The Hunt For Her Mate (GXG)

Από hollybax

206K 7.8K 247

Come along as Lux and her friends battle the forces of evil, train to become the next generation of leaders f... Περισσότερα

In the Meadow
Who is She?
New Friends
Hello Again
Meeting the parents
Wake up
Last Day
A Witches Warning
Oh Baby
Back to Normal
Getting Help
Battle Plans
The Day Before
In the Wake of Battle


3.8K 134 1
Από hollybax


The next day we were all sitting around the living room after dinner trying to think of a plan to stop the dark witches. "What if we just hide Callie until they give up?" Gabe suggested

"Won't work. They won't give up." I replied. "Well what do they want Callie?" Max questioned. You could tell she was determined to think of a solution today. "They want to know where the last white witch coven in North America is." Max's brow furrowed in concentration "so why don't you just tell them and warn the coven? That way they leave you alone!" I shook my head I can't believe that this is the only thing she could think of! "There's no way I'm doing that! Even if I wanted to I couldn't! I don't know where they are only my coven mothers did!"

It was silent for a few minutes until Lux spoke up for the first time all afternoon. "You could contact them. I know you know how. They would tell you and then this whole thing would be over." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth.

I stood up and started pacing. My emotions were getting the better of me. "I won't do it." I said sternly she stood up as well and blocked my path. "Why not!" She yelled I could feel her anger,but I wasn't going to back down. "I won't put my people in danger just to save myself! I'd rather die than give them up!!"

She was shaking. Her hands balled into fists her eyes flickering. "We are your people! You are my mate! I love you! And if this will save you then I'm begging you please do it! Put yourself first for once!"

My heart stopped beating. She loves me? She never told me that she loved me before. Sure Jetta had told me many times, but Lux never had. "You love me?" I asked shyly.

Her glare softened and she pulled me into her embrace. "Of course I do! Which is why I want you to do this. Please!" She pleaded I pushed out of her arms and backed away

"I love you too Lux, but I can't, I won't! And if you really loved me you wouldn't ask me to!"  Her stare hardened and her eyes lit up.

"Do not question our love for you Callie! Lux just wants you to be safe! You will do this!!" Jetta screamed at me in her alpha voice. Something inside of me snapped and I could feel my eyes change "DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT VOICE WITH ME! I WON'T BETRAY MY PEOPLE!

I took a deep breathe and let myself calm down. "Max, Gabe please get her out of here before we both do something we regret!" I said my voice strained from my anger. My jaw ached from being clenched. 

They grabbed lux and tried pulling her out of the room, but she broke free and ran out the front door. I ran after her "Lux wait stop! It's dark!" I tried to yell, but she shifted and disappeared into the forest before I could stop her.

"Should we go after her? Gabe asked. I shook my head fighting back tears "no it's too dangerous. We have to wait until morning." Max pulled me into a hug "I'm so sorry Callie I shouldn't have suggested that. Don't worry to much about lux she's strong she'll be okay." She said softly. My body shook from sobbing.

"I-it's n-not your f-f-fault M-max its m-mine." I said between sobs she rubbed my back reassuringly.

"What's going on out here?" Someone asked behind us. Max let me go and I turned to see grace standing in the doorway looking very concerned. I ran into her arms breaking down all over again. "I'm s-s-so s-sorry." I cried into grace's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me pulling me into the house. "Come on you three. You've got some explaining to do."

Grace led us into the kitchen with her arms still wrapped around my shoulders. We sat down at the table and she went to make us some tea.
"So are we telling the truth or what's the game plan here?" Gabe whispered. "We have nothing to hide from Grace she needs to know her daughter might be in danger." I said softly.

They both nodded agreeing with me when Grace came back in with a 4 steaming mugs. She set them down and sat next to me pulling me into her side. I laid my head on her shoulder while she rubbed my arm in a attempt to comfort me. "Explain." Grace stated firmly.
We all looked at one another once more before we began explaining what happened this afternoon.


I was beyond pissed when I stormed out of the house. I was pissed at Callie, but I was also pissed at myself. I shouldn't have pushed her to betray her people. I shouldn't have yelled. Our fight was stupid. Both of us were just worried and angry about the situation and we took it out on each other.

I was miles away from home before Jetta calmed down and let me have control. It was pitch black and even with my enhanced senses I was having trouble getting my bearings.

I shifted back and changed into some spare clothes I picked up before I ran out. I was wandering around trying to find something familiar, but having no luck.

I sat down by a huge tree after wandering for hours. I was lost in my thoughts when a twig snapped and I jumped up ready for a fight.
"Who's there?!" I shouted cautiously

I heard snickering and the footsteps
"What's wrong little alpha are you lost?" A girl shouted mockingly at me. I couldn't see her, but I could smell her. She smelled of rotting fruit and moth balls I scrunched my nose in disgust.

"Show yourself you coward!" I snarled getting impatient with her games. I felt a presence to my right and took a swing hitting nothing.

Someone grabbed my shoulder and whispered "it's time for you to sleep little alpha." I went to attack, but exhaustion overtook me and I succumbed to the darkness.
(what max calls grace: LG- Luna Grace)

Once we finished explaining to LG what was going on we all moved into the living room.

Callie and LG looked like mother and daughter. Callie was curled up into LG's side on the couch and LG was rubbing her back to calm her down. Tears were still falling out of Callie's eyes. Callie couldn't stop apologizing to everyone "Callie please stop apologizing none of this is your fault." I pleaded with her.

She quieted down and snuggled into LG's side like a small child. LG started softly humming the lullaby she used to hum to us when we were little. It brought back a huge sense of nostalgia.

I was running. Running for my life a rouge just killed my parents! I have no idea where I am and I'm scared. I ran into another packs territory, but I don't care I need to get away. "Get back here you little bitch I'm not done with you yet!" The rouge sneered behind me. I tried to speed up, but I was tackled "It's time for you to die like your fucking parents!" I tried to break free.

"HELP! HELP! Let me go!" I swung and my fist connecting with the rouges nose. He groaned and grabbed his nose, blood pouring from it. "You bitch you'll pay for that!!" His hand struck my face hard cutting my cheek. Leaving me dazed.

He stood up and started kicking me as hard as he could. I could feel my ribs snap. His assault continued he stomped on my stomach and finally he stomped on my leg. I felt it snap in two the bone pushing through my skin. I let out a blood curdling scream. "Say goodbye whore cause this is the end for you." The rouge spat. I closed my eyes waiting for the final blow, but it never came. A roar made me open my eyes a huge wolf jumped over me and tackled the rouge tearing his throat out. The wolf turned to me I tried to back up, but the pain was too great and I ended up passing out.

I woke up in a white room with a lot of machines and a little girl with green eyes and reddish hair sitting next to me in a chair. "Mom she's awake!"  I tried to sit up, but she stopped me " you shouldn't do that you have a lot of injuries." She said

"My name is Lux what's yours?" I sat not saying anything I didn't know who to trust "come on I just want to know your name. We won't hurt you promise!" This girl looked friendly enough so I answered her
"My name is Maxine." I said softly
Her nose scrunched "I'm gonna call you Max is that okay?"  I nodded smiling at the new nickname.
"I'm nine how old are you?" She asked "I'm nine too." I answered shyly.

Suddenly an older woman rushed in and smiled at me. I pulled the covers to my chin trying to hide.
"Hello little one how are you feeling?" I looked to Lux and she nodded encouraging me to answer
"Sore." She smiled sadly and spoke to lux quietly. "Well max you have been through a lot, but don't worry this will be your new home you are safe here. Now you should rest." I nodded Lux got up to leave, but I grabbed her wrist wincing at the movement "Please stay Lux I'm scared." She nodded and climbed into bed next to me carefully intertwining our hands and laying her head on my shoulder.

The older woman started humming a lullaby and messing with my IV
I slowly fell asleep listening to her hum a soothing lullaby.
End Flashback

Gabe nudged me "hey where'd you go just then?" He asked quietly I looked up at my tall friend "The first day I got here LG hummed that same song to me." He didn't say anything just put his arm around me and nodded knowingly.

I looked back at my surrogate mother and Callie and saw Callie fast asleep like I suspected she would be.

"Can you be a dear max and take her up to her room for me?" LG asked me. "Of course I can LG and don't worry we'll find Lux." She smiled at me and nodded
"I know you will little one." She said softly.

I picked Callie up and made my way to her room. I laid her on the bed and went to leave, but a hand grabbed my wrist "Please stay Max I'm scared." Callie whispered. I nodded and climbed into bed with her intertwining our hands

"Don't worry Callie I'm here for you." She nodded as she slowly fell asleep while I hummed that same lullaby that brought me so much comfort when I was scared.

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