Love is War [Jon Snow/Robb St...

By SimplySammi

308K 7.1K 1K

I didn't mean to fall for him, it was pure accident. I was prepared to marry the Lords true son, not his bast... More

Love is war
Bipolar like winter
Never Again
Not Soon Enough
Liar Liar
Truth About Us
For An Apple
Shake It Off
Childish Behavior
Run Away
How To Break A Heart
Secret Love
Out of Control
Worth the Risk?
The Revenge of the Maid
You Found Me
Let It Rain
Thinking Of You


7.7K 198 17
By SimplySammi

Early update!! Sorry for any confusion the 'updating every friday' starts this week, I'll try and update early next week because of the holidays.

Thanks for reading!(:

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Early this morning, a maid woke me and had me dress in clothes suited for being outside for awhile.

"Lord Stark has requested it." I chose not to argue as she braided my hair down my back and shooed me on my way. Maids.. so pushy.

I was suppose to meet Lord Stark in the dining hall, but when I walked in there the only person to be seen.. was Theon, much to my dismay.

"Well hello there. Seen your lover lately?" He approached me with a wicked smile on his face.

"Why yes, I saw Robb just last night." I knew who he was talking about but I decided to ignore it. I wouldn't let him get to me, not anymore.

"You know very well I was talking about Jon." Theon waited for a reaction that never came. "He's leaving you, did you know that? He'll be taking an oath that cannot be undone."

"I think Jon is making a wise decision, the night watchmen will be lucky to have him."

Before Theon could come up with a clever remark Lord Stark walked into the dining hall.

"My lord." Theon said turning and leaving the room. 

"Are you ready Miss Ravenwood?" Eagerly nodding I followed Lord Stark out of the room and outside onto the empty land. He began telling me stories of his ancestors, I listened fascinated the whole time.

"Now tell me Selena, are you ready for your marriage? It is only in a months time and Robb seems to be looking forward to it." Should I tell Robbs father the truth or let it be?

"To be honest, sir. Robb isn't exactly what I imagined myself marrying.. but I'm sure I can learn to love him someday."

Lord Stark nodded and then asked a question I wouldn't have ever thought he would "Is it Jon you want then?"

I stood there fidgeting, how could he know that?

"You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable, I see the way you two look at each other. I know its love."

I sighed and shook my head, It was love, now he hates me.

"When those men broke into your room and harmed you, what did they say?" He asked and I lightly traced the scar on my arm. What's with all the questions? Why now?

"They told me not to tell anyone." I whispered. Lord Stark turned to me quickly and grabbed my arm pulling me farther into the woods. What on earth is going on?

We finally stopped and he stood in front of me, his father like features made me want to trust him.

"Tell me." His voice was barely audible, I looked around us to make sure no one was watching.

"They told me that if I didn't marry Robb, everyone I have ever loved will die."

Lord Stark sighed and tell out a frustrated sound, "It sounds like whoever did that really wants you two to be wed. But who would go to such extreme measures?" He walked around for a moment scratching his head and cursing.

"Don't you worry, I will found out who threatened you." With that we walked back to the castle and parted ways after a small goodbye.

Did I make the right decision? Should I have trusted the Lord with a heavy secret? Will my family be safe still?

In my deep thought process I didn't notice where I was really going but I stopped when I saw a familiar head of hair go around the corner. Jon? I didn't really think about it and I chased after the man, when I reached him he turned around and gave me a puzzled look. It was one of the cooks out for his evening walk. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else." I turned and walked away only to see Jon standing a few feet behind me. A pained expression hit his face and then he turned and walked away.

"Jon!" I cried following behind him. He continued to ignore me and I continued to follow close to him.

"What!" He finally snapped turning around to look at me. His once soft brown eyes were hard and empty. What had I done?

"I heard you're becoming a nights watchmen." I blurted out staring up into his eyes.

"Yes. What of it?"

"You didn't tell me you were even thinking that."

"I wasn't, until recently." So it was my fault, he's changing and leaving everyone he loves for me.

"What about Bran? He'll miss you terribly."

"He has Robb, that seems to be everyones replacement for me." He must have known that stung a little, because I could see the regret in his eyes after he said it. I shook it off and closed my eyes, trying to control the tears that threatened to fall.

"I'm so sorry Jon."

"Why? Because you love Robb or because you broke my heart?"

"I don't know." My voice came out cracked and broken.

"Well, I don't have time to stand around and wait for you to find out." And with that Jon walked away from me. I deserved that, I truly did. But it's better this way, no one but us gets hurt in the end. Even if the heart break hurts, its better than living with the pain in knowing Jon died because I chose to love him. I cried softly and walked back towards my room to be alone.


When I walked away from her, it was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. The women I love was literally standing in front of me with watery eyes. I wanted to comfort her, but I kept reminding myself that Robb was hers. She loves my brother, everyone always loves Robb over me. Especially our father. I could have accepted her apology, I could have hugged her and told he I forgave her. I could have lied and told her we could still be friends. But it would be to hard and to painful to see her everyday and being happy with Robb. Speaking of Robb, I watched him walk down the hallway in a rush towards the direction Selena just went.. Curiosity got the best of me, so I followed after him and hid behind the corner.

"I'm sorry Selena!" Robb sounded sad, what was he so sorry about?

"I said it's fine. I don't care. I don't want to marry you as much as you don't want to marry me. So go off with your little whore and leave me be." She spat, I thought she loved Robb? And since when did she found out about the other women?

"I do want to marry you, I've been messing around with Kira long before you were in the picture. Last night was our last night together.Then after that it's you and me forever." Was that a hint of sadness in his voice? I think I was the only one to actually catch that.

"Alright." She said after awhile, I couldn't tell what was actually happening after that so I left. Feeling more confused than earlier.

What the hell is even going on anymore?

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