I'm A Bad Girl (BWWM)

By ElizabethDavis9

190K 10.7K 793

***I will edit this story once I finish it, sorry if its not 100 right now*** Amara's not just to big girl, S... More

1.New Job
4.New World
5.Bad Girl
6. Help
8. Luna Fae
11.New and Bad
15. Can't
17. Mother Day
18. Birthday PT1
19.Birthday PT2
21. Listen
24. Fear
26. Solution
27.Little You
28.Valor Pt.1
29.Valor Pt.2
30. Valor Pt.3
31. Ending This
33.Thank You
34.Just A Moment


3.6K 254 12
By ElizabethDavis9

Amara P.O.V

We walked into the house and my parents were on there way here now. Noah had me call them and tell them to come for dinner. I looked around the house and I was sad by the though of my parents wanting to kill me and worst my Noah. He walked pass me with Colm at his side and I smiled at him. Its hard to believe this is the room I mace him in and called him a dog. Its even harder to believe I didn't want to be his wife or have babies with him. I couldn't think of a fate worse then not have him with me. He's my everything, the love of my life and the most important man of my life.

I remembered the first time he smiled at me, when I first saw his blue eyes and suddenly I felt lighter. I love him so much and I can't let anything happen to him over my bullshit. I turned walking out the front door and heading for the car we both were in. I got in and lucky me the key still sat there. I looked as Noah walked out the house heading for me and I kept my mind clear.

"Where are you going?" He asked ducking down to the window.

"Just to clear my mind and maybe found a outfit for dinner tonight." I lied.

"Alright but take someone with you." He said looking around and spotting Lana and Raya.

He called out to them and they walked over to me. I didn't want them to come but they really didn't matter. They both got into the car overly excited as I gave Noah one last look and he smiled at me. I pulled off and with only him on my mind as I drove away from my home. I could hear the two girls talking behind me but I didn't say thing. I stopped at the red light and pulled out my phone. I called my dad and waited as the phone rang and my heart sped up when I picked up.

"Hello?" My dad said.

"Yeah, hey dad." I said back nervous.

"Oh, what is it Amara?" he said annoyed already.

"I wanted to talk to you guys before dinner tonight, its just me this time." I said.

"Oh that would be fine, me and your mother are at your Aunt Kim's house. She moved into the dog house with you so we are staying her for two day." He said now making me angry.

"Alright I'll be there in 30 minutes." I said hanging up the phone.

"Cool we get to meet your parents." Raya said and I glanced at her.

"No, I'll drop you two off at the mall and come back to get you two in an hour." I said and they both nodded.

I'm sure they see nothing wrong with me wanting to see my parents but they don't know my parents. I made it to the mall dropping both of the girls off when Sterling appeared in front of Raya.

"Oh my God move." Raya said walking pas him and he smiled at her.

He gave Lana a kiss to the cheek then looked at me slightly shocked.

"Can I ask why are you here Amara?" He said ducking down to the window.

"Going to see my parents Sterling and watch out for the girls for me, I'll be back in an hour for them." I said and gave me a nod and smile.

He walked away and I looked him over noticing he was different now. He didn't dress or even sound like he was the 1800 anymore. Even with his hair still long he looked more like a regular man now. I pulled off and headed to the house and my mind stayed on my parents the whole time. I couldn't think of why they would be doing this but something deep down told me that they are. I know Karen died and I played a role in that but they sent me here to be done with me anyway, why kill me?

"You have to think Amara, we have to get done with this fucking Scooby Doo mystery today." I said to myself.

Alright things I know, I'm a fairy and so was Karen and aunt Kim. Both my parents wanted me gone but then showed up to the house after I found Noah and the fae part of me. We kicked them out and though Colm was work against us but it was a vampire controlling him. Then we though it was Raya but it was a stupid mix up. I think I know what happened now and I'm pissed at the whole thing now. I pulled up the house and turned the nob of the door and it broke in my hand. My mother ran around the corner and spotted me.

"You could have just knocked." She said annoyed by me already.

I nodded and walked into the living room and my dad at there watching TV. He looked up seeing me and he stood looking at me.

"Amara what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked as my mother stood next to him.

"I know what you are doing, and I'll admit you did it well but its time for you to stop or die." I said getting to the point.

They both looked at each other then my mother looked at me.

"Could you really blame us Amara." She said trying to touch my shoulder but I moved away.

"Yeah I do blame you, this is stupid and wrong, I know I played a part in Karen's death but I didn't kill her and you killing me won't bring her back. I'm done taking the blame for her dying, I didn't kill Karen." I said to them and they both looked at me, then started to laugh.

"Oh Amara, you think that's why we are doing this. I forgot you are just a 20 year old child. Amara kill you is not just for Karen but for our family. My family have always been fairies and that's what kept us at the top of the world. World leaders would come to my mother for help on making peace on this earth. Kim was born a perfect fae but she never married and sadly I never had the fairy gene. Then you and Karen are born, one a disgusting fae and the other perfect." My dad said to me.

I looked at him and walked back some wrapping my head around everything he was saying. They want me dead because I'm a warrior fae not the innocent kind.

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