Be my Boyfriend for a week (B...

By King_Queen_Johnny

869 25 8

Kaito was just a normal gay guy who, like everyone else, has a crush on someone. His eyes landed on his last... More

The Accidental Scandal
The Day
We kissed!?
The Truth REVEALED!!
Meeting friends
Festivities approaching!!
Truth or...Dare?
Day full of Regrets
It slipped...
Tragedy struck!
Dark Day
Enduring through it all
I need help (A/N chapter)
This day went...Normal?
A/N chappie
Challenges II
Settling this
A Day to remember
Q&A II!!!
Final Q&A!!!

Last day of Preperation!!

33 1 2
By King_Queen_Johnny

Author's P.O.V~

Guys I will dedicate this chapter to a very good friend of mine Takashi_13 She is one of my best friend and please go check out her works if you like XD

Note to her: Takashi I am so thankful to have a friend like you, you gave me so much hope to continue this story and I will dedicate this chapter to you, I know I said it 2 times already XD

I really am thankful and I wish you the best with your works!!

Guys follow her!!

Enjoy Readers!!
Also Enjoy too Takashi!!

Kaito's P.O.V~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping...I stretched out my arm looking for it with my eyes stil closed...I couldn't find it, stupid alarms...I was forced to open my eyes and when I did...I saw Takanashi...I widened my eyes and moved backwards in surprise..."W-Wait why is he here!?" I whisper yelled and hurriedly turned off my alarm...

I then remembered that I let him stay last night after what happened...

My body was above trying not to wake him up...I was twitching as I tried to balance...I failed!!

I suddenly felt someone hug me at my waist and pull me down...Shit! Takanashi!!

He pulled me down like I was a pillow...he was still unconcious so I think he thought I was a pillow...UGH! HELP ME!!

Classes today starts at 4:00 pm so we can do anything we like for the rest of the day...

I tried to escape but his grasp just got tighter..."T-Taka? P-Please let me go" I tried to push his hand away but it kept on coming back! I'm gonna die from suffacation!

He gripped me closer...our faces were only an inch apart from each other!! Takanashi!!

"T-Taka...w-wake up please" I shook his shoulder softly and he groaned..."pillows should be quiet" he shrugged...Do I look like a pillow to you (-_-)

"Taka...wake up or no breakfast for you" I said plainly like a mom haha!!

He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed the sleepiness away..."I'm up Mom" he said as he forgot that he was with me, stupid haha!

"Do I look like a Mom to you?" I chuckled and smiled at him...he was shocked and crawled back resulting him to fall down the bed..."K-K-Kaito!? yeah last night"

He said as he looked up and my smile faded away as I remembered those memories last night...I gripped my blanket tighter and looked down...

I suddenly felt warmth all over and looked up seeing that Takanashi was hugging me

"You'll be fine, just apologize and you'll be back together in no time" He pulled away and smiled at me...

I smiled in return and stood up and went to the bathroom and fix my hair and wet my face a bit...

I went out and saw Takanashi still there, "Let's eat? I'll cook" I chuckled and he nodded in return...

We both went down stairs, he went straight to the couch and turned on the T.V and I went to the kitchen and put on my apron...It was an apron with cats all over it...don't judge it's cute...

Anyways, on with the cooking, I fried up some eggs and bacon and in a seperate pan I toasted some bread with butter...

It was I think about 15 minutes of cooking...I hurriedly took it out of the pan and placed it in the plates...I made a seperate one for Takanashi, how rude of me not to make one for a guest...

I took it to him on the couch and still saw him there watchimg his favorite T.V show

"Hey, breakfast is here" I smiled and handed it out to him...hope it's not burned or something!!

He nodded and took it, taking a small bite he chewed with satisfaction..."this is good" he said not very clearly as he was chewing the bread...I chuckled and thanked him...

"Be lucky I woke up early, I could tell you were a heavy sleeper" I said as I played a bit with my hair cause I was already done eating...

"Yeah about that..." he said and looked at him as he came close...

He suddenly pinned me down to the couch, smirking

"H-Hey!" "I don't like being waken up from how 'bout a little punishment?"
He chuckled and went off of me and smiled "just kidding" "You better be!" I blushed and looked away

It was a moment of silence but it all ended when my phone rang

Kaito? It's Mailyn how are yah?

I'm fine...thanks for 'bout you?

I'm fine too...Takanashi is with you right?

Yeah Why?

(fake cough) Nothing spicy happened right?

Shut up! Nothing did...we just slept last night...that's all

You better just be sleeping...

Haha! Mailyn you cheered me up too much already, thanks

No problem! Anything for my best friend

Ok Maiyln, I gotta go now..see yah later...


I ended the call and stared back at Takanashi...

"Mailyn? How many years have you been friends?" He asked

"Hmmm...we started since...Grade 2 I think" I stated as I placed my hand in my chin

-Time check 9:00-

"I need to go to the store...I'm just gonna buy some coffee, need something?" I asked while I wore my black top...yes I got a lot of black shirts...I love black...
And brown shorts...

"No...I'm gonna leave once you come back, just to make sure no one enters the house" he said as he fixed the plates...I nodded in aproval and waved goodbye as I stepped out of the door...

It was just a 3-minute walk to the nearest store...I finally made it and made my way in...

As soon aa I entered I took a shoping cart and just went on to search for the things I need

To buy list:
Brown coffee
Dish soap

I scanned the paper and went to the nearest item stall that had what I needed...

"Ok bread...check" I took one as I whispered and preceded to the next item near to me...

"Brown coffee...check" I whispered and went to the next one...

It was about a minute of shopping until...

"GAH!" "AGH!" I yelped as I fell down at my was a bit painful...I looked at him and I couldn't utter a single word..."I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was goin are you-" I was cut off when I saw the face of the guy that bumped me...Tsubaki...for goodness sake why him!?

"Kaito" "Tsubaki" we both whispered our names at the same time...I looked down and took all the things that fell from the cart and didn't even look back at him...I just walked in a fast pace but he didn't follow...

I hurriedly went to the cashier and payed for everything that I bought, I rushed out trying not to make contact with him...

"Kaito!" CRAP!! I walked faster acting like I didn't hear...I tried to escape but I was too late to try...he held my shoulders and made me face him...I was scared but I just looked down..not knowing what he might do...what he might say...

I just looked down not uttering a sound, until I felt warmth...Tsubaki was hugging me...I was surprised and blushing

"Kaito I'm sorry I didn't mean to storm out last feelings got the best of me over what you said" He apologized? He what!?

I pushed him back...surprised with my actions, I started to cry for such a small reason...typical

"Why are you apologizing!? I should be the one doing that...I didn't mean what I said to you last night...I didn't mean it..." I explained crying and crying not even thinking of who would see us anymore

Silence was upon us and a small hint of wind was blowing against us making my hair flow with it and show my watery eyes....great job wind...great job (sarcasm)

I didn't know what to do...I mugged up back to my senses and widened my eyes in realization...

"P-please just forg-" I cut off as he hugged me again...please stop the's making me blush too much...

"I already forgave you so stop blaming yourself" he said with seriousness written in his voice...he held the back of my head and pulled me tighter to his hug...

I had nothing to do...NOTHING!
I was instead my actions spoke for me, I hugged him tightly as if it was the last hug we had...I began to feel my tears fall down my cheeks and to his shoulder...

"S-So are w-we ok now?" I asked a bit nervous of what he might say as a feedback

"Yeah..." He stated blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his neck...

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss, well, almost...he covered his hand over mine..." stop breaking rules! I really hate that!" He said blushing like, he didn't want to remind me and instead kiss me all day long......wait...WAIT...WHAT!?!?!?

I blushed as he covered his hand over me...making my breathing flow back to my mouth...

"O-Ok! Stop it!" I chuclkled, forcefully...I was sad that he reminded me, ba-bye kissing!!

I smiled and nodded and walked away waving goodbye...he did the same thing and just walked at the opposite direction

I looked down, of course I'm happy that we're back...but a little sad about that kiss...

I finally made it back home without noticing...

"I'm Home!" I walked  and didn't get a response

"Taka?" I looked around while taking my shoes off and kick them to the side...

I then walked around and saw a folded says:

Kaito, I went home early cause it's almost time for school...anyways, I saw you the last minute before I went out so I feel that you'll be fine...

See yah later at school!


"Taka? Pffft...cute" I said as I chuckles at the thought of his new nickname...

I glanced at the time and noticed that it's already 3:00 pm...

Gotta get ready! I unpacked the items I bought and made my way to the bathroom, took off my clothes, took a bath, and wore my favorite white shorts and a purple top with a star in the middle that had the color of red

I went in the bathroom for the last time and fixed my hair

I glanced at my watch and the time is now 3:23

I took my bag and all the stuff needed...I always liked going to school early...

I walked to my door and took a deep breath and

-Time skip- -at school-

Phew~ made it!

I hurriedly went in and rushed to the library so that I have time to meet Ku-sensei guessing that he was with Fu-sensei 

I saw him there making out with Fu-sensei...I gotta tell it was disgusting but sweet...I don't know haha!!

I walked close trying not make a sound "so sweet!" I squeeled and they both were startled and blushed hard...I laughed at their sight

"Anyways I just dropped by to say hi and pick a book for designs and stuff" I smiled and explained

Ku sensei was searching a book and found one...gave it to me and I rushed out

I came to my class early...Arts class and the teacher came in and announced "this afternoon you will all be just working on the logo, use the time wisely" she explained as she gestured her hands to meet with the groups

"Ok guys lets finish what we dropped off last night" I smiled and Mailyn tapped my shoulder
Giving me that 'are you ok with Tsubaki' face...and I just nodded in return and smiled

It was I think about 2 hours of doing this job and 45 minutes...

"Ow my back hurts" I held my back and stretched in any possible way to make the pain go away...Sheesh what am I? 67? (-_-)

We finally finished it!! Yey!! We all were so happy and well...over joyed...

We proceeded to go to the back of the school as instructed by the teacher...we started to search for a good spot for our logo...we found one, that was was in between two trees so we all agreed to put itnthere and we tied it up and it looked nice!

We all were just like taking glances at each other and chuckled

Well, one part, Tsubaki and I stared at each other and just grew smiles when Mailyn suddenly pushed my head towards him which I would think she was expecxting a kiss...I forced back my head successfuly and glared at her...she just giggled... that the day was done we finally went home and had a bit of planning and went straight home!!

It was a it tiring today so I never even bothered to change my clothes...I just went straight to my bed and fell face first to my bed and the darkness and sleepiness has already consumed me and I fell fast asleep

Author's P.O.V~

Guys I am so sorry for a very late update!! It's just that I have been busy lately at school and a lot of events happened but Hey! At least I finished another one XD

So yay!


Love you guys!!!

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