Yes Master (BDSM)

By -TrustNoOne

408K 3.7K 320

Emily is a very quiet and reserved person. She rarely goes out but the one time she does she meets Cain. His... More

The Beginning
The Honey Nut
The Call
Getting the Sub
Getting the Sub 2
Sweet Pleasure
The Talk
READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
A New Start
The Secret
Tell Me
The Question????
Untitled Part 15
Just a Filler
The Party 2
The Reveal

The Party

12.4K 139 10
By -TrustNoOne

Emily pov

After Cain made me buy all of that stuff I realized that we still had a party to go to later on that day. So we got home and I started looking for something cute and simple to wear. That was until Cain came in the room.

"Emily, don't wear any underwear and make sure you wear a dress or a skirt."

"Now why the hell would I go out in public with all my naughty bits out to the world."

"Because as your Dom, I'm telling you what I demand."

The sound of his voice showed me I shouldn't argue with him so I just looked at him and nodded my head. I went into my closest to get my red skater skirt and my white crop too sweater that I loved to wear. I did as I was told and didn't put any underwear on I felt naked at first but in my head I felt like a rebel.

"Meet me in the play room when your done." Cain said as I walked over to the restroom to apply my makeup.

I decided I wanted to go kinda light and airy with a little eye liner and some red lipstick that made my lips pop. I took my hair and braided it into two fish tail braid and did a once over. I walked down to the play room wondering what the hell he wanted with me but I was soon to find out.

"Cain!" I yelled as I walked into the play room looking around thinking of all the things I want him to do to me in here and I felt my self get damp from my thoughts.

"Emily over here come lay down on this bench."

I walked over to lay down on the bench. I felt him take each one of my legs and strap them down, my damp pussy on display to his now dark eyes. He looked at me like an animal watching his prey I was more turned on then scared.

"Cain we have to go to the party, we can play later." I said staring at him as he pulled a riding crop from the table beside him.

"Yea I know this won't take long baby." he said in a deep voice.

He slowly trailed it down my leg letting me feel the rough leather gliding across my soft skin. Then he raised it up and slapped my clit. I jumped up my legs wanting to close and release the burning desire happening down below. I stayed quiet knowing that he was in his Dom state and talking would only get me a punishment not this sweet pleasure I was getting now. He took the crop and slapped my pussy again and I screamed in please I was on the edge and then I felt him slide two finger in and start working my hole. I was in pure bliss and then it all came to a stop and I was mad.

"What the fuck!?"

"Get up and let's go to the party kitten"

I was looking at him eyes wide and mouth hung open because I know he did not just do that.

"Cain what was all that about like how?"

He simply looked at me and grab my hand leading me out the door and to the car.

Cain POV

I was beyond excited to see her reaction to my favorite device. When I was fingering her I put the vibrator in and slid the remote in my pocket. I feel like tonight will be very entertaining. We walked up to the house and the party was already in full swing everyone was laughing and talking. Just at that moment Emily's friend Beth came over to talk to her and I knew this was the perfect time to start my plan. So as she was in mid conversation I turned the vibrator on a low setting and I watched as she squealed just a little but for me it wasn't a good enough reaction so I turned it up some more. She again squealed but this time loud enough to turn a few heads. I walked up to her to she if she was ok but I had a smirk on my face the whole time.

"Emily are you okay honey" I whispered in her ear.

"Umm I don't know I felt something in my Umm you know."

She started to blush a little from having to admit what was wrong.

"I wonder why hmm maybe it's just a breeze you felt down there."

She looked so confused at what was happening but it made me even more happy because it meant my little game could go on. To say this was going to be fun was an understatement.

Emily POV

I was weirded out by the sensation coming from in between my legs. I decided to sneak off to the bathroom and find out but guess who was already waiting by the door. Cain was looking at me with a look that said no ma'am not today. So I walked up to him and told him I needed to pee but he wasn't going for it. To say I was confused was an understatement but if this is how he likes to play so be it but I had a few tricks too. We mingled around the party and then Kevin called everyone over to sing happy birthday and I took that as my opportunity. I slowly kinda pushed Cain in a corner and stood in front of him and begin to grin my ass in his dick really slow. I knew it was working because his breathing hitched a little.

"Mm kitten what are you doing?" He breathed in my ear but I paid no attention I turned around and started stroking his dick threw his pants and I felt that vibrations down below again but it felt to good to say anything again.

We were standing there for a little moment me stroking him and my downstairs area tingling until we heard the end of the song and broke apart,but the senstaion didn't stop like last time it kept going so I tried to squeeze me legs together so maybe that would help. It only made it worse I guess my plan to tease him as he tease me back fired.

"Kitten I like your attempt but since you have turned me on I was to see you squirm so I'm going to leave the vibrator on let's see how you feel by the end of the night and you better not cum."

I looked at him mouth wide open how did he not expect me to cum when this thing was giving me the best sensation ever I was going to die tonight and I didn't even care I just hope no one notice me limping around the room because I was on the edge and the fact that we had to now sit at a table with kevin and his boyfriends parents/friend was not going to be a good show.

Editor: Wendy_Haynes37

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