The Roaming Archer (NaNoWrimo...

By tg7angel

193K 10.3K 1.2K

There was a kingdom, A kingdom full of life. But that was before. Fatenturia, a kingdom once filled with ho... More

Copyright Page
When I Was Born...
Nothing To Lose Anymore...
Growing Up
Friends and Fresh Air
Alone In The Woods
Bleeding Hands
We Need Leaders
Caught Red Handed
The Roamers
The Lion's Mouth
Attack In Admire
Book Pages
Next Thing
A Lone Prince
New Duty
Dancing Candle
Pete's Late Journal
A Tragic Dream
The Meeting Room
Gut's To Ask
Not Yet Home
Prince Abason
Night Dreamire
Search Out!
The Race Began
Cupid Arrows
Mistery Eyes
The Picture
A New Begin Training
The Meeting With Abason
Rush Tired
What You Get
The Impossible
The Letters
Behind The Oak Door
The Job
Wrong Message
A Long Night
A Day
Not Adding Up
The Very Thing
Cross Roads
Author Note: The Next Book

Far For The First Time

3.7K 253 23
By tg7angel

I scurried back to the guys. Phew! Their all still busy playing squirt battle. "Guys, I think we better get going!" I yelled out to them while a cupped my hands in front of my mouth to make a megaphone effect.

We better leave before that guy tries searching for us and then I have to do some irrelevent explaining as to why I left such a high official or what.

Sounds of rushes went to and fro in the water and the vegetated area.

"Okay guys! Time to get traveling." Neil yelled, "Listen to the lady!" He suggested to get their attention.

They all got out dripping wet, hair stringy, and clothes stuck to their figures like suction cups. I grabbed my bag and threw them their towels.

"Quick guys! It's almost afternoon!" I dashed to grab my stuff and get them all together. I also did the same for the guys stuff and stuffed their things into their bags.

"Why are you so in a hurry?" Roylin asked.

"Times running out." I simply answered to indulged into the task at hand.

"Oh.." He patted his head with the towel.

"Where were you by the way?" Pete asked.

"Just took a walk around the woods, and heard some interesting sounds."

"Oh, okay."

I pushed the guys,"Come on lets go!" I felt their wet backs, but I didn't care.

"Okay! Okay!" Neil expressed,"Angel was probably so bored." He whispered to Roylin.

"I heard that." I said. "Let's go!"

I got them up and going. They quickly got changed behind the trees and I already headed out. They would catch up with me.

I took my time as I walked away just scratching tree bark as I passed a good space. I scratched a tree with an 'A' so the guys could find me. I scratched a tree or so after a couple of paces.

On and on I went and soon enough they caught up with me. Roylin and Daven then took guide and guided us towards their home. The sky was slowly darkening and began to fill with exotic colors. Dashes of purple red and orange faded the sky trailing the areas the sun was at.

As we all got quiet, and I began to get bored I suddenly began humming the tune I heard in the kingdom I was in. Pete looked at me and seemed to analyze why I were doing so. Then I started to whistle thinking of the hoppy flute in my mind. My head then began to bob back and forth as I thought of the lively music. Soon my thigh went up higher and I slowly made my way into skipping. The guys looked at me like I was crazy, and really I would probably think the same if I were in their place.

I got tired after awhile, but the crowd couldn't leave my mind and the mysterious guy. It was so lively and full of life. I looked up the sky. It was a fading of blue and light blue now. The sky had streaks of clouds, but no more sight of the sun. A couple of stars appeared and crickets could be heard more loudly in the forest. Croaks of frogs also bounced in the forest and fireflies lit the way to our destination.

This has been the farthest I have ever been from home. I've never traveled for a whole day away from NewBegin. It was different. A sense in me gave me an energetic feeling farther in the woods. I connected myself to it a lot. But something about the woods..something about the woods that made me feel I belonged here and I was home. I looked into the skies again. Stars twinkled and formed in every direction. God was watching me no matter how far I was. He would keep me safe, and at peace. He created all and none of it will scare Him.

This is the day I realized I was far for the first time.

But I know I will be fine.
After our travel by foot, we finally made it. It was practically past midnight when we got to our destination. Hut like cabins occupied the area. The little homes and streets were lit up by fat wax candles. They flickered and danced in the streets lit up on poles. A couple of the candles were blown out by the wind and lightning bugs and moths fluttered in the village. It was very small compared to what I thought in mind when I got there, but it did not disappoint me whatsoever.

It was quiet, and all that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves. I smelled a roast of some sort and baked bread in the air. Neil, Pete, and I followed Daven and Roylin as they led us to a cabin that was well lit by candles and jarred fireflies outside. Smoke came up from the top of the cabin and the smell of food invigorated my taste buds.

"Welcome to our humble home." Roylin said.

"I'll show you my house tommorrow." Daven replied."We chose Roylin's house because it was larger than mine."

"Thanks guys." Neil answered.

Pete and me smiled showing the same appreciation.

A lady about the age of forty-eight moved about in the kitchen and placed on the table utensils and plates. She smiled as we entered the room and went to carry in some food onto the table. We offered our hand and placed the remaining food in the middle of the table. I carried a basket of rolls and set it next to the roasted lamb. Candles in jars decorated the inside and some red carnations stood inside a vase. I glanced towards my friends and the scents invigorated my mouth.

We stuffed our teen faces and was welcomed by the busy mom. We talked and chatted through the night.

I yawned and placed my hand in front of my mouth.

Neil stretched out his arms wide and Pete who was beside him had his eye lids failing him in an attempt to keep them open. They closed slowly and shut open continually.

"Roylin, why won't you show our guests their rooms." Mrs. Hawkner suggested picking up on our tired signals.

"Yes, mom." answered Roylin kindly."Come on guys let me show you guys your rooms, looks like were all exhausted."

He walked us down a short hallway and showed us his room. A bow and quiver hung on the wall and little daggers sat on a desk he had. Two beds were squished into the room and piles of sheets and blankets were folded on top. A closet door stood on the left side and paintings hung next to it.

"This is my room. All the guys will sleep here, we have a different room for you Angel since, your a girl."

Sometimes I did think that the guys always had the fun. They all got to stay with each other and always did the dangerous stuff, but I knew that I was a girl and I'd always will be. God made me like this and I have no excuse for it. Every side has its ups and downs. Actually now to think of it, I wouldn't have to be in my own seperate room if I were the other gender. Other than that, I am satisfied with who I am, I am uniquely me and no one can change that. It would be wrong otherwise to think that God didn't make me right. Overall He is God. He knew who I was before I was even alive. He has reason why I am who I am.

I could still be dangerous and do dangerous stuff, yea, but I will always be a girl. I smiled. "Thanks Roylin, that's really nice."

",yea." He rubbed the back of his head with his hand and stared at the ground."No problem."

We all looked at each other for a second, and then Roylin broke the silence.

"Hey, uh Angel?" He tried to look me in the eyes.

"What Roy?" I looked back to his eyes. His eyes then moved about as if he were nervous.

"Do you want me to show you to your room?" He placed his hands behind his back again.

"Um, sure, but I wanna check out your room first, then maybe we all could check out where I'm staying."

"Oh, uh sure."

If I knew any better, Roylin seemed nervous. Maybe, he thought his room was messy? I giggled.

"Huh?..uh..why are you laughing?" He stumbled and looked at me with alarmed eyes.

"Are you nervous because were at your house? Roylin, it's fine. I really like your home."

"oh..uh, yea thanks." He shifted feet.

All the guys had weird looks on their faces. Okay..weird..

I tried to change the subject. "Did you paint this Roy?" I looked at one of the paintings next to the closet door. A boy was holding a bow and arrow aiming into the woods which was on the left side of the drawing. The sun on the top right reflected behind him and the figure was stenciled making the person on the painting black.

"Yea." he said quietly.

"It looks great! Is that you with the bow and arrow?" I questioned trying to lighten up the room.

"Yea, that was me when I was a boy." He began to unfold some blankets.

I turned around. "Can you draw me with a bow and arrow?" It was a really cool painting.

He flung his head toward me in a reaction to my question. "Um, yea! Sure!" He smiled.

Roy is so funny. The others remained quiet. I guess they were too tired to talk..

I looked at another painting and stood in front of it. There were five people in the painting. Four guys and one girl. that me? In the middle? I analyzed the four boys. The two boys on my right side looked like..Pete and Neil and on the other side looked like Daven and Roylin. We all had our arms behind each others backs and the woods were in the backround.


I smiled.

"Roylin, I think I want to go see my room now." A wide smile showed as I asked.

Roylin led me to my room which was the room next to them. It was really funny that he had to escort me to such a short distance. He even opened the door for me. In the corner of my eye as I entered into the guest room, I could see three heads popped out of the door from Roylin's room as if they were scanning what was going on.

"Thanks Roy." I smiled a tired looking smile.

"Uh thanks, like I said, 'No problem.'" He winked and stuck out for me a thumbs up.

I couldn't help, but smile bigger. "Good night Roy."

"Good night." He smiled back.

I closed the door behind me and he went back to his room. I saw a big bed right in front of me and it practically said "lie down" with its fluffy two long pillows and thick silk like comforter. I sat on the foot of the bed and kicked off my sandals.

Wow, I really should have used my boots instead. My feet had dirt from stumbling and walking all day.

I laid my back down on the well cushioned bed. Where in the world did he get a queen sized bed and silk beddings? I pushed the thought aside and glanced about in the room. There were three doors in the room. There was the entrance and two other doors. I was tired, but I decided to check the room out anyway. I hopped of the bed and walked towards the two doors on the left side of the room. They were right next to each other and I decided to just open both of them at the same time.

A small closet and a small bathroom. They really picked the best room for the girl huh? I walked into the bathroom. It had a shower, toilet, faucet and a mirror. I went out and then went back to the room. A shower seemed nice, but for some reason I was terribly exhausted. I just washed my feet in the shower and washed my hair in the sink. I looked at the mirror, tied my hair up and sat on the bed.

I slowly got into he covers very lazily and covered myself entirely except the head. I faced in the direction of the boys room and looked out the window waiting for myself to fall asleep. The moon light entered the room only lighting up a small portion of the room. Next to me on a table was a candle. I blew it out and stared into the quiet night.

I wondered what the boys were probably doing right now. Haha..they were all probably smushed while I was in this spacious bedroom all by myself.

I sighed.

My eyes began to get drowsy and murmurs could be heard from Roy's room. It woke me up as it aroused my interest to know what they talked about. I scooted in closer to the wall, as far on the edge of the bed as I could.

The murmurs then sounded like whispers. I giggled. They have no idea I'm listening in..

"What was that about?" Neil spoke.

"What was?" Roylin asked.

"You acted all weird when she talked to you." Pete proposed.

Their talking about me. Oh..this is gonna be good!

"What are you guys talking about? That was nothing." Roylin rolled to the side. I could hear the movement.

"Whatever." Neil mumbled.

They all became quiet. I giggled. An idea came up to my mind.

"Good night guys! Don't be too loud." I spoke loudly enough to make it clear for them through the walls.

No sound. I giggled more, trying to keep it in.

I kept quiet to see if they would react.

A couple minutes later passed.

"I think she's sleeping now." whispered Neil.

"Do you guys think she heard us?" Roylin fidgeted.

"You guys! We have to be more quiet!" Daven leaned in closer to the guys.

I couldn't hold it in I really couldn't.

"Hahahahah!" I balled out.


"Hahahaha! This is too much!" I cracked up. "Okay, seriously guys, good night. I'll be going to sleep for real now. Oh that was funny.." a tear came out my eye from laughing hard.

"Good night!" Neil yelled out through the wall.


What was that?

"You idiot!" Roylin whispered to Neil.

"What? Why'd you smack my face?"

I just laughed myself to sleep. It was way too funny.

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