Never Forgotten

By Wowwy10

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Everything happens for a reason. Everything. You can't escape reality, either. You can shape it but then you... More

Never Forgotten *Second Book in The Feeder Saga*
Whatever Happens Next Blame Freedom
Expect the Unexpected
Can't Escape the Truth
From Another
What's Felt and Silent
Take Action
Goodbye for Good
At One In The Morning
The Man in The Other Room
Breakdown for the Ride
Sweet Turned Sour
All in My Head/ Under What Control?
An Emotional High
Warm Chills
Getting Schooled
A Good Night


234 3 0
By Wowwy10

When I start to feel like everything is getting better trouble brews again. This time I was introduced to the problem through a sudden phone call from someone I least expected. 

"Sam, it's Jake. Can you meet me at the precinct?"

"Now?" The precinct? Why does he want me to meet him there of all places? I was wise not to question him just then. In person I'd learn more.

"Yes, now. I'll meet you outside." Before I could say anything else he hung up on me. Just perfect.

When I arrived at the precinct I found Jake waiting outside for me just like he said he would. He looked beyond stressed; his hair was messy and he looked oddly pale. He tried his best to look content but the uncertain look on his face showed how he was really feeling; worried.

"Want to tell me why I'm here?" I asked, joining Jake as we both entered the building. There weren't that many people working. Most of those on duty, as far as I could tell, were shifters. They paid no attention to Jake and I as we walked through the first floor and upstairs.

"You'll find out soon enough." Jake replied, keeping his voice low. From the way he glanced at me I could tell I was there for something serious... I was afraid to guess what.

"This way." Jake directed, nodding his head towards a room in the back right corner of the floor. I obediently followed, making sure to stay close to him. The men behind bars were located on this floor. They looked at me with mischievous grins and crooked smiles, some whistling as I passed their cells. I mentally hissed at the sleazes.

"Me likey." A guy commented as he eyed me up and down with interest. I was about to stick my hand through his cell and grab him by the throat when Jake slammed his arm against the cell. The man backed away, squinting in disbelief at what had just happened. Everyone was silent.

"Say anything else and I'll chain you, Tarek," Jake warned, giving Tarek a very grim look. It sent chills down my spine to see Jake so cold. I'd never heard him speak like this before.

Did he just defend me? He did... And it was hot. The hotness faded when I remembered where we were.

"Let's go." Assuming that meant me, I followed Jake through the room into another room.

We stood silently for a few seconds, awkwardly waiting for something to happen. I kept quiet and looked around. In the center of the room were two chairs on each of the long sides of a wooden rectangular table. Above the table was a simple light dangling a foot or so down from the ceiling. The room itself was relatively large and vacant.

"Jake," A man entered the room. He had dark brown hair, a tan complexion and dark blue eyes that reminded me of Javin's. They were lighter than his, though, and had a hint of green in them. He looked from Jake to me with a stern, emotionless face. "Samantha Wells?"

"Sir," He offered his hand for me to shake. As soon as I shook it, I regretted accepting his friendly gesture. I scowled and looked at the floor in shame. He knew a lot about me. He's been investigating me for the past two days. Didn't exactly know why, though. He wasn't thinking about the reason, but research. "And you're the town snoop, Detective Wayne."

Baffled by my comment, he looked at me with wide eyes. Quickly gaining back his composure, Detective Wayne asked Jake, "You explain to her why she's here?" Jake nodded no as I ran my hands through my hair and sighed.

"Please sit, Ms. Wells." He ordered politely. I was about to say that I was fine standing when Jake nodded for me to sit. I mentally scowled, wanting to tell him off. I sat down in a chair and waited for Wayne to speak only because I could tell he had something to say.

"A couple of days ago, a man turned himself in."

"What does this incident have to do with me?"

"The man was hired to watch you, Ms. Wells." He pulled the seat across from me out and sat down. I sat back against my chair and stared at the floor.

"Hired to watch me? So someone paid him to stalk me?" Though questioning wouldn't really elaborate anything, I asked Wayne to clarify.

"Yes, he was paid. According to him, he was forced to turn himself in after someone confronted him and threatened to call the police."

"Okay, so why am I here?"

"Ms. Wells, the person that hired him is still out there. Whoever they are, there's a possibility that they could hire someone else to stalk or even harm you. They could hurt themselves."

"So catch the sicko," I flatly replied. Jake and Wayne looked at me with wide eyes as I rose from my seat and walked around the room. "Then you won't have to worry about my safety."

"Sam, sit down." Jake ordered, his voice low. I glared at him and decided to ignore his order. For all I know he could have hired the creep.

"Ms. Wells, though it is against protocol for victims to interrogate criminals, I am able to allow you the opportunity to watch as my partner and I question him again. If you are able to 'absorb' or code any information, please let me know."

"Not today," Annoyed, I walked a few feet towards the door and stopped. "Give him time to think. I'll be by tomorrow." With this, I walked out of the room and out of the building. Like before the men taunted me with whistling and sleazy phrases. Astonishingly I didn't have the urge to attack any of them like before. I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jake asked, hurrying to catch up to me as I walked to my car.

"To the spa where I can relax and not worry about stalkers and interrogations," I explained. Just as I opened the driver door Jake slammed it shut and glared at me. Realizing how angry he was with me, I turned to face him, and asked, "Why are you the one that's freaking out?" My heart broke when as I began thinking that Hunter should be the one worried and angry, not Jake.

Puzzled, Jake folded his arms, and furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," I sighed, quickly thinking about what I'd asked. "I just need some time to think. I'm sorry about how I behaved back there. You shouldn't have to worry about me."

"It's my job to. Besides, this is something that puts your life at risk," Jake pointed out, looking at me with stern look on his face. "You don't realize how serious this is."

"I do," I leaned back against the side of my car. "And it scares me."

"You don't look it." Jake replied, making eye contact with me. I looked away and sighed.

"I'll call you later. Please don't tell anyone about this, especially not Hunter." I politely said as I turned around and opened the car door. This time Jake didn't stop me from entering.

Driving away, I looked at my rear view mirror and saw Jake watching as I drove away. I could tell from the concerned look on his face that he was curious as to why I would ask such a thing. I honestly don't know if he'll listen to me or tell Hunter... Can only hope he doesn't.

Soon enough he'll understand, I thought, he'll just have to wait and see.

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