I'm A Bad Girl (BWWM)

By ElizabethDavis9

190K 10.7K 793

***I will edit this story once I finish it, sorry if its not 100 right now*** Amara's not just to big girl, S... More

1.New Job
4.New World
5.Bad Girl
6. Help
8. Luna Fae
11.New and Bad
15. Can't
17. Mother Day
18. Birthday PT1
19.Birthday PT2
21. Listen
24. Fear
26. Solution
27.Little You
28.Valor Pt.1
29.Valor Pt.2
30. Valor Pt.3
31. Ending This
33.Thank You
34.Just A Moment


3.3K 234 6
By ElizabethDavis9

Noah P.O.V

I sat in my car listening to everything Amara was thinking and I was not only pissed at her parents but her too. I looked as Colm walked over to the car and got in, then I pulled off. I moved fast heading to Kim's house with nothing but anger in my heart. How dear they say Amara is not perfect, she has the blood and wings of a warrior and that's one of the many things I love about her.

"Is Luna alright?" Colm asked as I ran pass a red light.

"She will be but as of right now I need to get to her. Her parents are the worst type of monsters." I said still listening to everything they said to her.

Amara P.O.V

"I can't believe what I'm hearing, If I was born this way someone in our family had to be like me before me." I said looking at the two.

"There was no one in our family like you, you disgrace our family in more ways then one. You have never listened, killed the one perfect child, mated with a mutt, and on top of that he couldn't at least be pretty." My dad yelled at my face.

"I not going to stand here and be shamed for something I didn't do. Karen was older then me and she knew right from wrong and hate that I led her to wrong but she's was an adult. I have mate who I'm going to marry and I just want you people gone." I said heading for the door.

I stopped when a thick red smoke appeared in front of me and I didn't wait for the vampire to appear I just moved pass it. I opened the door and ran outside to the middle of the road before I noticed I forgot my keys in the house. The vampire stood in the door way as my mother walked to him yelling. Shit I can't go in there and I need help.

"Maybe next time go where you say you're going." Noah yelled in my head making my ears ring.

"Noah, I know you're mad and I'm sorry but I'm in danger now." I said as another vampire appeared and then another.

I looked over when I heard the sound of a car and could already feel Noah. I watched as my father stood at the door looking at me and the vampires walked into the house. He didn't move closer to me just looked at me and I noticed a red glow in his eyes. I looked up when I saw a large wolf running to him but he moved back closing the door. One of the vampires appeared outside and he was next to me before I knew it. I moved back flexing my wings and they landed on his shoulder. He screamed in pain but reached for me, but Noah grabbed his hand snapping it then pulling it off.

I moved back from him and Noah grabbed him by his neck and pulled hard ripping his head off. My parents looked threw the window with the first vampire that showed up. He was tall and skinny, with pale skin and red eyes, and the what I noticed the most was his long gray hair that hung down to his butt. He smiled at me as Noah grabbed my arm pulling me into the car and Colm jumped into the back.

I sat there as the excitement wore down and I looked at a pissed off Noah. I reached to touch his arm but he pulled away from me and kept driving. We made it home and Noah grabbed my arm pulling me into the house passing everyone a stopped in our room. He pushed me onto the bed and slam the door close.

"Noah....." I said worried.

He didn't say anything as he paced around the room till he stopped in front of his desk. I could hear him breath and suddenly his fist slammed into the deck making papers and wood fly every where. I moved back on the bed coving myself from fly objects and I looked at him. I never seen him like this before, almost animal like. He reached for the dresser and pulled it down hard making in break on impact. He pulled the picture from another dresser tossing them, pulled down the closet, then grabbed his computer tossing it.

He looked at me on the bed and his eyes looked to be all golden with out any white in his eyes and I stood. I was scared of him and I was never scared him but as he moved to the bed and I moved away hiding in a corner. He flipped the bed mover taking the both night stands with it and he looked at me.

"Noah, Please stop." I said with a weak voice.

He didn't listen to me and I'm sure he didn't hear me either as me moved closer to me tears ran down my face. He stopped in front of me looking down at me and I tried to me but he grabbed me by the neck. I put both hands on his wrist trying to pull him off but I couldn't, and he just slid my back up the wall. The more I moved the tighter the grip on my neck got, so I just held on to his arm. He took a deep smell on my neck and I saw that his hair got longer stopping at his back.

"Noah stop...." I said still crying.

He didn't listen to just smelled me again before sinking his teeth into my neck making me scream out. I pushed at him but his teeth dug deep into my neck before my wings reacted slipping between us and pushing him back hard. He hit the wall hard and I moved for the door and like lighting he was already next to me. He grabbed my arm pulling me back and I hit the same wall but I fell and he slowly walked to me. I looked at the man I love turning more and more into a animal and the only thing I could think to do was fly. I stood and looked out the already broken window and jumped.

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