all the people I interviewed"

"But, you don't need her now I'm back"

"Your not! You were only here because my mother asked you to help out last week. Fuck knows why! but the weeks over and Jeanie's back so now you can leave!" I snap getting more pissed off with her.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Why do you think? I come to work and find my assistant about to walk out because you told her she didn't work here anymore and then you start getting all pissed off acusing me of fucking her and acting like we're still married. Which we're NOT"

"I'm sorry about what I said to Jeanie, but the truth is..." she pauses then sighs slightly. "I really need this job"

"Yeah, sure you do" I roll my eyes sarcastically. "It's true! I've been having a few problems with bills and..."

"Don't care. Find a job somewhere else" I cut her off. "This is about Spike isn't it?" She says softly. "I'm sorry for the whole custody thing. I'll bring him home if that's what's upsetting you, but I really do need..."

"I don't give a fuck. You wanted the rabbit and you got it, I don't care. I have a kitten now anyway and I don't need anymore more pets" I shrug. "You have a kitten?" She looks at me confused. "Yup"

"but you hate cats"

"My girlfriend bought her for me and this one's actually pretty cute" I shrug and turn to open the door. "girlfriend!?" she says wide eyed "yeah, now if you don't mind, I have work to do"

"Since when did you have a girlfriend!?"

"that doesn't concern you. the fact is. I've moved on and now you need to do the same... goodbye"

"and how does she feel about you having a little fuck buddy on the side?" she says sarcastically "she's fine with it now like I said. I have work to do" I shrug and the door knocks


"and you have a job to look for" I cut her off and open the door to Jeanie "here's your coffee Mr Jackson" she smiles, handing me my coffee and comes in and sits in the chair beside my desk.

"We haven't actually finished talking yet" Lisa frowns at her annoyed

"there's a couple of things I need you to do today, but I'll catch you up on what's been happening while you were gone" I say to Jeanie going to my desk and Lisa huffs and storms out of the room.

"I'm really sorry about that" I say to Jeanie "it's fine" she mumbles "no it's not. if she comes back or says anything to you again just let me know ok?" I say softly and she nods.

I don't know what exactly Lisa's problem with Jeanie is, but for some reason she's always been a bitch towards her ever since I first hired her and I feel really bad about it because she's never done anything wrong. she comes in, does her job then goes home and does't try to involve herself in my personal matters, which is exactly what I need in an assistant.


Lisa's POV

After practically being shoved out of Michael's office, i'm standing the hall way confused as hell as to what's just happened. Michael couldn't possibly have a girlfriend. I spent so much time with Kathrine and LaToya so if he did i'd know all about it.

The only women Michael has been near are the whores he buys from the brothel. He's obviously just making it up to get back at me for the whole rabbit thing. There's no way he could be telling the truth. His whole story sounds ridiculous. 3 days ago he was completely single and going on about not needing or wanting any woman and all of a sudden he has a serious girlfriend and they bought a kitten together. Michael hates all cats including kittens. when we were married I bugged him all the time for one so I know for a fact he's lying.

My thoughts are broken when my phone rings and I see it's my landlord again and I quickly hang up not wanting to talk to her and seconds later I get a text message from her

From: Suzie
you have until the end of the week to pay me the two weeks rent you owe or your ass is out on the streets

"what the fuck am I gonna do?" I sigh heavily to myself, rubbing my temple and trying to think where i'm going to find the money. If I get kicked out I really will be out on the streets. I hear Michael's office door open and hide behind the wall and see Jeanie walking out holding some files and walk down the other end of the hall and once she's out of sight I walk over to Michael's office. i'm about to walk in, but I hear him speaking on the phone to someone and listen in.

"baby, it's fine really. I just wanted to see you for lunch is all.... don't worry about it. I'll still get to see you tomorrow.... call later when you get the chance.... I miss you"

"what the fuck!?" I frown to myself, shocked that Michael wasn't lying about seeing somebody. I don't know who this whore is, but i'm going to find out and there is no way i'm letting some random bitch he probably just met at a club or something worm her way in and take my man.. or his wallet.


Leanne's POV

I get off the phone to Michael, feeling even more shitty than I did before I called. I hate doing this and having to sneak around to see him and I wish I could go and meet him for lunch and hang out like a normal girlfriend would do with her boyfriend, but instead i'm canceling plans with him because I have to have sex with another man and it makes me feel if more disgusting than it did before because even though I don't have any choice about having to be with these men and don't gain any pleasure from being with them, I still feel like i'm cheating on Michael. He says he's ok about me still working here, but I know deep down he's not and I wish I could just pack up and leave, but if I try, Mary will just track me down and drag me back here just like she did with Mia and some other girl's that tried to leave.

I haven't told Michael this is the reason I won't quit, but I know i'm going to have to tell him something because he's not just going to accept the 'it's complicated' excuse forever. i've managed to dodge the question so far and i'm really hoping he doesn't ask me again any time soon because honestly don't know what i'm supposed to tell him.

My thoughts are broken when Mia walks into the room. "your client is here"

"I was just on my way downstairs" I fake a smile. "is everything ok?" she asks softly and I nod "mhm"

"are you sure? because you've been acting pretty strange all week"

"i'm fine" I shrug casually. "is it something to do with whoever's been texting you alot? because if somebody's giving you a hard time or..."

"their not" I cut her off "I ran into an old friend from my high school and we've just been messaging each other alot that's all" I lie "I best get downstairs before my client starts complaining" I fake a smile and turn to leave and she takes my arm gently "you know you can tell me anything right?" she says softly and I nod "mhm... there's nothing to tell though. i'm fine" I half lie and quickly leave the room before she can ask me anymore questions.


Jermaine's POV

I invited Michael out for lunch so I could discuss the whole him and Leanne situation and as always when asks about something personal Michael has gone on the defence about it.

"all i'm asking is why your still paying and booking apointments so you can hang out and have sex with someone who's supposed to be your girlfriend?"

"I already explained that to you. it's so it doesn't look suspisious, which it would if just stop going to see her" he rolls his eyes getting annoyed. "but she shouldn't even be working at a place like that if she has a boyfriend"

"it's her job. I already know what she did the first day I met her" he shrugs. "are you sleeping with anybody else?"

"what!? no! i've never cheated on anybody!" he frowns offended i'd ask "but your ok, with Leanne fucking other people?"

"that's different. she doesn't having feelings for any of those guys and like I said it's her job and I knew that when I first met her and when I asked her out"

"I get her doing that kind of work when she was single, but why doesn't she want to quit now she has a boyfriend?" I frown still confused. "It's complicated " he mumbles "complicated how?"

"i'm not sure. it just is ok?"

"have you asked her?"


"and what did she say?" I ask still skeptical of this whole situation "she just said it's complicated and that's it and I didn't push her for more detail because it was pretty clear she didn't wanna talk about it"

"well you should have. when are you next seeing her?"

"tomorrow, but I don't wanna ask her then, because if she gets upset then she might not come to Rebey's birthday party this weekend"

"didn't you book her for that night? which again you shouldn't have had to do"

"she works that night. it's not her fault" he shrugs. "well then it wouldn't matter if she gets upset because if you booked her to come to the party then she has no choice but to come" I point out. "she still has a choice if she comes or not and if I upset her she might refuse"

"so she has a choice about spending the whole night with a client which technically you will be on that night, but she doesn't have a choice about fucking clients for an hour?" I raise an eyebrow. "I never said she didn't have a choice in that"

"then why doesn't she quit? and don't just say it's complicated because that's not a good enough answer. she's clearly keeping something from you and if you and her are dating now then she shouldn't be keeping thing's from you"

"she's not hiding anything. she just doesn't like talking about her personal life"

"Mike, your her boyfriend. you're her personal life and she shouldn't be hiding stuff from you and..."

"i'm not talking about this anymore" he cuts me off getting up from his seat and storms off they way he always does when he doesn't like what he's being told.


Michael's POV

It really pissed me off the thing's Jermaine was saying about Leanne and it's pretty obvious now that the only reason he invited me out to lunch was so he could get at me, which was why I stormed off the way I did.

I didn't admit it to Jermaine (and never will) but he is right on a few thing's. i'm not ok with Leanne still working at the brothel and I do want to know what's so complicated that she can't just quit. Obviously I knew what she did for a living before we started dating, so I can't really get mad and tell her to quit her job, but I don't understand why she won't just tell me what's so complicated. it's not like she'd have to worry about money or having somewhere to live because I already told her I'd take care of her and all that kind of stuff.

I've tried asking her personal questions before about her family and stuff and she's always clammed up and changed the topic, which is what's stopping me from asking her for more details. it could just be that she doesn't talk to her parents and maybe had a falling out about something. most likely because of the kind of work she does which would make sense why she doesn't want to talk about them, but I do need to know what exactly's stopping her from wanting to leave the brothel and why she even wanted to work there in the first place.

i'm going to be seeing her tomorrow and even though I don't want to push her and i'm worried i'll scare her away. I need her to give me some kind of answer and not just 'it's complicated'

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