One Direction Preferences

By kiralove7

928K 10.6K 907

These are random preferences that I think of then write down. I do any that pop into my head so there are no... More

One Direction Preferences
Song you two got together on
His and Your song
You leave a mark and the boys see it (Your POV 1/5)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (His POV 2/5)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (His POV 3/5)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (His POV 4/5)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (Your POV 5/5)
Song you rock to
Something you steal from him
Your child calls him dad
His child calls you mom
You say I love you on accidnet.
He loses your child
He holds your baby for the first time
He talks to your baby bump
First thing he says when he first see's your baby
He calls you his ex's name
He calls you his ex's name (Pt. 2)
His child from a previous relationship asks you a question
You take him to meet your family
The baby falls asleep on him
He dyes your hair
Reality show you guys watch
Your Favorite Chrisley and Why
Favorite Video Game
Christmas Movie You Love
Decorating the Tree
Your Child's First Snow
Favorite part of the Holiday
What you got him for Christmas
What he got you for Christmas
Favorite Disney Movie
He gives your child a bath
He proposes
You spend dinner with your parents
Favorite Daytime Television Show
He is your best friend and he tells you he likes you
You're pregnant to your best friend
You're pregnant to your best friend (Pt. 2)
He makes a comment about you and you guys are friends
Your teenager gets someone pregnant / they get pregannt
You're pregnant
You take the kids to visit your parents
Your child gets in trouble
"Try me"
You catch them
You tell your child(ren) you're having another baby
I hate you
Someone walks in on you
How you met (You're a fan)
Your Wedding
Wedding Reception
Wedding Night
Wedding Notes
You fight
You makeup (You fight Pt. 2)
Rebound (Pt. 2)
You have Finals
He dresses up your child
Father Daughter Day
He's Grumpy
Late night talks
You're mentioned in an interview
Your son's friends think you're hot
Your boyfriend gets jealous of him
You catch him watching porn
Award Show with him
He cheats on you
He cheats on you (Pt. 2)
He cheats on you (Pt. 3)
He cheats on you (Pt. 4)
Vacation with him
Disney Proposal
Your first kiss (As a couple)
You feel insecure and he cheers you up
How you meet
You do something childish
You're going into surgery and he proposes
You go to a broadway musical / play then he proposes
Both Families meet for the first time
Title Too Long #1
You go on vacation and he proposes
The Morning After
He's your doctor and you're married
You're his P.A and you're married
You work as a nurse and he is your patient
You're a police officer and pull him over for speeding
He is leaving for tour and you can't go
Your first date
Your baby takes their first steps
You break something important to him
You two garden together
Fans ship you but you're just friends
He hears a "fan" bad mouthing you
He surprises you on your birthday when he is suppose to be on tour
You're hired to date him but fall for him
You're hired to date him but fall for him (Pt. 2)
You're hired to date him but fall for him (Pt. 3)
Title Too Long #2
You kiss another band member
You kiss another band member (Pt. 2 His POV)
You kiss another band member (Pt. 3)
You have a scar
Helping with job stress
"What do you want?"
You want to leave
You want to come back (You want to leave Pt. 2)
He is being distant
He is being distant (Pt. 2)
1960's A.U
You break up
You are his X-Ray Tech and you are dating
He is your Ultrasound Tech and you're married
He helps you when you're on your period
He helps you when you are frustrated with your job
He proposes when you graduate from Medical School
Title Too Long #3
Your Gloria Estefan Song
You're an NFL cheeleader and at half time he proposes
You're an AFL Dancer and at half time he proposes
You watch Grease Live and he gets jealous of the male actors
You're the tour nurse
You're the backup dancer and you're dating
You guys host a charity ball
Title Too Long #4
He is a nerd
You have his child after the break up
You have his child after the break up (Pt. 2)
You have his child after the break up (Pt. 3)
You have his child after the break up (Pt. 4)
You have his child after the break up (Pt. 5)
You have his child after the break up (Pt. 6)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (His POV 1/5) (#2)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (Your POV 2/5) (#2)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (Your POV 3/5) (#2)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (Your POV 4/5) (#2)
You leave a mark and the boys see it (His POV 5/5) (#2)
Someons walks in on you (#2)
He gets Jealous of a Magcon Boy
You speak Hindi
He breaks up with you
He breaks up with you (Pt. 3)
He breaks up with you (Pt. 4)
He helps you when you're on your period (#2)
Title Too Long #5
You have a scar (#2)
You're sick and he takes you to the doctors
You're part of the Kardashian / Jenner Family
Title Too Long #6
Wedding Series - Planning
Wedding Series - Picking a date
Wedding Series - Bridesmaids
Wedding Series - Groomsmen
Wedding Series - Maid of Honor
Wedding Series - Best Man
Wedding Series - Venue
Wedding Series - Arguing
Wedding Series - Rehearsal Dinner
Wedding Series - Night before the Wedding
Wedding Series - Cold Feet
Wedding Series - Wedding
Wedding Series - Reception
Wedding Series - Wedding Night
Pregnancy Series - Signs
Pregnancy Series - Finding Out
Pregnancy Series - Telling Him
Pregnancy Series - Telling the Boys
Pregnancy Series - First Sonogram
Pregnancy Series - Telling Your Family
Pregnancy Series - Telling His Family
Pregnancy Series - Finding out the Gender
Pregnancy Series - Preparing the Room
Pregnancy Series - Picking a name
Pregnancy Series - Moving Around
Pregnancy Series - Baby Shower
Pregnancy Series - Mood Swings
Pregnancy Series - Cravings
Pregnancy Series - Birth Plan
Pregnancy Series - Braxton Hicks
Pregnancy Series - Labor
Pregnancy Series - Giving Birth
Parent Series - Meeting your baby
Parent Series - First Night Home
Parent Series - New Habits
Parent Series - Crying
Parent Series - 4 A.M Feedings
Parent Series - Playing with the Baby
Parent Series - Giggles
Parent Series - Sitting up on their own
Parent Series - Crawling
Parent Series - Baby Food
Parent Series - First Words
Parent Series - Learning to Walk
Parent Series - 1 Year Old

He breaks up with you (Pt. 2)

4.5K 46 5
By kiralove7


He breaks up with you (Pt. 2)...

Harry: Its been two months since he broke up with you and while he is out having a good time with other people you have been rotting in your own sadness. You couldnt understand what you did, what you could you have done to make him, in his words, tired of you.

"Why don't you go out with that friend of yours Jared something" you mother helps.

"He wouldn't want to go out with me" you sniff "he might get tired of me" you cry quietly and your mother sighs

"(Y/N) Harry was being an asshole, forget about him and go out." She encourages you. You sigh before getting up. You text your friend and ask him if he'd like to go out. He agrees and says he'll pick you up in about an hour. You shower and fix yourself up before you hear him knock. You finish up your makeup and then answer the door.

"Hey," you smile and he just stands back in awe

"Wow you look so amazing,"

"Thanks, you look really. . .sexy"

"Thanks, should we go"

"Yeah, let me get my purse" you go yo the kitchen and grab your stuff before getting in the car. You guys go to a club and when you guys find a table you order some drinks then you excuse yourself to the bathroom. On your way there you bump into somebody passing by the look back at you and there Harry stands.

Liam: He was wrong. He thought that the spark had gone but he realized after you left that all he wanted was for you to run back into his arms. To kiss him and hug him and just love each other like before.

But you couldn't do that. You couldn't just forget what he did. You couldn't forget how fast he just threw away two years of a relationship. But knowing he did wrong, and giving you space would be the best option he ignored that and showed up at your door anyway.

"What do you want"

"I want to apologize"

"What could you possibly have to apologize for?" You scoff "you only ripped my heart out and put it in your blender on purée"

"I know and I'm sorry, I was wrong about us."

"Well I'm sorry too, I'm not interested in your apology and I'm even less interested in you" you shut your door and lock it before you start to cry. "Please forgive me heart."

Louis: His behavior continued. He kept partying, he kept sleeping around, he kept drinking, and it only proved one thing to be true. He didn't care about you. He didn't worry about you anymore. But all you did was worry about him.

Worried that the next time you saw him he wound be in a padded wooden box because he didn't stay safe. Worried that he would be super skinny and sick because one of those girl gave him some disease.

You worried until he went to Twitter to express his emotions. That he and you were over and that wouldn't change. He didn't want to hurt you anymore and he broke up with you. Not the other way around.

So you finally stopped worrying about him then you see him out by himself one day. He looks horrible and tired. He spots you and gives you a smile before turning the other way and leaving.

"Oh God, please help him" you beg.

Niall: You were stubborn. You grew up in a house where stubbornness was a better way to identify you than your looks. You were tweny-four you had plenty of time to have kids but now you wanted to enjoy your young-ness.

You wanted to be a little older and willing to settle down with whoever. But for right now you had a lot of things you wanted to do and with a kid more than half of those wouldn't even be possible.

"(Y/N) maybe you should give this having a family thing, a chance."

"When did you have me dad"

"Your mother had you when we were twenty-five" he says

"And did you get to do anything you wanted to do"

"We got to do a lot of things before you were born, your mother made sure that when we made the decision to have you we would take like a two week time span and do everything we wanted to do before we had kids."


"It was the best two weeks in the world. We did everything we wanted, once we finished one, we went right to another. Then after were had you we got married about a year later."

"Do you think maybe I shouldn't have argued."

"Now you're starting to see it" your dad smiles before kissing your head, "call him and talk to him yeah?" You pick up the phone and ring Niall, but he doesn't pick up.

"This is Niall, leave your number after the beep. Talk to you later!" He laughs

"Niall, its me, I just wanted to apologize for blowing up and I'd like to get together with you to apologize in person, uh. . .bye"

Zayn: You were right it wasn't long until she did clean out his bank account. She said that she was going to buy him a gift but she used his credit card, and withdrew a whole bunch of money from the account.

He had to report the card stolen and had to lock the account before the police arrested her and confiscated all she bought. Meaning that all the money was still gone and he was broken. He knew he should have listened to you and not done what he did.

But he had to keep in mind that you told him so so when he went to your house you almost slammed the door in his face but you had to do one last thing before you did.

"What happened Zayn"

"She cleaned me out"

"Well. . .I told you so. . .you should have listened. But then again who listens to your ex right" you slam the door in his face and lock it behind you.

"Should've listened to me."

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From tumblr :) @aurora1dpreferences and @preference-directioners so if you want all of there preferences go follow them on tumblr :p
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These are preferences about One Direction :) Enjoy reading!
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