You Need Me (Laurmani)

由 dwriter1

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[COMPLETED] Lauren is a successful indie pop singer who has been in the industry for about 3 years. After the... 更多



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由 dwriter1

Normani's POV:

3 Months later



"Come here.." She said with a smile patting her lap twice.

I smiled back and walked toward her. Once I reached her, I sat on her lap facing the front and threw my arms around her shoulders.

"I missed you.." She murmured with a smile and her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink.

I roll my eyes and laugh a little bit before pecking her lips "I missed you too Zen, even though I just saw you yesterday. Soundcheck remember?"

She looks down at her fake watch on her wrist smugly before looking back up to me "Hmmm" she hummed smiling "If my clock skills are accurate that was over 18 hours ago & 18 more than my liking"

I blush and tuck my head into her neck before she spoke again "You ready for tonight?"

I lift my head and met her smile "Yes! So ready"

A lot and I mean a lot has changed over the last three months. A lot is different with my mind and my thoughts than what they were three months ago.

I'm happier now. Completely happy? No. But right now I'm content.

Zendaya makes me happy. She's filling a huge gaping hole that was left and I found some type of home in her. Being around her is not the same as it was when we were slightly younger however.

We don't agree on everything and it's we don't always click. It's like somethings is missing. But I guess that's just because the agreeing to be together was fairly new.

I never in a million years would have guessed that at this moment in my life I would be with her because she wasn't the that one I wanted.

The one I wanted is gone.

After that night I heard her outside of my door, I never heard from her again. She stopped calling, she stopped texting, she never knocked again.

For a while I thought she would come back. So I waited. But then I thought she finally had enough of me ignoring her. I thought I had succeeded in pushing her away like I wanted, or at least thought I wanted.

Once the second week hit and I didn't hear from her I broke. I tried calling for the first time. I tried calling her, no answer. It confused me, it stressed me the fuck out.

I thought maybe she had hurt herself or worse. One night I was in a complete panic, a panic that I started going through more and more being as though I stopped taking my pills.

I looked for her with shakey hands and teary eyes. I looked for online for a sign of updates on her. Maybe she had started her album. Maybe it would be information about that.

Nothing, I saw nothing. I called her parents, they didn't answer. I needed an explanation as to why she was just gone out of nowhere.

No matter how much she hurt me at that moment I regretted ignoring her for the amount of time I did. I should've opened the door that night in the middle of her talking but I was too afraid.

Too afraid of the possibility of me holding her and her kissing me and then suddenly I would feel like none of that happened. I didn't want that because it did happened and she needed help.

One night I looked on social media and saw something that shattered my heart into a million pieces.

She had found someone else. There were articles and images. The girl was just being called Laurens mystery rebound.

She was skinny, had long brown hair, brown eyes. A pretty average looking girl. She was the reason Lauren never called again.

But Lauren looked happy in the few pictures I saw. There weren't many pictures only about three and they all looked like they were taken at the same time. It looked like a date, at a cafe.

That was the only thing new about her on the entire internet, it's like she went into hiding.

The very night that I saw, I was in the middle of a breakdown and Zendaya just happened to call me. She came and held me, holding me close, comforting me. Being everything I needed in that moment.

I hated Lauren even more in that moment. But I didn't, I loved her. But she found someone else. So I hated myself for not forgiving her apologies.

I needed to find someone else to get my mind off of her. An actual rebound. I hated to call Zendaya that but she was.

Zendaya and I released 'Body Party' about a week ago and it went number one. For the most part besides the rumors no one knows we are dating. We just actually started dating two weeks ago and haven't found the right way to tell everyone.

"Good" she looked at me with a smile and pressed her lips into mine. Once she pulled out she pushed our foreheads together "Are you taking your pills?"

"Yes Z.." I murmur "Yes, I'm okay"

She lifted her head "Okay I'm sorry, I just worry about you. You don't always seem happy"

I give her a closed lip smile "I'm happy and I'm even more happy that we get to perform for the first time tonight"

She smirked at me "You better keep up, I've been told I can dance a little"

"Oh? Is that so. Funny thing is I've been told the same" I stick my tongue out and she playfully bites at it.

"You don't want this problem Manz" she smirked.

"Normani, Zendaya glams in five" we here a voice yell from the other side of the door after a hard knock.

We snap our necks back to eachother and her smile is even wider this time "Ready to start this journey?"

I smile back "oh yes"

"Good luck kiss? I think I'll need it" She closes her eyes and puckers her lips out.

I kiss her softly one time and then her puckered lips soften into mine, the kiss becomes passionate.

Passionate didn't mean sparks happened. I never had sparks when I kissed her. My stomach never twisted in the delicious way it did with Lauren.

One time I was pathetic enough to pretend her lips were Laurens as we kissed but it still wasnt the same.

I missed her. But she was fucking and loving on someone else. This brown hair, skinny girl who's name I don't even know.


Normani Kordei is here to perform her new single Body Party Ft. Zendaya

You can expect her debut album 'Break Through' to be in stores Feb 20th.

Normani kordei and Zendaya Body Partyyyyyyyy

The announcers voice roared and the lights slowly began to brighten.

Normani's seductive voice echoed over the crowed "Right there. No, right there. I was having fun. I hope youre having fun too"

After she spoke the last word the spotlight shined on her alone. She stood up from the step and and strutted slowly to the front of the stage "My body, Is your party baby & nobody's invited but you baby"

She dropped down and swirled her hips  slowly to the beat "I can do it slow now tell me what you want.. Baby put your phone down your should turn it off"

She slapped the ground and thrusted twice before sitting up with her knees bent and spread. "Cause tonight it's going down"

She used one hand to hold her self up as she snaked the air winding her hips "I told my girls it's going down, we're in the zone now. Don't stop"

The spotlight shifted to Zendaya "You can't keep your hands off me, touch me right there. Rock my body" she sung making her way to the front of the stage with Normani.

"I can't keep my hands off you" she lifted Normani from the ground and the brown girl slowly slid up, gliding her hand up the side of the mixed girls body.

"Your body, is my party" as she sung that the brown girl stood in front of her and twirled her hips.

She reached back to grab Zendaya's hand "I'm doing this little dance for you.. Oo.. Oo.. Oo.. You got me so excited" Normani slid down her front side sensually pushing her bottom into her, bouncing to the beat once she was squatted.

"No it's just me and you" Zendaya sung to Normani smiling and pointing between the two as she stood back up "Your body's my party lets get it started.. Oo"

"I can't lie, I won't lie. It's amazing" Normani sung to the audience walking over to occupy the other side of the stage.

Screams and cheers were filling the entire place. As the two girls sung.

During the second chorus they had choreography and being as though they both could dance it looked flawless. Every hip roll, every drop, every pose was hit flawlessly.

They both melted to the ground on their hands and knees for the outro.

"The things I wanna do to you" Normani sung as they both opened and closed their knees on the ground rolling their bodies.

"My body's calling you" Zendaya responded.

They slowly stood up from the ground "Your body's my party, lets get it started Ooo"

After the last word was sung and they ended perfectly with a pose. They both turned to eachother smiling widely, listening to the crowd roar.

Zendaya grabbed Normani's face and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Similar to the one Lauren did to her at the award show.

It was payback. Zendaya was in the crowd that night fuming because she knew the Latina did it purposely. So this was her turn.

Lauren wasn't in the crowd of course but she could have been at home watching and if she wasn't then she would still manage to see it somehow.

Normani pulled out of the kiss and glared at Zendaya evill , but quickly softened her face because she knew cameras were on them.

They exited the stage smiling and waving but once they entered the room Normani's smile quickly dropped. "What was that Zendaya?"

"I kissed my girlfriend Normani, I'm not understanding the problem" she said sensing her tone.

Normani shook her head "We talked about this.. I didn't want people knowing yet and now -"

The mixed girl cut her off "That's what I'm not getting! It's like you're ashamed of me! We're not little girls anymore, we don't have to sneak around your parents. I love you, why can't the whole world know"

Normani paused trying to gather her thoughts. If she's being honest the only reason she really didn't want everyone to know yet is because she didn't want Lauren to see.

But she thought about it more and realized how crazy that sounded. Lauren had moved on. Lauren wasn't worried about her one bit.

She looked at Zendaya "I'm sorry okay ..sorry" she smiled a closed lip smile and walked over to the mixed girl putting her arms around her waist "We'll tell the truth in the interview on Monday if you want, would that make you happy"

Zendaya scoffed "I'm already happy, just being with you makes me happy. I just didn't want to hide anymore mani. I did enough of that before"


"Climb in.." The British guy patted the passenger seat with the biggest of smiles on his face.

Lauren smiled as well, happy to see him. Happy to see a familiar face for once in about three months.

"Thanks for the ride Liam.." She said once she climbed in and buckled her seat belt.

"Shit.. Lauren I missed you so much. First day of freedom. What do you plan on doing with it?" He smiled as they pulled off.

Lauren had just finished her last day of rehab and Liam was who she contacted to be her ride home. Since he was the one that dropped her off and relatively the only person that knew she was there besides her parents.

She had to tell Troy about her situation and that's the only reason she was able to hold off on working on her album. He cared about her health so he understood.

She said she didn't want anyone knowing this. So there was no announcement or no real reason sent to her fans as to why no music was being worked on.

The entire time in rehab she blocked herself away from the world. Even though it was hard, the three months to herself recovering was much needed.

She didn't have a phone, didn't leave the facility, she didn't have visitors. She just spent that time focusing on getting better.

Her time in the rehab facility was rough however. She went through ups and downs and almost wanted to quit and just leave all together time after time.

But the last month and a half was great. She no longer felt the need to drink when she was upset because the people inside gave her other solutions. She also stopped cutting.

Inside they taught her to forgive herself for past mistakes and not to blame. It helped. The nightmares about her brother went away. She also didnt see haunting images of her hands around Normani's neck everytime she shut her eyes.

By her release date which was today, she felt like a completely different person than she did going in. She went in to it doing it just for Normani and it was time to get her back.

"I don't know" she sighed with a smile "Maybe just go home. I fucking miss my condo" she laughed.

He let out a chuckle as well "I know you do. Listen Lauren I'm so proud of you. How are you? How was it?"

"It was rough" she admitted "Some days a wanted to leave. Some days my suicidal thoughts were on a whole new level" she looked over to his profile as he drove "But I made it through, I feel like a whole new person"

"Are you completely better? Are you happy?" He questioned.

"I haven't drank since I got admitted & I haven't cut since the fourth week in.. I think I'm better" she said with a closed lipped smile.

"Are you happy?" He questioned again picking up on her mellow tone.

"I will be.." She smiled as her face turned a light shade of pink, thinking about the love of her life.

He knew exactly what she was talking about so he smiled as well "She'll be so fucking proud of you.."

The reason she decided to go into rehab was because the few counseling sessions didn't seem to be enough for her. Her mindset wasn't changing. She would hear the information and not receive it. So she needed something more. So her counselor suggested rehab.

However, she suggested that before she went in and cut everyone out for these months that she talked to Lucy. During the sessions besides Normani, Lucys name came up the most.

But unlike Normani everything Lauren had to say about her was bad. She blamed her for everything that she didn't blame herself for.

They met up at a diner and talked. It went nowhere near as bad as Lauren thought it would. Lucy was still a heartless person but seeing the impact that she still had on Laurens life, she couldn't cause anymore damage.

So she apologized and added an explanation as to why things were the way they were. They both came to agreement that all was forgiven and that the past was the past.

Lauren didn't actually forgive her and one conversation wouldn't heal her completely from the deception and manipulation but it helped some.

"I hope" Lauren said with a smiled showing almost all of her teeth "I missed her so much"

"Do you think she'll answer?"

After that night Lauren left her porch. She promised herself to stop calling and knocking on her door. She made the decision not to bother her again until she was the woman worth having her love.

Normani didn't deserve an unstable, depressed woman. She deserved someone to love her right. Someone that didn't get overly angry when she drunk. Someone that trusted her. Someone who didn't want to cause pain to her own self.

And Lauren felt like she was that now. It was time to get her baby back.

"I hope" Lauren twisted her lips "I hope, I just need to convince her that I'm a changed woman. Like I told you, I'll do anything to hold her again"

"I'm here to help" Liam added with a smile "I'll be your wingman" he teased reaching over to poke at her side.

They drove on and on a finally arrived to Laurens place. She unbuckled her seatbelt and looked over to him "You're not coming in? I need some interaction with people I actually know"

He laughed "Yeah sure, I'm free today. All yours"

They went inside and some time passed they were just sitting across Laurens couch conversing.

"How did you manage to do it Lo? Three months is a long time.. And not only to just be away but you didn't talk to anyone" his brows were raised.

"It was hard.. I needed it though. I didn't need anyone in my ear or any outside factors. I just needed to heal my own way. I feel like my tone is trying to undermine it" she chuckled "but I'm here now, I'm good"

"Where's your phone?"

"I put it in that drawer over there" she responded pointing toward the kitchen.

"Are you ready to look?

She sighed "Honestly no, who knows what those dicks are saying about me all over the Internet"

"Just don't look there yet, but you have to call your parents at least. Let them know you're out"

She agreed and went to get her phone. She cut it on and proceeded to call, ignoring the constant buzzes from notifications coming it. She didn't look at any of them, she didn't want to. She knew none would be Normani anyway.


"Hey mami.." She said with a smile wondering off to another part in the house.

"Ohhhhh mijaaa" Clara instantly started crying "Lauren baby, you're home?"

"Yes, I just left today a few hours ago actually"

"I miss you so so so so much, how are you? Are you okay? How did they treat you?"

"Woah woah now" the Latina chuckled "One question at a time. But don't worry I'm great, far better condition than I was three months ago"

"No more..?"

Lauren knew by her tone this question was about the cutting "No more, I'm better"

Her mother sighed of relief over the phone "I'm so proud mija, I'm flying down"

"What when?"

"I'll look up flights as soon as I hang up with you and don't you dare try to stop me. I've went three months without seeing you because of you career but three months with out seeing you or talking to you is far too much Lauren. So Mike and I are coming, we're getting the fastest flight. No other plans are more important than this" her tone was serious.

She agreed and after the exchange of I love you's the call ended and she made her way out with Liam.

"How did that go?"

"Good, she cried of course" she sat down on the couch "Her and my dad are going to fly up"

"That's great! Family time, maybe I'll get to meet the Jauregui's"

"From the sound of it they'll be here either tomorrow or the next day so just stop by then" Lauren giggled.

"I'll have to check my schedule but definitely" he smiled.

More time passed and they talked on, more and more did Normani run through Laurens mind. Being back in the place that it happened, sort of triggered her. Looking over at the door she had Normani up against. Her mind wouldn't rest. She even zoned out a few times a Liam spoke, she was in the middle of one right now.

"Hey, hey" He said snapping his fingers "What's up, you keep zoning out"

She shook her head after his voice snapped her out of her daze. She felt her hand travel to her necklace as she twirled it in her fingers "I'm sorry, I just miss her"

Liam smiled softly "Call, go see her. Something. I was waiting for you to do it. Instead of sitting in here with me. Three months is a long fucking time"

Lauren hopped of from the sofa smiling widely "I'll just go and see if she's there. I don't want to have this conversation over phone"

He nodded. He saw the confidence and light in her eyes. He knew she was better. He knew Normani wouldn't be going back to the same thing if she took Lauren back.

"Go.. Go to her" he smiled "I'll take you. If she doesn't let you in, I'll help out with my wingman skills we talked about earlier"

Lauren quickly started to put on her boots.

"Wait!" Liam said laughing "Go put on something nicer and take a shower, you smell like rehab"

She looked down at her clothes and looked back up to him nodding "Okay okay, give me like thirty minutes"

As she said that her phone buzzed from the table and they both simultaneously looked down to it. He looked up to her with his lips pressed in a line "You can't run forever"

"I know but I'm running for the time being" she chuckled "You can look through it, it's no lock code" she shrugged.

With that she ran to the back. She wanted to look good. For some reason she had faith that Normani would open tonight, it just felt like it.

She still had doubts in the back of her head that Normani would never ever take her back. But she changed and she changed for her, so she needed Normani to see that and love her again.

At first Liam wasn't going to look through her phone. But he thought why not, Lauren always looked through his phone.


"You think she'll like this?" The Latina questioned running from the back with a smile "She loves when I bla -" her smile dropped notices Liam's demeanor "what's wrong"

"Lauren.." He frowned.

She raised her brow "What?" He didn't answer so she walked over closer "What Liam?"

"I'm sorry.." He said holding the phone out.

She chuckled "I told you it would be shit talked about me.. It can't be that bad, let me see" she said trying to grab the phone.

He pulled it away "Wait Lo.. When you see this I want you remember everything they taught you in rehab. I don't want you doing anything you'll regret"

"Give me the phone Liam" she said anxiously starting to get nervous.

He handed into her with his lips pressed in a line "She went back to her" he said frowning.

Laurens jaw dropped as she saw the pictures of the brown girl and Zendaya making out on stage. She didn't even need to see the articles about them. The room around her went black.

At this moment it felt as though her heart literally was snatched from her chest and crushed.

It felt like the end of the world, like her world was over . No amount of pain has ever felt so agonizing or concentrated. Not even when Normani walked out of the door on her. It's like a giant hole was pummeled into her chest, with no hope of repair.

She felt humiliated, humiliated for having hope. She was stupid for having hope that she could get the woman of her dreams back.

She was stupid for getting dressed up and fixing her hair and putting on makeup, feeling pretty for the first time in forever.

It's been five months since it happened. But she never wanted Normani to move on. She never wanted to see the brown girl with another, especially not Zendaya. She was the root to all of this.

What's the point. Nothing mattered anymore. She did all of this for her, she got better for her.

Her chest was up in flames as tears streamed down her cheeks. Liam looked on to her with worry and concern written across his face. She hadn't moved since she saw the images.

"Lo.." He said softly, placing a hand timidly on her shoulder.

"Get the fuck out.." Her voice was low and scary as her eyes lifted from the screen peircing him.

"Huh?" He frowned.

"GET THE FUCK OUT! GO!" She screamed pointing to the door.

"I'm the only one here for you Lauren!"


He stepped back a little and she threw the phone across the room with all of her strength. It hit the large flat screen television that hung up on the wall. Sending it crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

Liam jumped and the crashing sound but quickly tried to approach her as she went storming towards the kitchen. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into him. She sobbed banging on his chest "Let me gooooo" her voice was weak and defeated.

"Pleeease let me go" she cried "I don't want to be here. I'm done.."

"Lauren don't say that" he whispered kissing her forehead as a tear rolled down his cheek. He saw her going through it plenty times before but this was the first time he cried.

He knew she did this all for Normani. He knew how much she loved that brownskin singer. He knew how much effort and strength she put into being a woman that she deserved.

"It'll be okay" he pulled her out but her shoulders "you'll get through this.. But I need you to stay strong for me?"

She wiped a tear and pulled out of his hold. She gazed at him in the eyes before dipping her head "Liam.. Can you leave?"

"You shouldn't be a alone right now Lauren.. I can stay the night. I just don't want you alone" he frowned, he didn't trust her. He knew why she was storming towards the kitchen.

"Look at me.. I'm fucking pathetic. I'm trash.." She whined looking down at her outfit.

"I can't believe I thought I could get her back. She doesn't want trash" she started to raise her voice "and I don't know why you're trying to help me. LEAVE"

Liam raised his brows.

"LEAVE. I will call the police on you. Get out of my house!"

He grabbed her head and pressed their foreheads together "Don't hurt yourself Lauren, you're stronger than this" he kissed her forehead and with that he left.

As soon as the door shut she screamed and brought her hand up to her head. She went to the kitchen.

She wanted to cut. She grabbed a knife and slid down to the ground, breathing hard with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

She looked at the knife intently, twisting it in her hand. She wanted to feel pain, even more than she already did at the moment. She wanted blood dripping on her nice clothes that she put on for Normani. They were black anyway, red stains wouldn't be that bad.

She pulled up her sleeve and saw her wrists, they didn't have any open wounds. They were healed up since the last time she cut.

She shut her eyes and threw her head back on the counter and she heard a soft familiar voice fill the kitchen.

"Listen mama if you ever try anything like that on my watch then im going to have to cut your dick off"

She smiled a little remembering this conversation. She had just opened up to Normani about hurting herself and this was the brown girls response.

With her eyes still shut now she could see the brown girl. Sitting across her her. Almost like she was on the kitchen floor with her.

"Shit Lauren.. You've had a fucked up life" normani frowned.

"I know.." She sighed "That's why I need you" she looked at her wrists and chuckled "You can love these damn scars away"

Normani chuckled as well and grabbed at them placing soft kisses all over them "That's my job" she smiled a closed lip smile and kissed each wrist one more time "& I promise to not add anymore"

She felt the loving kisses on her wrists even though this happened months ago. She could feel Normani. Normani was all she needed and in that moment just mere thoughts and memories of the brown girl was enough to not make her cut.

She threw the knife across the kitchen and brought her head to her hands sobbing.


2 days later

It was about 11pm and Normani and Zendaya were laying across the couch. Normani never let Zendaya into her room, because she really didn't want anything involving that yet. Zendaya was understanding for the most part.

She would sleep out on the couch if she wanted to stay over, by herself or Normani would lay out there with her until they fell alseep.

They had a interview earlier that didn't go as planned and there was clear tension between them as they sat in the couch watching a movie or entering everything was okay.

Zendaya decided to break the silence looking to the right at the girl in her arms "Mani.."

"Hmm?" She turned so that they could connect eyes.

"Are you ashamed of me?"

Normani raised her brows and lifted up "Why would you ask that?"

Zendaya sighed and shifted her position, now sitting on the couch criss cross apple sauce playing with her fingers "It's just.. When I told the interviewer that we were together, you didn't back me. Like you didn't want me to say it. Look at us right now, I can't even go into your room. I don't even know what it looks like" She lifted her head to connect eyes with the brown girl and frowned "Am I missing something?"

Normani frowned as well and bought her hand to the lighter girls cheek "I am not a shamed of you. But you have to understand that I just got out of a relationship that I never wanted to end. There was really no closure, none at all. I don't even know where she is"

These months did not go the way she had planned. She missed holidays with Lauren, thanksgiving, Christmas. Everyday each month their date past that got together Normani was depressed on that day thinking about her.

Little did she know somewhere in a rehab facility Lauren knew that it was their day as well and she was just as miserable. She would sit with her back up against the white walls and twirl her necklace in her fingers, thinking about the brown girl. How she was doing? Was she okay? Would she take her back once she left?

"She apparently came out of hiding a few days ago"

Normani raised her brows "What?
H-How do you know?"

"The Internet Normani. There were pictures of her leaving this rehab facility"

"Oh my god... oh my god" the brown girl tilted her head to the side with a shocked look on her face, trying to register what she was being told.

"Yes.. Now back to us" Zendaya said pushing a stray hair behind Normani's ear "I'm so happy with you" she spoke softly "So so happy, I want to make you smile like I used to"

Normani smiled a closed lipped smile as she saw Zendaya's lip form into a smile but she didn't hear a thing she said. Her mind was racing on Lauren.

She wanted to leave right there, she wanted to go find her. Just to talk to her.

She went to rehab? She knew she said she would get help.. But rehab? Is that why she disappeared and stopped calling. It that why she was nowhere to be found.

She heard a familiar voice echo.

"I'm going to continue to get help Mani. I'll get better. I would do anything just to kiss your lips again, hold your hand again, wrap my arms around you. Give me some time, I'll be the woman worthy enough to love you"

She smiled to herself but it quickly faded. Who was that mystery girl? Who was she? Three months is a long time. She must've been with Lauren along that journey being by her side, when it should've been Normani.

"Babe.." The mixed girls voice knocked her out of her daze "did you hear me?"

Normani nodded with a forced smile, that's all she could do. Zendaya's voice reminder her that they were together. She had Zendaya now and most likely Lauren had this mystery girl.

If Lauren did still want her she would've called. She had to had seen the missed calls Normani left. Her parents had to have told her that Normani called them multiple times. Lauren would have told her that she was out of rehab and that she was better if she still wanted Normani, but she didn't.

Zendaya smiled back at the girl "I'm going to make you happy, you just have to let me" with that she leaned in and connected their lips.

She kissed her softly over and over again. Normani finally decided to reciprocate the kiss, moving her lips along with Zendaya's. She needed Lauren off of her mind. Lauren had someone.

The lighter girl brought her hand to Normani's neck pulling her in further as her tongue asked for permission. The brown girl granted her wish opening her mouth and their tongues began to move steadily along with eachothers.

The mixed girls other hand traveled to Normani's hip, grabbing it pulling her closer as their lips locked. She released their lips and kissed the side of her mouth, down to her neck and up again nipping along the way.

She lifted and they both looked in eachothers eyes "Can I make love to you tonight?"

Normani looked at her for a second longer, contemplating. She didn't want to, but not everything in her was totally against it. She hadn't had sex in five months. Sex with someone else would surely relieve her mind.

She bit her lip and nodded slowly as her hands rested on Zendaya's shoulders.

Zendaya smiled "Maybe a bed will be better than sneaking in the backseat of my car like we used to huh?"

The brown girl giggled and ducked her head. Zendaya lifted it with her finger and kissed her lovingly before murmuring "Let's go"

They made it up to Normani's room and Zendaya started stripping her piece by piece and they kissed. Once she got the bra off she laid Normani on the bed softly and began nibbling at her neck.

The brown girl let out soft moans as she felt both of Zendaya's hands form around her breasts, massaging them.

Zendaya lifted and gazed sensually into Normani's eyes, as her lips travelled down to her breasts. The brown girls eyes rolled in the back of her head as she felt the warm lips and tongue attacking each one of her breasts.

She started to circle her hips feeling Zendaya's warm stomach up against her moist center. Zendaya lifted and brought her mouth back to the brown girls, this time the kiss was more intense.

She slowly slid one hand down past her stomach and slipped her fingers inside the lace underwear. The brown girl shut her eyes tightly and instantly those fingers became Laurens.

She felt the fingers spread her lips and cirlce over her clit and the most delicious way. She threw her head back and bit her lip suppressing the moans.

Her hips started to move circles with the hand and when the speed and pressure increased against her sensitive clit her bottom lip released from her teeth and her jaw slacked as small moans came out.

Zendaya leaned in and sucked on her neck as her fingers increased speed even more. Those were Laurens lips on her neck.

"Mmm Lauren" she moaned out softly.

Zendaya shot her head up quickly and beamed a Normani. The brown girl opened her eyes and gasped realizing what she had just done.

"Lauren?" Zendaya blurted out removing her hand from the underwear.

"I -I'm sorry" she shook her head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" she frowned and grabbed at Zendaya's face brushing her thumbs across it "I'm sorry.. Kiss me"

She pulled Zendaya's lips on to hers, kissing her softly "I'm sorry baby"

The mixed girl didn't kiss back at first but then couldn't resist. She shut her eyes tightly trying to ignore what just happened. It was a mistake. Normani could not have been actually imagining that she was Lauren.

She decided to get a little more aggressive to make her forget about the Latina. She hopped up quickly and ripped the lace underwear off. She immediately threw the thick brown legs over her shoulders and burried her face inside.

Normani groaned softly feeling wet open mouthed kisses all over her center. Zendaya latched on and began sucking roughly on the throbbing nub.

Suddenly Normani's phone began buzzing from the nightstand. She instantly opened her eyes and lifted up to her elbows. "Wait.." She murmured with her chest heaving.

Zendaya disconnected her lips and gazed up at Normani "Ignore it"

"I can't.. Pleasee"

"Seriously?" Zendaya questioned with attitude, lifting all the way up and Normani climbed over to her phone. She doesn't know why but she thought it could possibly be Lauren.

She answered it so fast she didn't even look at the screen "Hel -Hello?" She said breathing hard.

"Hello Normani?" The voice was panicky but it was a very familiar voice.


Well I hope y'all didn't get y'all hopes up after last chapter😭😭😭

This is a nice and LONG chapter.

Vote and comment a lot for the next update. I'm sure you'll want it😘


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